sauromalus Anzeigen Standard

Suche Sauromalus ater redback oder granite oder Carrottails Juvenile Subadult oder Adult

I´m searching for a Male Sauromalus ater / chuckwalla.
So If you have a surplus male I can both Pay or swap with a female.
Best regards

For Hamm / Houten or pickup:

0.0.3 Egernia stokesii 2022

Heterodon nasicus
0.1 arctic conda 2022 - 150
0.1 arctic 2020 (proven) - 120
0.1 arctic superconda het snow 2024 - 300
0.2 arctic conda - 80
0.2 albino her snow - 75
1.0 superconda 2021 - 100
1.0 conda superarctic het albino 2023 - 300
1.0 superarctic conda 2022 - 250

Looking for:
0.2.x Sauromalus ater
Smaug depressus
Smaug mossambicus

Im looking for Sauromalus Ater or Sauromalus Hispidus.

Houten or Hamm

Ich bin auf der Suche nach 1 oder 2 weiblichen Chuckwalla - wenn ihr was wisst, meldet euch gerne.

Looking for a female Chuchwalla/Sauromalus ater

Evtl. auch im Tausch gegen einen männlichen Chuckwalla (ausgewachsen)


I am looking for Sauromalus ater. Preferably a pair but juveniles too.

Thank you

andere Echsen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Suche Sauromalus ater (carrot tail) female
Suche andere Echsen

Suche Sauromalus ater (carrot tail) female

Suche, looking for a female Sauromalus ater (carrot tail chuckwalla)

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: I am searching for Chucks and Iguanas
Suche Echsen

I am searching for Chucks and Iguanas

I am desperately searching for male Sauromalus Ater of any of the following varieties: Black, Red Back, Carrot Tail, Granite, Yellow Tail, Zebra, Fire, Albino.
I search also for Dipsosaurus and for Ctenosaura Palearis, Melanosterna, Conspicuosa and other rare Ctenosaura species.

Je recherches un mâle Sauromalus Ater de 1 ou 2 ans.
I am looking for a 1 or 2 year old male Sauromalus Ater.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Chuckwalla (Sauromalus Ater) +1
Suche Echsen

Chuckwalla (Sauromalus Ater)

Hi! I'm looking for a baby/juvenile chuckwalla. Let me know if you can help me :)

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Looking for:  new Born 2023 hognose and cornsnake +2
Suche Schlangen

Looking for: new Born 2023 hognose and cornsnake

Scaless/palmetto/shatter/ cornsnakes
Snow hognose
Green and blu baroni

Intellagama leuseurii
Clamydosaurus kingii
Timon lepidus
Sauromalus Ater

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: looking for: clamydosaurus king , boydii dragon, leuseurii, prasinus +1
Verkaufe Echsen

looking for: clamydosaurus king , boydii dragon, leuseurii, prasinus

Looking for: petrosaurs talassinus
clamydosaurus kingii
Intellagama leuseurii
gastropholis prasina
sauromalus after
Tiliqua intermedia

andere Echsen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Suche 0,1 Sauromalus ater, Chuckwalla  adult
Suche andere Echsen

Suche 0,1 Sauromalus ater, Chuckwalla adult

Habe 1 ausgewachsene Männchen, suche 0,1 oder 0,2 Chuckwalla

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hydrosaurus weberi/amboiensis
Verkaufe Echsen

Hydrosaurus weberi/amboiensis

For sale 1.1 hydrosaurus weberi 3 years old.
Female laying some eggs this years.

Trade possible : sauromalus, uromastyx, ctenosaura, nephrurus

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Wholesale Gecko Collection, Leachianus, Chahoua,Terrariums + racks +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Wholesale Gecko Collection, Leachianus, Chahoua,Terrariums + racks


1.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2013 - 2018) Proven Bonded
0.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2019) RTB
1.0 R.Leachianus CF x Troeger RTB (2020)
0.0.1 R. Leachianus Moro (2022)
0.1 R. Chahoua. Mainland (2020) RTB
1.0 R. CHahoua Mainland (2020) RTB
1.1 R. Chahoua Mainland (2018) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2015) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2020) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2021)
0.0.1 E.Vieilliardi (2022)
1.0 C.Cilliatus (2020) Red Phantom LW
1.1 G. Maginata (2018) (proven Bonded)

1x R. Leachianus Moro
1x R. Chahoua

6x EXO TERRA 45x45x60 With Backgrounds and lights
2X EXO TERRA 45x45x90 With Backgrounds and lights
1X Black metal rack to place 8 exo terras on
1X Terrarium Racks with 12X glass terrariums with light an backgrounds Great for juveniles
1X Lanzo Herp baby rack with 25X plastic tubs great for arboreal Hatchlings
1X Incubator for eggs
and lots of other equipment can be included in the deal.

Trading with Heloderma, Ctenosaura, Sauromalus.
Contact me on
WhatsApp: +45 28977399 // Danish Dragons

1.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2013 - 2018) Proven Bonded
0.1 R.Leachianus Moro (2019) RTB
1.0 R.Leachianus CF x Troeger RTB (2020)
0.0.1 R. Leachianus Moro (2022)
1.1 R. Chahoua Mainland (2020)
1.1 R. Chahoua Mainland (2018) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2015) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2020) (Proven Bonded)
1.1 E. Vieilliardi (2021)
1.0 R. Cilliatus LW (2020)
1.1 G. Maginata (2018) Proven Bonded

1x R. Leachianus Moro
1x R. Chahoua
2x E.Veilliardi

6x EXO TERRA 45x45x60 With backgrounds
2X EXO TERRA 45x45x90 With backgrounds
(Black metal and wood shelf with room for all exo terras can also be purchased)
12X Aboreal Glass terrariums with Background, Rack and light fixture Great for juvinile Geckos
black metal and wood shelf with room for all exo terras can follow for free

I am interested in trading with Ctenosaura and Sauromalus and maybe other interesting animals ?

Contact me on
WhatsApp: +45 28977399 // Danish Dragons

Looking for Verona show:
Ciclura cornuta
Ctenosaura similis
Varanus prasinus
Varanus beccari
Varanus glauerti
Varanus salvator
Litoria careulea blue
Litoria careulea snowflakes
Agalychnis callydrias
Dendrobates azureus
Pyxichepalus adpersus
Lepydodactylus lugubris
R.Ciliatus female
Morelia viridis
Corallus hortulanus
E.Taeniura blue beaty
Interagama lesseuri
Pelodiscus sinensis albinas
Xenagama taylori
Sauromalus obesus
Coruzia zebrata
Gastropholis prasina
Clamydosaurios kingii adult
Salvator merianae
Salvator rufescens