Het Piebald standard ads [Page 56]

Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Testudo marginata ablino T+ ger CB 2020
Sell Tortoises

Testudo marginata ablino T+ ger CB 2020

2x Testudo marginata Albino T+ born 2020 - 700 € /each
4x Testudo marginata 66% HET Albino T+ born 2020 150 € / each
Successfully hibernated for 3 months with Cites + photo documentation

Am liebsten im Tausch gegen adnere Farbvarianten (Albino T+ / T- , leuzistisch, melanistisch, ...) verschiedener Schildkröten / HETS / 0.1 - 0.2 kleinmanni /

Prefered trade for other color morphs (albino, leucistic, melanistic, ...) of different kinds of Tortoises (Turtles) / HETS / 0.1 - 0.2 kleinmanni

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Python regius
Sell Snakes

Python regius

Königspython anzugeben
0.2 Piebald 550e/650e
0.2 Lemonblast Pied 1300g 1200e
0.1 BEL Superfire 300e
0.1 superenchi fire 300e
0.1 enchi firefly 350e
0.1 OD 250e
0.1 OD enchi 350e
1.0 Orange dream pastel het pied 190e
1.0 Orange dream pinstripe het pied 190e
1.0 OD enchi pastel yb 400e

0.1 Super OD enchi pastel 1400g 1100e
1.0 OD enchi superpastel 600g 340e
1.0 OD enchi YB 800g 190e

1.0 OD pied 500g 800e

Shipment to hamm/houten is usually possible. Mail me for inquires.

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa constrictor
Sell Snakes

Boa constrictor

Proven breeders:
1.0 Leopard Albino 1100e
0.1 IMG het leopard 1300e

Shipment to hamm/houten usually possible

Looking for: Pituophis Sayi - patternless or het patternless Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis - intrested in multiple morphs Thamnophis s. Concinnus - Blue phase Opheodrys Vernalis Elaphe taeniura callicyanous

0.1 Mojave dh Pied/Ghost breeder 0.1 CinniLeo het Pied breeder 0.1 CinnileoPied 600 Gramm 1.0 Cinnileopied breeder (1.0 paradox)