houten standard ads [Page 10]

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald / Clown +2
Sell Ball Pythons

Python regius / Königspython - DG / Piebald / Clown

Delivery and handover to Hamm and Houten shows possible.

We feed only frozen/thawed rats.

Special offer for Snakeday!

Proven males:
1,0 Pastel Red Stripe DG 1.900g 800EUR
1,0 Leopard DG 1.700g 300EUR
1,0 Leopard GHI Fire Butter Clown 66% het DG 780g 650EUR
1,0 Pastel Calico het Clown het DG 1.600g 300EUR

Proven females:
0,1 OD het Piebald 2.200g 200EUR
0,1 Enchi Vanilla het Piebald 2.200g 200EUR
0,1 Enchi het DG 50% het Hypo 3.000g 200EUR
0,1 Enchi het DG 3.100g 200EUR
0,1 Pastel Lesser 2.400g 80EUR
0,1 Pastel Mojave 2.800g 80EUR

Young adult females:
0,1 Pastel Leopard YB het Clown 66% het DG 1.900g 700EUR
0,1 Pastel Leopard Fire het Clown 66% het DG 1.700g 500EUR
0,1 Pastel Leopard het Clown 66% het DG 1.600g 450EUR
0,1 Pastel Leopard het Clown 66% het DG 1230g 350 EUR

1,0 Poecilotheria metallica RH 07.07.2024
KL = 5cm
40 EUR

Versand oder Übergabe Hamm/Houten möglich.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, cb 2017
Sell Venomous snakes

1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, cb 2017

For sale:

1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, cb 2017

Handover possible in Hamm, Houten (Snake Day), or pickup at my place.

Sale only to adults with appropriate experience.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Naja siamensis, cb2022 +2
Sell Venomous snakes

1.1 Naja siamensis, cb2022

For sale:

1.1 Naja siamensis, cb 2022

Handover possible in Hamm, Houten (Snake Day), or pickup at my place.

Sale only to adults with appropriate experience.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Chlamydosaurus kingii nz2024 +2
Sell Lizards

Chlamydosaurus kingii nz2024

Baby Chlamydosaurus kingii NZ 2024 perfect conditions. strong color, possible Houten December or Paris France 170€ pc

Hello! Looking for Litoria Caerulea adult snowflake proven male, the best option is Houten 22/09/2024 but other date can do it also.
Hallo! Ich suche nach einem erwachsenen, bewährten männlichen Litoria Caerulea-Snowflake. Die beste Option ist Houten, 22.09.2024, aber auch ein anderes Datum ist möglich.

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Various Snakes for Hamm/Houten/Snakeday +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Various Snakes for Hamm/Houten/Snakeday

For Houten/Snakeday
1.1 Crotalus morulus San Antonio de las alazanas Proven breeders
1.1 Crotalus viridis nuntius Diablo Canyon cb22
1.1 Crotalus durissus pifanorum cb21
1.1 Crotalus viridis Brewster County Texas cb24
1.1 Crotalus oreganus lutosus Butte County California cb24
1.0 Crotalus oreganus concolor Garfield County Utah cb24

Further Pictures and Info via PM

Pictures and Info on request.

For Houten or handover in NRW
0.1 Brachypelma harmorii ~6,5cm 120€
0.1 Brachypelma albiceps ~5cm 100€
0.1 Chromatopelma cyanopubescens ~5,5cm 65€
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes ~45cm 55€

No Trades Shipping also possible

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for Eirenis modestus or collaris
Search Colubrids

Looking for Eirenis modestus or collaris

Looking for a couple of Eirenis modestus or (and) collaris that I can pickup at Houten snakeday.

Ball Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Ultramel het Pied 1.0 Königspython
Sell Ball Pythons

Ultramel het Pied 1.0 Königspython

Angebot für Houten 100 Euro

Verkaufe die Nachzuchten von 2024

1.0 Ultramel het Pied

Fressen Frost
Häuten sich ohne Probleme
Herkunftsnachweis gibt es dazu
Versand Möglich

0.0.1 Salvator merianae Baby
from July 2024
Delivery in Houten 22.09 possible
Price: 100€

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Egernia cb 2024 for Houten +2
Sell Lizards

Egernia cb 2024 for Houten

For Houten
1.1 egernia depressa
1.2 egernia epsisolus
For info please email me

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Nephrurus cb 2023 and 2024 for Houten +2
Sell Lizards

Nephrurus cb 2023 and 2024 for Houten

Cb 2023 and almost ready to breed:
1.2 Nephrurus levis levis patternless
3.3 Nephrurus asper
1.1 Nephrurus wheeleri

Cb 2024:
Nephrurus asper unsexed
Nephrurus amyae unsexed
Nephrurus levis levis female
Nephrurus wheeleri unsexed

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Crested gecko Offspring From this year, pickup at Houten 22-9-2024 +2
Sell Geckos

Crested gecko Offspring From this year, pickup at Houten 22-9-2024

0.0.8 C.ciliatus From this year, with good dalmation genes. per animal 30,- or less if u buy all in one

pickup in NL only in Flevoland or Houten 22-9-2024

pictures are of the parents, can always send of the offspring

Ich suche Erdnusskäfer (Ulomoides dermestoides). Versand oder abgabe in Houten

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Snakes Various Price by quantity +2
Sell Snakes

Snakes Various Price by quantity

For hamm /houten various baby de elaphe guttattas Blood red pied x okette scalelless y tessera snow x palmetto het tesera, lampropeltis thayeri leonis, retics sd albino purple and albino tiger purple , 1.1 baby l. Albertisi All animals are Born in my Installation. possible sale in batch or by unit. 1.3 adult retic sd 10 years old ,male albino , femelle supertiger het albino , 2 femelle Tiger albino .There are no photos of all the animals, there is only a sample.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Looking for Book Herpetofauna Mexicana Vol.1 P. Heimes
Search Snakes

Looking for Book Herpetofauna Mexicana Vol.1 P. Heimes

I am looking for this book for a long time.
If you have it sleeping in your home library and never watch it I would be very glad to buy it.
I would take it over at Houten Snakeday.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 dreamsicle proven female königspython +2
Sell Snakes

0.1 dreamsicle proven female königspython

Adult female. Proven breeder dreamsicle ( lavender albino piebald )

Can bring to houten.

Ich suche NZ Salamandra salamandra terrestris / Solling.

Bitte mit Herkunftsnachweis.

Ich bin in Houten 22 September.


Sell Turtles and Tortoises

For sale Clemmys - Sternotherus

For sale
0.0.1 Clemmys guttata cb2023
0.0.1 Sternotherus minor minor CB2023
1.3.0 Sternotherus Carinatus (lay every years eggs)

Trade possible.
Possible deliver on Houten!! No Hamm