houten Anzeigen Standard [Seite 3]

Gecko's pachydactylus, hemidactylus, eurydactylus Hamm Houten
I am offering:
1.1.1 pachydactylus latirostris cb24 220e group
2.0 Hemidactylus imbricatus cb 24 40e
0.0.2 Eurydactylodes occidentalis cb24 125 each
0.0.1 Anolis pogus cb24 40
Trades possible for small geckos like sphearodactylus, pachydactylus and diplodactylus

Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese :
0,1 Granit (2,6 m) 310 €,
1,0 PEARL Granit (2 m) 320€
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. I can send in Houten, Hamm show.
Pricelist for businessmen on request
contact : info@mnreptil.cz, www.mnreptil.cz
LOOKING FOR: 0.1 Boaedon fuliginosus black
For my collection I'm searching for:
0.1 Boaedon fuliginosus black, sub-adult or young adult.
I'm in Hamm in march and can come to houten february too for pick up.
LOOKING FOR: Gonyosoma boulengeri
I'm searching for Gonyosoma boulengeri.
Would prefer older, sexed animals but I'm also interested in cbb24 animals.
Please message me with pics and your price.
I'm in Hamm december and houten.

Simalia nauta
Hamm - Houten - Verona
CB18 1.0 Simalia nauta axanthic patternless

1.0 Fire Axanthic Desert Ghost 0.1 Ghi Pastel Harlequin Dg
Hamm or Houten
1.0 Fire Axanthic Tsk Desert Ghost 715g
0.1 Ghi Pastel Harlequin Dg 660g
0.1 Od Axanthic Tsk 50% het Dg 877g

1,1 Epicrates cenchria alvarezi
Argentine Rainbow Boa, Hans Winner line, CB 2017, twice the cubs, 1,1 for € 700, import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...

Epicrates cenchria alvarezi - Argentine Rainbow Boa
1,2 CB 2024 (see photo) for € 350, import Hamm, Houten, Prague - agreement, also check out my other ads, thank you ...

Available for hamm 12.2024
Available reptiliade hamm houten
0.0.1 R.chahoua pine island whithe colar 2024
0.1.1 R.leachianus dark morph 2024
0.2.5 eurydactylodes veillardi pindai

Simalia nauta
1.0 Simalia nauta , Tanimbar python, CB 2012 by Balázs Roland Ferencz
Axanthic patternless
For next Hamm or Houten.

Pipa parva
Pipa parva , dwarf Surinam toad, CB around 3 cm (adult size 4-5 cm)
Reservation for Hamm or Houten, many available, wholesale is possible.

Python brongersmai
X.X Python brongersmai IVORY blood pythons CB 2024, several pairs available.
For next Hamm/Houten.

Clown Morphs and DH ClownPied Morphs
0.1 LesserEnchiCream Clown
1.0 EnchiRodeoKingClown
1.1 VanillaCream double het ClownPied - only as pair
All snakes between 150 and 220 Gramm - all feed perfect on f/t mice.
Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis
Handover Houten possible

Clown + Pied Breeders ready to go
0.1 Mojave Pied 2050Gr.
0.1 FireflyClown 1850 Gt
All ready to breed, not mated this season.
All snakes feed perfect on f/t rats.
Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis
Handover Houten possible

Diverse Nattern für Houten
1.3 Lampropeltis leonis (ex. mexicana thayeri) CB2024 Patternless/Leopard Line
0.1 Lampropeltis knoblochi CB2024 High Red-Line 70gr
All snakes feed perfect on f/t mice.
Trade possible for interresting Lampropeltis (zonata, pyromelana [St. Rita, SentzHypo, Applegate], Elaphe carinata, Bogerthophis, Uroplatus spec., Aeluroscalabotes spec., Geckoella nebulosa, Cyrtodactylus peguensis,
Übergabe in Houten möglich.

Leopard Geckos Fire Tremper, Blood Tremper, Bold lines
0.2 Blood Tremper 100€/ea
1.0 Blood Tremper 150€
1.0 Blood Tremper 250€
1.0 Tremper ph Eclipse (Blood x Reverse Stripe cross) 150€
1.0 WY Fire Tremper 200€
1.0 WY Fire Tremper 225€
0.1 WY Fire Tremper 250€
1.0 Lavender stripe 150€
1.0 Firebold cross het cipher ph marble eye 200€ (Geckoboa bloodlines)
3.0 Cipher ph marble eye 450€/ea
1.0 Blood red stripe bell 120€ (Ron Tremper bloodlines)
1.0 Bold stripe bandit 200€
0.2 Bold stripe 200€/ea
0.1 Firebold x Bold Stripe Tremper 150€
1.0 Total eclipse pied 225€
1.0 Tangerine 150€
0.1 Ghost ph eclipse 85€
0.1 WY Rainbow stripe 85€
0.1 Striped vermillon het tremper ph eclipse 85€

Pristurus rupestris "Saiq Plateau"
Looking for 0.1 or 0.2 Pristurus rupestris from the "Saiq Plateau" Locality. ONLY this locality!
For Hamm or Houten or pickup in NRW (Germany) or the Netherlands.
Offers should include a picture and a price.

Heloderma -Python- Nephrurus
1.0 Mussurana Pied Adult
1.1 Angola Python Nz2023
1.2 O.Coxy nz 2024
0.1 Liasis Fuscus Nz 2024
1.2 Heloderma Adult
1.1Egernia cunninghami Adult
Nephrurus Asper nz 2024
Nephrurus Asper nz 2023
Nephrurus Asper 2.1 Adult
NLP 2.3Adult Albino/Het Albino
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Patternless/Patternless
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Albino"50%Patty/Albino
Preise und info auf anfrage übergabe Hamm..Houten

Burmese pythons female !!!
0.1 Hypo champagne het50% caramel het50% granite cb23 1100€
0.1 Hypo green het66% champagne het66% caramel 230€
Pick-up in Poland (Trójmiasto or Katowice) or delivery by hamm or houten

Python regius for sale!!!
FREE DELIVERY to Hamm, Houten or other shows!!!!!!!
- 1.0 Ultramel 66% het Genetic Stripe
- 0.1 GHI Mojave Pastel
- 0.1 Enchi Mojave
- 1.0 Piebald RECO
Proven Breeder:
- 1.0 Highway (Gravel Yellow Belly)
Do you have questions? PM me!
houten Anzeigen Premium [Seite 3]

Wasserschildkröten/turtles Houten/Hamm/Courier
Carettochelys insculpta 2024
Chelodina mccordii 0,3,3
Chrysemys picta bellii 2024
Chrysemys picta marginata 2024
Chrysemys picta picta 2024
Emys o.orbicularis 2024
Malaclemys t. terrapin 10cm
malaclemys t. centrata 7-13cm
Mauremys japonica 2024
Mauremys mutica 2024
Melanochelys trijuga thermalis 20124
Pangshura tecta tecta 2023
Pelusios nanus 2,4
Phrynops nasuta 2024
Siebnrockiella crassicollies 2023/24
Sternotherus carinarus 2024
Sternotherus odoratus 2024
Trachemys venusta 2024
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

Echsen/reptiles Houten/Hamm/Courier
Crocodilurus amazonicus 1,0
Egernia frerei 1,2
Gekko Gecko 1,1
Gehyra vorax 1,3
Gherrosaurus flavigularis 1,2
Gherrosaurus major 1,1,1
Hydrosaurus celebensis
Hydrosaurus microlophus
Hypsilurus godeffroyi 1,0
Iguana Iguana Albino T-
Iguana Iguana Red Albino
Iguana iguana Red Hypo
Rhacodactylus leachinaus Nur Ana 1,0,3
Rhacodactylus leachinaus Grand Terre 0,1
Tiliqua chimaerea yellow/silver 2,2
Tiliqua evanevscens 1,1
Tiliqua keyensis 1,1
Trioceros hoehnelli 1,1
Trioceros jacksoni willigensis 1,1
Trioceros jacksoni xantolophus 1,1
Uromastyx acanthinura 1,1
Uromastyx princeps 1,1,1
Uroplatus henkelii 0,1
Varanus maccraei 0,0,2
Varanus salvator black
delivery with courier or delivery to Houten or Hamm possible

Schlangen/snakes Houten/Hamm/Courier
Candoia aspera 1,1,2
Candoia paulsoni 1,1
Corallus caninus 1,2
Morelia viridis Biak 2024
Oligodon 1,2,1
Pantherophis obsuletus Licorice Albino & Licorice Het Albino 2024
Ptyas carinatus blue/black small
Python breitensteini 2024
Python regius Superpastel Pied 2023 1,1
Python regius Superpastel het Pied 2023 1,0
Sanzinia madagascariensis 1,2
Xenopeltiys unicolor 1,1
delivery with courier or delivery to Hamm and Houten possible

Discount only reservation for Houten/Hamm december
***Reservation only Houten or Hamm***
0.1 Super Enchi DesertGhost Clown het. Pied
0.1 Enchi Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
0.1 Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
1.2 Enchi TH DesertGhost Clown Pied
1.2 TH DesertGhost Clown Pied
1.0 Super Enchi Clown het. DesertGhost
1.1 Enchi het. DesertGhost 66% het.Clown
0.1 YB (OD) Pied het. DesertGhost
0.1 YB DH DesertGhost Pied
1.0 DesertGhost het. Pied
0.1 Pastel het. Clown
1.2 Clown het. Pied
0.1 DesertGhost Pied '22 1,5kg
1.0 DesertGhost Pied '22 *Smiley*
0.1 DesertGhost het. Pied '19 2,3kg
0.1 Pied 66% het. DesertGhost '19 2,8kg
1.0 Super Enchi Clown 66% het. DesertGhost '23
0.3 DH Clown Pied '16-'17 1,9kg-2.8kg
0.1 Pied 66% het. Clown '19 2,5kg
0.1 Super Enchi DesertGhost Crypton '23 1kg
0.1 Crypton 66% het.DesertGhost '23 1,2 kg
1.0 Super Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21
1.0 Super Enchi DesertGhost het. Cryptic '21
0.1 Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21 2kg
0.1 Mojave BlackHead Clown '21 2kg
*weights are +/-

Suche Verstorbene Tiere zur Präparation / Skelettpräparation
Ich bin Hobbypräparator und suche auf diesem Weg verstorbene Tiere um meine Sammlung an Schädeln und Skelettpräparaten zu erweitern. Vielleicht habt Ihr ja das ein oder andere verstorbene Exemplar im Froster was Ihr abgeben würdet. Versand sollte möglich sein oder Übergabe auf Börsen wie Hamm und Houten. Je nach Tierart und Größe ist auch eine Abholung möglich.
Bitte alles anbieten :)
Vielen Dank

Fiano Romano, Hamm, Houten, Ziva Exotica
Siebebrockiella crassicollis
Pseudemys gorzugi
Cuora flavomarginata
Amyda cartilaginea
Apalone ferox
Adult proven breeders:
1,3 Pelusius carinatus
1,1 Cuora amboinensis Cuoro
1,2 Cuora amboinensis Kamaroma
1,4 Kinosternon cruentatum
6 Chacophrys pierottii 3-4cm Very Rare!
40+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
10+ Bufo marinus 7-12cm
150+ Ceratophrys cranwelli many color
14 Ceratophrys fantasy Green 6cm
Looking for Apalone mutica, spinifera, Morenia, Dogania, Terrapene ornata, Ceratophrys stolzmanni

Trioceros cristatus captive bred
For the Hamm and Houten Fair 2.2 trioceros cristatus. Own captive bred

Transport NL-BE-HAMM-BE (Dec 2024)
Bent u op zoek naar vervoer tussen NL-BE-DE?
Ik regel op 14 december 2024 vervoer tussen België en Hamm, zowel goederen als dieren. (Ja, ik heb een type 1 vergunning voor het vervoer van dieren)
Als er genoeg verzoeken zijn, regel ik ook een transport van Houten naar België en Hamm. Let op: Houten is 2 weken voor Hamm, dus er zal een extra oppastarief zijn voor het vervoer van Houten-Hamm. Voor meer informatie mail me of stuur me op whatsapp (+32495747864) Met vriendelijke groet,

0.0.9 Varanus storri beschikbaar voor Hamm/Houten
0.0.9 Belgische CB Varanus storri te koop:
0.0.5 vanaf augustus 2024
0.0.4 van oktober 2024
€ 400 per stuk, maar in hogere aantallen onderhandelbaar.Alle individuen doen het geweldig, zijn levendig en hebben een grote voedselrespons.
Pictures of the parents on request.
In België gevestigde overdracht in Houten expo of Hamm expo is op aanvraag mogelijk.

Offer for Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Ostrava, Houten etc.
Looking for Ceratophrys stolzmanni Females!
For Sale
Last few Chacophrys pierottii CB, Real pure blood - Very Rare
0,0,xxxx Ceratophrys cranwelli color variants:
Wild, Green, Albino, Cherry, Coffe, Choco, Apricot, Strawberry, Tangerine, Metal Blue
0,0,xx Ceratophrys Fantasy: green, red
0,0,xx Pyxicephalus adspersus
50+ Lepidobatrachus laevis
0,0,xx T.resinifictrix
Looking for:
-Ceratophrys: aurita, calcarata etc.
-Ceratophrys stolzmanni females
-Mantella aurantiaca, baronii
-Scaphiophryne sp.
-Lepidobatrachus sp. except laevis
+Many species of aquatic turtles for sale, check my other adds
Shipping to Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Houten, Verona and all the other bigger EU expos

Stocklist Terra-Amphibia HAMM & HOUTEN!
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Adelphobates galactonotus red
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus yellow
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar GOLD
Dendrobates auratus Karibik
Dendrobates auratus Costa Rica
Dendrobates auratus el cope
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus La Coca
Dendrobates auratus albino
Dendrobates auratus 'Super blue'
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Atachi bakka
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella Sub adult
Dendrobates tinctorius Brasil
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia albino
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius Ceyenne
Dendrobates tinctorius Oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Dendrobates tinctorius sipilawini green
Dendrobates tinctorius regina
Dendrobates tinctorius Dasha
Dendrobates tinctorius Natasha
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt s
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates truncatus
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator yurimaguas
Ranitomeya imitator chazuta
Ranitomeya imitator banded
Ranitomeya lamasi highland
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates anthonyi cielito
Epipedobates anthonyi Buana esperanza
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates aurotaenia yellow
Phyllobates aurotaenia green
Phyllobates terribilis Mint Small/Subadult
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Phyllobates terribilis blackfood
Hyloxalus ezureiventris
1.1 Oophaga lehmanni yellow
Oophaga sylvatica Diablo
Oophaga pumilio Cristobal
Oophaga pumilio colon bocas del Drago
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos
Oophaga pumilio el Dorado
Oophaga pumilio Nancy
Oophaga pumilio punta laurel
Oophaga pumilio solarte
2.2 Oophaga pumilio blue jeans NEW!
Agalychnis callidryas
Litoria caerulea
Litoria caerulea snowflake
Litoria caerulea honey blue eyed
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi
Pyxicephalus adspersus
Rheabo guttatus
Bufo brongersmai
Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Triprion Spinosa
Theloderma corticale
Rentapia flavomaculata RARE
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
Rhacophorus arboreus
Salamandra salamandra
Tylotriton verrucosus adult 2 pairs
Triturus marmoratus
Neurergus crocatus
Neurergus strauchii
Notopthalmus viridescens (Be fast)
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Varanus tristis
Phelsuma nigriastriata
Phelsuma Parva
Phelsuma robertmertensi
Phelsuma laticauda
Phelsuma klemmeri
Rhacodactylus leachianus Sub Adult
Pseudopus apodus trio
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Centrochelys sulcata
Chelonoidis carbonarius
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis thayeri
Lampropeltis pyromelana
Elaphe schrencki
Boa constrictor
Morelia amethistina
Morelia viridis Aru
And more species! Just ask for the pricelist!
‼️We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings‼️
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com

Proven Breeders Ball Pythons
Verona - Houten - Hamm
Proven Breeders
- 1.0 2021 Albino Black Pastel Mahogany
- 0.1 2019 Candino

ExoWorld - Hamm, Houten, Prague, Ostrava
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
0,0,62 Rhacodactylus auriculatus Colors 40-80€
10pcs 5% discount
20pcs 10% discount
40 pcs 15% discount
all 62 pcs - 2700€
0,0,20 Rhacodactylus auriculatus moc color 25€
(All 20 pcs = 400€)
2,7 Rhacodactylus auriculatus Adult 100€+
Link to the album and to FB and any communication:

ExoWorld - Hamm, Houten, Prague, Ostrava
Ciliatus : TOP MORPH
Ciliatus morph:
Sable LW 0,0,1 690€
Axanthic 0,1,6
1. 500€
2. 350€
3. 400€
4. 500€
5. 450€
6. 400€
7. 500€
8. 650€
100%het AXA 2,0,3 - 70€+
Charcoal 4,2 8g+ 50€+
Frappucino 1,0 490€
Frappucino 0,1 690€
Correlophus ciliatus adult Lilly White 0,4 80€+
0,15 Correlophus ciliatus adult 40€-120€
7,0 Correlophus ciliatus 25-50€
1,0 Correlophus ciliatus Super dalmatian 120€
5,0 Correlophus ciliatus Lilly White 50€-120€
0,0,100 Ciliatus mix morph 7€
0,0,50 Lilly White 15€
Link to the album and to FB and any communication:
Top morph:

ExoWorld - Hamm, Houten, Prague, Ostrava
Rare ‼️
Lepidophyma tuxtlae 0,0,5 - 500€/pcs
Hypsilurus boydii 0,0,2 - 1400/pcs
Bavayia cyclura 0,0,18 - 60€pcs
Vieillardi 0,0,6 110/pcs
Vieillardi 2,2 300€/pair
Occidentalis 2,2 350€/pair
Occidentalis 0,0,8 115€/pcs
Agricoale 4,4 230€/pair
Agricoale 0,0,14 80€/pcs
0,0,3 Blaesodactylus boivini 160€pcs/or 350€ together
0,0,30 M. chahoua 65€/pcs 60€/5pcs 50€/10+pcs
Physignathus cocicinus 0,0,6 Small form - 100€/pcs
1,2 - 400€
1.0 Oreo 100%het Zulu 66%het Caramel (small underbite)
0.1 WO Zulu 100%het Oreo 66%het Caramel
0.1 WO Zulu 66%het Caramel 50%het Oreo
And single female
0,1 Patty 100%het Oreo Ghoust - 280€
0,1 Zulu Patty 50%het Oreo 66%het Ghost Caramel - 250€
Correlophus sarasinorum White collar 1,2 Adult CB2019 - 900€/group
Correlophus sarasinorum White collar ♀️CB2023 - 350€
0,1 ♀️ Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghise 66%het MELANISTIC 350€
0,0,2 Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghise 66%het MELANISTIC 250€
0,1 ♀️ Rhacodactylus leachianus MT. Koghis 250€
0,0,2 Rhacodactylus leachianus MT Koghis pos. Red 300€
Link to the album and to FB and any communication:
Other reptiles: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1064861418982883&type=3
Leachianus: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1064862098982815&type=3
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.