Hamm GHI standard ads [Page 16]

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa c. imperator VPI , Blood, IMG,Nic+ +2
Sell Boas

Boa c. imperator VPI , Blood, IMG,Nic+

Boa c imperator

1.0 IMG Jungle T+Nic NZ 2022

1.0 100 %het VPi 66% het Blood 2018 (100,-)

0.1 Aztec 100% het VPI 66% het Anery 1
NZ 2023 ,100,-

0.1 Blood 100% VPI 2024
1.0 VPI 100%het Blood 2024

Fressen Frostfutter
Übergabe in Hamm möglich

2.0 Drymarchon m melanurus NZ 2023
500,- St
Frisst Frostfutter

Übergabe in Hamm, Prag möglich

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Proven breeder scoria +1
Sell Boas

1.0 Proven breeder scoria

To Hamm

1.0 Boa imperator CB'21 - proven breeder!
Morph: Scoria

Sale for Hamm 1200€ !

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.0 Boa imperator - Scoria keltic
Sell Boas

1.0 Boa imperator - Scoria keltic

To Hamm

1.0 Boa imperator
Morph: Scoria keltic
Sale for Hamm: 650€ !

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Boa imperator - RLT VPI Moltey, RLT VPI Albino, RLT Motley het VPI +2
Sell Boas

Boa imperator - RLT VPI Moltey, RLT VPI Albino, RLT Motley het VPI

CB 2023
1,0 Motley RLT VPI T+ Albino
1,2 Hypo RLT 100% het VPI T+ Albino
0,1 Motley RLT 100% het VPI T+ Albino
1,0 RLT pos het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2021
1,2 RLT Motley VPI T+ Albino
1,1 RLT VPI T+ Albino
2,1 RLT 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2020
0,1 RLT Jungle 66% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2019
1,0 Hypo RLT 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2016
2,0 RLT 100% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions - asvabik@centrum.sk

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Offers for Hamm 08/03/2025 +1
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Offers for Hamm 08/03/2025

Offer for Hamm :

0.0.x Davus sp Chiapas 1-2 FH : 45€ / 1 ; 400€ / 10

0.0.20 Avicularia lynnae 2-3 FH : 40€ / 1

Last bookings possible : 07/03 at noon

0.4 Chondrodactylus turneri CB 06/23

Females ready to breed.
Delivery to Hamm possible

Biete für Hamm


Phormingochilus sp Sabah red 1fh 85€/st 5st/400€
Cyriopagopus sp valhalla 1-2fh 75€/st
Davus sp Oaxaca 1-2 fh 25€/st 10st 180€
P.metallica 1-fh 28€/st
P.formosa 1fh 15€/st


T.blondi adult 275€
P.victori adult 140€
T.santivincenti adult 99€
M.balfouri adult 55€
A.rufus adult 50€
H.devamatha adult 225€
C.cyaneopubescens 65€


1.1 A.variegata 2cm kl 69€


1.0 H.devamatha adult 90€
1.0 O.violaceopes 45€

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Female Python Brongersmai +1
Sell Pythons

Female Python Brongersmai

I'm considering to sell this female mature blood python. She's WC 2021, classic yellow morph, and over 4kg. I received her when she was about 200g in 2022.
Can't tell if she's het anything since she wasn't reproduced yet. She's eating large rats every three weeks.
Available for Hamm this week, I'll ask for a deposit.

Feel free to message me if you have any question.
Kind regard.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Chondrodactylus angulifer adult pairs +1
Sell Lizards

Chondrodactylus angulifer adult pairs

Hamm 03/25
Ulm 03/25

1.1 Chondrodactylus angulifer CB 20 (proven)
1.1 Chondrodactylus angulifer CB 21/23 (unpaired)

Chamaeleons kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0,0,3 Archaius tigris - Hamm March 03/2025 +2
Sell Chamaeleons

0,0,3 Archaius tigris - Hamm March 03/2025

I can offer for Hamm show rare chameleons:

0,0,3 Archaius tigris - own CB hatched 28.12.2024 - RESERVED
On pictures are parents and offered babies.

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Kinosternon baurii 0,0,20 HAMM
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

Kinosternon baurii 0,0,20 HAMM

I am offering for Hamm Kinosternon baurii CB 25. Beautiful colored and healthy animals. 80€ each or quantity discount

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Searching 1,0 Thamnophis HAMM
Search Snakes

Searching 1,0 Thamnophis HAMM

Hello ! I am looking for following males :
1,0 Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis
1,0 Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
I will be in Hamm

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Cyrtodactylus zebraicus (ehm. peguensis)
Sell Geckos

Cyrtodactylus zebraicus (ehm. peguensis)

0,0,2 Cyrtodactylus zebraicus (ehm. peguensis) NZ 24
Übergabe am 8.3.25 in Hamm möglich.

400eu pair
Row4 Mainhall

Hemiphylodactylus 2
Abotti chekei 1.1
Astriata astriata 1.1
Borbonica borbonica 1.1.2
Borbonica agalaegae 1.1
Dubia 1.0
Grandis super red 0.0.6
Laticauda Blue 1.2
Laticauda angularis 1.3
Lineata bombetokensis 1.1
Madagaskaris madagaskaris 1.1.4
Parkeri 1.1
Pasteuri 1.1
Robertmertensi 1.1
Seippi 1.1
Sundbergi sundbergi 1.1

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 0.1 Schinisaurus crocodilurus Adult +2
Sell Lizards

0.1 Schinisaurus crocodilurus Adult

Selling adult female, CITES 1, 500€. Pls reach out to further info. Can bring to Hamm.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Goniurosaurus for Hamm 08.03.2025 +1
Sell Geckos

Goniurosaurus for Hamm 08.03.2025

Hamm 08.03:
0.0.4 Goniurosaurus yamashinae CB 24 80 € each (reduced price for all 4)

Exchange with other Goniurosaurus (except orientalis & yamashinae, no single males)

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Boa constrictor c. Guyana Subadult +2
Sell Boas

1.1 Boa constrictor c. Guyana Subadult

Selling my pair of Guyana BCC from 2020 (bred by M.Bessmann). Nice flawless dark animals, 160cm both, good feeders without any problems. Can bring to Hamm. 800€ both, no single sale.


Venomous snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Biete 1.1 Naja Atra Pärchen +2
Sell Venomous snakes

Biete 1.1 Naja Atra Pärchen

Biete 1.1 Naja Atra Pärchen Nz.21
250,- Euro
Übergabe in Hamm am Wochenende möglich