antaresia Anzeigen Standard
Antaresia maculosa peninsularis
1,1 Antaresia maculosa peninsularis
Adultes Zuchtpaar
( Cape York)
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Antaresia stimsoni orientalis
Pygmy banded Python
adultes Zuchtmännchen
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
1,1 Antaresia stimsoni orientalis
1,1 Antaresia stimsoni orientalis
Adulte Zuchttiere
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Snakes for last call!! #tableTU#HAMM
HAMM / table TU !!
Boaedon fuliscus albino T- 1.0 €50
Boaedon fuliscus yellow - 1.0 €70
Boaedon lineatus 0.1 - €50
Lampropeltis fuliscus black kenya 1.1 ADULT - €150 pair
lampropeltis getula meansi 1.1 adult €150
antaresia maculosa 1.2 adult €500
Orthriophis taeniurus 0.1 / €60
Phylodrias Baroni 1.0 green cb24/ 300€
Scaleless Corn
0.0.20 / €2400 all
Thamnophis sauritus 0.0.8 / €50 pc
Opheodrys aestivus 0.0.8/ €70 pc.
Boiga dentrophila ADULT / 800€ together (verified in breeding)
0.1 yellow €400
0.1 white €500
Boa sigma Tarahumara
1.1 cb2021
€1000 / pair
Wheatbelt locality Western Stimson's python
For Hamm December;
Cb23 & 24 Pure Wheatbelt locality Western Stimson's pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni) available from different clutches.
This years babies 500 euro each and holdbacks from last year up from 600 each.
Feeding well on defrosted mice.
SEARCHING for Antaresia perthensis
Please help me! Need to find Antaresia perthensis.
Contact me!
Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni)
I have one pair of Western Stimson's Pythons available, as well as one other. All three snakes are from 2023. The pair are feeding really well, the other snake is unsexed, and currently just eating pinkies dipped in boiling water. The pair are 400€, the single python is 150€. I can bring them to Hamm
Hamm / reptiliades antaresia stimsoni
0.1 Antaresia stimsoni orientalis
Pygmy pythons
CB11 perfect feeder.
Available for Hamm 14/09
1.0 Antaresia Maculosa / Gefleckte Python
Aufgrund einer Bestandsreduzierung biete ich hier ein wunderschönes, zuchtbereites Männchen an. Geschlüpft am 30.06.2021, ist er voll ausgewachsen und in ausgezeichneter Verfassung. Dieses Exemplar eignet sich hervorragend für die Zucht und ist ein perfekter Kandidat, um Dein Zuchtprojekt zu bereichern oder als besonderes Highlight in Deiner Sammlung zu dienen. Ein ideales Tier für erfahrene Halter, die einen besonderen Python suchen.
Suche, looking for, wanted, je, ONLY 1.1 or 1.X juvenile, subadult, adult:
shipping versand deutschland germany:
thamnophis sir. infernalis
thamnophis sir. tetrataenia
thamnophis sir. concinus
lampropeltis zonata zonata ( many black spots or pattern on the back )
lampropeltis pyromelana infralabialis, utah
lampropeltis alterna blairi nominat
lampropeltis pyromelana woodini intense black pattern
liasis macloti savuensis
antaresia perthensis adult kleiner small 70 cm
antaresia (childreni) stimsoni stimsoni, orientalis( big spots, contrast, großfleckig, hoher Kontrast adult kleiner 95cm !! )
antaresia childreni patternless orange-brown( no spots, no contrast, adult kleiner 95cm !! )
morelia sp. cheynei "yellow", male, female adult kleiner smaller 120cm !!
Suche/searching for Antaresia perthensis
I‘m looking for Antaresia perthensis.
If you have some available or know someone who could have one, please contact me.
suche chilabothrus striatus und antaresia perthensis
suche folgende tiere:
1,1 chilabothrus striatus
1,1 antaresia perthensis
wer tiere von diesen arten abzugeben hat, bitte melden :)
Tausche oder verkaufe Antaresia
Antaresia Stimsoni Zuchttiere von 2019 oder 2018 möglich.
Verkleinere meine Zuchtgruppe.
Kräftige Tiere, dieses Jahr über 30 Eier bei 3 Weibchen.
Verkauft oder Tausch
Z.B Woma , Dione , Baumpython oder kleine Varane.
Wertausgleich möglich.
Antaresia Stimsoni ( Childreni )
0,1 Antaresia Stimsoni Zuchttier von 2019 oder 2018 möglich.
Verkleinere meine Zuchtgruppe.
Kräftige Tiere,jedes Jahr 8-10 Eier
I am looking for a pair of adult Chelonidis Carbonariae in September for Hamm. a pair of adult Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and an adult male Antaresia Childreni. if you have contacted me by email or whatsapp 3892532975
Antaresia maculosa différentes mutation
Recherche antaresia maculosa différentes mutation hors classique. Merci de vos propositions
Antaresia Stimsoni orientalis 1,1
Antaresia Stimsoni orientalis from 2014 looking for a new home. (Located in Berlin)
Healthy and in perfect shape.
PM me if you are interested.
For Houten 24 sep ( Sergio Padilla Rodríguez) Facebook
1.3 Aspidites melanocephalus 2023
0.2 Aspidites melanocephalus goldchin 2023
2.2 Aspidites melanocephalus 2022
0.1 Aspidites melanocephalus 2021
0.9 Antaresia maculosa 2023
1.1 Antaresia maculosa adults
0.2 Gongylophis conicus 2023
1.1 Gongylophis conicus 2022
2.2 Gongylophis conicus adults
Gongylophis colubrinus multimorph babies and adults.
We Will have table at the Expo.
Antaresia stimsoni Wheatbelt
Gebe ein zuchtfähiges Antaresia stimsoni Wheatbelt Männchen ab. Er ist von 2020.
wanted snake, lezards, make offer
Zamenis situla
Orthriophis moellendorffi
antaresia spp
vipera amodytes
agkistrodon contortrix
ophisaurus apodus
varanus niloticus baby
avicularia metalica
antaresia Anzeigen Premium
different snakes available
- Boa c. longicauda cb
- Antaresia childreni cb
- Lichanura trivirgata roesofusca cb
- Pantherophis o. lindheimeri "leuzist and nomal" cb
- Pantherophis bairdi cb
- Lampropeltis t. nelsoni cb
- Lampropeltis pyromelana cb
- Orthriophis moellendorffi cb
- Zamensis scalaris cb
- Spalerosophis diadema wc
- Thamnophis sauritus nitae
- Heterodon nasicus "Anaconda, Superconda, Superarctic Conda, Arctic, Axanthic, Albino, Extreme red Albino,Toffe, Toffe Conda"
More pictures on request!
or write us an e-mail to:
Your team from Reptilienkosmos
Albino burmese,adult Madagascar boa female,…
Can bring to Hamm only preorders
0.1 acanthrophis dumerili +10 kg. Cites and microchip included price 500 euro
1.0 Python molurus hypo caramel 1 m 200
1.0 Python reticulatus 1 m 100
1.0 eunectes notateus 1,5 m 175
2.2 pituophis sayi cb22 100
1.0 pituophis sayi adult 2 m 175
1.1 rhinochius scalaris cb 100
1.0 Lampropeltis floridana adult 120
1.0 antaresia maculosa adult 195
0.1 aspidites ramsayi cb cb19 450
0.1 gonyosoma oxycephala wc ltc scars 150
2.10 Gongylophis muelleri adult 75 euro
Wholesale prices on demand
Albino burmese,adult Madagascar boa female,…
Can bring to Hamm only preorders
0.1 acanthrophis dumerili +10 kg. Cites and microchip included price 500 euro
1.0 Python molurus hypo caramel 1 m 200
1.0 Python reticulatus 1 m 100
1.0 eunectes notateus 1,5 m 175
2.2 pituophis sayi cb22 100
1.0 pituophis sayi adult 2 m 175
1.1 rhinochius scalaris cb 100
1.0 Lampropeltis floridana adult 120
1.0 antaresia maculosa adult 195
0.1 aspidites ramsayi cb cb19 450
0.1 gonyosoma oxycephala wc ltc scars 150
2.10 Gongylophis muelleri adult 75 euro
Wholesale prices on demand
Stocklist snakeday houten Terra-Amphibia
We will be there as visitors and we can take some species with us like reptiles, amphibians and insects.
For the actual stocklist check our website or send us a email.
Boiga Cyanea
Antaresia chilendri
1.2 Corallus hortulanus
Pituophis catenifer sayi
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
1.0 Python Regius fire pied
1.0 Python Regius enchi pied
Eryx colibrinus
Candoia carinata paulsoni santa isabel
Simalia amethistina
0.1 Morelia spilotes Cheynei
Python reticulates
Pantherophis bairdi
1.0 Boa constrictor albino
Euprepiophis mandarinus
Ask for the complete list with more reptiles amphibians and many more!
‼️ We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings ‼️
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.