the standard ads [Page 15]

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.2 Pseudemys concinna adult and reproductive +1
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

0.2 Pseudemys concinna adult and reproductive

Available 0.2 Pseudemys concinna adult and reproductive. They lay about 30 eggs each.

Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen:


0.0.10 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, Stk. 15.- / 10 Stk. 130.-


1.4 Avicularia purpurea, ca. 2,5-3cm KL, 30.- / Stk. 65.- / zus. 250.-
0.1 Ephebopus murinus, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 60.-
0.2 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 2,5cm KL, Stk. 40,-

0.5 Caribena versicolor, adult, Stk. 65.-
0.X Monocentropus balfouri, sub-adult, Stk. 40.-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Theraphosa blondi, sub., Stk. 190.-
0.5 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.- / zus. 700.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 5cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
0.3 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 175.- / 3 Stk. 480.-

1.0 Xenesthis immanis, RH 07/24, Stk. 85.-

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Verkaufe meine 3 Königspythons mitsamt Terrarium von Tropic- Shop (ink +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Verkaufe meine 3 Königspythons mitsamt Terrarium von Tropic- Shop (ink

Verkaufe meine 3 Königspythons mitsamt Terrarium von Tropic- Shop (inklusive aller Deko und Technik.)

Komplettpreis: 850€ VB

-> "White Wedding" (Spider Pied pos. Mojave, pos. Pastel, pos. Axanthic Tsk, het.Axanthic Tsk)
- Weibchen
- Kein Wobble!!!

-> Potion het. Red Axanthic p.h.
- Männchen

-> GHI Pastave
- Männchen

- alle 3 Tiere 2020 geschlüpft
- inklusive Herkunftsnachweis
- fressen regelmäßig Ratten und Vielzitzenmäuse (Frostfutter)
- häuten sich regelmäßig am Stück
- Händeln gewohnt

- Neupreis 1300€
- Kunststoff
- 3 Etagen inklusive Ablage, Seitenbelüftung, LED- Beleuchtung, Heatpanel und Thermostat mit Zeitschaltuhr
- 120x60x50 (Gesamthöhe 150)
- sämtliche Deko inklusive
- Zustand tadellos/ wie neu
- wir sind ein rauchfreier Haushalt

(bitte beachten: Terrarium ist nicht demontierbar, Transport erfolgt am Stück. Tragen durch 2 Personen jedoch ohne Probleme möglich)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Recherche de 0.1 Leachianus pur Poindime
Search Geckos

Recherche de 0.1 Leachianus pur Poindime

Bonjour, je cherche 0.1 Leachianus Poindime.
Pure s'il vous plaît, pas de traversée .
Je vais demander les papiers et les photos des parents.


Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hemitheconyx caudicinctus & Eublepharis macularius +2
Sell Geckos

Hemitheconyx caudicinctus & Eublepharis macularius

Big update of Hemitheconyx caudicinctus & Eublepharis macularius here on MorphMarket:

In the gallery you will find youngsters from this year, but adult individuals too.

If what you are looking for is not in the gallery, try write to me. There are still some babies growing up!

Free delivery on Prague, Hamm, Houten, Verona

Here in the gallery are just few examples.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Takydromus smaragdinus CB2024 +2
Sell Lizards

Takydromus smaragdinus CB2024

I have 2 males Takydromus smaragdinus
One is one month old (40€), other one is 5 months old (60€)
Both are CB2024
Can bring them to Verona 6.10.

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Jungle Visions Collective - Weinstadt, 12.10..
Sell - bird spiders

Jungle Visions Collective - Weinstadt, 12.10..

Weinstadt (12.10.)
"Jungle Visions Collective" (108-110)
KEIN Versand:

0.0.16 Davus pentaloris ENZ - 0,8-1cm - je 6,-
0.0.03 Dolichothele exilis - 3./4.FH - je 5,-
0.0.01 Dolichothele mineirum ENZ - 2./3.FH - 15,-
0.0.01 Dolichothele sp. Camacan - 1cm - 10,-
0.0.01 Ephebopus cyanognathus ENZ - 2.FH - 15,-
0.0.01 Euthycaleus sp. Cesar - ca. 1cm - 15,-
0.0.02 Guyruita cerrado NZ 23 - je 8,-
0.0.02 Guyruita cerrado NZ 03/24 - je 3,-
0.0.10 Hapalopus formosus ENZ - 0,8-1cm - je 7,-
0.0.12 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla 09/23 - je 15,-
0.0.X Hapalopus sp. Guerilla ENZ 09/24 - 1.FH - je 5,-
0.0.172 Hapalopus sp. Kolumbien „klein“cENZ 07/24 - 1.FH - je 3,-
0.0.03 Heterothele gabonensis FH 4/5 - je 10,-
0.0.01 Kochiana brunnipes ENZ - 4./5.FH - 7,-
0.0.01 Lasiocyano sazimai ENZ - 1-1,5cm - 8,-
0.0.02 Neoholothele incei (gold) ENZ - 1cm - je 10,-
0.0.05 Omothymus schioedtei ENZ - 1./2.FH - je 7,-
0.0.01 Ornithoctoninae sp. Hati Hati - 2,5-3cm - 15,-
0.0.03 Ornithoctoninae sp. Hati Hati - 1cm - je 5,-
0.0.01 Ornithoctoninae sp. Nhen Dep - 1,5cm - 30,-
0.0.01 Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam Highland Type II - 1,5cm - 40,-
0.0.02 Ornithoctonus sp. Khao Sok - 1-1,5cm - je 20,-
0.0.01 Ornithoctonus sp. Ranong ("blue") ENZ - 2.FH - je 35,-
0.0.01 Ornithoctonus sp. South Chumphon - 2cm - 30,-
0.0.01 Orphnaecus sp. blue Luzon - 2cm - 10,-
0.0.01 Pamphobeteus sp. platyomma - 3.FH - 15,-
0.0.02 Phlogiellus moniqueverdezae - 1cm -  je 10,-
0.0.07 Phlogiellus moniqueverdez - DNZ 07/22 - je 10,-
0.0.01 Phlogiellus sp. Con Dao ENZ - 2./3.FH - 7,-
0.0.04 Phlogiellus sp. Rusty legs - ca. 1cm KL - je 15,-
0.0.10 Psalmopoeus irminia ENZ - 1./2.FH - je 3,-
0.0.05 Selenocosmia anubis ENZ - 3.-5.FH - je 10,-
0.0.02 Selenocosmiinae sp. Albognathus - 1cm - je 18,-
0.0.01 Sericopelma angustum - 1,5-2cm - 15,-
0.0.01 Theraphosinae sp. Roatan - 3./4.FH - 12,-
0.0.07 Typhochlaena seladonia ENZ - 1.FH - je 50,-

Search Turtles and Tortoises

Looking for Glyptemys insculpta females

Hi there,

looking for 0.X adult Glyptemys insculpta.

Able to pick up everywhere.

Can exchange for adult Clemmys, Platysternon or other rare turtles.

I have 2.2 d. Hercules lichyi larvae ranging from 45 to 57 Grams. I can Take them to Verona Reptiles. Id rather sell pairs togheter or both pairs.

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boaedon (lamprophis) fuliginosus albinos +1
Sell Colubrids

Boaedon (lamprophis) fuliginosus albinos

I am selling my pair of albino boaedon fuliginosus.
They are two years old. Eat and shed perfectly
150€ per couple

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Tiliqua scincoides scincoides +2
Sell Lizards

Tiliqua scincoides scincoides

Buy Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, own breeding 2024, used to handling, they eat from the hand and from the bowl.. More information on whatsapp..

Hi, I am looking for the following species:

Archiblatta hoeveni
Archimandrita sp. "Cerro Chucanti, Panama"
Catara spp.
Ergaula capensis
Deropeltis erythrocephala
Morphna spp.
Paranauphoeta basalis
Princisia vanwaerebeki "Androhamana" (PURE)
Princisia vanwaerebeki "Tricolor" (PURE)
Protagonista pertristis
Pseudoderopeltis spp.
Therea nuptialis/irreperta
Thyrsocera spectabilis

For sale baby couple of Phanterophis snoXanery. Very well eater
Possibility to exchange with outher snake(open to all offer)

I can bring them in Verona reptiles show

Sell - bird spiders

Verschiedene Vogelspinnen


0.2 Augacephalus ezendami ca 2 cm 55 Stk

1.0 Cyriocosmus elegans
RH 8/24 10€ Stk

0.1 Nhandu tripepii
2/2,5 cm 25€

0.2 Pamphobeteus vespertinus ca 4,5 cm 50€ Stk

2,0 Pamphobeteus vespertinus
Ca 4 cm 30€ Stk
Paar 70€

0.0.70 Pseudhapalopus spec. Yellow/Blue 2/3 Fh 12€ Stk bei Mehrabnahme Vhb

0.1 Theraphosinae spec roatan ca 3 cm 30€

0.1 Sericopelma spec Santa Catalina ca 4 cm 50€

1.0 Sericopelma spec Santa Catalina ca 4 cm 30€
Paar 70€

0.4 Idiothele mira adult Stück 45€

0.2 Acanthoscurria gomesiana adult 50€/Stk
0.1 Theraphosa blondi subadult 180€
0.1 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra 90€
0.1 Pamphobteus sp. duran subadult 80€
1.1 Theraphosidae sp boyaca (Ferry) subadult/adult 60€
1.0 Cyclostenum sp. boyaca subadult 20€
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult 50€
0.0.x Haplopelma schmidti Gold 2cm KL 25€/Stk

other spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Phidippus regius Everglades +2
Sell other spiders

Phidippus regius Everglades

L4 puppies for sale. Racial. The photos show parents and their children.

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Weinstadt/ Bretzfeld und Versand +2
Sell - bird spiders

Weinstadt/ Bretzfeld und Versand

Spinnen Für Bretzfeld 6.10 Weinstadt 12.10
Versand oder Abholung


0.3 Acanthoscurria geniculata adult
0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni adult
0.2 Brachypelma boehmei sub/ adult
0.1 Brachypelma klaasi 5cm
0.2 Brachypelma hamorii adult
0.1 Ceratogyrus darlingi adult
0.1 Caribena versicolor adult
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult
0.1 Grammostola iheringi adult
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult
0.1 Lasiocyano sazima adult
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana adult
0.1 Phormigochilus sp. rufus
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia adult
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. platyomm adult
0.1 Phormictopus sp dominican purple 4 cm
0.1 Vitalius chromatus adult


1.0 Brachypelma albiceps 5 cm
1.0 Brachypelma boehmei 5-6 cm
1.0 Brachypelma hamorii 5-6 cm
1.0 Brachypelma emilia 4 cm
1.0 Lasiodora klugi RH: 8.24
1.0 Nhandu tripepii subadult
1.0 Poecilotheria ornata subadult
2.0 Theraphosa apophysis subadult / adult RH:8.24
1.0 Tliltocatl albopilosus 5-6 cm
1.0 Tliltocatl vagans 6 cm


0.0.1 Acanthoscurria brocklehursti
0.0.1 Haplocosmia himalayana
0.0.1 Lasiodorides striatus

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Verona (Italy) 6 October 2024 +2
Sell frogs

For Verona (Italy) 6 October 2024

- 1.1.2 Pipa carvalhoi (the adults are proven breeders), the young are are CB 2024, they're already around 3 cm body-size
- 5.0.0 Agalychnis dacnicolor (or exchange with a female)
- 3.0.0 Theloderma corticale

I can exchange with Phyllomedusa/Callimedusa or related species and possibly other Amphibians (No Dendrobatidae/Aromobatidae).

Cheers everyone

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Spiderlings for fair in Weinstadt
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Spiderlings for fair in Weinstadt

Cyrtopholis sp.Cuba,Guardalavaca 2-3.moult 4E,10x 20E,50x40E
Cyrtopholis sp.Cuba,Baracoa 2-3.moult 5E,10x30E,Last 30x?
Haplopelma sp. Vietnam,Lam Dong 2.moult 20E,last 5x 80E
Harpactira baviana 1-2.moult 10E,5x40E,last15x 80E
Ornithoconinae sp.Thailand,Tak 2-3.moult 25E,Last 4x 70E
Ornithoctoninae sp.Vietnam Hai Bia 3-4.moult 30E,10x150E,30x 300E
Ornithoctoninae sp.Vietnam Vendula(Kristyna?)1-2.moult 25E,10x 190E,20x 300E
photos on
Chilobrachys sp.electric blue subadult 20E
Phormictopus atrichomatus 4 -5 cm 20E
Pseudohapalopus sp. Langhhaar 4cm 20E

Ich biete folgende Tiere für den Versand oder Abholung in Leipzig an


1.1 Lasiodorides striatus (1.0 kl 4 cm und 0.1 kl 4,5 cm) 60€


1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. vespertinus rh 6/24
(Frisch geleden)

1.0 Psalmopoeus irminia rh 7/24 15€

1.0 Theraphosa blondi kl 5,5 cm 70€


0.1 Acanthoscurrria Geniculata adult 60€

0.1 Lasiodora parahybana adult 60€

0.1 Lasiodorides striatus kl 6 cm 70€

0.1 Pamphobeteus sp machala kl 3,5 cm 30€

0.1 Thrixopelma longicolli kl 4,5 cm 40€

0.0.6 Acanthoscurria geniculata (1,5-2cm kl) 10€

0.0.5 Birupes simoroxigorum kl 2,5cm 60€

0.0.1 Brachypelma Emilia kl 1 cm

0.0.2 Brachypelma Emilia kl 3 cm

0.0.2 Chilobrachys natanicharum (Elektrik blue) kl 2,5-3 cm 30€

0.0.10 Cyriocosmus giganteus N1 25 €

0.0.3 Cyrtopholis sp Guardalavaca N2 10€

0.0.5 Encyocratella olivacea N2 15€

0.0.2 Grammostola pulchripes kl 3cm 15€

0.0.2 Grammostola rosea kl 1,5 cm 25€

0.0.2 Idiothele mira kl 1cm 15€

0.0.10 Lasiodorides polycuspulatus N2 10 €

0.0.2 Pamphobeteus sp. machala N3 15€

0.0.16 Pamphobeteus sp. mascara N2 15€

0.0.5 Pamphobeteus insignis Columbia 1N-N2 65 €

0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus rcf kl 2cm 10€

0.0.11 Sericopelma sp. Santa Catalina N1-N2 15€

0.0.2 Sericopelma santa Catalina 7kl 2,5-3 cm 25 €

0.0.2 Tliltocatl schroederi kl 1cm 25€

0.0.5 Xenesthis sp. Megascopula  N3  90€