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Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Eublepharis fuscus / macularius / afghanicus / Montanus / Angramainyu +2
Sell Geckos

Eublepharis fuscus / macularius / afghanicus / Montanus / Angramainyu

Hamm december.

5.10 Eublepharis fuscus. CB23/24 (females) CB24 (Males). Good price for 1.2 / 1.3 or more. Question me.
Eublepharis macularius macularius. CB23/24. Males. Wild bloodline from USA.
2.2 Eublepharis macularius montanus. CB24.
2.2 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus. CB23.
0.0.10 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus CB24. Wild bloodline from USA / EU. Good price for group 5 or more animals.
3.1.2. Eublepharis angramainyu "Kermanshah" CB24. Pair, males, groups.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Rare lizards and snakes, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia +2
Sell Geckos

Rare lizards and snakes, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia

Direct export from our company in Malaysia, wholesale quantity and fast shipping available.

Malaysia :
Ptychozoon sp.
Cyrtodactylus elok
Cyrtodactylus bintangrendah
Acanthosaura bintangensis

Thailand / Vietnam :
Erpeton tentaculatum
Gonyosoma boulengeri
Gonyosoma coeruleum
Elaphe moelendorfii
Elaphe taeniura callicyanous
Elaphe taeniura mocquardi
Lycodon laoensis

Dixonius melanostictus
Dixonius siamensis
Dixonius hangseesom
Dixonius pawangkhananti
Dixonius kaweesaki
Dixonius chotjuckdik
Tropidophorus microlepis
Tropidophorus laotus
Lygosoma koratense
Acanthosaura cardamomensis
Cyrtodactylus auribalteatus
Cyrtodactylus oldhami
Cyrtodactylus sanook
Cyrtodactylus kunyai
Cyrtodactylus chanhomeae
Cyrtodactylus interdigitalis
Cnemaspis kumpoli
Cnemaspis biocellata
Cnemaspis chanthaburiensis
Gekko pradapdao
Gekko nutaphandi
Isopachys anguinoides
Isopachys gyldenstolpei

China :
Pseudoxenodon bambusicola
Pseudagkistrodon rudis rudis
Pseudagkistrodon rudis multiprefrontalis
Cyclophiops major
Gonyosoma prasinum
Gonyosoma frenatum
Elaphe moelendorfi
Elaphe taeniura yunnanensis
Elaphe carinata carinata
Elaphe cf. carinata
Elaphe mandarinus
Elaphe cf. mandarinus
Boiga kraepelini
Dinodon rufozonatus
Dinodon flavozonatum
Ptyas dhumnades

Eremias przewalski
Teratoscincus przewalski
Tropidophorus sinicus

Locality data available for most species we supply.
For other species or more info, please contact us.

I am looking for Carettochelys insculpta is you have anything to offer contact me


I am allways looking for alive scorpions of the family Hormuridae (ex-Ischnuridae) like Hadogenes spec. Also indian species from this family!

Opistophthalmus and Pandinus pallidus are also welcome.

Only with location.
All species must be shipped to Germany.
Please contact me, if you got some of them.
They are for scientific breeding in capture.


Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo:  CB 2024 snakes, geckos and more for Prague 19.10. +2
Sell Snakes

CB 2024 snakes, geckos and more for Prague 19.10.

This year babies from June-August. Our table number is 017!

0,0,6 Boaedon fuliginosus - 20,-
+ 0,0,1 T+ Albino - 50,-
0,0,3 Pantherophis guttatus - 20,-
0,0,4 Goniurosaurus hainanensis - 32,-
0,0,1 Phelsuma standingi - 30,-
0,0,2 Phelsuma laticauda - 35,-

On request we can also bring June baibes of Paleosuchus trigonatus (0,0,10), 450 euro for animal.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Poison dart frogs kaufen und verkaufen Photo: CB 2024 frogs available for Prague 19.10. +2
Sell Poison dart frogs

CB 2024 frogs available for Prague 19.10.

We have various dart frogs for Ziva Exotika, all 2-3+ cm. Our table number is O17.

0,0,5 Dendrobates auratus green - 20,-
0,0,7 Dendrobates auratus blue - 30,-
0,0,9 Dendrobates auratus Corcovado "negative" - 25,-
0,0,9 Dendrobates auratus Corcovado "reticulated" - 60,- (NEW in hobby)
0,0,6 Dendrobates tinctorius alanis - 28,-
0,0,3 Dendrobates tinctorius azureus - 25,-
0,0,5 Dendrobates truncatus - 28,-
0,0,2 Adelphobates galactonotus moonshine - 30,-

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: SEARCHING for Antaresia perthensis
Search Snakes

SEARCHING for Antaresia perthensis


Please help me! Need to find Antaresia perthensis.

Contact me!

- bird spiders kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pamphobeteus ultramarinus !! 0.0.20 LAST! Hamm 14.12! +1
Sell - bird spiders

Pamphobeteus ultramarinus !! 0.0.20 LAST! Hamm 14.12!

Hamm 14.12.24
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 0.0.20 10/2024

I'm looking for/ suche :
Male 1.0 semi/sub/adult
P.ultramarinus , .
Female 0.1 young adult

+48 884904171

We have hognoses, albertisii, carpet pythons, candoia isabell and hortulanus.
Can belivered at Hamm

Contact at or

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.2 Testudo graeca nabeulensis(central-western Sardinia area)CB 2013 +2
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

1.2 Testudo graeca nabeulensis(central-western Sardinia area)CB 2013

I am offering for sale magnificent native specimens from Sardinia (central-western Sardinia area), personally raised. A fantastic opportunity: robust and healthy animals. No nasal discharge, no abnormal scutes, and absolutely no health issues. I will bring the tortoises to the Verona Reptiles fair on October 6, 2024. For more details and photos, contact me privately.

Lizards kaufen und verkaufen Photo: MISCELLANEOUS STOCK FOR VERONA REPTILES +2
Sell Lizards


For Verona Reptiles 06/10/2024

1.0 Lanthanotus borneensis 1200.-

1.0 Shinisaurus crocodilurus XXL 700.-

1.0 Malacochersus tornieri 400.-

1.0 Ctenosaura pectinata pied 1200.-

1.0 Pteropus giganteus, CB Italy, CITES ok, 800.-

1.1 Pseudopus apodus thracius breeding couple, 250.-



Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Hierodula sp. Papua giant +2
Sell Insects

Hierodula sp. Papua giant

Offer :
Hierodula sp. Papua giant
Tamolanica tamolana
Ooths & nymphs
Europe only
Contact ONLY via Whatsapp +48 517 815 961
Will forward video of hatching, nymphs etc

Turtles and Tortoises kaufen und verkaufen Photo: 1.1 Testudo kleinmanni adult cites source D and C +2
Sell Turtles and Tortoises

1.1 Testudo kleinmanni adult cites source D and C

Selling an adult pair of Testudo kleinmanni (1.1). Male: born in 1997, very active and vigorous. He has an aesthetic defect on his front left leg due to an injury from a past attack. The limb is slightly crooked, but it does not affect mating. Female: born in 1996, in perfect condition. A healthy and well-cared-for specimen.
Available by reservation at the Verona Reptiles fair on October 6th, 2024, morning only. For more information or reservations, feel free to contact me privately!

Other kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Delivery from/to Verona Reptiles 06.10.2024
Sell Other

Delivery from/to Verona Reptiles 06.10.2024

We will be participating in Verona Reptiles in October (06.10.2024), so we offer transport to/from Verona. Anyone interested, please contact us!

Snakes kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Daboia palaestinae, cb 24 +2
Sell Snakes

Daboia palaestinae, cb 24

I offer

1,1 Daboia palaestinae, cb 24

Please contact me for further details

I am looking for Bitis Arietans large adult female, only in the Czech Republic, I pay well, contact whatsapp 00393406210585

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Harpactira pulchripes - good price!
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

Harpactira pulchripes - good price!

Harpactira pulchripes (SA) slings 1 cm
5 for 30€ or 10 for 50€

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Pseudoglomeris magnifica - shipping EU
Sell Insects

Pseudoglomeris magnifica - shipping EU

Pseudoglomeris magnifica (nymphs 0,5 - 2 cm)
10 for 25 € // 20 for 45 € // 30 for 60 € // 50 for 85 €

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: Gryllodes sigillatus (Banded cricket)
Search Insects

Gryllodes sigillatus (Banded cricket)

I want to by banded (Gryllodes sigillatus) cricket in Hamm today.
Pls contact me.

Insects kaufen und verkaufen Photo: For Hamm ***Eustegasta buprestoides*** +2
Sell Insects

For Hamm ***Eustegasta buprestoides***

Eustegasta buprestoides nymphs small to sub-adult nymphs of this beautiful species. Price is (70€ for 10x) (130€ 20x)
Collection at Hamm 14th September OR EU shipping 16th September after Hamm show.
Contact +447815515197 for any more details