Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 169]

Free delivery For Hamm 09.09.23
NC2023 :
2.0 Hurricane pastel DH Clown Desert ghost poss Het Axanthic TSK 800€/each
0.2 DH Clown Desert ghost 66% Het Axanthic TSK 300€/each
0.1 Desert ghost Het 100% Piebald 66% Het Axanthic TSK 1500€
2.0 Pastel Desert ghost Het 100% piebald 66% Het Axanthic TSK 900€/each
NC2022 :
1.0 Hurricane Enchi Firefly Het Desert ghost 500€
1.0 Hurricane pastel Lesser Desert ghost 1200€
1.0 Hurricane pastel Lesser Yb Het Desert ghost 400€
0.1 DH Ultramel Desert ghost Poss hurricane 500€
0.1 Hurricane DH Desert ghost Ultramel 900€
1.1 Hurricane pastel DH Desert ghost Ultramel 2000€
0.1 Piebald DH Axanthic tsk Ultramel 1500€
1.2 Fire gravel/YB Het Clown 1.0 100€ 0.1 150€
1.1 Pastel Gravel/Yb Het Clown 1.0 100€ 0.1 150€
0.1 66% TH Desert ghost axanthic tsk piebald 80€
0.1 Super pastel 66% Th Desert ghost Axanthic TSK pied 300€
1.0 Bamboo Het Piebald 100€
Adult breeder proven :
1.0 Hurricane Het Ultramel pos Het DG 600€
1.0 Hurricane lesser yb het desert ghost 700€
1.0 Piebald Axanthic TSK 700€
1.0 Pastel Th DG Ax pied 250€
0.1 Spotnose taronja 300€
1.0 Taronja 150€
0.2 Ultramel 500€/each
1.0 Vanilla cream Ultramel 900€
1.0 Het Monarch 100€
1.0 pastel chocolate 200€
0.1 Mojave chocolate hypo 600€
0.1 Lesser pastel Ultramel 800€
0.1 Pastel DH Clown Axanthic TSK 300€
0.1 DH Clown Axanthic TSK 250€

For Hamm ***1.0 BOA Constrictor Imperator***
Very nice male animal
Interested? +32499837179
Or kimvangilbergen@gmail.com
Delivery at Hamm expo

*HAMM* Python Breitensteini - Blutpython - Blood python - 2023
Borneo Python Breitensteini
+32499837179 (whatsapp)
or email kimvangilbergen@gmail.com
Delivery at Hamm expo
Egernia Babys for sale Hamm Show
For Hamm Show I can offer Babys of
Egernia depressa
Egernia epsisolus
Egernia hosmeri
Mantella madagascariensis
I'm looking for 2.0 or 2.1 M.madagascariensis.
I can come to Hamm in september.
Boa imperator sabogae MALE
I am searching for B.i.sabogae male!
Delivery to Hamm is ok.
Young, subadult or adult male. Best from Bonny Line, but others are also considered.
Hello, I am looking for:
Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus black 1.0 (at least 2 years old)
Gonyosoma frenatum 1.0 (baby)
I will be in Hamm on 8.9
Thank you for your ofer .

Naja atra cb23 for sale. Delivery to Hamm
3.3 Naja atra cb23 available. Can be delivered to Hamm in 09/09.
Trades also welcome.
Looking for Blaberus gigantea
Looking for Blaberus gigantea, can pick upp att Hamm 9/9
Send me a message if you have for sale or know someone that have

Rhacodactylus auriculatus red High quality and ciliatus
Available Rhacodactylus auriculatus red, all High quality and ciliatus for Hamm, Houten and Verona.
-N. 50 Auriculatus female 70g.
-N. 60 Auriculatus male 45g.
-Trio red Auriculatus are all female: 42g-54g-44g
-N. 65 Auriculatus male 32g.
-N. 70 Auriculatus orange male 58g.
-N. 80 Nuu Ana female 55g.
-N. 30 ciliatus tricolor female 33g.
-N. 10 Lilly White male proven
-N. 20 Ciliatus Extreme tricolor female proven
-N. 59 Ciliatus tricolor male
For more info PM me

Anolis oculatus winstoni
Biete für die Hamm Messe im September,
oder Abholung 85xxx Pärchen von
Anolis oculatus winstoni.
(letztes Foto zeigt den Vater)
Gruß Dennis ✌️
0.0.4 Egernia stokesii NZ 08/2023
Biete aus eigener Nachzucht 0.0.4 E. stokesii 08.2023 Übergabe wäre in Hamm möglich

Pogona Henrylawsoni Classic 4.2
Pogona Henrylawsoni Classic 4.2
3 years
Delivery Hamm, Houten, Béthune....

Dendrobates truncatus Pfeilgiftfrösche
Gebe noch gesunde
0.0.2 truncatus
alter 8 monate
abzuholen in 69469 oder selbstorganisierter Tierversand
Ich bin nicht in Hamm!

Verschiedene Spinnen zur Abgabe
Für die kommenden Börsen in Frankfurt , Hamm sowie wahlweise Abholung Koblenz oder Köln bieten wir folgende Tiere an.
Angebot // Offer:
100x Thrixopelma sp Cuzco 1.Fh 1500€ UVP 35€ stk.
100x Avicularia Kwitara River 1. Fh 950€ UVP 15€ stk.
100x Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue 1. Fh 800€
Weiber Females:
0.1 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens adult (verpaart) 70€
0.1 Psalmopoeus emeraldus 1,5cm-2cm 25€
0.2 Psalmopoeus reduncus 1,5cm-2cm 20€
0.2 Neischnocolus sp. panama 2,5cm KL (ex. Ami sp. Panama) 85€ stk.
0.1 Haplopelma sp. bach ma 2.5cm KL 40€
0.1 Brachionopus sp. pretoriae adult 45€
0.2 Guyruita cerrado adult 80€ stk.
0.1 Hapalopus Kolumbien Gross adult 30€
0.1 Pamphobeteus cascada 6cm KL 80€
0.1 Stichoplastoris sp. nicaragua adult 80€ stk.
0.1 Sericopelma sp chica 5cm KL 50€
0.1 Tapinauchenius rasti 3cm KL 40€
Paare / Pairs:
1.1 Brachypelma emilia 3,5cm KL 55€
1.1 Xenesthis immanis 4,5cm KL 130€
1.1 Pamphobeteus cascada 4,5cm - 5cm KL 100€
1.1 Sericopelma rambala 4cm 90€
Unbestimmte / Unsexed:
0.0.40 Dolichothele diamantinensis 1.FH 15€ / 5x 65€
0.0.25 Therphosinae sp. Roatan 1. FH 6€ / 5x 20€
0.0.8 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3,5cm KL 35€ stk.
0.0.10 Ephebopus cyanognathus 1. FH 15€ / 5x 65€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 1. FH 12€ / 5x 50€
0.0.30 Psalmopoeus victori 1. FH 25€ / 3x 60€
0.0.70 Avicularia spec. Peru purple 1. FH 14€ // 3x 35€
0.0.15 Avicularia sp. Kolumbien 1. FH 25€ stk.
0.0.x Avicularia Kwitara River 1. FH 15€ stk.
0.0.12 Typhochlaena seladonia 1. FH 70€ stk.
0.0.20 Cyriopagopus hati hati 1. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.x Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue 1. FH 12€ stk.
0.0.x Heterothele villosella 3. FH 3€ stk.
0.0.x Ceratogyrus darlingi 1. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.x Theraphosa blondi 3. FH 50€ stk.
0.0.x Caribena versicolor 2. FH 6€ stk.

Buy 3 baby Phelsuma klemmeri
I would like to buy 3 baby Phelsuma klemmeri.
I will come to Hamm, you can let me know on email:
Maurische Landschildkröte, Testudo graeca iberia
Grosser Männchen. Fur Hamm. Keine Höckerbildung. Nur einer glatten Panzeroberfläche, bitte.

Leopardgecko Nachzuchten 23 Blacknight, Tangarin, Bold
Auf Weibchen inkubierte Nachzuchten aus Hobbyzucht 23 abzugeben.
Ab 40€-300€
Abholung oder Übergabe in Hamm
calumma parsonii 0.1 yellow giant
Calumma parsonii yellow giant female born 2017
she had some mouth problems a year ago but is healed and works perfect
can bring to hamm.

Spiders for sale ( Hamm, shipping)
For sale:
A.juruensis M2 2.FH-0.0.180
A.minatrix 1.FH- 0.0.15
A.merianae 2.FH- O.0.30 -
A.braunshausenni 2.FH- 0.0.20
A.auantiaca 2.FH- 0.0.50
A.bicegoi 1.FH- 0.0.20
A.purpurea 1.FH- 0.0.50
A.rufa"Peru" 1.FH- 0.0.50
Asp.pucallpa- 2.FH - 0.0.40
C.laeta 2.FH- 0.0.100
A. Boa Vista 2.FH-0.0.40
A. minatrix 3.FH -0.0.30
Y. sooretama 3.FH - 0.0.30
C. versicolor 2.FH- 0.0.100
A.sp.columbuen 2.0- adult and fresh
Shipping or Hamm
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 169]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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