houten Anzeigen Standard [Seite 6]
For Houten february, Hamm march,
0.1 Cuora mccordi 13cm
Details on request.

Hamm - Houten - Verona
2.0 adult ready to breed females - around 45g

C.ciliatus Superdalmatian
Hamm - Houten - Verona
3.0 C.ciliatus superdalmatian
Varanus prasinus CB / Boiga cyanea
Available for houten 16/02
0.0.1 Varanus prasinus cb 2025 really tame and eating by hand.
1500 euros
0.1 Boiga cyanea cb 2024
200 euros

1.1 naja Melanoleuca.
1.1 Naja Melanoleuca + Terrarium Herptek 90x60x50
Hamm ou houten ou de venir et de ramasser.

1,0 Corallus hortulanus CB 2022
1,0 Corallus hortulanus CB 2022, cca 140 cm, 250 euro. Deliver to Hamm or Houten is posible.
Looking for turtles for next houten or hamm
Looking for turtles for next houten or hamm.
Im looking for 1 male cuora evelynae. I have big adult group 1.9 and im looking for 1 more male.
Im looking for terrapene carolina carolina females .
Im looking for terrapene ornata luteola females for my adult male.
Let me know when you have any.

I am looking for female adult Lepidobatrachus laevis
I am looking for an adult or juvenile female to create a breeding pair of Lepidobatrachus laevis for Hamm or Houten 2025. I can determinate sex of juveniles Lepidobatrachus. Contact me.

For sale Clemmys Guttata Sternotherus Carinatus
For sale
0.0.1 Clemmys guttata cb2023 200 euro
1.3.0 Sternotherus Carinatus (lay every years eggs) 250 euro for all!!!
Trade possible.
Possible deliver on Houten 16-2-2025 !! No Hamm

Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus, Kronengecko)
I offer sexed crested geckos of various morphs (Lilly White, Super Harlequin, Phantom Lilly White, Pinstripe...), all comes with lineage, date of birth and customer service. Delivery possible to Prague, Hamm, Houten, Verona, DDI, Colubra. Wholesales possible with reduced price. Contact via email or check our facebook (TerraPrague) or instagram (terra.prague) page.

Pogona vitticeps Red Monster
1.0 Pogona vitticeps - Extreme Red Monster Blue Line CB 2024 1450€
0.1 Pogona vitticeps - Extreme Red Monster Blue Line CB 2024 1850€
1.0 Pogona vitticeps - Extreme Red Dark Red Monster CB 2024 2300€
Pick up in Hamm Or houten possible.

1.0 Varanus reisingeri CBB 2022
I’m offering 1.0 Varanus reisingeri CBB 2022 missing a small Part of the Tail.
Hamm or Houten possible.
Best regards
Mike Nußher

1.1 Eryx miliaris sandboa
Adult pair Eryx miliaris, male cb19, female cb17. Had their first litter last year. If you have questions just ask. Hamm or houten possible or pickup in Eindhoven.

Rats, labor. mice, mastomyš, chicken, rabbit
Hamm in March avalible
I sell Mastomys (ASF rat/ Praomys natalensis), labor white mice, rats, chicken and rabbit. I have all size and I go all expo in SK, HU, Živá exotika, Hamm, Houten and Verona. That you intristing, send me message.
Best regards, Terraristika Dobre.

Houten 16.2.2025, Table U6
Houten 16.2.2025
0,0,6 - Gastropholis Prasina / 80€
0,0,5 - Takydromus dorsalis / 60€
8,10 - Chamaeleo calyptratus ( 5-10cm) / 60€ pair
0,0,50 leopard Gecko / 18€
0,0,20 R. Auriculatus red / 25€
0,0,50 ciliatus / 8€
0,0,10 ciliatus LW / 20€
10,0 adult ciliatus / 15€
10,10adult ciliatus LW / 100€ pair
0,0,3 R. Leachianus Pine I. / 200€
0,0,4 R. Leachianus Nuu Ana / 180€
0,0,13 M. Chahoua / 80€
0,0,1 Axanthic LW ciliatus / 650€
10,0 100% het Axa ciliatus ( 15-20g) / 80€
0,0,10 66% het Axa / 25€
3,3 - Eurydactylodes viellardi / 320€ pair
0,0,10 - Eurydactylodes occidentalis 140€
Suche 1.0 Pogona minor für Houten,Hamm
Suche für Houten,Hamm oder zur Abholung noch 1.0 Pogona minor ,am liebsten schon Geschlechtsreif.

Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki CB25 0.0.9
Zum verkauf 0.0.9 stigmochelys pardalis babcocki CB 25. (5-01-2025).
Pro tier €120, alle tieren zusammen €855
Abzuholen in Venlo oder in Houten, börse 16-02-2025

Python Regius Desert Ghost Group
I have several Python Regius available to leave, both individually and in a group. The animals eat both frozen and live rats. Reason for sale is that they no longer fit within my future breeding plans.
Proven males:
1.0 Spotnose Desert Ghost
1.0 Red Stripe Het Desert Ghost
1.0 Spotnose Fire Het Clown Desert Ghost (Enhancer line)
Unproven males:
1.0 Orange Dream (Het Desert Ghost)
1.0 Pastel Enchi Fire Desert Ghost
Proven females:
0. 1 Pastel Mojave Het Desert Ghost
0.2 Pastel Het Desert Ghost
0.1 Pastel Fire Het Desert Ghost
Not proven females:
0.1 Desert Ghost
0.1 Ghi Pastave Het Desert Ghost
Pick up at the reptile fairs in Hamm (DE) and Houten (NL) is possible. These are old pictures, new pictures will follow as will the weights. Prices on request, realisatie bids are also welcome.

Gastropholis prasina
Available 4 pairs gastropholis prasina
ZE, Hamm, Houten
Search for houten avic pampho stroma etc
I search for houten (febuary)
Sling min 2 cm bl
Avicularia sp
Versicolor (sub too)
Pamphobeteus sp
P metallica
Other Poecilotheria
houten Anzeigen Premium [Seite 6]

0,1 Chelonoides denticulata (2018)sold
1,0 Geochelone carbonaria "Red Head" sold
1,0 Geochelone carbonaria "Yellow Head" XXL
1,0 Kinixys homeana sold
Kinixys speckii sold
1,0 Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki XL sold

Hamm 14.9.2024 Row TU (Exo-World)
Hamm, Houten, Verona, Pague or ✈️????????
Blesodactylus boivini 0,0,2 1️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
Cyrtodactylus peguensis 1,0 CB2021 4️⃣0️⃣
Mniaroggeko chahoua 0,0,40 6️⃣0️⃣
Rhacodactylus leachianus
MT. Koghis 0,0,4 2️⃣2️⃣0️⃣➕
Moro 0,0,4 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
1,2 4x group ADULT 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣➕
0,0,30 colors top 3️⃣5️⃣➕
Paroedura pictus Male Xanthic and Female 100% het Xanthic ADULT
1,2 - 1️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
1,3 - 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
AFT -1,2 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
1.0 Oreo 100% het Zulu 66% heh Caramel (small underbite)
0.1 WO Zulu 100% Oreo 66% Caramel
0.1 WO Zulu 66% the Caramel 50% the Oreo
Ciliatus MORPH:
1. Axa LW Empty back 8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
2. Axa 3️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
3. Axa 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
1. ♂️ 10g 6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
2. 0,0,1 4️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
Charcoal ????????????
0,0,7 4️⃣0️⃣➕
Lilly White
0,0,40 1️⃣2️⃣
7,0 Adult 3️⃣0️⃣➕
Ciliatus mix morph
0,0,60 6️⃣
25,25 Adult 7️⃣0️⃣
10,0 Subadult 2️⃣0️⃣➕

Moschusschildkröten verkaufen
0,0,2 Claudyus angustatus CB 2023
0,1 Kinosternon baurii
0,1 Sternotherus odoratus
0,1 Sternotherus carinatus
0,0,2 Kinosternon flavescens
1,0 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino
0,0,11 Kinosternon leucostomum hetero albino ( no one albino for sell!)
1,0 Sternotherus minor
0,0,3 Sternotherus minor
1,1 Claudyus angustatus BIG FORM adult pair
ZIVA HAMM HOUTEN VERONA petfarm@petfarm.hu

Nyctimantis brunoi,Сruziohyla
Hamm/Houten/Live Exotic
0.0.200 Nyctimantis(Aparasphenodon) brunoi CB24 3-4cm
0.0.50 Сruziohyla sylviae 4-5cm
0.0.40 Agalychnis callydrias super white spotted 4-5cm

Philodryas Pituophis Boiga Hamm Houten
5.5 Phrynocephalus versicolor
3.3 Phrynocephalus przewalskii
5.5 Phrynocephalus guttatus melanurus
4.4 Phrynocephalus mystaceus mystaceus CBB24
10.4 Leiolepis guttata
6.2 Eremias arguta deserti
2.2 Polychrus peruvianus
2.2 Polychrus femoralis
2.2 Otocryptis wiegmanni CB24
1.2 Hoplocercus spinosus
1.0 Sauromalus ater CB22
All CBB 2023
2.2 Archelaphe bella leonardi
1.4 Boiga cynodon Orange
0.1 Boiga cynodon Bright
1.0 Boiga cynodon Black
1.1 Boiga cynodon Leucistic
1.1 Boiga kraepelini
0.3 Boiga dendrophilla multicincta
1.1 Boiga dendrophila annectens
ALL CBB 2024
8.5 Boiga cyanea
0.1 Boiga cynodon Black
6.2 Boiga cynodon Leucistic
1.0 Boiga cynodon Het Leucistic
4.2 Boiga annectens
4.4 Boiga divergens Axanthic
3.2 Boiga divergens Polillo
5.7 Boiga divergens Luzon
2.4 Boiga geminicincta
7.1 Boiga multicincta
3.3 Boiga guangxiensis
3.2 Boiga nigriceps
1.1 Boiga siamensis
0.0.3 Boiga trigonata
1.1 Toxicodryas pulverulenta
0.0.1 (0.1??) Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus
20.20 Rhynchophis boulengeri
4.0 Archelaphe bella chapaensis
2.2 Archelaphe bella leonardi
9.9 Elaphe davidi
6.6 Elaphe dione Red Bright
1.0 Elaphe dione Red Flame
9.13 Elaphe dione Super Red Bright
1.2 Elaphe dione Super Red Flame TOP
1.2 Elaphe dione Melanistic
5.5 Elaphe dione Albino T-
5.5 Elaphe dione Albino T+
11.11 Elaphe dione Beijing
1.1 Elaphe dione Yellow
4.4 Elaphe dione Bright Yellow
1.1 Elaphe dione Lime
4.4 Elaphe dione Bright Red Yellow
4.4 Elaphe dione Light
10.10 Elaphe dione situla
1.1 Elaphe dione Hypo Khabarovsk
9.9 Elaphe dione Crazing
1.1 Elaphe dione Crazing Red
2.5 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Chocolate TOP
3.3 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Dark Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Olive
2.2 Elaphe dione Vipera
12.12 Elaphe dione Vipera Reddish
4.4 Elaphe dione Vipera Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Vipera Bright Red
2.2 Elaphe dione Striped Yellow
1.2 Elaphe dione Striped Bright Yellow
3.3 Elaphe dione Striped Red Yellow
2.2 Elaphe dione Striped Red Orange
7.7 Elaphe dione Black Mozdok
10.0 Philodryas baroni
0.2 Oreocryptophis pulchra
3.2 Oreocryptophis laticinctus
1.2 Pseudoelaphe flavirufa
1.1 Pseudoelaphe flavirufa Anery
6.5 Dinodon meridionale CBB24
5.3 Dinodon paucifasciatus CBB23
2.2 Dinodon rufozonatum Albino orange CBB24 & CBB23
5.0 Dinodon rufozonatum Albino Bloody CBB24
1.1 Dinodon rufozonatum Albino Bloody CBB24
13.13 Dinodon rufozonatum Hypo Melanistic CBB24
5.6 Dinodon rufozonatum Toffe Tangerine CBB24
1.1 Dinodon rufozonatum Toffe Tangerine CBB23
1.1 Dinodon rufozonatum Het Leucistic CBB24
4.2 Dinodon rufozonatum Striped CBB24
1.0 Dinodon rufozonatum Dark CBB24
2.1 Dinodon cf. rufozonatum CBB23
1.0 Oxyrhopus f. fitzingeri CB20
1.1 Boiga trigonata CB20
0.1 Elaphe schrenckii CB20
0.2 Masticophis flagellum WC22 Nice black head
2.0 Euprepiophis mandarinus Sichuan CB20
Litoria splendida Snow flake
2.1 Aparasphenodon brunoi
0.0.6 Cruziohyla craspedopus Snow flake
0.0.10 Phyllomedusa tarsius
0.0.50 Phyllomedusa sauvagii

Philodryas Pituophis Boiga Hamm Houten
4.2 Phrynocephalus versicolor
5.3 Phrynocephalus przewalskii
4.2 Phrynocephalus guttatus melanurus
6.4 Phrynocephalus mystaceus mystaceus CBB24
5.3 Leiolepis belliana
1.1.8 Eremias arguta deserti CBB23/24
1.1 Eremias velox velox CBB23
2.2.8 Otocryptis wiegmanni CBB23/24
All CBB 2023
2.2 Archelaphe bella leonardi
1.4 Boiga cynodon Orange
0.1 Boiga cynodon Bright
1.0 Boiga cynodon Black
2.2 Boiga cynodon Leucistic
0.2 Boiga nigriceps
0.1 Boiga geminicta
1.1 Boiga guangxiensis
2.2 Boiga kraepelini
0.3 Boiga dendrophila divergens Polillo
0.3 Boiga dendrophilla multicincta
1.1 Boiga dendrophila annectens
14.10 Philodryas baroni BLUE X GREEN
1.1 Boiga divergens Polillo Amazing pair
3.3 Elaphe davidi
1.2 Elaphe dione Super Red Flame TOP
2.5 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Chocolate TOP
3.3 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Dark Red
1.1 Elaphe dione Tenebrosa Olive
0.2 Oreocryptophis pulchra
3.2 Oreocryptophis laticinctus
1.2 Oreocryptophis coxi
0.1 sayi WS Snow PROVEN
1.0 sayi WS Axanthic multihet PROVEN
0.1 sayi Het patternless het Red PROVEN
0.1 sayi Axanthic WS possible multihet PROVEN
0.1 sayi albino power colour possible multihet PROVEN
0.1 sayi het patternless het albino PROVEN
1.1 Boiga trigonata CB20
0.1 Elaphe schrenckii CB20
0.2 Masticophis flagellum WC22 Nice black head
2.0 Euprepiophis mandarinus Sichuan CB20
Litoria caerulea Honey
Litoria caerulea Snowflake
2.1 Aparasphenodon brunoi
Cruziohyla craspedopus
Phyllomedusa sauvagii

Python Regius Morphs Hamm/Houten
The list:
Python Regius www.HollandSnakes.nl
Baby's and adult list:
0.1 Super Enchi DesertGhost Clown het. Pied
0.1 Enchi Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
0.1 Clown DH DesertGhost Pied
1.2 Enchi TH DesertGhost Clown Pied
1.2 TH DesertGhost Clown Pied
1.0 Super Enchi Clown het. DesertGhost
1.1 Enchi het. DesertGhost 66% het.Clown
0.1 YB OD Pied het. DesertGhost
0.1 YB DH DesertGhost Pied
1.0 DesertGhost het. Pied
1.0 Super Enchi DesertGhost
1.0 Super Enchi het. DesertGhost
0.1 Pastel het. Clown
1.2 Clown het. Pied
0.1 BlackHead het. Clown '16 2kg
0.1 DesertGhost Pied '22 1,5kg
1.0 DesertGhost Pied '22 *Smiley*
0.1 DesertGhost het. Pied '19 2,3kg
0.1 Pied 66% het. DesertGhost '19 2,8kg
0.3 DH Clown Pied '16-'17 1,8kg-2.8kg
0.1 Pied 66% het. Clown '19 2,5kg
0.1 Super Enchi DesertGhost het. Cryptic het. Clown '23 1kg
0.1 Crypton 66% het.DesertGhost '23 1kg
1.0 Super Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21
0.1 Enchi Crypton 66% het. DesertGhost '21 2kg
*weights are +/-

Cheap retics and anacondas for hamm houten or shipping
Wholesale prices possible or lot prices
1.0 golden child albino cb22. 300
1.0 golden child cb22 200
1.1 wildtype het foulsham caramel cb22 125 each 200 pair
1.0 leopard from bob clark cb22 200
1.0 mochina subfire cb23 150
1.0 dwarf cb22. 150
1.0 gold dark bob clark cb22 200
1.1 sunfire het foulsham cb22 125 each 200 pair
1.0 aztec cb22 125
Albino from bob clark cb22 250
0.1 aztec cb 22 175
1.0 gold from bob clark 250
1.2 eunectes murinus green anaconda cb20. 450 each
All 1000
1.1 eunectes notateus cb19-22 400 pair
0.1 python molurus bivitattus ivory cb18 3m 20kg 850
1.0 python molurus bivittatus albino cb12 4m 30kg 800
Python molurus bivittatus hypo caramel 250
1.1 boa constrictor cb10-15 600 pair
1.0 Python sebea green cb23 200
Python curtus cb20-21 250
Pick up Hasselt België or Hamm or houten fair

Nephrurus and Paroedura morph
Available ---> Hamm / Houten
1.2 Nephrurus amyae (young female from late 2023 and proven pair)
4.3 Nephrurus vertebralis (proven pairs and young from 2024)
2.1.3 Nephrurus levis hypo striped (proven pairs and young from 2024)
4.4.5 Nephrurus cinctus white line (proven pairs and young from 2024)
3.2 Underwoodisaurus milii (proven breeders)
2.2 Paroedura picta (xanthic het snow, axanthic, xanthic the amel)
1.0 Diplodactylus galeatus
1.0 Strophurus williamsi
Wholesale possibile.
Info: Nephrurusaddiction@hotmail.it
Pics on Instagram: nephrurusaddiction

Anery, het hypo female red tegus CB21 2x(pos.with male anery hypo)
2 beautiful Anery, het. Hypo red tegu females. Captive bred by me in 2021. A costumer of mine has to sell his male Anery Hypo red tegu. I can also bring this animal to an expo like Hamm or houten. Pictures are of 1 of the females and the male.
1500euro for 1
2500euro for 2
3500euro for 3
Also have 100% het Anery, pos. Hypo female and a Hypo, het Anery female available.
Open for trade for V. salvator t- albino (no het), Heloderma horridum and color specials, Heloderma suspectum special coloring, albino red tegu male, albino blue tegus, snow red tegu, Tiliqua rugosa..

Big ivory and albino burmese Python
Shipping or pick up in belgium
Or hamm or houten
0.1 python molurus bivittatus Ivory 3m 20kg price 1200
0.1 python molurus bivittatus albino 4m 30kg
Price 1000
0.1 python molurus bivittatus ivory 60cm 350
0.1 python molurus bivittatus hypo caramel 1,2m price 250
0.1 python reticulatus golden child 2 m 200
0.1 python reticilatus wild 1m 95
0.1 python sebea green 1,2m. 200
1.2 eunectes murinus 2 m cb 450 each
1000 all
1.1 eunectes notateus male 1 m female 2 m
500 pair
1.1 boa constrictor male 1,2m female 2,5m
600 pair

Shipping to Prague, Houten, Hamm, Verona
For Sale
0,0,xxxx Ceratophrys cranwelli: Many variants, different sizes from baby to adult
0,0,xxx Ceratophrys Fantasy: green, red
0,0,xx Pyxicephalus adspersus 4-8cm
0,0,x Ceratophrys cornuta
1,1,xxx Bufo alvarius
0,0,x Sclerophrys camerunensis wild
Looking for:
-Ceratophrys: aurita, calcarata
-Ceratophrys stolzmanni females
+Many species of aquatic turtles, check my other adds
Shipping to Hamm, Ziva Exotica, Houten and other bigger expos.

Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24
0.0.ххх Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24 150€ each
Possible delivery to Hamm/Houten
Possible exchange for Phyllomedusa sp,Agalychnis sp

Brachypelma auratum 0.0.200 shipping all Europe
Have some Brachypelma auratum slings FH1, mother from import 2021(Mexico)
I can bring to Houten, or ship all Europe.
1x 20e
10x 150e
25x 320e
50x 500e
100x 950e
200x 1800e

Houten show
Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer
Size 10-14cm in body
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.