Terrarientiere Anzeigen Standard [Seite 328]

Zhangixalus arboreus (Rhacophorus) CB24
Zhangixalus (Rhacophorus) arboreus juveniles CB24 for sale. The first ones are currently metamorphosing (end of June). The grandparents had a red tint, and the parents are very variably colored. The species is easy to keep, similar to other Rhacophorus sp. or even Hyla sp.
€30 per frog.
The first pictures show the juveniles followed by the parent group.
I will be in Hamm in September and at the AG Urodela meeting in Gersfeld in October. Otherwise, the frogs can be picked up in Bonn at any time, and animal shipping should also be possible at suitable temperatures.

Underwoodisaurus milli CB 2024
For sale for Hamm:
10 pc Underwoodisaurus milli CB2024
45 € each
Ameisen Camponotus maculatus
Biete zwei Kolonien Camponotus maculatus für Hamm.
Die Kolonien sind von 2023 mit ca. 100 Arbeiterinnen für je 15 Euro.

Hamm 14/09 Simandoa conserfariam
Hello to offer for Hamm (no table) extinct roaches Simandoa conserfariam.
Adult pair: 20€
0.0.5: 20€
0.0.10: 35€

Biete Vogelspinnen
Abholung in 72581 Dettingen Erms oder Versand oder Weinstadt
Biete :
0.2 T.apophysis adult st 175 Euro
0.1 T.blondi adult 200 Euro
0.1 T.stirmi adult frisch gehäutet 200 Euro
0.1 P.magna frisch gehäutet 65 Euro
1.0 S.rubronitens Rh 11/23 15 Euro
1.0 X.sp bright Rh 7 /2024 160 Euro _____________________________________
1.1 .T.apophysis semi,sub/adult 195 Euro 2.2 S sp chica 3 cm kl 65 Euro
1.1 P.mascara 4.5 cm kl 60 Euro
1.1 G.pulcheripes 4 cm kl 55 euro ______________________________
Up-to-date ENZ/ Aktuell
0.0.5 O.violaceopes 1.5 cm kl st 12 Euro
0.0.1 P.sp cascada N3 20 Euro
0.0.7 B.albiceps N3 st 10 Euro
0.0.10 T.schroederi N3 st 14 Euro
0.0.5 S.rubronitens N2 st 8 Euro
0.0.×× S .rubronitens N1 st 8 Euro ,10 st 65 Euro
Händlerangebot :50 S.rubronitens 200 Euro N1 für Weinstadt
Coming soon :
Andere :

Mabuya multifasciata/ Vielstreifenskink
Suchen für unsere 2 Jahre alte Skink Dame ein neues Zuhause. Dringend melden.

Black Axanthic proven breeder - 99€ Hamm
Tolles Black Axanthic Männchen von Xclusive Snakes.
Vater von vielen Projekten, die dort laufen.
In optimalem Zustand für die kommende Zuchtsaison.
99€ Übergabe in Hamm oder Abholung in Lübeck.

For Verona Reptiles 06/10/2024
1.0 Lanthanotus borneensis 1500.-
1.0 Shinisaurus crocodilurus XXL 1100.-
1.0 Malacochersus tornieri 650.-
1.0 Ctenosaura pectinata pied 1500.-

Female P. Metallica Adults
0.4 Adult P. Metallica 125 euros
1.0 Adult P. Reduncus 15 euros
0.1 Adult T. Albopilosum 40 euros
0.1 Sub A. Geniculata 40 euros
0.1 Juvenile P. Pulcher 25 euros
0.0.3 Juvenile P. Murinus RCF 12 euros
4 adult Metallicas all together 450 euros
Budapest only

Boaedon angolensis males F2 cb23+24, Kwango, DR Congo
Boaedon angolensis (proven by genetics), F2 Kwango, DR Congo
2,0 cb 2023/08 75 Euro each,
1,0 cb 2024/06 60 Euro,
feeding on frozen/thawed rodents, mother in photo 3 nfs,
pickup at Hamm show Sept. 14th possible

Natrix natrix "schweizeri" female cb14 proven breeder
Natrix natrix moreotica (syn. Natrix natrix schweizeri), blotched, light/silver phase
0,1 cb 2014 140 Euro,
proven breeder, feeding on frozen/thawed rodents,
pickup at Hamm show Sept. 14th possible

Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulcher male cb22
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus pulcher (syn. Elaphe porphyracea pulchra)
1,0 cb 2022 120 Euro,
feeding on frozen/thawed rodents, at photo in shed,
pickup at Hamm show Sept. 14th possible

Eryx tataricus female cb20 F1 Uzbekistan
Eryx miliaris (syn. Eryx tataricus tataricus) F1 Uzbekistan
0,1 cb 2020/06 100 Euro,
slow grower, feeding on live or chicken scented frozen/thawed rodents,
pickup at Hamm show Sept. 14th possible
Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi
For Hamm 14.9.
3.0 Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi 3-7/2024 150,- EUR
Oreocryptophis o. laticinctus
For Hamm 14.9.2024
2.4 Oreocryptophis o. laticinctus 3-7/2024 190,- EUR
Elaphe climacophora
For Hamm 14.9.2024
1.1 Elaphe climacophora 6/2024 80,- EUR
Elaphe quatorlineata
For Hamm 14.9.2024
4,4 Elaphe quatorlineata 7/2024 80,- EUR

Nephrurus For Hamm sept24
1.1 nephrurus wheeleri cinctus CB 2021
Breeding pair
150€ the pair

Ciliatus group For Hamm sept24
1.1.2 Correlophus ciliatus super dalma red spot
100eu for group
HAMM Xenesthis, Brachypelma, Theraphosa
Biete für Hamm:
2.0 Xenesthis intermedia 2,5-3cm a 40,00
1.0 Panphobeteus Antonius 6-7cm 75,00
0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni 4-4,5 cm 35,00
0.1 Brachypelma auratum 4,5 cm 120,00
0.1 Theraphosa blondi 4 cm a 120,00
0.2 Theraphosa blondi 2,5 cm a 99,00
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