Hamm standard ads [Page 85]
Lizard to feed for saurophage snake
I am looking for hamm
A batch of lizards to feed saurophagous snakes.
It doesn't matter if there are bits of tail missing, legs missing...
Similar sized lizard to juvenile pogonas, anolis, hemidactylus, correlophus...
Thank you in advance
Intellagama lesueurii 0.0.1
I am offering you for the Hamm stock exchange a 1.5 year old male Intellagama lesueurii because I thought it was 1.2 but it is 2.1 so the males are available
Egernia for Hamm or Houten
Cb 2024
0.0.x egernia stokesii
0.0.x egernia hosmeri
0.0.x egernia depressa normal
0.0.x egernia depressa silverhead
0.0.x egernia epsisolus
Nephrurus for Hamm or Houten
Cb 2023 and almost ready to breed:
1.2 Nephrurus levis levis patternless
3.3 Nephrurus asper
2.2 Nephrurus cintus less pattern
1.1 Nephrurus wheeleri
Cb 2024:
Nephrurus asper unsexed
Nephrurus amyae unsexed
Chamaeleo T. montium 4,4 - Hamm 14.9.
I am selling 4 pairs of Chamaeleo T.montium, 4-6 months old. Male body size 7-10 cm, female body size 7-9 cm. I will deliver to Hamm on 14.9. Price per pair 600-700 Euro depending on the size.
Search Eurydactylodes Agricolae and vieilliardi
Looking for Eurydactylodes agricolae or Eurydactylodes vieilliardi pairs possible trios or juveniles for hamm 14th sept message with details please
Hemisphaeriodon gerrardii Schneckenskinke
For Hamm:
5.0 Hemisphaeriodon gerrardii.
Trades are possible.
Trimeresurus Macrops cb24
For hamm:
3.2 trimeresurus Macrops cb24
1.1 150,-
2.1 200,-
Need assist feeding!
Dendrobates tinctorius `Nominat´ für Hamm
Dendrobates tinctorius ´Nominat´ 0.0.8 abzugeben.
Landgang 05/24 und 06/24. Fit, agil und futterfest
mit Springschwänzen und Drosophila. Regelmäßig mit
Vitaminen versorgt. Selbstverständlich mit den
erforderlichen Papieren.
Ansonsten nur Abholung kein Versand.
Gonyosoma oxycephala 0,1
Looking for an adult or subadult Gonyosoma oxycephala female. I will be in Hamm in September.
Please contact me.
Some juveniles from this year for Hamm show
- Ommatotriton ophryticus ophryticus (Russia Origin)
- 4 Triturus carnifex
- 20 Triturus macedonicus
- 10 Triturus karelinii
- 2 males Salamandra algira tingitanna ( Ben Arouss)
- 1 male Aneides lugubris
I looking for:
- Salamandra longirostris
- One female Salamandra crespoi
Für Hamm 0,1 Corallus hortulanus calico ENZ 2023
Biete 0,1 Corallus hortulanus calico aus eigener NZ 2023
Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Kunstharzfiguren handbemalt mit viel Liebe zum Detail
Für Hamm :
Ideal als Geschenk, Dekoration und Mitbringsel !
Jede Figur ist neu und originalverpackt.
20 verschiedene Kunstharzfiguren erhältlich:
Pogona vitticeps - Bartagame
Iguana iguana - grüner Leguan
Cyclura lewisi - blauer Leguan
Eublepharis macularius - Leopardgecko
Rhacodactylus leachianus- Neukal. Riesengecko
Correlophus ciliatus - Kronengecko
Salvatore merianae - schw.weißer Teju
Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii- Dreihornchamälein
Furcifer pardalis - Pantherchamäleon
Chamaeleo calyptratus - Jemenchamäleon
Boa imperator - Boa
Heterodon nasicus - Hakennasennatter
Python regius - Königspython
Ceratophrys cranwelli - Schmuckhornfrosch
Oryctes nasicornis - Nashornkäfer
Hierodula membranacea - Mantide
Astrochelys radiata - Strahlenschildkröte
Sternotherus oduratus - Moschusschildkröte
Centrochelys sulcata - Spornschildkröte
Pro Figur : 30€
Looking for Notophthalmus viridescens
I am looking for Notophthalmus viridescens, the ones with the orange efts.
I am interested in adults or juveniles.
Let me know if you have some available.
I am going to Hamm.
Boa Constrictor Amarali Terry Linie
1.3 Boa Constrictor Amarali Terry Linie zu verkaufen
Nachzuchten von 2020
Übergabe in Hamm möglich
Preis 500 pro Tier VB
Morelia viridis Jayapura 1,0
Male, CB 2017, price 530 Eur, delivery to Hamm
0.20 Lepidodactylus lugubris HAMM
Ca. 20 Lepidodactylus Lugubris NZ 24
10 Euro pro Gecko
Fressen Fruchtbrei und Micro Heimchen
Egernia cunninghami
I have some unsexed Egernia cunninghami cb24 "New England" form for Hamm....from very nice parents.
Regards, Martin
Suche Bothrophthalmus lineatus
Suche nachzuchten von Bothrophthalmus lineatus. Hamm möglich
Offer of Geckos for September Hamm
1,5 Pachydactylus tigrinus 240Euro
0,0,10 Pachydactylus tigrinus 16Euro
2,0 Pristurus carteri 40Euro
2,0 Paroedura oviceps 35Euro
1,1 Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi 80Euro
1,1 Coleonyx mitratus 150Euro
Searching for:
0,3 Goniurosaurus araneus
3,0 Paroedura bastardi
Hamm Premium ads [Page 85]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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