Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 166]

Scorpions for Hamm 09.09.2023
Offering for handover in Hamm 09.09.2023, no shipping
0.0.x Androctonus bicolor instar 3 7€ each, 5x 30€, 10x 50€
0.0.x Aegaeobuthus cyprius instar 2 15€ each, 5x 65€, 10x 120€
0.0.15 Buthus cf. iaspis instar 1 10€ each, all together 120€

For handover in Hamm, no shipping
Offering for handover in Hamm 09.09.2023, no shipping
0.1 Augacephalus junodi adult 180€
0.1 Brachionopus pretoriae subadult/adult 60€
0.1 Chaetopelma olivaceum 3cm bl 25€
0.1 Harpactira baviana fresh adult 65€
0.1 Harpactira cafreriana adult 80€
0.1 Harpactira dictator subadult 65€
0.1 Harpactira namaquensis adult 65€
0.2 Harpactira pulchripes adult 60€
0.1 Harpactira sp Golden black 3-4cm bl 65€
0.1 Harpactirella overdijki 2cm BL 35€
1.1 Hysterocrates crassipes 4-5cm bl 50€ together
0.2 Hysterocrates sp. Cameroon adult 30€
0.1 Hysterocrates gigas adult 30€
0.1 Idiothele nigrofulva subadult/adult 100€
0.1 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi 3-4cm bl 60€
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Mikumi subadult 50€
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3-4cm bl 50€
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus UMV semi-adult 40€
2.0 Harpactira dictator 3cm BL 35€
1.0 Chaetopelma olivaceum 2cm bl 15€
2.0 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3-4cm bl 35€
0.0.x Chaetopelma karlamani 2.FH 24€
0.0.x Monocentropus balfouri 2-3cm bl 15€
0.0.x Scolopendra cingulata instar 2 2€
Suche 1.0 oder 2.0 Dendrobates tinctorius ”Azureus”
Suche adulte 1.0 oder 2.0 Dendrobates tinctorius ”Azureus” gerne auch Übergabe in Hamm

Mniarogekko chahoua - Juveniles – Subadults – Breeding Pairs
Mniarogekko chahoua
Juveniles – Subadults – Breeding Pairs
Mainland F2/F3
Mainland White Collar F2
Mainland Granit Color
Mainland Black Saaraméa - Broodstock directly from Henkel
Mainland Melanistic
Pine Island Pur Juschka Line - High Red Color
Pine Island US Bloodline - White Collar Visual High Expression
Pine Island US Bloodline – High Color Line
Pine Island Red Japan Bloodline
Hamm/Houten = MP

Nephurus, Chalsides, Strophurus Hamm september
For Hamm September 9 2023
1.1.1 Chalsides polylepis 500 euro all
1.1 Nephrurus deleani 800 euro
1.2 Nephrurus vertebralis 1200 euro
1.1 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, female patternless het albino, male albino het patternless. Both RTB. 2400 euro
1.1 Nephrurus levis pilbarensis, female albino poss. het. patternless, male F2. Female proven this year, and a little skinny as its late season. 1850 euro.
1.1 Nephrurus levis levis "Orange line" 800 euro, proven breeders.
2.1 Strophurus taenicauda 400 euro all
1.1 Pseudoceramodactylus khobarensis 1250 euro
0.1 Takydromus sexlinatus cb 22 20 euro
0.0.2 Oedura fimbria cb. 23, 400 euro each.
0.0.2 Popocnemis unifilis cb 20, 50 euro each
Erdmännchen, Fuchsmangusten, Ginsterkatzen
Biete aus 2022 und 2023 folgende Tiere an:
1,3 Erdmännchen
2,2 Fuchsmangusten
1,1 Kleinfleck-Ginsterkatzen
Fotos auf Anfrage.
Komme am 9.9. nach Hamm.

Lampropeltis polyzona nelsoni adult pair
I offer 2.2 Lampropeltis polyzona nelsoni. Adult (from 2020) and proven breeder (first time this year)
Males are the ones with reduced pattern in the pictures.
600 euros each pair.
I will bring in Hamm only after deposit.

Plants for terrarium/aquarium
Hello, I can sell some plants :
- male Begonia burkillii 5€-25€ (depends on the size)
- Begonia cleopatrae 5€
- Begonia U038 7€
- Begonia 'Silver Limbo' 5€
- Ficus sagittata 2,80€
- Monstera adansonii 2,40€
- Pellionia repens 4,50€ (5-10 leaves)
- Pellionia pulchra 4,50€ (5-10 leaves)
- Ficus colombia 1€ per stem (>10cm)
- Selaginella uncinata 5€
- Selaginella uncinata 'deep blue' 10€
- Selaginella sp. unidentified 20€
- seedlings Anthurium digitatum 12€
- seedling Anthurium digitatum VARIEGATA make offer
- Vallisneria gigantea 3€-5€ (depends on the size)
all pics are mine

Lilly white high expression & Extreme tricolor males
1.0 Lilly white high expression
1.0 Extreme tricolor
Shipping to Hamm possible

1,0 pristurus carteri Salalah for sale
1,0 pristurus carteri (Salalah) for sale.
Hamm show possible.

1,0 adult Timon lepidus for sale
I am selling an adult male of timon lepidus, Hamm show possible.
Very tame animal.

Some juveniles from this year
For Hamm 9 september
- Hynobius dunni
- Lissotriton italicus
- Ichthyosaura alpestris montenegrina
- Ichthyosaura alpestris apuana
- Ichthyosaura alpestris cyreni

Sceloporus minor pairs or trios (CB 2023)
Sceloporus minor (CB 2023) (my own breeding)
Some pics show the father.
September Hamm delivery or pickup in southern Poland (Cracow area)
Contact: radagastreptilia (a) outlook . com
In search of lesser tenrec
In search of lesser tenrec (Echinops telfairi) for Hamm in september.
Preferably Albino, but intrested in other colorations too.
Contact me on instagram @ spodasandpodas or email Fanny.vjc@gmail.com
Suche Transport Hamm -> PLZ 84359
Ich bin auf der Suche nach jemandem, der mir am 09.09.23 von der Messe Hamm ein Leguan Jungtier mitbringt, da ich die Messe leider nicht selbst besuchen kann.
Das Tier kann dann gerne im Raum München/ Passau/ Oberösterreich abgeholt werden.
Sollte jemand aus der Gegend kommen bitte melden :)
Das Ganze natürlich gegen Spritbeteiligung!

Mike’s Reptipark: Pythons and Boas for Hamm
Available for Hamm Show:
* Green Trees:Selection and Acclimatation Mike’s Reptipark
4.5 Morelia Viridis Aru High White selection WC22
1.0 Morelia Viridis Sorong Extrême High White (south of Island) WC22
1.0 Morelia Viridis Sorong (special design) WC22
1.0 Morelia Viridis Jayapura selection WC22
2.0 Morelia Viridis Merauke CB22
0.0.2 Morelia Viridis Cyclops CB23
0.0.1 Morelia Viridis Jayapura CB23
0.0.2 Morelia Viridis Manokwari CB23
1.0 Morelia Spilota Spilota CB23
0.1 Corallus Hortulanus Red CB22
2.1 Corallus Hortulanus High Colored Red/Orange CB22
0.4 Boa.C.Longicauda CB23
4.1 Boa.C.Amarali Bolivian CB22
2.0 Boa.C.Imp.CaulkerCay CB22
4.0 Boa.C.Imp Hogg Island CB21 (orange line)
1.0 Boa.C.C RedTail Surinam CB22
1.1 Epicrates Cenchria Cenchria CB22
0.2 Epicrates Cenchria Cenchria Hypo CB20
0.2 Candoia Paulsoni Tasmai CB21
0.1 Candoia Aspera Caramel WC22
2.2 Elaphe Quatuorlineata CB22
Infos by MP and on the webshop of www.mikesreptipark.be

Incillius luetkenis Abgabe in hamm
Gebe 0,0,1 incillius luetkenis (Guatemalakroete)ab. Ca. 1 Jahr alt , 7 cm groß 60€ kein Versand
Suche/Looking for Cordylus tropidosternum 1.0 or 1.1
-EN- I'm looking for a cordylus tropidosternum male adult or young adult to complete my trio of two females.
Also willing to buy a pair if you have one.
Will be on Hamm September 9.
-DE- Ich suche ein erwachsenes oder junges Cordylus tropidosternum Männchen, um mein Trio von zwei Weibchen zu vervollständigen.
Ich bin auch bereit, ein Paar zu kaufen, wenn Sie eines haben.
Wird am 9. September in Hamm sein.

1.2 Boiga melanota hamm or houten
For sale for hamm or houten:
1.2 CB adult breeding trio Boiga melanota

Pituophis catenifer sayi adult pair
Adult Para Pituophis catenifer sayi will change hands. collection possible in September Hamm (450)
Hamm GHI Premium ads [Page 166]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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