Corallus standard ads

Snakes 30.03. OStrava, 12.04 Ziva exotika, 20.04 Houten
Phylodrias Baroni 2.2 green
Corallus hortulanus 2.2
Rhinechis scalaris 0.0.1
Boaedon fuliscus albino T- / 1.0
pituophis deppei jani 0.0.1 /70-80 cm
Boaedon lineatus 0.1
Corn snakes 3.0 butter
Eryx colubrinus 1.1 cb23
Python regius:
0.1 klasik
0.1 GHI Mojave
1.0 GHI Mojave
0.1 Classic Scaleless head
1.0 LESSER granit
0.1 FIRE Granit
0.2 MOJAVE Scaleless head
ALBINO caramel 2.0
HYPO 1.1
1.0 Labyrinth 66% het caramel, albino 50% het green
1.0 hypo 66% het.CARAMEL LABYRINTH ALBINO, 50% het green
WhatsApp + 420792772490

0.1 Corallus hortulanus CB23
0.1 Corallus hortulanus CB23 150€ , eat frozen thawed mice and rat, handing over in germany possible

Corallus Hortulanus 0.0.5
Various Tigers/Calico from 2024.

Corallus Hortulanus Tigers 1.3.2 - CB2023
Various Tigers from Tiger x Tiger breeding of 2023.
For further questions feel free to write.

Corallus hortulanus Babys 2024
Ich biete 2.7 Corallus hortulanus ( Gartenboa ) an.
Sie sind am 20.10.2024 geboren und haben alle mehrfach ohne Probleme Frost-Babymäuse gefressen.
Abholung in Karlsruhe jederzeit möglich.
Eventuell auch Übergabe auf einer Börse oder selbstorganisierter Tierversand.
Mfg Yannik

Corallus batesii - Suche subadultes oder adultes Männchen
Suche ein schönes subadultes oder adultes Corallus batesii Männchen. Zum Kauf oder Tausch gegen ein tolles Tier mit anderer Blutlinie.
Nur seriöse Züchter.

Corallus hortulanus 1.0.0 2024
Due to excess of males i Will sell this 2024 hortulanus. Corallus HQ line, eat on defrost fuzzy.
No trades.
Possible delivery to major reptiles fairs in Europe.
More pictures on my Page

Gongylophis, Chilabothrus, Corallus
2.0 CB 2020, Gongylophis muelleri feeding on live prey 150€ or best offer.
0.4 CB2024, Chilabothrus inornatus, feeding on live prey. 150€ each
0.1 CB 2021, Corallus annulatus, feeding on frozen thawed. 750€

Corallus caninus 1.1 CB pair
Stable pair 1.1 CB Corallus caninus,
Origin from:
SOLD-1.0 from Mr. Vanicek CZ 2015-SOLD
1.0 from Mr. Kanturek CZ 2017
0.1 from Mr. Mráz SK bought in 2012 as juvenile, estimated age 15years

Corallus batesii 0.1 CB20
Biete hier 0.1 Corallus batesii an. Das Weibchen ist von 2020, man kann sie ende des Jahres das erste mal verpaaren. Das Tier stammt von einem TOP Züchter und ist 100% perfekt. Frisst immer einwandfrei frost. Ich hätte auch noch ein passendes super schönes high white Männchen von 2017 zur Abgabe. Ein übergabe treffen auf halber Strecke oder Abholung ist kein Problem. Ein Versand wäre als letzte Möglichkeit auch machbar.
Bei Fragen gerne melden.

0.1 Gartenboa Corallus Hortulanus
Solangsam wird die Zeit eng gebe wegen Umzug meine Corallus Hortulanus 0.1 von Oktober 21 ab. Frist Frost und häutet sich am Stück Preis ist vhb
Standort 73642

Hortulanus for sale or trade
1.0 Corallus hotulanus Garden 2023 200
1.1. Corallus hortulanus Red calico 2022 1.0 500€ / 0.1 650€
1.0 P.guttatus Normal scaleless het amel 300€ 2021
0.2 P.guttatus Normal het snow het scaleless 80€ 2024
0.1 P.guttatus amel het anery het scaleless 80€ 2024

0.08 corallus hortulanus 650€
Born september 2024. From a calico pairing.
Houten april.
150€ each or 650€ for the whole litter.
Contact: or instagram: jontenation

Epicrates Cenchria. 1.0 Caramel (Hamm possible)
This male is ready to breed this year. Is from 2021.
In very good health. Is eating defrost mice and rats.
Possible to trade to Corallus species.
For more information feel free to sent a message

Corallus hortulanus Nachzuchten 2022
0.0.4Corallus hortulanus cb22
0.0.4 Preis 400Euro.
0.0.1 Preis 100Euro.
Übergabe in Hamm am8.03.2025 möglich

Corallus hortulanus. Red and yellow
Nice animals from 2024, eats and are doing super Well. I have red and yellow.

Paradox Corallus Hortulanus
Last Call for Hamm. Nice male reddy to breed. Werry special and beautiful animal.

Special offer for Hamm!!!
2.2 Corallus hortulanus CB23, eat frozen thawed mice and rat, Handing over in Germany with deposit possible, for 1.1 250€and for 2.2 400€ !!!!

1.1 Corallus hortulanus adult
Proven breeder!!!
1.0 Corallus hortulanus Tiger
0.1 Corallus hortulanus Calico
only as pair, eat frozen thawed rats, ask for handing over in Germany

0.0.3 Corallus hortulanus Tiger CB24
0.0.3 Corallus hortulanus Tiger CB24 zur Abgabe, fressen Frost, Übergabe im März in Hamm möglich.
0.0.3 Corallus hortulanus Tiger CB24 available, eat frozen thawed mice, handing over in March in Hamm possible
Corallus Premium ads

Boas, Pythons, Colubrids…
-1.1 Liasis mackloti subadult/adult
-1.1 Morelia (viridis) azurea Misool proven breeders
-1.0 Corallus caninus patternless high yellow
-0.1 Corallus caninus large 1.5kg
-0.0.15 Corallus hortulanus babies 2024
-1.1 Corallus hortulanus 2023
-3.0 Corallus hortulanus subdult/adult
-3.3 Bcc Guyana small
-0.0.5 (probably 3.2) Candoia aspera real CBB 2024
-1.1 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
-1.0 Leiopython meridionales
-1.2 Xenodon pulcher CB 2024
-1.0 Lampropeltis t. hondurensis ghost CB 2022
-1.0 Lampropeltis nelsoni albino adult

Salvadorii, Reisingeri, Whitteni, Laticinctus…
-1.1 Varanus salvadorii adults
-1.0 Varanus Reisingeri
-1.0 Varanus prasinus Merauke
-1.1 Tropidaemus laticinctus
-1.1 Trimeresurus whitteni
-1.1 Trimeresurus calamitas
-2.1 Spilotes pullatus
-1.2 Drymarchon melanurus.
-1.1 Corallus caninus CB24

Corallus caninus Guyana,
I am offering these babies Emerald Tree Boa, CB CZ 12/2024.
They are eating live or defrosted mice. Price 800,-/EURO.
Free delivery to Hamm.
More info:

Varanus sulphur, salvadorii, black dragon
-1.1 Varanus salvator sulphur breeding pair
-1.1 Varanus salvator black dragon
-0.0.10 Varanus salvator sulphur
-0.0.10 Varanus sulphur x black
-1.1 Varanus salvadorii CB24
-1.1 Varanus salvadorii adult CB
-0.0.3 Varanus varius bell
-0.0.2 Varanus cumingi
-0.0.1 Varanus doreanus
-0.0.4 Varanus sulfur het black
-0.0.2 Varanus salvator sumbawa
-1.0 Varanus sumbawa hypo
-1.0 Varanus prasinus Merauke
-1.1 Varanus reisingeri
-0.1 Crocodylus siamensis albino
-1.0 Dracaena guianensis
-0.0.2 Chlamydosaurus kingi Australia
-0.1 Bipes canaliculatus
-1.0 Macrochelys teminki (big male)
-0.1 Kinosternon hirtipes
-1.0 Iguana iguana
-2.0 Corytophanes Hernandesii
-1.1 Nuu Ami adult
-1.1 GT MT koghis
-1.1 Aspidites melanocephalus (Female Gold Chin) CB20
-1.1 Morelia spilota
-0.1 Pituophis catenifer annectens het albino
-2.1 Spilotes pullatus
-1.1 Antaresia maculosa
-1.2 Drymarchon melanurus.
-1.0 Corallus hortulanus

The Responsible Herpetoculture Journal (RHJ)
It consists of the biggest number of materials we have ever had in one issue and brings some of the greatest and most diverse content yet! Featuring…
1. In the article "LEBANON: BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOT" the world-known Herpetologist, Rami Khashab from Herping Lebanon by Rami Khashab explores the rich herp diversity of Lebanon.
2. Thomas Ziegler from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) with co-authors discuss the conservation strategies for Vietnam’s imperilled gecko diversity in the article ”ZOO SPECIES OF THE YEAR” CAMPAIGN 2024.
3. Cesar Barrio Amorós provides species accounts for the Dendrobatids of Costa Rica in his another amazing material "JEWEL FROGS OF THE CENTRAL AMERICAN FORESTS".
4. Thomas Marriott shares with us the exclusive interview with world-renowned herpetologist, Mark O'Shea MBE.
5. The complex issues surrounding venomous snake keeping are addressed by Zoe Renee and Jackson Byars, Founders of the Antivenom Support Group in their article "SAFETY ASPECTS OF KEEPING VENOMOUS SNAKES".
6. Discover how Blackwater Turtle Refuge is helping to conserve prehistoric turtles through herpetoculture - by Rusty Reed in "CONSERVATION OF ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLES".
7. Learn the methodology for captive breeding Namaqua chameleons with Van Overbeke Jurgen by reading the experience he gladly shared with us in "HUSBANDRY OF NAMAQUA CHAMAELEONS".
8. Discover how Paul Aherne-Conroy breeds New Guinea’s most beautiful python, Simalia boeleni in the material prepared by him - "BREEDING BOELEN’S PYTHON".
9. Joe Monahan shares scientific observations of perch preferences of Corallus caninus neonates. To learn more - read his report - "PERCH PREFERENCE AMONG NEONATE EMERALD THREE BOAS".
10. Discover the Hongshan Forest Zoo and the native Chinese herpetofauna that it protects with Yuelong Chen and Kaiqi Wu - "HONGSHAN FOREST ZOO: GARDIANS OF NATIVE HERPS".
11. Benjamin Owens introduces readers to Captive and Field Herpetology, a UK herpetological organisation in the read "CAPTIVE & FIELD HERPETOLOGY".
12. Also, if you are a fan of amphibians' breeding, read the article "THE CAPTIVE CARE AND REPRODUCTION OF FLEISCHMANN’S GLASS FROG", where Jack Overland shares his captive breeding notes for Fleischmanns glass frogs.
13. "KEEP COLD-BLOODED: A STORY OF THE BION DURING THE WAR" by Олексій Марущак from BION Terrarium Center will let you to learn the story of the RHF and BION Terrarium Centre during the wartime in Ukraine.
The journal is available for our subscribers on the relevant section:
Maximum sharing, submitting of new interesting materials and any other support of our publication initiative is very welcome!

Corallus batesii and Pokigron Redtail Boas for sale
TriasReptiles offers for sale:
2.0 / 2019 Boa constrictor constrictor Suriname Pokigron Redtail Boas (100% RioBravo Reptiles - Line) Holdbacks.
#02 - € 1500.- (very nice animal!).
#04 - € 1000.-
0.1 2019 Boa constrictor constrictor Suriname Pokigron Redtail Boas (Stöckl, Trias breeding)
#24 - € 1500.- (special animal!)
1.1 / 2016 Boa constrictor constrictor Suriname Pokigron Redtail Boas (stöckl, Trias breeding)
#08 - € 1900.- (adult female)
#10 - € 900.-
2.0 / 2022 Corallus batesii Diamond (Ed Marino - Line), Zeus x Nyx Holdbacks.
Several Corallus batesii from the 2024 breeding
You will need CITES Import papers. Shipping by airfreight is possible or pickup in Switzerland

December Hamm
For next Hamm show:
0.0.3 Morelia viridis Cyclop NZ 08/2024 (F1 generation)
2.1 Corallus hortulanus NZ 05/2024 Red babies
3.0 Python regius Albino 100% het. Pied NZ 08/2024
1.1 Gonyosoma jansenii NZ 05/24 + NZ 08/24
3.0 Candoia carinata paulsoni NZ 09/2024
1.0 Lamprophis aurora CB 01/2023
1.0 Gonyosoma frenatum CB 08/2022

abzugeben: Pythons,Boas,Warane
1.0 Malayopython reticulatus Aztec NZ 2023
1.1 Malayopython reticulatus Kayuadi WC Indonesien ca. 1.5m
1.0 Morelia spilota harrisoni WC subadult
1.2 Python anchietae NZ 2024
2.1 Morelia viridis Manokwari FZ 60cm
1.0 Morelia viridis Sorong subadult FZ
1.0 Biak gelb 50cm
0.1 Morelia amethystina Jayapura WC Wamena 1.1 ca. 1.5m patternless
1.0 Corallus hortulanus bunt Guyana
0.3 Boa constrictor Guyana WC
1.0 Malayopython timoriensis FZ ,
0.0.1 V.kordensis NZ 2024
wir sind in Hamm 8.3.25 große Halle Reihe 28 Tische 1-8

1,1 Apodora papuana - subadult - 2000,- EURO/pair
0,1 Apodora papuana - small - 880,-/pc.
1,0 Morelia (Simalia) amethystina Batanta-subadult - 380,-/pc
1,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke patternless - subadult - 580,-
1,1 Corallus ruschenbergerii - adult - 1580,-/pair
1,1 Corallus ruschenbergerii - subadult - 1380,-/pair
1,1 Corallus ruschenbergerii - small - 980,-/pair
5,5 Corallus hortulanus orange/yellow - small /subadult/adult - 360,-/ pair
1,1 Corallus hortulanus garden phase - subadult - 240,-/pair
1,0 Simalia clastolepis - small - 780,-/pc.
0,5 Corallus caninus Guyana - small/subadult - 680,-
0,0,2 Varanus doreanus Jayapura - cca 40cm - 580,-
0,0,10 Varanus salvator Sumbawa - baby - 260,-
5,5 Boa constrictor Guyana - small/subadult - 280,- - 320,-
2,2 Epicrates c. cenchria Guyana - subadult/adult - 260,-
0,2 Epicrates c. maurus Guyana - subadult - 240,-
6,2 Candoia aspera - small - 220,-
2,2 Leiopython albertisi - subadult - 480,-
5,5 Morelia viridis Biak - juvenile - 520,-
3,0 Morelia viridis Sorong - subadult/adult - 580,-
3,0 Morelia viridis Jayapura - subadult/adult - 580,-
3,1 Morelia viridis Manokwari adult - 620,- (female only in pair)
0,0,10 Tiliqua scincoides Irian Jaya - CB EU - 180,-
0,0,10 Tiliqua scincoides Merauke import - 150,-
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides Tanimbar - 150,-
more info and pictures:
free delivery to Hamm in December

Schlangen/snakes Houten/Hamm/Courier
Candoia aspera 1,1,2
Candoia paulsoni 1,1
Corallus caninus 1,2
Morelia viridis Biak 2024
Oligodon 1,2,1
Pantherophis obsuletus Licorice Albino & Licorice Het Albino 2024
Ptyas carinatus blue/black small
Python breitensteini 2024
Python regius Superpastel Pied 2023 1,1
Python regius Superpastel het Pied 2023 1,0
Sanzinia madagascariensis 1,2
Xenopeltiys unicolor 1,1
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

captive bred Corallus caninus
For sale :
Corallus caninus captive bred for French Guiana
1.0 Corallus caninus specimen n°1 / CB 12/ 2018.
Price : 750 euros
1.0 Specimen n° 3 / Price CB 12/ 2020.
Price : 700 euros
All animals with microchip.
Perfect healthy snakes.
Available now but delivery in Hamm or Houten is possible. I asked a deposit.
Send me an email for more information (

Corallus caninus captive bred
For sale : 1.0 Corallus caninus / CB 12/ 2018.
Specimen n° 1 / Price : 750 euros
For sale : 1.0 Corallus caninus / CB 12/ 2020.
Specimen n° 3 / Price : 700 euros
All animals with microchip.
Perfect healthy snakes.
Available now but delivery in Hamm is possible. I asked a deposit.
Send me an email for more information (

Schöne Königspython Nachzuchten aus 2024
Großes Shop Update:
Aktuell viele schöne Königspythons verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr wieder Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten wie Teppichpythons und Corallus Caninus.
Tolle Farbmorphen Python Regius ab 90€ wie Banana Combos, Lesser Clown,Orange Dream Fires, Piebalds, Gravel,, Chocolate, Piebald, Albino, Mojave GHI und viele mehr ! Jetzt reinschauen
Schöne Königspython Fabmorphen und weitere Pythonarten mit aktuellen Angeboten.
Wöchentlich neue Tiere im Shop, einfaches Bestellverfahren mit anschließendem Expressversand
Lieferung innerhalb Deutschland & nach Österreich und zur Terraristika in Hamm

Schöne Königspython Nachzuchten aus 2024
Großes Shop Update:
Aktuell viele schöne Königspythons verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr wieder Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten wie Teppichpythons und Corallus Caninus.
Tolle Farbmorphen Python Regius ab 80€ wie Banana Combos, Lesser Clown,Orange Dream Fires, Highways, Piebalds, Gravel, Spotnose, Puma, Chocolate, Piebald, Albino, Mojave GHI und viele mehr ! Jetzt reinschauen
Schöne Königspython Fabmorphen und weitere Pythonarten mit aktuellen Angeboten.
Wöchentlich neue Tiere im Shop, einfaches Bestellverfahren mit anschließendem Expressversand
Lieferung innerhalb Deutschland & nach Österreich und zur Terraristika in Hamm

Schöne Königspythons, Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten
Großes Shop Update:
Aktuell viele schöne Königspythons verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr wieder Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten wie Teppichpythons und Corallus Caninus.
Tolle Farbmorphen Python Regius ab 80€ wie Banana Combos, Lesser Clown,Orange Dream Fires, Highways, Piebalds, Gravel, Spotnose, Puma, Chocolate, Piebald, Albino, Mojave GHI und viele mehr ! Jetzt reinschauen
Schöne Königspython Fabmorphen und weitere Pythonarten mit aktuellen Angeboten.
Wöchentlich neue Tiere im Shop, einfaches Bestellverfahren mit anschließendem Expressversand
Lieferung innerhalb Deutschland & nach Österreich und zur Terraristika in Hamm
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.