Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard [Seite 329]

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Neuer Fundort in Marokko erst nachzuchten +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Neuer Fundort in Marokko erst nachzuchten

Porcelio flavocinctus, erste NZ abzugeben, gite dayet chicker, Taza, erst NZ, 20 Asseln 100€

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phelsuma Ornata für Hamm
Verkaufe Geckos

Phelsuma Ornata für Hamm

Habe für Hamm noch
2.0 Phelsuma Ornata aus Anfang 2024 zur Abgabe.


Looking for Anole species:

Single animals, pairs...

Anolis angusticeps
Anolis barbouri
Anolis aliniger
Anolis loysiana
Anolis sericeus

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Uroplatus henkeli, Phyllurus platurus +1
Verkaufe Echsen

Uroplatus henkeli, Phyllurus platurus

CB 2024

2.2 Uroplatus henkeli
0.0.2 Phyllurus platurus

Handover possible in Hamm on Saturday.

I'm looking for the Verona fair
Male minor minor, baby or subadult clemmys guttata, baby or subadult terrapene Carolina carolina

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Intellagama, Physignathus CB 2024
Verkaufe Echsen

Intellagama, Physignathus CB 2024

0.0.X Intellagama lesueurii
0.0.X Physignathus cocincinnus

Hand over possible on Saturday in Hamm.

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.1 RLT Motley poss Kahl CB'22 +1
Verkaufe Boas

1.1 RLT Motley poss Kahl CB'22

1.1 RLT Motley poss Kahl CB'22
Collection in Hamm or Houten possible...
More pics on request

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Corallus rushenbergerii for Hamm +2
Verkaufe Boas

Corallus rushenbergerii for Hamm

Corallus rushenbergerii in perfect condition all CBB by me in 2023. Feeding on frozen thawed springer mice.
They will look stunning as adults (mother in picture not for sale)
Can be brought to Hamm in September.

Sumpfschildkröten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Clemmys guttata NZ  2022
Verkaufe Sumpfschildkröten

Clemmys guttata NZ 2022

Tropfenschildkröten NZ 22 Freilandhaltung gewöhnt abzugeben

360 ,-

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Got a bunch of Anolis roquets roquet +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Got a bunch of Anolis roquets roquet

I have a good amount of CB of Anolis roquet roquet this year.
For sale at the moment are 5.3 anolis roquet roquet. But there will be more in Dezember.
There fathers are WF roquet roquet "mapu"
And the mothers are captive breed roquet roquet from the "line" trois ilet.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Male Anolis sabanus for sell +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Male Anolis sabanus for sell

I am selling some of my Anolis sabanus males.
Some of them have somehow a dewlap with spots in them. They are all brothers so it means that they all should have the genetic.
No idea how special that is but I haven't seen a sabanus with spots in his dewlap before.

Verkaufe andere Echsen

Ctenosaura palearis CB2024

For delivery to Houten February:

0.0.X CB24 Ctenosaura palearis, 180€ per animal. 4 for 650€

Will trade for:
Egernia cunninghami, striolata, stokesii or kingii
Cachryx alfredschmidtii
Chilabothrus sp. (no inornatus, angulifer or subflavus)
Corallus annulatus
Corallus grenadensis

Only by reservation before friday 13 September .
Calvisia (Calvisia) kneubuehleri "Dong Nai" 1 adult pair 30 €
Diesbachia tamyris 1 adult pair 25 €
Haaniella dehaanii 4 large nymphs (2 pairs) 20 €
Haaniella gorochovi 4 large nymphs (2 pairs) 50 €
Haaniella saussurei 6 small nymphs 30 €
Phasma gigas "Jailolo" 6 small nymphs 20 €
Phobaeticus serratipes 6 small nymphs 20 €
Tirachoidea jianfenglingensis 6 small nymphs 20 €
Trachyaretaon carmelae 6 small nymphs 12 €
Deroplatys desiccata 1 pair (medium nymphs) 15 €
Hierodula venosa 1 pair (medium nymphs) 15 €
Hymenopus coronatus 1 pair (large nymphs) 30 € / 6 small nymphs 40 € / 12 small nymphs 70 €
Parablepharis kuhlii 6 small nymphs 50 €
Sibylla pretiosa 1 pair (large nymphs) 20 €
Sphodromantis aurea 1 pair (large nymphs) 20 €
Platymeris biguttatus 6 small nymphs 15 €
Platymeris guttatipennis 6 small nymphs 15 €
Platymeris rhadamanthus (ex "Mombo") 4 large nymphs 15 €
Psytalla horrida 4 large nymphs 20 €
Attacus atlas 10 small caterpillars 30 €
Gonimbrasia tyrrhea 10 small caterpillars 30 €
Philosamia ricini 20 small caterpillars 12 €
Phidippus regius "Ocala" F1 5/6 fh 20 €/each
My stand - range 21 in the name of ARTHROPODIA.

I m searching some pumilio charco la pava for hamm in september.

Best regards

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Trimeresurus insularis and Trimeresurus venustus CB 2024
Verkaufe Schlangen

Trimeresurus insularis and Trimeresurus venustus CB 2024

Blue insularis babies cb 2024 with silver eyes, big and eating without any problems.
Venustus babies cb 2024 eating already pinkies.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Bothrops brazili CB 2924
Verkaufe Schlangen

Bothrops brazili CB 2924

Bothrops brazili babies (Satipo, Peru), cb 2024, more info and pics

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni) +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni)

I have one pair of Western Stimson's Pythons available, as well as one other. All three snakes are from 2023. The pair are feeding really well, the other snake is unsexed, and currently just eating pinkies dipped in boiling water. The pair are 400€, the single python is 150€. I can bring them to Hamm

Krebstiere terrestrisch  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Verschiedene Asseln, Bodenpolizei +1
Verkaufe Krebstiere terrestrisch

Verschiedene Asseln, Bodenpolizei

Porcellio laevis "Orange" 12 Tiere 10€
Porcellio laevis "Panda" 12 Tiere 7€
Armadillo officinalis "Mallorca" 12 Tiere 15€
Armadillidium peraccae 12 Tiere 20€
Armadillidium gestroi 12 Tiere 25€
Cubaris sp. Panda King 12 Tiere 20€
Stachelige Asseln Cristarmadillidium muricatum 10 Tiere 40€
Kubanische Asseln Porcellionides pruinosus Orange oder Grau 25 Tiere 6€
Weiße Asseln Ansatz 3€
Springschwänze Ansatz 3€

Versand, Abholung im Burgenland

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Raubwanzen Psytalla horrida
Verkaufe Insekten

Raubwanzen Psytalla horrida

Psytalla horrida
5 Jungtiere klein-mittel 25€

zzgl Versand aus Österreich

Mehr Insekten und andere wirbellosen Tiere im Shop: www.wirbellosen-shop.at

Frösche  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: offer for Hamm 14.9.2024
Verkaufe Frösche

offer for Hamm 14.9.2024

0,0,20 Eleutherodactylus planirostris