Biete Warane

Unrelated 1.1 DNZ (CB) Varanus beccarii

clock.icon vor einer Woche - Ennepetal

Looking for a new home for my pair of Varanus beccarii (Black Tree Monitor)
The male is a DNZ 2021 with a well-healed injury to one eye, which does not restrict or impact him.
The female is a DNZ from 2023 and therefore not quite ready for breeding yet. They currently live in separate tanks, but the reaction to each other is pretty clear that they are a pair.
They are also not related

They are also both very tame and agreeable, feeding well on everything from dubia, locusts, eggs, fish and the occasional small mouse.
Would possibly consider a trade for an established 1.1 prasinus pair
More pictures and information via PM

Handover possible in Hamm

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