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Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Possible hypos - Leiopython albertisii for Hamm in March +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Possible hypos - Leiopython albertisii for Hamm in March

1.1 Leiopython albertisii, Dutch cb 2021, very special pair, eyes are white and tongues are pink, around 150 cm, great feeders on everything offered, extreme feedingresponse. I will sell them for the highest offer.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Chilabothrus f. fordii - available for Hamm in March +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Chilabothrus f. fordii - available for Hamm in March

0.0.4 Chilabothrus f. fordii, German cb 2023, i have had them from new born, they are great feeders on dead mice and have been feeding on their own for minimum 9 month now. Great little boa. Photo from today and other photos from when i got them. Euro 1200,-

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Ecuador boas, due to cancelation one pair available for Hamm +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Ecuador boas, due to cancelation one pair available for Hamm

1.1 Boa imperator - Ecuador, pure Bonny line, cb 2024, perfect condition and feeding on dead mice. Euro 500,-

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Cay Caulker - breeders and babies for Hamm in March +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Cay Caulker - breeders and babies for Hamm in March

1.1 Boa imperator - Cay Caulker, pure Vincent Russo line, cb 2014 and 2015. Euro 1000,-
3.5 Cay Caulker babies from 2024, all in perfect condition and feeding great on dead mice. 1.1 for 400,- and 1.2 for 500,-

Nattern ungiftige  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.0 Kornnatter NZ2023 Hypo sunkissed Motley het Anery, Lavender +2
Verkaufe Nattern ungiftige

1.0 Kornnatter NZ2023 Hypo sunkissed Motley het Anery, Lavender

Zur Abgabe steht ein wunderschönes Kornnatter Männchen aus 07 2023 in der Morphe Hypo Sunkissed Motley het Anery, Lavender 50 %ph Amel, Caramel.

Da ich das Tier ursprünglich als Weibchen gekauft hatte und es sich nun als Männchen entpuppte, sucht er einen neuen Wirkungskreis.

Frisst tadellos Frost und häutet sich perfekt. Wunderbar zu händeln, auch Anfänger geeignet.

Übergabe in Hamm möglich.

80 Eur

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Jumping Spiders/ Phidippus Regius +2
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Jumping Spiders/ Phidippus Regius

Phidippus Regius Bahamas and Rastafari

These little cuties are looking for a new home.

All of them are currently at FH 5 size.

• Female: €35
• Male: €20
• Pair: €50

• Male: €20
• Female: €35
• Pair: €50

It’s best to visit in person and take a look at these lovely jumpers so you can pick the one that suits you best.
The females’ colors will intensify with each molt, but the color can still change.
The males will remain black and white.

I will be exhibiting at:
Hamm on March 8, 2025
• Ulm on March 15, 2025

Shipping available upon request, but not during cold seasons.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Petrosaurus mearnsi mit Lokalität Anza Borrego State Park +1
Verkaufe Echsen

Petrosaurus mearnsi mit Lokalität Anza Borrego State Park

1.1 Petrosaurus mearnsi Breeding Pair
Born 2020. Male with regenerate.
Regenerate is considered in Price.

For Hamm March 2025 or Shipment in Germany via Reptile Transfer.

I'm offering 0.2 Cuora flavomarginata nice specimens of 3 years old!
Actually they are going through winter dormancy.
Good price for both!
Open to trade.
For Italian fairs and Hamm.
Feel free to ask!

Suche philodryas baroni in Blau und Grün für die nächste Hamm Messe

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Diverse Boa Imperator abzugeben +1
Verkaufe Boas

Diverse Boa Imperator abzugeben

CB 2023
1.0 VPI Sunglow (pos Jungle) 66% het Anery (Snowglow) +
0.1 Ghost 66% het VPI Albino

together 400€
Hamm possible

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Anolis roquet Reviere Pilote
Verkaufe Echsen

Anolis roquet Reviere Pilote

Biete für Hamm absolute RARITÄT
Nachzuchtpaar A.roquet Reviere Pilote
F1 und blutsfremd!

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Anolis roquet zebrilus Bellefontaine
Verkaufe Echsen

Anolis roquet zebrilus Bellefontaine

Biete für Hamm:
Nachzuchtpaar A.roquet zebrilus

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Anolis marmoratus marmoratus +1
Verkaufe Echsen

Anolis marmoratus marmoratus

Biete für Hamm:
Nachzuchtpaar A.marm.marmoratus Capesterre
Beide Tiere F1 und blutsfremd

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boa constrictor Surinam, atheris, striatus, pyrrhus +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Boa constrictor Surinam, atheris, striatus, pyrrhus

Available for Houten february and maybe Hamm

1.1 Crotalus pyrrhus TA CB24 500€
1.0 Atheris broadleyi CB22 250€
0.2 Chilabothrus striatus striatus CB23 (one eat defrost mice 250€, one eat live live and Little kick on tail after cloacal no problem to reproduce them 150€)
2.4 Boa constrictor Surinam CB24 (0.1 250€, 1.1 400€, 1.2 550€, 2.2 700€)

Trade possible 1.0 Morelia viridis ARU adult or subadult or Protobothrops (no cornutus)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Eublepharis m. angramainyu, fuscus, afghanicus and more. +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Eublepharis m. angramainyu, fuscus, afghanicus and more.

Hamm March

5.8 Eublepharis fuscus. CB23/24 (females) CB24 (Males). Good price for 1.2 / 1.3 or more. Question me.
1.3 Eublepharis hardwickii. CB23. Ready for breed the season.
8.0 Eublepharis macularius macularius. CB23/24. Males. Wild bloodline.
0.3 Eublepharis macularius montanus. CB24.
2.2 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus. CB23.
3.1. Eublepharis macularius afghanicus CB24
0.0.10 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus CB24. Good price for group 5 or more animals .
Eublepharis angramainyu. Differents localities. Question me.
Contact: bullma.es@hotmail.com

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.0 Corallus batesii HQ Stripped cb15
Verkaufe Boas

1.0 Corallus batesii HQ Stripped cb15

I let go one mâle Corallus batesii HQ stripped cb15

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Nephrurus Levis  1.1 Pair CB23 Hamm ZE +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Nephrurus Levis 1.1 Pair CB23 Hamm ZE

I have a beautiful pair 1.1 Nephrurus Levis CB23 to offer.
Animals in very nice colors. Ready for breeding season 2025.
Pickup possible in Hamm and ZE.
Price 650€

Looking for 0.1 or 0.2 Pristurus rupestris from the "Saiq Plateau" Locality. ONLY this locality!
For Hamm or Houten or pickup in NRW (Germany) or the Netherlands.

Offers should include a picture and a price.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Nephrurus Levis female 0.1 Hamm ZE +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Nephrurus Levis female 0.1 Hamm ZE

Female Nephrurus Levis CB22 .
Laid eggs this season.
Price 350€

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Nephrurus Levis  female Hamm, ZE +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Nephrurus Levis female Hamm, ZE

I have a beautiful female Nephrurus Levis CB23 to offer.
Pickup possible in Hamm and ZE.
Price 350€