spec standard ads [Page 28]

Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Scorpions offer - Parabuthus, Hottentotta and other species +2
Sell Scorpions

Scorpions offer - Parabuthus, Hottentotta and other species

P.schlechteri 0.1 sub - 60€
P.villosus "oranje" 1.1 male sub, female i 5/6 - 90€
P.capensis "black" 0.1 adult - 50€
B.mardochei 0.0.4 i4/5 15€/piece 50€/all
U.vittatus 0.0.3 i2/3 - 15€/piece 40€/all
U.vittatus 1.1 adult - 60€
H.sousai 1/1 i7 - 130€
EU shipping

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Shelfordella lateralis for sale +2
Sell Insects

Shelfordella lateralis for sale

Shelfordella lateralis for sale, size 1-2 cm - production 50 kg/month. Possibility to deliver specific sizes per volume. By agreement, possible to adjust breeding to your needs. 100% quality guarantee.

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Calico Super Stripe (Python regius)
Sell Ball Pythons

Calico Super Stripe (Python regius)

Verkaufe eine Wunderschöne 0.1 Calico Super Stripe ENZ22 aus der Verpaarung, Specter - Calico Yellowbelly

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Vendo due maschi radiata
Sell Tortoises

Vendo due maschi radiata

Vendo due maschi di radiata uno pesa 7 kg e uno 2,5 kg!possibile scambio con specie di mio gradimento


300x Acanthoscurria geniculata 1FH - 300€
500x Heteroscodra maculataa 1FH - 350€
1000x Lasiodora parahybana 1FH - 400€

500x Acanthoscurria geniculata 2cm BL - 2000€

full list, more information - alexdspiders@gmail.com

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pharnacia sumatrana "Halimun" eggs. +1
Sell Insects

Pharnacia sumatrana "Halimun" eggs.

I offer Pharnacia sumatrana "Halimun" eggs from my own offspring. The eggs are from a sexual breed. Matings have been observed. Beautiful large and prickly species rearing easily on Rubus sp.

20 eggs 12€
30 eggs 22€

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm 10.06.23
1.0 The Diamond (Special Russo) 06/15
1.0 Leopard Spider Piebald 08/13
1.0 Super Pastel Phantom Yellowbelly 06/16
1.0 Banana Super Pastel 09/15
0.1 Firefly (Fire Pastel) 06/14 (on hold)
0.1 Pastave (Pastel Mojave) 06/12
0.1 Ivory (Super Yellowbelly) 07/13
0.1 Pewter Phantom 07/18
0.1 4P (Phantom Pastel Pinstripe Mojave) 06/16
0.1 Crystal Champagne 07/16 (on hold)
0.1 Super Phantom Pastel 06/16
0.1 Super Pastel Phantom 07/16

Mated (Please contact us for more informations!)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss.Yellowbelly 04/16
0.1 Pewter Pied poss. Leopard Pinstripe Spotnose 07/18

ENZ 21
1.0 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21
0.1 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21

ENZ 22
1.0 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 3)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss. Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 4)
0.1 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 5)
1.0 Purple Passion GHI poss. Pastel Pinstripe 08/22 (Nr. 8.)

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm

Königspython Python Regius Ballpython for Hamm 10.06.23

ENZ 22
1.0 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 3)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss. Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 4)
0.1 Super Mojave poss. GHI Pastel 08/22 (Nr. 5)
1.0 Purple Passion GHI poss. Pastel Pinstripe 08/22 (Nr. 8.)

ENZ 21
1.0 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21
0.1 Banana Firefly (Banana Fire Pastel) 07/21

1.0 The Diamond (Special Russo) 06/15
1.0 Leopard Spider Piebald 08/13
1.0 Super Pastel Phantom Yellowbelly 06/16
1.0 Banana Super Pastel 09/15
0.1 Firefly (Fire Pastel) 06/14 (on hold)
0.1 Pastave (Pastel Mojave) 06/12
0.1 Ivory (Super Yellowbelly) 07/13
0.1 Pewter Phantom 07/18
0.1 4P (Phantom Pastel Pinstripe Mojave) 06/16
0.1 Crystal Champagne 07/16 (on hold)
0.1 Super Phantom Pastel 06/16
0.1 Super Pastel Phantom 07/16

Mated (Please contact us for more informations!)
0.1 Crystal Phantom poss.Yellowbelly 04/16
0.1 Pewter Pied poss. Leopard Pinstripe Spotnose 07/18

Search other lizards

Looking for Platysaurus sp.


I am looking for a pair of platysaurus species (preferably broadley or imperator).

Thank you in advance,
Best regards

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Asseln, Saftkugler (Glomeris), Tausendfüßer, Gespenstschrecken +2
Sell Insects

Asseln, Saftkugler (Glomeris), Tausendfüßer, Gespenstschrecken

Ich gebe ein paar Nachzuchten meiner Krabbler ab. Preise sind ab einer bestimmten Menge verhandelbar, mir fallen auch immer ein paar mehr in die Box ;)

Armadillidium: 1€/Stk.:
Armadillidium klugii montenegro
Armadillidium vulgare „Magic Potion“
Armadillidium werneri "Orange"
Armadillidium maculatum (Zebrarollassel)
Armadillidium St. Lucia

Cubaris spec. "Amber" 5€/Stk.
Armadillo officinalis 2€/Stk.
Armadillidium gestroi 2€/Stk.

Cylisticus convexus 0.50€/Stk.

Glomeris pustulata (Zweireihensaftkugler) 2€/Stk.

Spirostreptus sp.1

Fauchschaben Stk. 1,50€
Kleine Gespenstschrecke (Aretaon asperrimus) Stk. 1€
Stabschrecke Jungtier (Medauroidea extradentata) Stk. 0.50€

Search Monitor lizards

Looking for tree monitors

I am looking for (1.1or 2.2) a nice species of tree monitors
V. Prasinus
V. Reisingeri
V. beccarii
V. Macraei
Only C.B animals
Pics and price..please

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Gottesanbeterin/Mantide Polyspilota spec. L2 unbestimmt +2
Sell Insects

Gottesanbeterin/Mantide Polyspilota spec. L2 unbestimmt

Vergebe in Kürze meine Polyspilota spec. Nymphen aus meiner 1. Ootheke (derzeit noch in L1) , Muttertier bei Fotos dabei

Preis pro Tier: 3€
für Tiere noch in L1 je 2€, gebe aber lieber in L3 erst ab.

It can be any species.
I am looking for someone that can send it to Belgium.

Zamenis longissimus "Passau" or other locality (CB/NZ) ?,?
Lampropeltis campbelli (white) ?,?
Boiga melanota ?,? only CB/NZ
Philodryas baroni ?,?

Only for sending or delivery in Hamm ....

Looking for contact with people who keep this species not to buy them but to exchange information on keeping the species.... Such contact zu haltern diese art nicht zum erwerb aber zur austauch informationen zur haltung .... jede info der mir in contact bringen kan ist wilkommen

Offer few mantis species : Hymenopus, Hestiasula, Euchomenelle, Phyllocrania, Hierodula venosa, Fulciniola
Contact via whatsapp +48 607 843 243 Ship to EU/ ASIA

Looking for 0.1 or 0.0.2 P. natalensis

Please only offer healthy specimens.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: I am offering following species for sale +2
Sell Lizards

I am offering following species for sale

5.5 Geckoella nebulosa CB 22 /23
0.0.3 Geckoella jeyporensis CB 23
0.0.7 Tympanocryptis centralis CB 23

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Zamenis hohenackeri +2
Sell Colubrids

Zamenis hohenackeri

On offer: potential breeding group Zamenis hohhenackeri:

1.0 (CB’ 14): accepts defrost small mice.

 1.1 (CB’15) : offspring: CB 6-5-’20 > 4 eggs.
12-7-’20: 0.0.4 hatchlings,
Season ’22 they all accept both fefrost and live pinkies.

13/10/’19 purchased specimen (0.1? WC? CB?Georgië?) from Gábor Kósa:
Adult size, seemingly in good health. Accepts live prey infrequently.
Half season stops eating and starts regurgatating food.
After examination of faecal matter spent rest of the season deparasiting and tube feeding snake. Infection dominantly nematodes and flagellates. Negative for Cryptosporidium( both colour test and CPR test).
Medicines of choice: (body weight: 110 g.): Flagyl (250 mg/kg), Panacur (50 mg/kg),
Levimasol (contains 25 mg/ml): 0,07ml orally, once, repeat after 10 days.
After one day 7 day treatment Flagyl (Metronidasol) 40 mg/ml) > 7 days 0,12 ml: finish cure, keep (some) tube feeding.
25/10/21: hibernation: body weight: 107 g.
2/3/22……………………………………………: 105 g.
Rest of season eats and digests normally live prey, even, when hungry, half grown live mice!
8/10/22: hibernation: body weight: 172 g!
Temporarily stored and sold individually in their winter boxes at some7*C*).

I will not be able to attend the Hamm Show. Price fort he group is, witin certain limits, negotiable. For further arrangements plase send PM.

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Asseln / Isopods / Tausendfüßer / Millipede +2
Sell Insects

Asseln / Isopods / Tausendfüßer / Millipede

Bei Interesse oder Fragen, einfach anschreiben.
Alle Tiere aus eigener Nachzucht.

Desmoxytes planata “Rosa Drachenfüßer” 20x 20 €
Pyrgodesmidae Japan 1x 20 € (very rare)
Orthomorpha sp. yellow sting 1x 6€

Cubaris spec. “Shiro Utsuri”
Merulanella spec. “Vietnam”
Porcellio haasi “high yellow”
Porcellio echinatus
Porcellio laevis “Panda”
Porcellio laevis “Orange”
Porcellio laevis “White”
Porcellio laevis “Milkback”
Porcellio scaber “Kellerassel”
Porcellio ornatus “Yellow”
Porcellionides pruinosus “Kubanische Asseln Orange”
Porcellionides pruinosus “Kubanische Asseln”
Armadillidium klugii “Montenegro“
Armadillidium gestroi
Armadillidium vulgare “Red”
Armadillidium spec. “Albino”
Porcellio hoffmannseggi

Bei Interesse oder Fragen, einfach anschreiben