the Anzeigen Standard [Seite 14]

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Crotalus Vegrandis Breedpair +1
Verkaufe Schlangen

Crotalus Vegrandis Breedpair

For Živá exotika 19.10 (Czech Republic)

I want to find a new home for Crotalus vegrandis 1.1 cb19
They already had 3 clutches, and female is maybe pregnant again

Price for pair is 250€
Open to trades for Trimeresurus species or discuss about price

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Searching for Vipera and Montivipera
Suche Giftschlangen

Searching for Vipera and Montivipera

I am searching for the flowing species:

Montivipera latifi
Montivipera kuhrangica
Montivipera albicornuta
Montivipera bornmueleri

Please send pictures and asking price on them. Thanks!


I am allways looking for alive scorpions of the family Hormuridae (ex-Ischnuridae) like Hadogenes spec. Also indian species from this family!

Opistophthalmus and Pandinus pallidus are also welcome.

Only with location.
All species must be shipped to Germany.
Please contact me, if you got some of them.
They are for scientific breeding in capture.


Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Verschiedene Vogelspinnen abzugeben
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Verschiedene Vogelspinnen abzugeben

2.0 Theraphosa Apophysis kl ca. 5cm 70€

0.2 Theraphosa Apophysis kl ca. 5cm 130€
0.1 Theraphosa Blondi kl ca. 5cm 130€
0.2 Chilobrachys sp. Kaeng krachan kl ca. 6cm (adult) 50€

Versand möglich
Abholung in 82538 Geretsried

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Atlanticus Kingsu,English name:Chinese gray katydid
Verkaufe Insekten

Atlanticus Kingsu,English name:Chinese gray katydid

A very special kind of katydid in China,which mainly feeds on different kind of plants and small insects.They are easy to raise because the almost eat everything.An adult can be longer than 4cm.They prefer a wet environment and a temperature between 20 and 30.I sale eggs,each costs 15€.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Jiangsu gray Katydid,Chinese name:江苏寰螽,latinish name:Atlanticus kingsu +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Jiangsu gray Katydid,Chinese name:江苏寰螽,latinish name:Atlanticus kingsu

A special kind of katydid in China,which mainly feeds on different kind of plants and small insects.They are easy to raise because the almost eat everything.An adult can be longer than 4cm.They prefer a wet environment and a temperature between 20 and 30.In China, they are considered to be perfect singers at night.Their sound is beautifuler than the sound of any other Katydids.Now I have some big eggs of them(are about to hatch).Each costs 15€.

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: !!! Biete!!! Abholung oder Versand
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

!!! Biete!!! Abholung oder Versand

0.0.x Theraphosa blondi 3. fh definitiv Unbestimmte Tiere.
35€ pro Tier.

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Last available fo Weinstadt 12.10.

Ami sp.Chica,adult 50E
Euthycaelus sp.Colombia,Santander adult 25E
Euthycaelus hacaritama adult 25E
Hapalopus sp.Bolivar adult 40E
Heterothele gabonensis adult 20E
Holothele incei GOLD adult 15E
Holothele sp. Colombia,Antioquia adult 20E
Homoeomma peruvianum adult 30E
Metriopelma familiare adult 25E
Plesiopelma sp. Bolivia 2cm body 30E
Pseudohapalopus sp.Antioquia adult 25E
Stichoplastoris sp.Nicaragua adult 30
Thrixopelma sp.Cajamarca,Auer 2 cm body 25E
Theraphosinae sp.Boyaca adult 30E
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 2cm 20E
Haplopelma sp.Ratchaburi ad.13.8.24 20E
Pamhobeteus ultramarinus subadult 150E
Phormictopus atrichomatus 5-6cm 20E
Phormingochilus everetti 2-3 cm 25E
Pseudohapalopus sp.Colombia Langhaare 4-5cm 25E
Storenomorpha sp.Vietnam 7x small group without determine sex 50E

Hello, I am searching Megaphobema Mesomelas slings or pairs for Weinstadt 12.10.2024

I can buy or trade.
I have :
- 3 years old Theraphosa Apophysis pairs 2.2
- 6 years old Megaphobema Robustum f. 0.1
- 5 years old Tliltocatl Vagans pair 1.1
- 6 years old Pterinochilus Murinus f 0.1

Feel free to write private message ????????

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 迭部甘螽Chinese Devil Katydid(grasshopper) +2
Verkaufe Insekten

迭部甘螽Chinese Devil Katydid(grasshopper)

This kind of grasshopper is very rare,even in china.The are fierce predators ,just like the mantis,but they are actually crazier.They like dry places.They hide themselves in the bushes and catch every single animal that they can kill. They eat grass too. I have some eggs of these creatures,which are about to hatch.You can see the eyes of the nymphs through the eggshell.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Madagascarophis colubrinus +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Madagascarophis colubrinus

0.0.11 madagascarophis colubrinus 2024 ( gold het axantic and axantic)
They all eat perfectly pinky mouse
100€ each
900€ the lot


Frösche  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Moosfrösche (Theloderma corticale)
Verkaufe Frösche

Moosfrösche (Theloderma corticale)

Biete 8 Tiere Theloderma corticale.
7 mit ca. 4-5 Monaten.
Ein Tier mit ca. 9 Monaten

Biete für Weinstadt 12.10 / Versand / Abholung 71159 Mötzingen:


0.0.50 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, Stk. 15.- / 10 Stk. 130.-
0.0.5 Pamphobeteus sp. solaris, 3.FH, Stk. 250.-

***** Special Offer *****

0.0.20 Caribena versicolor, 4.FH, zus. 200.-

0.1 Ephebopus murinus, ca. 3cm KL, Stk. 60.-
0.2 Yberapora diversipes,, ca. 2,5cm KL, Stk. 40,-

0.5 Caribena versicolor, adult, Stk. 65.- / 3 Stk. zus. 180.-
0.X Monocentropus balfouri, sub-adult, Stk. 40.-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Theraphosa blondi, sub., Stk. 190.-
0.5 Xenesthis immanis, sub-adult, Stk. 150.- / zus. 650.-
0.8 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 5cm KL, Stk. 160.- / 5 Stk. 720.-
0.2 Xenesthis intermedia, ca. 6cm KL, Stk. 175.- / 2 Stk. 320.-

1.0 Xenesthis sp. megascopula, RH 01/24, Stk. 70.-

Weinstadt ( Table 84 )


Acanthoscurria geniculata XXL 70€

Brachypelma boehmei 3-4cm 40€

Caribena versicolor adult 60€

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult 50€

Cyriocosmus bicolor adult 70€

Hapalopus sp. guerilla adult 50€

Heterothele sp. mahonda adult 35€

Lasiodora difficilis adult 55€

Monocentropus balfouri adult 40€

Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra adult 125€

Nhandu coloratovillosus adult 55€

Scopelobates sericeus adult 35€

Poecilotheria metallica adult 100€

Poecilotheria regalis adult 50€

Psalmopoeus reduncus adult 35€

Theraphosidae sp. colombia adult 280€


Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus ( 17.09) 40€

Tliltocatl kahlenbergi ( 10.07) 15€


0.0.28 Davus sp. chiapas 4Fh 600€ \10pc

0.0.20 Citharacanthus cyaneus 1cm 190€

0.0.50 Omothymus schioedtei 1Fh 150€




I'm Alex, and I'm currently looking for Satanic Leaf-Tailed Geckos and Crocodile Skinks.

I reside in Switzerland and, while I'm open to some travel, the ability to export is a significant advantage for me.

I'm hoping to fall in love with the right one, so please send photos that will captivate my heart.

Rest assured, they will be cherished and well cared for in my hands.

Best regards,




Ich bin Alex und suche derzeit nach Satansblatt-Schwanzgeckos und Krokodilmolchen.

Ich lebe in der Schweiz und bin offen für Reisen, aber die Möglichkeit zum Export ist für mich ein großer Vorteil.

Ich hoffe, mich in das richtige Tier zu verlieben, also senden Sie mir bitte Fotos, die mein Herz erobern.

Seien Sie versichert, dass sie in meinen Händen geliebt und gut gepflegt werden.

Beste Grüße,



Bonjour !

Je m'appelle Alex et je suis actuellement à la recherche de geckos à queue en feuille satanique et de scinques crocodiles.

Je réside en Suisse et, bien que je sois prêt à voyager, la possibilité d'exporter est un avantage important pour moi.

J'espère tomber amoureux du bon, alors veuillez m'envoyer des photos qui captiveront mon cœur.

Soyez assuré qu'ils seront chéris et bien soignés entre mes mains.


Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ich kaufe in Weinstadt  !!!!!!
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Ich kaufe in Weinstadt !!!!!!

Import spinenn oder baby Avicularia, Aphonopelma, Brachypelma, Nhandu, Theraphosa, Xenesthis etc etc... ich habe fur Borse 5000eu :))) Danke fur alles Angebot! :)

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Weinstad 12.10.2024, table: 30-31
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Weinstad 12.10.2024, table: 30-31

0.1 Xenesthis
2cm.KL 110€/3 cm KL 120 €
0.1 adult Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronika 90€ (month after undressing)
0.1 adult Aphonopelma semanni 40 euro
0.1 T.stirmi 4 cm.kl 50 €
0.1 T.apophysis 2,5 cm.kl. 50 €
1.1 L.sazimai 0.1 adult .1.0 3cm.kl 60 €
Pamphobeteus Mascara 2 fh 10€ 10 x 7 €
Theraphosa blondi 2 FH. 50 € /10 x 45 €

Frösche  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Looking for several species of frogs Hamm (14.12.2024) +1
Suche Frösche

Looking for several species of frogs Hamm (14.12.2024)


I am looking for:
Agalychnis lemur x.x.x
Teratohyla pulverata x.x.x
Mantella aurantiaca x.x.x
I can pick them up in Germany at the Hamm show in December

Thank you very much

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

WEINSTADT SHOW 12.10.2024 - special offer

50.50 Theraphosa apophysis 2-2,5cm BL (6-7cm legspan)
50.50 Megaphobema robustum 2-2,5cm BL (6cm legspan)
0.0.200 Aphonopelma chalcodes 2-3FH
0.0.100 Grammostola rosea (porteri) 3FH
0.0.100 Grammostola rosea RED 3FH
0.0.100 Monocentropus balfouri 2-3FH
0.0.100 Nhandu carapoensis 2FH
0.0.25 Phormictopus sp. Blue Azul 1FH
0.0.100 Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 2-3FH
0.0.50 Xenesthis intermedia 1FH
0.0.50 Ybyrapora diversipes 2FH

full list, more information -

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Peucetia viridis true spider +1
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Peucetia viridis true spider

Adult brown morph female, fertilized (spermatophore guardan) of Peucetia viridis and offspring with one moult available.

The whole lot is offered and I am open to exchanges, leave me a message with your offer or if you want to buy them how much you offer for them, they are enough pups, so whoever makes the best offer gets them.