HAMM standard ads [Page 122]
Hamm 9.3 spiderzone preorder
Xenesthis sp.white 5cm body 190€
Xenesthis sp.blue adult 290€
Avicularia juruensis m2 adult 95€
Pamphobeteus mascara adult 120€
Haploclastus devamatha adult 190€
Ephebopus murinus adult 150€
Suche Varanusarten für Hamm
Hi ich suche varanusarten wie z.b.
Varanus salvator Standart jung/klein
Varanus gouldii Standart jung/klein
Varanus flavirufus Standart jung/klein
Varanus doreanus Standart jung/klein
Nicht alle aufgelisteten, nur einen von diesen Arten.
Bin am 9.03.24 in Hamm und würde das Tier da gerne übernehmen wollen.
Egernia stokesii Zuchtpaar
1,1 Egernia stokesii Zuchtpaar aus 2019
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
1.1 Egernia stokesii breeding pair from 2019
Handover possible in Hamm
Exchange possible
Pantherophis Guttatus - Elaphe GUTTATA / Cornsnakes, Lampropeltis :
Offer for businessmans : big quantity of Pantherophis - Elaphe
G.GUTTATA Kornnattern/ Cornsnakes :
Albino, nominat, Butter, Ultramel, Caramel, Anery, Golddust, Snow, Sunkissed, Blizzard, Charcoal, Fire, Okeetee, ..... in types - klasic, Motley, Stripe,Tessera,...
Kingsnakes, Milksnakes – Lampropeltis Thaieri, Leonis, Campbelli, Hondurensis, Nelsoni, Stuarti, Ruthveni, Obsoletta Lindheimeri Leucistic, ….
Delivery in Hamm, Houten, other shows. Delivery to your door possible. I ship overseas.
Quantity discount
www.mnreptil.cz , info@mnreptil.cz
Bartagamen / Pogona Vitticeps Combos Extreme Red 1/4 Red Monster
Abzugeben / For Sale / Disponible
Terraristikborse Dillingen Saar 3 mars 2024
Franckreich (Metz / Verdun / Amneville)
Belgique (Messency)
Luxenburg (Rodange)
(No Hamm Show / No Houten Show)
Dragons barbus / Pogona Vitticeps / Bearded Dragon
Extreme Red Hypo Trans LB YB 50% Red Monster
Extreme Red Hypo Trans LB Yellow Belly Tiger
Extreme Red Hypo Translucent Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Hypo Het Translucent Yellow Belly
Extreme Red Hypo Het Translucent Bande génétique Yellow Belly
Extréme Red Hypo Het Trans Yellow Belly
Super Citrus Hypo Translucent Blue Bar
Super Agrumes Hypo Het Trans Tiger
Super Agrumes
Pure Agrumes Hypo Het Trans Blue Bar / Tiger
Agrumes Tangerine Hypo Translucent Blue Bar
Agrumes Tangerine Hypo Trans LB Blue Bar
Agrumes Tangerine Hypo Het Trans Blue Bar Agrumes
Tangerine Hypo Genetique Stripe
Super Calwey Red Hypo Blue Bar
Super Calwey Barre bleue Hypo LB rouge
Super Calwey Hypo rouge.
Mangroven Nattern - Boiga d. melanota
Ich suche Boiga Melanota, schon NZ tiere, futterfest, keine blutmilben und sunde tiere (gern Hamm 9. Marz)
Suche fur Hamm - Opistophthalmus
Ich suche Opistophthalmus sp. (Hamm 9. Marz ?). NZ oder WF, alles anbieten
2.2 Paroedura picta cb23 - Madagaskar Großkopfgecko
I have four Paroedura picta left. They are all cb23.
I have two males and two female left.
Mother: wildtype
Father: wildtype light (looks more like sand colors)
Parents not related.
Available for Ulm or Hamm (September)
Pick up: Munich
Looking for Hamm hyperolius morphs
I´m looking for hyperolius morphs
Argus, guttulatus, marmoratus, bolifambae,...
0.0.20 Correlophus ciliatus
0.0.20 Correlophus ciliatus for sale
Different morphs
all the gecko's €350
Pictures will follow this weekend or ask them on request.
Can deliver on Hamm and Houten
2.0 Heloderma suspectum suspectum
2.0 Heloderma suspectum suspectum for sale.
Cb2019 - They eat good (mice, rats chicken sometimes eggs)
€850 each
€1500 for both
Trades possible
(venomous snakes or varanus species)
Can deliver on Hamm or Houten
Looking for Tiliqua for Hamm
I looking for :
0.1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens
1.0 Tiliqua gigas Keynesis
High quality reptile incubator
Hight quality incubator master egg in offer.
I offer total new incubator from perfect manufacturer TerraMaster.
Incubator measuring 84.5 cm x 49 cm x 55 cm (H x W x D) with a total volume of 121 liters!
6x - stainless steel shelves.
Heating, accuracy to 0.1 °C, uniform temperature in the entire chamber. Night mode, LED lighting, best quality fans
I can bring it to Hamm 9.3.2024
reptile incubator
Biete 0.2 Superstripe Königspython
0.2 Superstripe
from 2015
2550g & 2400 g
For one: 150€
Both: 250€
No clutch this season. Ready to breed. Handover Hamm possible.
Tiliqua gigas adult male for sale
I have an adult male Tiliqua gigas evanescens for sale. I can deliver to Hamm 9.03.2024.
More info:
Whatsapp: +48501095737
Offer for Hamm in March: Anolis, Uranoscodon,...
For Hamm in March
Anolis (Deiroptyx) equestris potior 6,3 CB 2023
Uranoscodon superciliosus 4,0 CB 2022
für Übergabe Börse Hamm 09.03.24
1.1 Citharacanthus cyaneus ca.3cm+ 160€
0.0.15 Phormictopus cochleasvorax (der Schneckenfresser) 3.-4.FH 30€/Stk
0.1 Phormictopus cochleasvorax NZ19 sub-/adult 125€
0.0.100 Theraphosinae spec Roatan Island (Honduras) 4.-5.FH 7€/Stk 30€/5Stk 50€/10Stk
1.2 Rhacodactylus leachianus
I offer 1.2 leachianus 25% pine island 75% mt koghis
Male cb 20 females cb21
1.1 are currently kept togheter
Can bring to hamm
Epicrates cenchria - anery het. silver
1,0 Adult (NZ 20). E. cenchria anery het T+ (het. silver). 300 eur. Hamm, Houten, Prag, Verona.
Gastrotheca riobambae Beutelfrösche
Nz aus 23 und 24 abzugeben
Übergabe in Hamm möglich oder Abholung.
HAMM Premium ads [Page 122]
herps buy, sell and exchange.
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