hamm standard ads [Page 21]
Malayopython reticulatus 62.5% superdwarf, 12.5% dwarf Goldenchild
Also 50% poss hogs :) Delivery to Hamm (main hall row 12 Future Terra / I Love Snakes)
Price: 650€
Including genetic certificate with photo ID
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum+ Nephrurus arten
Hallo Verkaufe Hier 0.3 Lepidophyma flavimaculatum cb 4.24 die Tiere haben die fähigkeit zur Selbstbefruchtung kein Männchen Nötig .
Noch zum verkaufe steht
2.2 Nephrurus amaye cb 22 hatten beiden schon erfolgt nachgezogen
Nephrurus amaye 0.0.1 cb 11.24
Nephrurus Delaeni 0.0.2 Tendenz 1.1 9.24
Diplodactylus galeatus 0.0.2 11.24
diplodactylus furcosus 1.1 cb 22 Tiere habe bereits eier gelegt .
Übergabe In Hamm möglich oder abholung vor ort .
bei Fragen zu den Tieren gerne melden .
Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis slings
0,0,X Trichonephila i. madagascariensis
Bodylength between 2-4mm
5€ per piece, Price negotiable depending on quantity
Handover in Hamm or shipping within Germany
Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis
Biete für Hamm am 14.12.2024
Xylotrupes gideon sumatrensis
Große Larven Stück 5€
12 Stück 50€
1,0 Drymarchon m. rubidus
Habe ein 1,0 Drymarchon m. rubidus abzugeben. Habe 2012 es 2012 aus den USA importiert. Züchter war J.Michels.
Bin Sa. in Hamm
Large Tenebrionidae beetles Blaps kollari, Prionotheca coronata
Prionotheca corona €30, 5x €100
Blaps Kollari €15, 5x€50
I offer few of those very large, beautiful and long living (according to literature data Prionotheca up to 7 years Blaps kollari up to 10 years) beetles..
For Hamm, shipping in EU eventually possible
Boiga dendrophila sap for Hamm
5.2 Boiga d. gemmicincta // CB24
1.0 Boiga d. latifasciata // CB17
Rhacodactylus leachianus aus Hobbyaufgabe abzugeben
Für Hamm günstig abzugeben aufgrund von Hobbyaufgabe:
1.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Mt. Koghis Friedel 1.0 het melanistic F3xF4 CB 2021 0.1 F3 CB 2017
1.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Mt. Koghis Tröger 1.0 F1xF3 CB 2021 0.1 F2xF3 CB 2018
1.0 Rhacodactylus leachianus Mt. Koghis Tröger 1.0 F1xF3 CB 2021
Goniurosaurus for Hamm 14.12.2024
Goniurosaurus kuroiwae "northern form" 0.2 CB 2023 120€ each
Goniurosaurus kuroiwae "northern form" 0.0.2 CB 2024 80€ each
Goniurosaurus yamashinae 0.0.2 CB 2024 80€ each
Available for hamm Phalacrognathus and Megasoma
Available for hamm:
2.2 Megasoma elephas elephas 200euro each pair (105 and 107mm) Fresh adult pair
3.3 phalacrognathus muelleri 80euro each pair, fresh adult pair
Verkaufe Feuersalamander-Nachzuchten
Salamandra Nachzuchten abzugeben
Salamandra salamandra bernadezi (Tendi Tal)
braune und gelbgestreifte Tiere
Tel.: 0049-15162602890 und Hamm im Dezember
1.1 Nephrurus wheleeri cinctus CB20 Proven Breeders
For Hamm 14.12 hand over
1.1 Nephrurus w. cinctus CB 2020 Proven Breeders
200€ / pair
Verschiedene Slings für Hamm SAZIMAI, HAMORII, PARAHYBANA
Für Hamm 14.12.24
Brachypelma hamorii 4FH 0.0.20 = 200€
Lasiocyani sazimai 4 FH 0.0.100 = 250 €
0.0.50 = 150 €
Lasiodora Parahybana 5 cm 0.0.5 = 60€
1.0 P rufilata RH7/24 30€
1.0 P irminia RH 9/24 5€
1.0 N Chromatus RH 8/24 25€
Suche Phyllobates terribilis
Suche für Hamm Phyllobates terribilis Gelb - adult
Gerne auch nur Männchen.
Leiopython meridionalis CB 07/23 0.1
Leiopython meridionalis CB 07/23 0.1
100% healthy, very good eater.
No trade !!!
1200€ + 50€ shipping to December Hamm. Fix price !!!
Heloderma suspectum & h. horridum abzugeben
2.2 (proven breeder) Heloderma horridum horridum NZ 2019
0.0.3 (1.2) Heloderma horridum horridum NZ 2024
0.0.4 Heloderma suspectum NZ 2024
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Terrarien - Schiebetürsystem * MARINE SYSTEMS * 2000 mm
BIETE neues unbenutztes Schienensystem zum Terrarienselbstbau, oder Austausch vorhandener Profile, 2 Meter langes komplettes Terrarien - Schiebetürsystem (AL-SO-PLA / Marine Systems) bestehend aus:
1 x Führungsschiene,
1 x Laufschiene,
2 x Laufschuh bis 6mm
2 x Klemmprofil **
4 x Laufwerk,
4 x Klapperschutz
4 x Endstücke
Glasführungsschienen auf Rollen, veredeln nicht nur aufgrund des edele Design das Terrarium, sondern helfen auch durch das "kinderleichte" Öffnen bzw. Schließen des Terrariums.
Nagelneues Set aus Nichtraucherhaushalt.
KEIN Versand wegen der Länge ! Übergabe in Hamm am 14.12.24 möglich.
Rhacodactylus leachianus het mel & auriculatus
0.0.6 R. Leachianus Mt Khogis Het. Melanistic CB 2024 (parents NFS)
0.0.4 R. Auriculatus CB 2023
For Hamm possible
Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli 0.0.3
Available in Hamm!!
Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli 0.0.3
Königspython Komplettabgabe
2021 0.1 Piebald
2021 0.1 Piebald
2021 0.1 Enchi Piebald
2021 0.1 Banana Pastel het Piebald
2021 0.1 Freeway
2021 0.1 Super Pastel het Piebald
2021 1.0 Albino Piebald
2021 0.1 Albino Piebald
2021 0.1 Albino het Piebald
2022 1.0 Enchi Fire Piebald
NZ 2023
0.1 Banana Pastel Fire Piebald
0.1 Enchi Piebald
0.1 Pastel Piebald
1.0 Enchi Fire Pastel het Piebald
0.1 Enchi Fire het Piebald
Tauschangebote, Übergabe Hamm oder Tierversand
4000 Euro VB bei Komplettabnahme !!
hamm Premium ads [Page 21]
September Hamm show
X.x Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer
0.0x Chamaeleo calyptratus
Normal and pied
X.x F. pardalis
Ambilobe, nosybe, django, ambanja
0.0.x Chondrodactylus angulifer
0.0.x Nephrurus levis levis
0.0.x Nephrurus amyae
Import animals
Iguana iguana - babies - farm breeding
Redalbino- crimson
Wc animals
4.1 Gonocephalus grandis
1.1 Gonocephalus belli
0.0.10 Gecko smithii
Für Hamm, Weinstadt oder Versand bei geeigneten Temperaturen
Aphonopelma seemani "blue" 2-2,5cm KL 17€---10/150€
Cardiopelma cf „Oaxaca“ 1-1,5cm KL 30€----10/250€
Chilobrachys natanicharum 3-3,5cm KL 25€
Citharacanthus cyaneus 2,5cm KL 35€--10/300€
Coremiocnemis hoggi 4 FH 60€---10/500€
Cyriocosmus aueri 1-2 FH 12€---10/100
Davus spec. Panama 2 cm KL 75€
Dolichothele diamantinensis 4-5 FH 17€----10/150€
Dolichothele exilis 3-4FH 10€
Grammostola rosea 3 FH 20€
Grammostola rosea "red" 3 FH 20€
Hapactira baviana ca 2cm KL 15€
Hapalopus spec. "guerilla“ ca 1cm KL 15€---10/130€
Harmonicon oiapoqueae 1-1,5cm KL 27€--10/250€
Phormigochilus sp. „Rufus“ 1-1,5cm KL 8€--6/35€
Poecilotheria formosa ca 2,5-3cm Kl 25€
Psedocnemis brachyramosa 2 FH 35€--10/300€
Pseudohapalopus spec. "columbia" 4Fh 18€--10/150€
Pseudohapalopus spec. “Cundinamarca“ 1cm KL 17€--10/150€
Pseudohapalopus spec "blau" 4 FH 12€--10/100€
Pterinochilus lugardi 4 FH 7€
Sahydroaraneus raja 2 FH 30€---10/250€
Tliltocatl spec. "golden back" 3-4 FH 20€--10/180€
Xenesthis intermedia 4 FH 55€--10/500€
3.0 Cyriocosmus perezmilesi RH 7/2024 25€
1.1 Harmonicon oiapoqueae subadult 100€
Euscorpius garganicus garganicus adult 20€
Euscorpius garganicus garganicus 2-3 instar 3€---10/25€
Scolopendra oraniensis semi – subadult 10€
Scolopendra cingulata adult ( Brindisi, Monopoli, Matera, Alberobello ) 20€
Scolopendra cingulata, sehr orange Jungtiere – Gravina ca 6-7cm GL 15€
Scolopendra dalmatica adult 25€
1,4KG Korkstücke mittel 20€
----> Python90@gmx.at
30% Rabatt auf alle Angebote der Kabelkunstkrabbeltiere.de Vogelspinne
Abholung im Ladengeschäft in 79364 Malterdingen
oder am 14.09. in Hamm auf der Terraristika
oder Versand bei geeigneten Temperaturen mit der DHL zu 8e
ab 100 zusätzlich 30% RABATT
Informationen in unserem Onlineshop
Poecilotheria Vogelspinnen Gattung 61 91 cm Poster 69,99e
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3cm KL 15e
A. theraphosoides 2,5cm KL 30e
Amazonius germani 1,5cm KL 20e
A. burgessi 2cm KL 25e
Aphonopelma chalcodes 2 3 FH 20e
A. moderatum 1cm KL 80e
A. seemanni 1,5cm KL 25e
Augacephalus ezendami 1,5cm KL 23e
Avicularia bicegoi 2 3 FH 80e
A. geroldi 2cm 40e
A. juruensis morph 2 2,5cm KL 40e
A. metallica 3,5cm KL 100e
A. purpurea 1cm KL 20e
Brachypelma albiceps 2 3 FH 20e
B. boehmei 1cm KL 10e 1,5cm KL 20e 3cm KL 40e
B. hamorii 1 2Fh 10e
B. smithi 1,5cm KL 50e
Caribena laeta 2,5cm KL 30e
C. versicolor 1 FH 5e 3cm KL 30e
Ceratogyrus darlingi 1,5cm KL 5e
C. marshalli 2,5cm KL 25e
Chaetopelma olivaceum 1 FH 5e
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2,5cm KL 30e 3,5cm KL 30e
C. natanicharum 2,5cm KL 30e 3cm KL 40e
C. sp. kaeng krachan 1cm KL 5e
C. sp. vietnam blue 2cm KL 20e
Citharacanthus tongmianensis 2 3 FH 23e
Cyriocosmus leetzi - Venezuela 1cm KL 30e
C. ritae 1cm KL 110e
Cyriopagopus albostriatum Ratchasima 1cm KL 15e
C. albostriatum Ratchasima DCF 1cm KL 15e
C. sp. hati hati 3cm KL 25e
C. minax 1cm KL 45e
Davus pentaloris 2,5cm KL 25e
Dolichothele diamantinensis 2cm KL 30e
D. exilis 2,5cm KL 30e
Ephebopus rufescens 1cm KL 80e
Euagrus mexicanus 2cm KL 50e
Euathlus sp. valparaiso 1,5cm KL 50e
Grammostola actaeon 1,5cm KL 45e
G. porteri 1cm KL 30e
G. pulchra 1,5cm KL 30e
G. pulchripes 2,5cm KL 35e
G. quirogai 1,5cm KL 30e
G. rosea rcf 1,5cm KL 40e
Guyruita cerrado 1 2 FH 20e
Haploclastus devamatha 1cm KL 80e
Hapalopus formosus 1cm KL 20e
H. sp. guerilla 1,5cm KL 25e
H. sp. kolumbien gross 0,5cm KL 10e 2cm KL 23e
H. sp. kolumbien klein 1 FH 15e
Haplopelma lividum 2cm KL 20e
H. sp. Bach Ma 1cm KL 50e
Harpactira baviana 2,5cm KL 30e
Heteroscodra maculata 1,5cm KL 10e
Heterothele gabonensis 2cm KL 25e
Holothele longipes 1,5cm KL 20e
Homoeomma chilensis 1 2 FH 140e
Hysterocrates gigas 2cm KL 13e
Kochiana brunnipes 3cm KL 30e
Lampropelma nigerrimum 2cm KL 30e
Lasiocyano sazimai 1,5cm KL 15e 3cm KL 30e
Lasiodora klugi 4cm KL 30e
L. parahybana 4-5cm KL 5e
Lasiodorides striatus 2cm KL 25e
Megaphobema robustum 2,5cm KL 25e
Neischnocolus panamanaus 2 3 FH 40e
Neoholothele incei gold 2cm KL 20e
Nhandu tripepii 1,5cm KL 15e 3,5cm KL 30e
Omothymus schioedtei 2cm KL 20e 3,5cm KL 35e
O. violaceopes 3cm KL 15e
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2cm KL 25e
Orphnaecus philippinus 3cm KL 30e
O. sp blue Quezon 4cm KL 40e
Pamphobeteus cascada 3cm KL 35e
P. cf. nigricolor 4cm KL 40e
P. platyomma 3cm KL 34e
P. sp. costa 2,5cm KL 30e
P. sp. insignis Ecuador 3cm KL 30e
P. sp. manabi 3cm KL 34e
P. sp. mascara 4cm KL 40e
Phormictopus sp. green gold 3cm KL 40e
P. atrichomatus 3cm KL 30e
P. auratus 1,5cm KL 20e 3cm KL 34e 4cm KL 40e
P. cancerides 4cm KL 40e
P. sp. bayahibe 2cm KL 60e
Phormingochilus arboricola 2cm KL 20e
P. sp. akcaya 1cm KL 17e
P. sp. rufus 2,5cm KL 25e
Poecilotheria sp. lowland 1cm KL 10e
P. metallica 1 2 FH 25e
P. miranda 3,5cm KL 50e
P. ornata 4cm KL 40e
P. regalis 2cm KL 10e 4cm KL 40e
P. smithi 1cm KL 50e
P. striata 2,5cm KL 25e
P. tigrinawesseli 3cm KL 26e 4cm KL 40e
P. vittata 3cm KL 25e
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1cm KL 10e 2cm KL 18e 3cm KL 30e
P. irminia 1 2 FH 5e 4cm KL 30e
P. pulcher 3cm KL 30e
Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2cm KL 30e
Pterinochilus chordatus 3cm KL 25e
P. lugardi 2cm KL 18e
P. murinus rcf 1,5cm KL 5e
P. murinus usambara 3cm KL 30e
Selenocosmia kovariki 2cm KL 40e
Sericopelma rubronitens 2cm KL 30e
S. angustum 3cm KL 25e
S. sp. chica 2,5cm KL 60e
Stromatopelma calceatum 1 FH 5e 3,5cm KL 30e
Tapinauchenius polybotes 1,5cm KL 30e
T. rasti 1,5cm KL 25e
T. sanctivincenti 2cm KL 30e
Theraphosa stirmi 3,5cm KL 70e
Theraphosidae sp. dorado 1 2 FH 50e
T. sp. Mandarina 1,5cm KL 130e
T. sp. Rio Shanao 1cm KL 50e
Thrigmopoeinae sp. Kali 1,5cm KL 40e
Thrigmopoeus truculentus 3cm KL 35e
Thrixopelma pruriens 1,5cm KL 15e 2,5cm KL 25e
T. sp. cuzco 2 FH 25e
T. sp. highland blue 2 FH 60e
T. sp. sullana 3,5cm KL 40e
Tliltocatl albopilosum 1,5cm KL 1e
T. albopilosum nicaragua 2cm KL 15e 4cm KL 30e
T. kahlenbergi 4cm KL 30e 1cm KL 10e
T. verdezi 1cm KL 20e
Vitalius chromatus 2,5cm KL 10e
Xenesthis sp. light 2cm KL 150e
Ybyrapora diversipes 1 FH 20e
Für geschützte Vogelspinnen wird der Herkunftsnachweis mitgesendet
Schöne Königspython Nachzuchten aus 2024
Großes Shop Update: www.pr-snakes.de
Aktuell viele schöne Königspythons verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr wieder Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten wie Teppichpythons und Corallus Caninus.
Tolle Farbmorphen Python Regius ab 80€ wie Banana Combos, Lesser Clown,Orange Dream Fires, Highways, Piebalds, Gravel, Spotnose, Puma, Chocolate, Piebald, Albino, Mojave GHI und viele mehr ! Jetzt reinschauen
Schöne Königspython Fabmorphen und weitere Pythonarten mit aktuellen Angeboten.
Wöchentlich neue Tiere im Shop, einfaches Bestellverfahren mit anschließendem Expressversand
Lieferung innerhalb Deutschland & nach Österreich und zur Terraristika in Hamm
Stocklist Hamm Terra-Amphibia, Amphibians,reptiles and more
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Reservations for Hamm possible & Pick up Netherlands
Adelphobates galactonotus red
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus yellow
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar GOLD
Dendrobates auratus Karibik
Dendrobates auratus Costa Rica
Dendrobates auratus el cope
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus La Coca
Dendrobates auratus 'Super blue'
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Atachi bakka
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella Sub adult
Dendrobates tinctorius Brasil
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia albino
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius Ceyenne
Dendrobates tinctorius Oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Dendrobates tinctorius regina
Dendrobates tinctorius Dasha
Dendrobates tinctorius Natasha
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt s
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates truncatus
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator yurimaguas
Ranitomeya imitator chazuta
Ranitomeya imitator banded
Ranitomeya lamasi highland
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates anthonyi cielito
Epipedobates anthonyi Buana esperanza
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates aurotaenia yellow
Phyllobates aurotaenia green
Phyllobates terribilis Mint Small/Subadult
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Phyllobates terribilis blackfood
Hyloxalus ezureiventris
1.1 Oophaga lehmanni yellow
Oophaga sylvatica Diablo
Oophaga pumilio Cristobal
Oophaga pumilio colon bocas del Drago
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos
Oophaga pumilio el Dorado
Oophaga pumilio Nancy
Oophaga pumilio punta laurel
Oophaga pumilio solarte
4.4 Oophaga pumilio blue jeans NEW!
Mantella aurantiaca
Atelopus barbotini Soon
Litoria splendida
Agalychnis callidryas
Litoria caerulea
Litoria caerulea snowflake
Litoria caerulea honey blue eyed
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi
Pyxicephalus adspersus
Rheabo guttatus
Bufo brongersmai
Cruziohyla sylviae
Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Triprion Spinosa
Theloderma corticale
Rentapia flavomaculata RARE
Megophrys Nasuta Pair
3.3 Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
Salamandra salamandra
Tylotriton verrucosus adult
Triturus pygmaeus
Triturus marmoratus
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Varanus tristis
Pachydactylus tigrinus
Phelsuma nigriastriata
Phelsuma Parva
Phelsuma robertmertensi
Phelsuma laticauda
Rhacodactylus leachianus Sub Adult
Egernia stokesii Pair !
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Centrochelys sulcata
Chelonoidis carbonarius
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis thayeri
Lampropeltis pyromelana
Elaphe schrencki
Boa constrictor
Morelia amethistina
Thamnophis scaliger
Thamnophis marcianus
Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis
Morelia viridis Aru
And more species! Just ask for the pricelist!
‼️We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings‼️
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com
Antillean Iguana , iguana delicatissima
Antillean Iguana , iguana delicatissima
Captive bred 2024 and 2,4 2023 available.
Pick up Hamm possible or
Worldwide shipment.
Ask for Wholesale quantities.
Looking for Saara loricata s for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Saara loricata (babies and sub adults) for Hamm (14.09.2024):
Looking for Timon kurdistanicus, Timon tangitanus and Timon pater
Hello, we are looking for Timon kurdistanicus, Timon tangitanus and Timon pater for Hamm (14.09.2024). Preferably young sexed individuals
Looking for Ouroborus cataphractus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Ouroborus cataphractus for Hamm (14.09.2024)
Looking for Uromastyx thomasi for Hamm (14.09.2024)
We are looking for Uromastyx thomasi for Hamm (14.09.2024)
We are interested in usexed babies cb 2024 in q-ty, pairs and extra females cb 2021-2023
Adult proven pied 66%caramel
Adult male proven.
Avaible hamm/houten.
2000 euro.
Ready for season.
LEACHIANUS - Pure locales
For Hamm, September '24
1.1 brosse Pink line (Cemelli line) 2019 animals, breeders. perfect 2500€\couple
1.1 brosse pink line (Cemelli line, more pink but smaller) 2021 animals, 2500€\couple
all these 4 animals are living in couple, are breeders. only one have a tip of the tail regenerated. They get along and breed with no problems.
1.1 nuu ana couple , pink female and you can choose between 3 males. Female 85 gr, males 100-120 grams, ready to breed 2025. 2900€
1.0 Yate BUBBA GOLDEN, 1800€ , male.
1.0 Moro male 100 gramsm 800€
1.0 male red koghis friedel 900€
2.0 Snowflakes very nice animals full of white 1000 one and 2000 the other
2.0 Lone Nuu Ana males, 1300-1500 very light ones, very nice.
0.1 red koghis a lot of red 5000€ , 150 grams.
0.1 red koghis friedel 700€
0.1 het mel koghis friedel 1200€
Available also : poindimie, yate dark morph, yate bubba 2022 (very few) 2023 (few)
Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus (Peruvian bush anole) for Hamm (14.09.2024)
Schöne Königspythons, Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten
Großes Shop Update: www.pr-snakes.de
Aktuell viele schöne Königspythons verfügbar, ab nächstem Jahr wieder Baumpythons und weitere Schlangenarten wie Teppichpythons und Corallus Caninus.
Tolle Farbmorphen Python Regius ab 80€ wie Banana Combos, Lesser Clown,Orange Dream Fires, Highways, Piebalds, Gravel, Spotnose, Puma, Chocolate, Piebald, Albino, Mojave GHI und viele mehr ! Jetzt reinschauen
Schöne Königspython Fabmorphen und weitere Pythonarten mit aktuellen Angeboten.
Wöchentlich neue Tiere im Shop, einfaches Bestellverfahren mit anschließendem Expressversand
Lieferung innerhalb Deutschland & nach Österreich und zur Terraristika in Hamm
- Kinixys spekii => 159,-
- Pixidea mouhotii => 1300,-
- Bombina microdeladigitora => 150,-
- Lepidobatrachus laevis => 69,-
- Dyscophus antongilli => 89,-
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email:
herps buy, sell and exchange.
Find animals and accessories or sell them free of charge or with a paid classified.Contact breeders and dealers from Germany and abroad.