hamm standard ads [Page 175]
Searching for thamnophis
I am hoping to get some Thamnophis sp ( almost any kind ) For Hamm March.
Malaclemys Terrapin concentric Hamm
Hello from Spain. I am looking for:
- Malaclemys terrapin concentric.
- Other Malaclemys terrapin.
I have a friends that they will be to the next hamm in may.
Please, contact with me if I can buy you the malaclemys terrapin babies.
Verschiedene Vogelspinnen für Hamm
Biete Folgende Tiere für eine Übergabe in Hamm am 11.3:
1.1.3 G.pulchra 3-4cm kl
0.2 M.balfouri adult
0.0.1 L parahybana 2cm kl
0.1 A. Pucallpa 5cm kl
2.1 crotalus enyo enyo cb 2022
Für Hamm 11.03.23
2.1 Crotalus enyo enyo
1.0 100
1.1 200 oder gruppe für 250
For Hamm show Bothriechis and Trimeresurus
Babies :
Botriechis schlegeli
Trimeresurus trigonocephalus
For Hamm 11.03 or Shipping
For Hamm or shipping :
Adult females :
0.1 C. Sanderi 50e
0.1 C. Fimbriatus 60e
0.1 O.sp. Ho Chi Minh 250e
0.1 P. Regalis 40e
0.1 P. Formosa 70e
0.1 P. Tigrinawesseli 60e
0.1 P. Miranda 50e
0.1 P. Reduncus 40e
Adult males :
1.0 C. Marshalli 20 e
1.0 H. sp. Golden Black 60e
1.0 P. Murinus DCF Kenya 40e
WhatsApp : +31616226419
Offer Theloderma asperum
Hello, I have 0.0.2 Theloderma asperum for sale, I'll be in Hamm on March 11.
Thanks !
Suche Phelsuma grandis 0,1
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem oder mehrerer Phelsuma grandis Weibchen.
Abholung im Ruhrgebiet möglich oder Übergabe in Hamm.
Gebote bitte mit realistischer Preisvorstellung.
Vielen Dank
Für Hamm Caribena versicolor N1
Für Übergabe Hamm 11.3.23
Caribena versicolor N1
1x 7,- €
10x 60,- €
Torsten Hofmann TH Terra
WhatsApp +4915175069302
1.0 T. Blondi 1.0 P. Viatoris
Search for terraristika hamm
1.0 Teraphosa blondi RH
1.0 Pandipalpus rossi( ex Pandinus viatoris) adult
Looking for hamm different frog specie
I looking for:
50-100 milk frog
20/40/60 dendrobates (auratus,leucomelas,azureus….)
X bombina orientalis
Please, only serious wholesale offert.
For Hamm ,11.03,pickup at table
0.0.5 H pulchripes 3fh
0.0.5 C lividus 4 fh
0.0.5 P sazimai 4 fh
0.0.5 P sp Rufus 1 fh
0.0.3 P victorii 4 fh
0.0.5 P metallica 2-3 fh
All together 200e ,pickup at table
Hydrosaurus pustulatus /iguana albinos
For HAMM :
Hydrosaurus pustulatus four months mâle 950e
Couple mâle female 1800e
Iguana iguana crimson albinos red+ : 2000e
Oophaga pumilio colon - for Hamm (11.03.23)
Biete / For sale:
Oophaga pumilio colon CB22
3,0,4 (maybe 3,2,2) available
Will be at Terraristika Hamm
ALBINO Iguana Iguana for sale
For hamm, only if reserved before.
0.0.1 Iguana Albino
very intense yellow.
good price, open to realistic offer.
Orange rat snake subadults
1.2 bred 2021 of the old european line of Orange ratsnake, Pantherophis alleghaniensis(former P obsoleta rossalleni) for Hamm. Picture is of the parents
200 euro
Suche für Hamm (Terraristika) folgendes
1.2 adulte oder 5 bis 6 subadulte Agalychnis callidryas
1.2 adulte oder 2.3 subadulte Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis
2.0 adulte Dendrobates azureus
1.0 adulte Phyllobates vittatus
1.0 adulte Dendrobates auratus (nominat)
2.3 subadulte Ranitomeya reticulata
2.3 adulte oder 5 bis 6 subadulte Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni
thamnophis marcianus 2022
Thamnophis marcianus Nc 2022 0.1
for Hamm march 11.
Looking for female subadult/adult leachianus
Hello. Looking for female subadult/adult leachianus in Hamm. Thanks
1.1 Pair of Nephrurus Amyae
Selling to Hamm a pair of Nephrurus Amyae.
Female poss Het.Hypo CB18
Mâle CB19
hamm Premium ads [Page 175]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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