HAMM standard ads [Page 88]

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Sclerophrys mauretanica, Berberkröten +1
Sell frogs

Sclerophrys mauretanica, Berberkröten

NZ meiner Berberkröten abzugeben, bin auch in Hamm.
Preis pro Stück 20,- Euro

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Anaxyrus quercicus, Eichenkröten
Sell frogs

Anaxyrus quercicus, Eichenkröten

NZ meiner Eichenkröten abzugeben, Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Preis pro Stück 30,- Euro

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Heterodon nasicus nasicus for hamm +2
Sell Snakes

Heterodon nasicus nasicus for hamm

Hognoses for hamm.
Makes good offers for groups.
Ask for more pictures.

1,1 Superconda het. Axanthic ph. Albino
1,4 Arctic superconda ph. Albino
1,0 arctic Superconda albino
0,2 Superconda ph. Albino
2,2 Super arctic albino
3,0 Super arctic conda albino ph. Snow
0,3 Arctic superconda albino ph. Snow
1,3 AAA ph. Snow
1,0 Toffee
2,4 Toffee conda
2,0 Candy
1,0 Arctic DH. Toxic
1,2 arctic yeti
1,0 super yeti
0,0,1 super arctic snow


2,0 Arctic conda het. Albino
0,1 Arctic albino
1,0 Albino conda
1,0 Superconda het. Albino


1,0 shadow line
1,0 axanthic conda
1,0 toffee conda

0,1 conda.
0,1 het. Albino


I'm looking female Gonyosoma oxycephalum..
14.9 Hamm pickup!

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Elaphe c carinata 100% het Leucistic/Ivory  cb/Nz 2023 +2
Sell Colubrids

1.0 Elaphe c carinata 100% het Leucistic/Ivory cb/Nz 2023

Für/For Hamm or Snakeday in Houten.

1.0 cb/Nz 2023 Elaphe c carinata 100 % het leucistic/Ivory.

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald CB23 and adults +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald CB23 and adults

Delivery and handover to Hamm and Houten shows possible.

we feed only frozen/thawed rats

adult/proven breeder:

1,0 Pastel Red Stripe DG 1.900g
0,1 OD het Piebald 2.200g
0,1 Enchi Vanilla het Piebald 2.300g
0,1 Enchi het DG poss het Hypo 3.100g
0,1 Enchi het DG 3.100g
0,1 Pastel Lesser 2.400g
0,1 Pastel Mojave 4.400g

1,0 Mojave Enchi Vanilla YB Piebald CB23 - should be ready for the coming season

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Orthognathe/Labidognathe
Sell Spiders and Scorpions



0.1 Avicularia rufa sub "Peru" 150€
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata adult 60€
0.1 Caribena versicolor frisch adult 70€
0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum sub 60€
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai adult 60€
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri adult
Stk/50€ 2/90€
0.1 Omothymus violaceopes adult 120€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 4cm Kl 70€

1.0 T. Apophysis Rh 3.06. Unverpaart = 60€

1.1 Pelinobius muticus 4cm KL 70€
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3cm KL 60€

0.0.5 Avicularia minatrix 4FH Stk/30€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus hati hati 4.FH
Stk/10€ 10/80€
0.0.5 Ephebopus murinus 4FH Stk/25€
0.0.10 Hapalopus guérilla 3-4FH
Stk/15€ 10/120€
0.0.10 Haplopelma Bach Ma 4.FH
Stk/30€ 10/200€
0.0.5 Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 3FH
Stk/18€ 5/80€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 2.FH Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 4/5FH
Stk/14€ 10/100€

0.0.XX Cupiennius salei 4FH Stk/4€ 10/25€
0.0.10Heteropoda davidbowie 1.FH
Stk/9€ 10/70€
0.2 Holconia murrayensis sub
1.0 Holconia murrayensis frisch adult 25€

Schaben juvenil/sub:
0.0.10 Gyna caffrorum10€
0.0.10 Gyna capucina 20€
0.0.10 Gyna centurio 15€
0.0.10 Gyna lurida 15 €
0.0.10 Pseudoglomeris magnifica 50€

Antrophyum cf. plantagineum HD-Dose 20€

Abholung in Hagen (Hamm), oder Versand

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 2024 Eastern Foxsnakes (Pantherophis gloydi) +2
Sell Snakes

2024 Eastern Foxsnakes (Pantherophis gloydi)

I have a small number of Eastern Foxsnakes (Pantherophis gloydi) available. All are feeding and growing well. I will be at Hamm in September.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boomslang - Dispholidus typus 1.1 +2
Sell Snakes

Boomslang - Dispholidus typus 1.1

Boomslang - Dispholidus typus 1.1
locality South Africa
Hamm 14.9.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Berg adder - Bitis atropos, Mpumalanga +1
Sell Snakes

Berg adder - Bitis atropos, Mpumalanga

Bitis atropos, Mpumalanga 1.1
CB 4/2024
well started animals, eating pinks from day one
Hamm 14.9.

Ich suche für Hamm ein rotes Rio Branco- Männchen.
Gerne im Tausch gegen andere seltene pumilio oder gegen Bezahlung.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Uroplatus alluaudi 1.1  03/23 abzugeben +1
Sell Lizards

Uroplatus alluaudi 1.1 03/23 abzugeben

Hallo , verkaufe uroplatus alluaudi 1.1 600,-
Die Tiere sind von 04/23

Abholung Hamm möglich

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Phelsuma grandis hight red
Sell Geckos

Phelsuma grandis hight red

0.0.1 Phelsuma grandis "hight red" CB 2024
For Hamm 14/09

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Trimeresurus insularis blue hamm +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Trimeresurus insularis blue hamm

Hi for sale Trimeresurus insularis blue

I have male and female possible delivery hamm 14.09

I have it

Males adult:
1.0 A. avicularia -RH 07/24 - 50€
1.0 B. klaasi -RH 07/24 - 150€
1.0 P. victori -RH 08/24- 90€
1.0 P. rufus -RH 07/24 - 25€

0.0.20 A. braunshauseni - 2FH, 20 Stk. 240€
0.0.100 A. purpurea - 1/2FH, 50 Stk. 370€, 100 Stk. 700€
0.0.75 A. juruensis M2 -1FH, 10 Stk. 60€, 50 Stk. 250€, 75 Stk. 330€
0.0.20 A. cf. bicegoi F1 - 3/4FH, 10 Stk. 200€
0.0.20 A. merianae - 3FH, 10 Stk. 220€
0.0.20 A. sp. Columbia - 3FH, 20 Stk. 360€
0.0.20 C. versicolor -1FH, 10 Stk. 50€, 20 Stk. 90€
0.0.10 D. diamantinensis - 2FH, 10 Stk. 160€
0.0.10 N. sp. Panama - 3FH, 10 Stk. 150€
0.0.60 P. cambridge -1FH, 30 Stk. 90€, 60 Stk. 140€
0.0.100 P. irminia -1FH, 50 Stk. 120€, 100 Stk. 200€
0.0.20 Y. sooretama - 3FH, 20 Stk. 400€

Price negotiation is of course possible

Crustraceae non aquatic kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Isopodes/myriapodes      +2
Sell Crustraceae non aquatic


For Hamm 14/09 :

Cylisticus convexus 5€/10
Cristarmadilidium muricatum 20€/10
Armadillidium nasatum 5€/10
Armadillidium werneri 10€/10
Armadillidium maculatum 10€/10
Armadillidium vulgare "albinos t+ japan Line" 12€/10
Porcellionides pruinosus "White out " 7€/10
Cubaris sp. "White side" 12€/10
Cubaris sp. "Panda king" 12€/10
Cubaris murina 6€/10
Trichorhina tomentosa 5€ per box
Sinodillo sp Vietnam 30€/10
Orthomorpha subkrashii 30€/10
Asiamorpha cf coarcata (Reunion Island) 25€/10

possible exchange with any other invertebrates

WhatsApp : +33 783882088a

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese : +2
Sell Pythons

Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese :

Granit 0,1 (3,8 m) 290 €, Granit het. Albino 0,1 (2,3 m) 170€, Hypo Granit 1,0 (2 m) 270 €
babies 2024 : Albino, Granit + Gr. Albino, Green Albino, Pearl, Hypo , Hypo Granit, Pearl Granite, Pearl Green, Ivory (Blue,Red, Black eyed), Blizzard,...
Epicrates Cenchria, E. C. Maurus Albino ,Paradigma, ...
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. I can send in Houten, Hamm show.
Pricelist for businessmen on request
contact : info@mnreptil.cz, www.mnreptil.cz

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: C. caninus babies from 2023 +1
Sell Boas

C. caninus babies from 2023

These two babies (1 male and 1 female) can be brought to Hamm or for pickup in NL.
Single male, also possible

6 Nachzuchten Oophaga histrionica redhead "small form".
Tesoros Nachzuchten.

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Oophaga Bastimentos 1.0.2 +2
Sell Poison dart frogs

Oophaga Bastimentos 1.0.2

Für Hamm Oophaga Bastimentos
1.0.2 ein Tier ruft bereits.
Ca 10 Monate alt