Houten standard ads [Page 24]

Gebe ab, nur an berechtigte Personen:
2.1 Montivipera xanthina varoli CB2012
2.1 Montivipera albizona CB2012
2.3 Vipera ammodytes montandoni 1.0 CB2009, 1.3 CB2013

Preis VB
Bin in Houten

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pantherophis guttatus, Abbott´s Okeetee +2
Sell Colubrids

Pantherophis guttatus, Abbott´s Okeetee

Gebe ab:
Pantherophis guttatus CB2022, CB2023
Preis VB
Bin in Houten venomous room

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo:  Lampropeltis leonis, ehemals thayeri +2
Sell Colubrids

Lampropeltis leonis, ehemals thayeri

Gebe ab:
Lampropeltis leonis CB2021, CB2022
Preise VB
Bin in Houten, venomous room

Colubrids kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Lampropeltis mexicana "granite" +2
Sell Colubrids

Lampropeltis mexicana "granite"

Gebe ab:
NZ2022 und NZ2023 , Zuchtpaar 2018
Preise VB
Bin in Houten, venomous room

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: for sale for houten snakeday +2
Sell Venomous snakes

for sale for houten snakeday

Following snakes for sale at snakeday next weekend (i have a table)

Bitis arietans "lake nakuru" CB 7/2023 50€ each
Crotalus basiliscus CB 7/2023 200€ each , 350€ pair
Daboia russelli "pakistan" CB 8/2023 150€ each , 250€ pair
Naja annulifera "banded form" CB 7/2023 60€ each , 100€ pair
Naja naja "sri lanka" CB 2021 around 1 meter long 250€ pair

Looking for help with transport of a lizard from Houten to Sweden/Norrköping in oktober.

Enclosures kaufen und verkaufen Photo: New street of terraria 30x30x40 each
Sell Enclosures

New street of terraria 30x30x40 each

New pvc/aluminium street of terraria, 30x30x40 each, 4 mm glass. I go to snakeday Houten. 250€

Searching for Oligodon bitorquatus, for collection Houten Snakeday.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Gonochephalus Doriae Abottii +2
Sell Lizards

Gonochephalus Doriae Abottii

For Houten December

Captive bred gonochephalus Doriae Abottii £550 each can make a deal on 3+

Before December possible for the below:

1.0 ltc Anolis Transversalis £500

0.1 ltc anolis bombiceps £350

1.2 anolis coelestinus ££250

Price inclusive of shipping to houten

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Crotalus for Snakeday or Hamm +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Crotalus for Snakeday or Hamm

For Houten:
all CB23
1.1 Crotalus lepidus lepidus
1.1 Crotalus lepidus morulus
1.1 Crotalus polystictus

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Houten ,Snake day october or ask... +1
Sell Snakes

Houten ,Snake day october or ask...

P.superciliaris females 019-021( sale or exchange for male);
T.purpureomaculatus Sumatra,(braun)023
B.pulverulenta cb 023/022
P.elegans cb 023/022
O.okinavensis cb 022

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Blutpython Breitensteini 2020 +2
Sell Snakes

0.1 Blutpython Breitensteini 2020

0.1 Python Breitensteini (Borneo) 2020 +5kg
+32499837179 (whatsapp)
or email kimvangilbergen@gmail.com
Hamm and Houten

Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Diverse NZ Giftschlangen @snakeday +1
Sell Venomous snakes

Diverse NZ Giftschlangen @snakeday

0.1 Crotalus atrox melanistic cb 2021 400 euro

1.1 Crotalus atrox het. Melanistic 2022 70 euro each

0.1 Sistrurus m. barbouri striped cb 2023 120 euro

0.1 Bitis caudalis ruimte cb 22 500 euro

2.1 Oxyuranus scuttatus canni cb23 400 each

0.1 Oxyuranus s. canni cb22 450

Also soon available cb23 crotalus atrox melanistic and "bubblegum"

We have a table at Snakeday Houten

I am looking for a 0.1 Cornsnake Palmetto or 100% het for Palmetto. From 2020 or 2021. The snake should be able to breed in 2024.

Please send me a DM if you have a snake for sale!

Pickup in Houten on Snakeday.

frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: houten reptile expo stocklist +1
Sell frogs

houten reptile expo stocklist

For houten reptile expo pickup at faunazoo stand:

cynops orientalis small/medium 24.95- large 39.95
trachycephalus nigromaculatus large 44.95
polypedates leucomystax medium 24,95
kaloula pulchra large 14,95
Ceratophrys cranwelli small 29,95
Hymenochirus boettgeri large 4,95
litoria caerulea small 34,95
Trachycephalus resinfictrix small 34,95
Polypedates otilophus medium 39,95
lychas scuttilius large 29,95
melanophryniscus klappenbachi medium 69,95

for more information send a message, you may also contact me on facebook or instagram (@hylidae)

kind regards,

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Burmball female het albino +1
Sell Snakes

Burmball female het albino

For sale
Burmball bamboo fire 100%het albino female size 120cm 1750g ) CB21
Possible delivery houten /EU

Als er iemand naar Houten gaat met een L. Wiiliamsi man zou ik die willen kopen.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa Imperator Albino purple, Sunglows, Hypos and normals. +2
Sell Snakes

Boa Imperator Albino purple, Sunglows, Hypos and normals.

From albino purple x hypo jungle.
Albinos,Sunglows,Hypos and normals.
Some with a lot of purple and pastel coloring.
Born on June 2023.
Delivery in Houten on 09/24/2023.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Heloderma suspectum .horridum +2
Sell Lizards

Heloderma suspectum .horridum

For Houten
Heloderma suspectum cintucm
Likely female .NC 2016
Heloderma horridum exasperatum
Likely Mâle NC 2016
1500 for the lot

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Drymarchon and P. m. lodingi
Sell Snakes

Drymarchon and P. m. lodingi

Hi everyone, I propose only for serious buyers, for Snake Day Houten :

SOLD Female (just one) Drymarchon couperi "Red head" CB 2023 - 2000 euros SOLD

- Males and females (2.2) Drymarchon melanurus rubidus CB 2022 "Red Guerrero" F1 not related 2000 euros each or 3500 the pair / 6000 euros for the groupe

- Proven breeding group of Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi 1.2 (USA import female CB 2010 + CB Germany female CB 2018 + male CB France 2013) - 3000 for the groupe

- Males and females Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi CB 2023 - 3.2 / 2 males are twins - 450 euros each or 800 for a pair / 1900 euros for the groupe

Feel free to contact me.