houten standard ads
Boa constrictor Surinam, atheris, striatus, pyrrhus
Available for Houten february and maybe Hamm
1.1 Crotalus pyrrhus TA CB24 500€
1.0 Atheris broadleyi CB22 250€
0.2 Chilabothrus striatus striatus CB23 (one eat defrost mice 250€, one eat live live and Little kick on tail after cloacal no problem to reproduce them 150€)
2.4 Boa constrictor Surinam CB24 (0.1 250€, 1.1 400€, 1.2 550€, 2.2 700€)
Trade possible 1.0 Morelia viridis ARU adult or subadult or Protobothrops (no cornutus)
Pristurus rupestris "Saiq Plateau"
Looking for 0.1 or 0.2 Pristurus rupestris from the "Saiq Plateau" Locality. ONLY this locality!
For Hamm or Houten or pickup in NRW (Germany) or the Netherlands.
Offers should include a picture and a price.
Epicrates cenchria alvarezi - Argentine Rainbow Boa
4,2 CB 2023 + 4,6 CB 2024. Import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...
0.0.2 Phelsuma grandis cb
0.0.2 Phelsuma grandis CB 2022
For Hamm 14/09 or Houten possible
60€ for 1
100€ for both
0.1 P. regius, Lucy Blue Eyes CB'23
For sale due to focus on boas
Blue eyed Lucy Black head super mojave
Deliver houten or Hamm possible
houten/hamm/ all europe
1.0 geoemyda japonica CB 2020
0.1 geoemyda japonica CB 2021
Perfectly documented,
I would also change for:
Terrapene ornata
Terrapene mexicana
Terrapene carolina
Cuora galbinifrons
Looking for 1.1 Varanus glauerti
Hi, for Hamm or Houten 2025.
Looking for :
1.0 Morelia viridis Merauke
0.1 Morelia spilota spilota (2022 min, or adult)
1.1 Varanus glauerti (adults) colourful animals only.
For pythons I only want tested animals, do not contact me if you are not able to test your animals.
Thank’s have a nice day
Whatsapp : +330652747555
Suche Dwarf Ratten / Zwergratten
Hallo, bin auf der Suche nach einem Züchter für Dwarf Ratten/ Zwergratten
Komme aus 32*** bin aber auch regelmässig in Houten oder Hamm anzutreffen.
0.0.20 Litoria caerulea Snowflakes cb23
Size 3cm to 5cm
0.0.15 Litoria caerulea Blue cb24
Size 3cm to 5cm
0.0.3 Gastropholis prasina cb24 blue/turquoise
4,2 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi (Argentine Rainbow Boa) CB 2023
Import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...
1.0 Mniarogekko chahoua cb22
White Collar Isle of Pines , adult.
2.0 Rhacodactylus leachianus Poindimié
Very dark ! Subadult.
Sale or trade for N.grayi female (with papers!)
Boa c. imperator / Black Panther / Anery2 / Motley / Kahl
We are restructuring and giving away some of our holdbacks and adult animals.
All are full healthy and perfect eaters on frozen food (Rats in appropriate size)
1.0 Anery1 Motley het Kahl / proven / 2019 / 250€
1.1 Black Panther 66% het Anery2 / 2020 / 650€ each
0.1 Albino Motley Paradox / 2018 / 850€
1.0 Jungle 66% het Kahl / 2020 / 150€
1.0 Anery1 100% dh Kahl Leopard / proven / 2019
0.1 100% th Snow Leopard / proven / 2018
Please contact us if you have any questions. All animals can be viewed upfront (RLP near Neuwied). Personal contact desired.
We are open for offers :-)
Handover near Neuwied or in Hamm, Houten
Insta: RamBoa_est1999
4,6 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi (Argentine Rainbow Boa) CB 2024
Import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...
Pachydactylus, Chondrodactylus, Strophurus
2.2 P. rangei (CB24)
1.1.2 P. rugosus (CB24)
0.0.2 S. taenicauda white eyed (CB24)
0.2 Ch. angulifer Springbok (CB24)
Hamm, Houten, Prague, Brno, Verona possible.
houten/hamm/ all europe
Good morning, I am looking for the following species:
Clemmys guttata
Glyptemys insculpta
Graptemys flavimaculata
Graptemys barbouri
T.c. Triunguis,
T.c. yucatana
T.c. mexicana,
T.ornata ornata
Emydoidea blandingii
Sternotherus minor peltifer
Sternotherus minor
Geochelone chilensis
Chersina angulata
homopus areolatus
Centrochelys sulcata(Albina)
Rhinoclemmys rubida rubida
Rhinoclemmys diademata
Rhinoclemmys areolate
houten/hamm/ all europe
2 .1 terrapene carolina triunguis Not perfect shells good price
1.0 terrapene carolina Major adult breeding.
Astrochelys Radiata for sale
Available 0.0.5 Astrochelys Radiata.
0.0.1 born at 23/04/2019 origin: Germany
0.0.1 born at 26/03/2020 origin: Spain
0.0.1 born at 21/01/2020 origin: Spain
0.0.1 born at 28/12/2019 origin: Spain
0.0.1 born at 20/12/2018 origin: Germany
1580gr origin Germany
2100gr origin Germany
I'm not sure which tortoise corresponds to each birth date, only that the darker ones are of German origin.
Asking for 4500€ but open to offers.
Only sold as group.
Can bring to Hamm/Houten
houten Premium ads
Gastropholis prasina ( Hamm, Ziva Exotika, Houten )
Hamm/Ziva Exotika/ Houten
10.10.100 Gastropholis prasina
- CB 9-10/2024
1.1 Varanus reisingeri .
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
Breeding Pair
1.1 Varanus reisingeri 21/19
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me
2.1 Cyrtodactylus myintkyawthurai
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
2.1 Cyrtodactylus myintkyawthurai
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me.
Proven Breeders Ball Pythons
Verona - Houten - Hamm
Proven Breeders
- 1.0 2021 Albino Black Pastel Mahogany
- 0.1 2019 Candino
Reptiles for Houten Varanus Geckos and more
PREMIUM Varanus acanthurus, panoptes, timorensis
Basiliscus plumifrons, Leiolepis belliana, Laemanctus julioi, Takydromus dorsalis
Tribolonotus gracilis, Tiliua gerrardii, Tropidophorus baconni
Tupinambis rufescens, Acanthosaura armata.
Goniurosaurus catbaensis, bawanglingensis
Hemidactylus prashadi, maculatus
Ptychozoon kuhli, Chondrodactylus bibronii, Gekko stentor
Eryx colubrinus loveridgei, Lampropeltis campbelli Halloween, Lampropeltis knoblochi
Bufo alvarius, marinus, terrestris and more...
Complete price list per email
Special offer for Houten and Hamm
Aphonopelma bicoloratum - size 2,5cm BL
unsexed - 40€, 3x99€, 10x299€
Brachypelma albiceps - size 4-4,5cm BL
female - 50€, 3x130€, 10x390€
male - 38€, 3x95€, 10x280€
Brachypelma emilia - size 3,5-4cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€
Brachypelma boehmei - size 3,5cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€
Brachypelma hamorii - size 3,5-4cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€
Megaphobema robustum - 3,5-4cm BL
unsexed 25€, 3x70€, 10x210€, 100x1900€
Lasiodora striatipes - size 3,5-4cm BL
unsexed 15€x 3x40€, 10x110€,100x850€
Wholesale deals and worldwide shipping available on request.
2.2 Gekko pradapdao .
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
2.2 Gekko pradapdao
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me.
2.2 Dopasia gracilis .
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
2.2 Dopasia gracilis
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me.
3.3 Pogona barbata .
Offer for Houten, Hamm or Export woldwide
3.3 Pogona barbata
For individual pictures and further information please get in touch with me.
Armmolch, Aalmolch verkaufen
Two-toed Amphiuma Amphiuma means 180
Greater lesser siren Siren lacertina XXL 180
Preorders only!
Moschusschildkröten verkaufen
0,1 Kinosternon baurii 120
0,3 Sternotherus odoratus 80/1
0,0,2 Kinosternon flavescens 400/2
1,0 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino 250
0,0,11 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino ( no one albino for sell!) 1500/11
1,0 Sternotherus minor 300
0,0,3 Sternotherus minor 450/3
0,1 Claudyus angustatus BIG FORM adult 500
ZIVA HAMM HOUTEN MILANO petfarm@petfarm.hu
Furcifer angeli pair for HAMM
Furcifer angeli LTC, perfect feeder, egg-layers PAIR available.
arrived from Madagascar 17/02/2024.
Foto documented LTC!
Blue River DIETS is a new food range for fruit-eating reptiles.
The focus is on natural nutrition with a very high proportion of real fruit.
Blue River Diets are not fattening food!
Pre-orders for Houten and Hamm are welcome.
Are you a business customer?
Send us your request via email with your VAT number to information@thepetfactory.de
0.0.14 Velvet worms (Epiperipatus barbadensis)
I’m offering 14x Epiperipatus barbadensis also known as Velvet worms.
They’re are magnificent creatures and all of them are within 6months old so have alot of life left.
I’m asking €200 each, but the price depends on the quantity as well!
Hamm and Houten expo are possible, other than that picking up can be arranged in Limburg (Belgium)
Landschildkröten/tortoises Houten/Hamm/Courier
Aldabrachelys gigantea 8-10, 16-18 & 40-45cm
Astrochelys radiata 2,4 & 2024
Chelonoidis carbonarius Cherryhead 1,3 15cm
Centrochelys sulcata Het-ivory 1,1 45/27cm
Geochelone elegans India 1,6 & 2024
Geochelone elegans Sri Lanka 3,4
Homopus areolatus 1,0
Kinixys belliana belliana 2,3 & cb 2024
Kinixys erosa 1,1 & cb 2024
Kinixys nogueyi 2,4
Malacochersus tornierii 2,2
Manouria e. emys 12-15cm
Psammobates tentorius veroxii 1,0
Stigmochelys pardalis babcockii 1,1 27/20cm
Testudo kleinmanni 1,2 & 2023/24
adult animals are perfect breeders!
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.