Xenesthis Anzeigen Standard [Seite 6]
Diverse Vogelspinnen zur Abgabe
Für Hamm/Hannover, oder Versand
0,2 Brachypelma harmorii (Adult/ Sub Adult)
0,1 T.vagans (Adult)
0,1 Pamphobeteus .sp flammifera ( juvenile)
0,1 Ph.cf.fortis (juvenile)
0,1 Grammostola.pulchra (Sub Adult)
0,1 B.emilia ( Sub Adult)
0.1 B.albiceps (Sub Adult)
0,2 Ph.verspertinus ( juvenile)
1,1 Ph.machala ( frisch Adult)
0,0,2 Ph.mascara ( Baby)
0,1 Theraphosa apohyisis ( Subadult/Adult)
0,0,2 T.blondi ( juvenile)
0,0,2 Xenesthis immanis (juvenile)
1,1 Nhandu chromatus (Adult)
0,1 B.auratum (Adult)
0,1 N.trippepi (Adult)
0,0,2 T.albipolosum (Nicaragua) ( juvenile)
0,1 Lasiodora parahybana ( juvenile)
0.0.50 Avicularia cf. aurantiaca 2. FH 600€
0.0.30 Avicularia purpurea 1./2. FH 240€
0.0.50 Avicularia urticans green 1. FH 350€
0.0.50 Ephebopus murinus 1. FH 400€
0.0.30 Thrixopelma sp. Cuzco 2. FH 300€
0.0.50 Avicularia variegata 1. FH 400€
0.0.20 Typochlaena seladonia 1./2. FH 1100€
0.1 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla subadult 90€
0.1 Ephebopus murinus ca. 4cm KL 90€
0.1 Avicularia geroldi adult 120€
0.1 Lampropelma carpenteri adult 100€
0.1 Haplopelma bach ma adult 100€
0.1 Typochlaena seladonia adult (Kokonerfahren) frisch gehäutet 300€
0.3 Monocentropus balfouri 60€ stk.
0.1 Omothymus violaceopes adult groß 140€
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai adult frisch gehäutet 50€
0.1 Pamphobeteus ultramarinus adult und kurz vor der Häutung 250€
0.1 Neischnocolus panamanaus adult (ex. Ami sp. Panama) 120€
0.1 Xenesthis sp blue adult groß 280€
0.1 Encyocratella olivacea adult 120€
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult und Verpaart 80€
0.1 Grammostola rosea (porteri) adult 150€
0.1 Grammostola pulchripes adult 90€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana adult 70€
0.1 Heterothele gabonensis adult 50€
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus HF adult 45€
Tiere können für Hamm reserviert werden gegen 50% Anzahlung oder wahlweise Abholung in Krefeld, Köln oder Koblenz.
Angebot nur bis zum 19.11
Angebot, nur dieses Wochenende
0.1 Grammostola rosea 4-4,5cm KL 75€
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult 45€
0.1 Acanthoscuria geniculata adult 45€
0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni 40€
0.1 Linothele sericata adult 40€
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens ca 4,5cm 40€
0.1 Idiothele Mira adult 40€
0.1 Xenesthis intermedia ca 4-4,5cm Kl 75€
1.0 Xenesthis immanis ca 4cm Kl 30€
0.1 Cyriocosmus elegans adult 40€
1.0 Brachypelma hamorii ca 4cm Kl 20€
0.1 Heteroscodra maculata 20€
0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 20€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 20€
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF mikumi ca 3cm Kl 15€
0.1.1 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi ca 3cm Kl 0.1 30€, 0.0.1 20€
0.1 Theraphosinae sp piura ca 2,5cm KL 25
0.1 Idiothele Mira ca 2cm Kl 25€
0.2 Grammostola pulchripes ca 2-2,5cm KL 25€
0.1.4 Ephebopus cyanognathus ca 2,5-3cm KL
0.1.1 Kochiana brunnipes ca 1,5cm Kl 0.0.1 15€; 0.1 25€
1.0.1 Sicarius thomisoides adult
Porcellio haasi high yellow
Porcellio hoffmannseggi
Cubaris red edge
Cubaris panda King
Cubaris White side
Je Ansatz mit 12 Tieren 7€
2x 25er Würfel
2x 15er Würfel
3x 15x15x25
2x 15x15x20
1x 20er würfel
2x 20x30x40
1x 20x30x40 Haplotank
1x 30x30x50
1x 30x40x30
Alle von HX zur abgabe
Etliche Dosen in sämtlichen Größen sind auch noch vorhanden
Looking for Male Tarantulas
We are looking for the next SUB-ADULTS MALE TARANTULAS:
Grammostola Rosea red
Pelinobius muticus
Heterothele gabonensis
Xenesthis sp. Blue
Xenesthis inmanis
Xenethis white
Teraphosa blondi
Teraphosa apophysis
Apuonopelma bicoloratum
Grammostola pulchra
Avicularia Hirschi
Hysterocrates gigas
Poecilotheria tigrina.
Poecilotheria striata
Nhandu carpoensis
Poecilotheria Metallica
Shipping to Spain or possible pick up in Hamm 9.12.
Spinnen, Asseln, Terrarien
0.1 Grammostola rosea 4-4,5cm KL
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes adult
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF mikumi adult
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus RCF adult
0.1 Acanthoscuria geniculata adult
0.1 Aphonopelma seemanni
0.1 Linothele sericata adult
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
0.1 Idiothele Mira adult
0.1 Xenesthis intermedia ca 4-4,5cm Kl
1.0 Xenesthis immanis ca 4cm Kl
0.1 Cyriocosmus elegans adult
1.0 Brachypelma hamorii ca 4cm Kl
0.1 Heteroscodra maculata
0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana
0.0.2 Pterinochilus murinus DCF mikumi ca 3cm Kl
0.1.1 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi ca 3cm Kl
0.1 Theraphosinae sp piura ca 2-2,5cm KL
0.1 Idiothele Mira ca 2cm Kl
0.2 Grammostola pulchripes ca 2-2,5cm KL
0.1.4 Ephebopus cyanognathus ca 2,5-3cm KL
0.0.1 Pterinochilus murinus TCF ca 2,5cm KL
0.1.2 Kochiana brunnipes ca 1,5cm Kl
1.0 Sicarius thomisoides adult
Porcellio haasi high yellow
Porcellio hoffmannseggi
Cubaris red edge
Cubaris panda King
Cubaris White side
Je Ansatz mit 12 Tieren
2x 25er Würfel
2x 15er Würfel
3x 15x15x25
2x 15x15x20
1x 20er würfel
2x 20x30x40
1x 20x30x40 Haplotank
1x 30x30x50
Alle von HX zur abgabe
Etliche Dosen in sämtlichen Größen sind auch noch vorhanden
Preise VB
Abholung in 064..
Suche 0,1 Theraphosa und Xenesthis
ich suche junge bestimmte Weiber von
T. blondi
T. apophysis
X. sp. white
Vielen Dank
Christian Börner
Biete für Weinstadt 21.10.2023
Abgabeliste Weinstadt, 21.10.23
0.0.25 Avicularia metallica, 4.FH., Stk. 25.- Euro
0.0.x Avicularia minatrix Nz 01-04/23 ( Gruppenhaltung), Stk. 25,-
0.0.x Avicularia purpurea, 1.FH, Stk. 15.-
0.0.30 Avicularia purpurea, 4.FH, Stk. 25.-
0.0.x Avicularia sp. purple Peru, 1.FH, Stk. 15.-
0.0.x Caribena versicolor,1.FH, Stk. 12.-
0.0.x Caribena versicolor, 3.-4.FH, Stk. 22.-
0.0.1 Ybyrapora sooretama NZ 1/23 1-1,5cm Kl., Stk. 40,-
0.0.5 Xenesthis immanis, 3.-4.FH, Stk. 45.- Euro / 5 Stk. 200.-
0.0.30 Acanthoscurria geniculata, 2,5-3cm KL, Stk. 8.- / 5 Stk. 35.-
0.0.40 Ephebopus murinus, 2-2,5cm KL, Stk. 40.- / 5 Stk. 175.-
0.0.6 M. balfouri NZ 8/22, 2,5-3,5 cm Kl (in Gruppe), zus. 65,-
0.1 Chroma cyaneopubescens NZ 7/22, 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 30,-
0.3 Ybyrapora sooretama NZ 11/21, 2,5-3cm Kl, Stk. 70,-
1.0 Chroma. cyaneopubescens NZ 7/22 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 25,-
8.0 Xenesthis intermedia, NZ 03/22, ca. 4cm Kl, Stk. 50.- Euro
0.1 Caribena versicolor, NZ 4/19, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.1 Caribena versicolor, NZ 6/20, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.6 Caribena versicolor, NZ 6/21, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.1 Chroma. cyaneopubescens, NZ 04/19, adult, Stk. 55.-
0.1 M. balfouri Nz 19/20/21 adult, Stk. 50,-
0.2 Theraphosa apophysis, NZ 5/18, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosum, Nicaragua, adult, Stk. 55.-
0.1 Xenesthis spec. blue NZ 4/19, adult, Stk. 220,-
0.1 Xenesthis spec. white NZ 03/17, adult, Stk. 230.-
7.0 Caribena versicolor Rh 7/23, Stk. 25,-
Schönen Gruß
Looking for 1.0 Xenesthis sp. blue
Looking for 1.0 Xenesthis sp. blue
Verkaufe aus deutscher Nachzucht
0.1 Xenesthis sp. Blue 8-9cm, adult, frisch gehäutet, Kokon erfahren - 300€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 6-7cm - 250€
Vogelspinnen zu verkaufen.
Tliltocatl vagans 0.1 adult/sub 50€
0.1 psalmopoeus irminia adult/sub adult 40€
Nhandu chromatus 0.0.1 20€ ca 3,5cm
hysterocrates gigas 0.1 ca 5cm 30€
Phormingochilus spec.rufus 0.0.1 ca 2cm 9€
Orphnaecus sp blue Quezon 0.0.1 7€ ca 1cm
Xenesthis immanis 0.0.2 ca 3cm 35€
Grammostola pulchra 0.0.1 ca 2,5cm 35€
1.0 phormictopus auratus adult
1.0Psalmopoeus cambridgei adult
Mängen Rabatt + freebie möglich.
Tausch Angebote können auch gemacht werden.
Versand möglich.Abholung in Bochum möglich oder Übergabe in Hamm.
Hobby Zucht Auch Tierversand möglich !
Hallo habe einige Tierchen abzugeben!!
Xenesthis sp.bright 1.fh 0.0.x
Xenesthis sp.white 2.fh einige schon bestimmt!
Theraphosa blondi 5.fh
Pandinus Imperator In.3 unbestimmt
Alles eigene nachzucht!!!!!
Oder auf Bestellung für weinstadt möglich 21.10.2023!!
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen aus Hobbyzucht
Caribena.versicolor 0.0.120 2 FH St/ 03.00 €
Caribena.versicolor 0.2 4- 5 cm cm KL St/ 55,00 €
Caribena.versicolor 0.2 3 cm KL St/ 40.00
Caribena.versicolor 7.0 3 cm KL St/ 25.00
Caribena laeta 0.0.130 2 Fh St/02,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.0.20 3 Fh St/ 3,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.2 ca 4 cm KL St/ 40,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.5 Kl 2,5 cm St/30 ,00 €
Caribena laeta 1.0 2,5 cm KL St/20 ,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 0.0.40 2 Fh St/15,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 0.4 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/70,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 5.0 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/55,00 €
Avicularia braunshauseni 0.2 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/70,00 €
Avicularia minatrix 0.6 2,5 cm KL St/80,00 €
Avicularia minatrix 4.0 2,5 cm KL St/70,00 €
Psalmopoeus reduncus 0.2 4 cm KL St/35,00€
Harpactira pulchripes 0.0.10 ca 1 cm KL St/12,00€
Monocenropus balfouri 2,5-3 cm Kl 5er Gruppe/50,00€
Monocenropus balfouri 2,5-3 cm Kl 4er Gruppe/40,00€
Xenesthis immanis 2 .0 ca 3,5 cm Kl St/20,00 €
Cromatophelma cyaneopubescens 0.0.35 2 cm Kl St/13,00 €
Cromatophelma cyaneopubescens 0.2 3,5 - 4 cm Kl St/40,00 €
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 3.0 3 cm KL St/20,00€
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 0.3 2,5 cm Kl St/25,00 €
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 3.0 2,5 cm Kl St/15,00 €
Abholung in 77652 Offenburg oder Versand.
Versand:(bei geeigneten Temperaturen)
mit Styroporbox und Heatpack 7 €
Harpactira, Sericopelma, Xenesthis NZten
0.0.5 Harpactira pulchripes ca.3cm kl. 25€ st.
2.FH Xenesthis immanis 30€ st.
1.1 Sericopelma sp."darien" ca. 3cm kl. 55€
0.1 Pam. sp. mascara adult 55€
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen aus Hobbyzucht
Caribena.versicolor 0.0.120 2 FH St/ 03.00 €
Caribena.versicolor 0.2 4- 5 cm cm KL St/ 55,00 €
Caribena.versicolor 0.2 3 cm KL St/ 40.00
Caribena.versicolor 7.0 3 cm KL St/ 25.00
Caribena laeta 0.0.130 2 Fh St/02,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.0.20 3 Fh St/ 3,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.2 ca 4 cm KL St/ 40,00 €
Caribena laeta 0.5 Kl 2,5 cm St/30 ,00 €
Caribena laeta 1.0 2,5 cm KL St/20 ,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 0.0.40 2 Fh St/15,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 0.4 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/70,00 €
Ybyrapora sooretama 5.0 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/55,00 €
Avicularia braunshauseni 2.0 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/45,00 €
Avicularia braunshauseni 0.3 2,5 – 3 cm KL St/70,00 €
Avicularia minatrix 0.6 2,5 cm KL St/80,00 €
Avicularia minatrix 4.0 2,5 cm KL St/70,00 €
Psalmopoeus reduncus 0.2 4 cm KL St/35,00€
Harpactira pulchripes 0.0.10 ca 1 cm KL St/12,00€
Monocenropus balfouri 2,5-3 cm Kl 5er Gruppe/50,00€
Monocenropus balfouri 2,5-3 cm Kl 4er Gruppe/40,00€
Xenesthis immanis 2 .0 ca 3,5 cm Kl St/20,00 €
Cromatophelma cyaneopubescens 0.0.35 2 cm Kl St/13,00 €
Cromatophelma cyaneopubescens 0.2 3,5 - 4 cm Kl St/40,00 €
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 3.0 3 cm KL St/20,00€
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 0.3 2,5 cm Kl St/25,00 €
Pterinochilus murinus rcf 3.0 2,5 cm Kl St/15,00 €
Abholung in 77652 Offenburg oder Versand.
Versand:(bei geeigneten Temperaturen)
mit Styroporbox und Heatpack 7 €
Spiders for sale
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 5cm ls 25€
0.1 Ephebopus murinus adult gegen gebot
0.1 Hysterocrates gigas 5cm ls 25€
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 8cm ls 25€
0.1 Megaphobema robustum 15cm ls gegen gebot
0.1 Neoholothele incei 6cm ls 30€
0.1 Nhandu chromatus 8cm ls 35
0.1 Pamphobeteus antinous 15cm ls 100€
0.1 Pelinobius muticus 7cm 35
0.2 Psalmopoeus irminia 7-8cm ls 25€
0.6 Tliltocatl vagans 5-7cm ls 25€ "all for 100€"
0.2 Tliltocatl albopilosum 5cm ls 15€
1.0 Acanthoscuria geniculata 6cm ls 10€
1.0 Davus pentaloris 7cm ls 15€
2.0 Hysterocrates gigas 5-9cm ls 10-15€
1.0 Laysiodora parahybana 8cm ls 10€
1.0 Nhandu chromatus 7cm ls 10€
1.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 8cm ls 10€
1.0 Pelinobius muticus 8cm ls 15€
1.0 Pamphobeteus antinous 13cm ls 45€
1.0 Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 10cm ls 25€
2.0 Tliltocatl albopilosum nicaragua 5cm ls 10€
1.0 Tliltocatl vagans 9cm ls 10€
1.0 Xenesthis immanis adult 4/2023 gegen gebot
1.0 Xenesthis immanis sub adult gegen gebot
Xenesthis male, pachistopelma bromelicola male
Adult male :
- 1.0 xenesthis sp bright - 250 €
- 1.0 xenesthis sp tenebris x2 - 200 € st.
- 1.0 xenesthis sp white - 250 €
- 1.0 pachistoplema bromelicola - 150 €
- 1.0 avicularia bicegoi WC - 150 €
- 1.0 phormictopus sp red - 150 €
Suche :
- xenesthis sp blue sub / adult male
Shipping by DHL.
Suche 0,1 Theraphosa und Xenesthis
ich suche junge bestimmte Weiber von
T. blondi
T. apophysis
X. sp. white
Vielen Dank
Christian Börner
Suche adulte Kerle
Avicularia rufa peru
Grammostola grossa
Pamphobeteus spec platyomma
Theraphosa stirmi
Xenesthis immanis
Verschiedene Spinnen zur Abgabe
Für die kommenden Börsen in Frankfurt , Hamm sowie wahlweise Abholung Koblenz oder Köln bieten wir folgende Tiere an.
Angebot // Offer:
100x Thrixopelma sp Cuzco 1.Fh 1500€ UVP 35€ stk.
100x Avicularia Kwitara River 1. Fh 950€ UVP 15€ stk.
100x Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue 1. Fh 800€
Weiber Females:
0.1 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens adult (verpaart) 70€
0.1 Psalmopoeus emeraldus 1,5cm-2cm 25€
0.2 Psalmopoeus reduncus 1,5cm-2cm 20€
0.2 Neischnocolus sp. panama 2,5cm KL (ex. Ami sp. Panama) 85€ stk.
0.1 Haplopelma sp. bach ma 2.5cm KL 40€
0.1 Brachionopus sp. pretoriae adult 45€
0.2 Guyruita cerrado adult 80€ stk.
0.1 Hapalopus Kolumbien Gross adult 30€
0.1 Pamphobeteus cascada 6cm KL 80€
0.1 Stichoplastoris sp. nicaragua adult 80€ stk.
0.1 Sericopelma sp chica 5cm KL 50€
0.1 Tapinauchenius rasti 3cm KL 40€
Paare / Pairs:
1.1 Brachypelma emilia 3,5cm KL 55€
1.1 Xenesthis immanis 4,5cm KL 130€
1.1 Pamphobeteus cascada 4,5cm - 5cm KL 100€
1.1 Sericopelma rambala 4cm 90€
Unbestimmte / Unsexed:
0.0.40 Dolichothele diamantinensis 1.FH 15€ / 5x 65€
0.0.25 Therphosinae sp. Roatan 1. FH 6€ / 5x 20€
0.0.8 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3,5cm KL 35€ stk.
0.0.10 Ephebopus cyanognathus 1. FH 15€ / 5x 65€
0.0.10 Ybyrapora diversipes 1. FH 12€ / 5x 50€
0.0.30 Psalmopoeus victori 1. FH 25€ / 3x 60€
0.0.70 Avicularia spec. Peru purple 1. FH 14€ // 3x 35€
0.0.15 Avicularia sp. Kolumbien 1. FH 25€ stk.
0.0.x Avicularia Kwitara River 1. FH 15€ stk.
0.0.12 Typhochlaena seladonia 1. FH 70€ stk.
0.0.20 Cyriopagopus hati hati 1. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.x Chilobrachys sp. Electric blue 1. FH 12€ stk.
0.0.x Heterothele villosella 3. FH 3€ stk.
0.0.x Ceratogyrus darlingi 1. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.x Theraphosa blondi 3. FH 50€ stk.
0.0.x Caribena versicolor 2. FH 6€ stk.
HOBBY AUFGABE Xenesthis und co !!
2.0 Xenesthis intermdia ca 4 cm kl Stück 70 Euro
2.2 Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara Sub paar 100 Euro
Versand möglich !
Xenesthis Anzeigen Premium [Seite 6]
Houten 09.04.2023 LIST males,bulks
Houten 09.04.2023. (-10% preorder)
Possible shipping EU
10x Acanthoscurria geniculata 6BL-20,00e
10x Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua 4,5BL-12,00e
3x Hysterocrates gigas 5BL-10,00e
10x Pterinopelma sazimai 5BL-15,00e
20x Pterinochilus murinus Usambara 3,5BL-10,00e
20x Nhandu tripepii 3BL-10,00e
20x Nhandu coloratovillosus 3BL-10,00e
8x Chromatoplelma cyaneopubescens 3BL-15,00e
10x Brachypelma klaasi 3BL-25,00e
8x Brachypelma hamorii 3BL-18,00e
10x Brachypelma auratum 3BL-30,00e
5x Pamphobetheus mascara 3BL-30,00e
5x Pamphobetheus Machala 3BL-25,00e
5x Xenesthis intermedia 3BL-40,00e
7x Monocentropus balfouri 3,5BL-10,00e
50x Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua 3,5BL-7,00e
1x Brachypelma klaasi 4,5BL-50,00e
1x Brachypelma boehmei 5,5BL-50,00e
1xBrachypelma albiceps 4BL-35,00e
1x Dolichothele diamantinensis 3,5BL-40,00e
1x Phormictopus atrichomatus 5,5BL- 40,00e
Adult males:
2xLinothele sericata-25,00e
4xPsalmopeus reduncus-10,00e
1xPsalmopeus cambridgei-15,00e
2xPterinochilus murinus usambara-20,00e
2x Ceratogyrus darling-12,00e
1xPseudoclamoris gigas-15,00e
1x Harpactira dictator-20,00e
50xPterinochilus lugardi FH1
50xCeratogyrus darling FH1
50xCeratogyrus marshali FH1
For more information
+48 790266096
FB page:
Houten 09.04.2023 LIST SLINGS
Possible shipping EU
30x Acanthoscurria geniculata 3FH-3,00e
20x Acanthoscurria geniculata 5FH-5,00e
10x Aphonopelma seemani Blue 5FH-20,00e
20x Avicularia avicularia 3FH-17,00e
20x Avicularia juruensis 3FH-17,00e
10x Avicularia purpurea 3FH-20,00e
30x Brachypelma albiceps 4FH-10,00e
10x Brachypelma auratum 6FH-25,00e
30x Brachypelma boehmei 4FH-12,00e
10x Brachypelma emilia 4FH-10,00e
50x Brachypelma hamorii 1FH-7,00e
10x Brachypelma klaasi 6FH-20,00e
10x Caribena laeta 3FH-12,00e
50x Caribena versicolor 1FH-9,00e
20x Caribena versicolor 4FH-12,00e
50x Ceratogyrus darling 3FH-4,00e
10x Ceratogyrus darling 5FH-6,00e
10x Ceratogyrus marshali 5FH-5,00e
10x Chilobrachys blue Vietnam FH3-5,00e
10x Chilobrachys fimbriatus FH3-5,00e
10x Chilobrachys huahini FH5-6,00e
20x Chilobrachys sp.electric blue FH2-20,00e
40x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens FH1-10,00e
20x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens FH4-12,00e
10x Cyriocosmus elegens FH3-3,00e
10x Cyriopagopus hati-hati FH4-4,00e
10x Davus pentaloris FH5-5,00e
10x Diplura sanguinea FH2-3,00e
30x Grammostola pulchripes FH2-8,00e
2x Grammostola pulchra FH2-30,00e
20x Grammostola Rosea (ex.RED) FH2-22,00e
1x Grammostola Rosea (ex.RED) FH5-30,00e
10x Hapalopus formosus FH2-3,00e
10x Hapalopus triseriatus FH2-5,00e
30x Harpactira pulchripes FH1-10,00e
30x Heteroscodra maculata FH3-2,00e
10x Heterothele gabonensis FH4-5,00e
20x Heterothele gabonensis L1 FH1-3,00e
10x 10x Heterothele villosella FH3-3,00e
10x Holothele longipes FH1-5,00e
10x Kochiana brunnipes FH1-5,00e
50x Lasiodora parahybana FH2-2,00e
10x Linothele fallax FH3-10,00e
10x Linothele sericata FH3-8,00e
10x Megaphobema robustum FH1-25,00e
20x Neoholotele inicei Gold FH2-3,00e
10x Neoholotele inicei Gold FH5-8,00e
10x Neoholotele inicei FH4-5,00e
50x Nhandu coloratovillosus FH1-5,00e
10x Nhandu coloratovillosus FH4-7,00e
20x Nhandu tripepii FH4-5,00e
30x Nhandu chromatus FH4-3,00e
10x Omothymus violaceopes FH2-8,00e
10x Orphnaceus philippinus FH3-8,00e
10x Pamphobeteus sp.machala FH2-22,00e
1x Poecilotheria metalica FH5-25,00e
10x Poecilotheria regalis FH5-5,00e
15x Poecilotheria rufilata FH3-12,00e
5x Poecilotheria sp.lowland FH5-17,00e
5x Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli FH4-10,00e
10x Psalmopeus reduncus FH4-4,00e
10x Psalmopoeus cambridgei FH4-4,00e
30x Psalmopoeus pulcher FH1-4,00e
10x Psalmopoeus pulcher FH5-7,00e
10x Pslamopeus irminia FH2-4,00e
10x Pterinochilus chordatus FH4-8,00e
50x Pterinochilus lugardi FH1-7,00e
2x Pterinochilus murinus Kigoma FH2-15,00e
5x Pterinochilus murinus RCF FH5-5,00e
30x Pterinochilus murinus Usambara FH3-3,00e
5x Pterinochilus murinus Usambara FH6-7,00e
30x Pterinopelma sazimai FH2-4,00e
10x Tliltocatl albopilosum FH2-3,00e
30x Tliltocatl albopilosum Nicaragua FH2-3,00e
6x Xenesthis immanis FH1-55,00e
For more information
+48 790266096
FB page:
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Hamm SHOW 11.03 Pick up possible
We also can meet on ours road to any of the shows below here is ours road harmonogram:
We start the trip on 10.03 and will be in:
Oława, Dresden, Berlin, Hannover, Leipzig, Bielefed, Kassel, Dortmund, HAMM!
Check comments section!
In Preorder these prices are -20% off.
Ask for more details - private message
• 10x Brachypelma boehmei 3BL 50
• 10x Brachypelma Hamorii 3BL 45
• 2x Brachypelma Klaasi 2,5BL 50
• 10x Brachypelma Albiceps 3,5BL 50
• 10x Poe Miranda 3,5-4BL 55
• 10x Poe Miranda subadult 60
• 8x balfouri adult 55
• 10x balfouri sub 45
• 5x pampho petersii sub/adult 125
• 8x A. Peru Purple SUB 90
• 10x Intermedia 2bl 120
• 10x Blondi 2bl 90
• 2x Chromatus adult 75
• 25x Seemani sub/adult 60
• 5x Bistropelma Lamasi adult 500
• 20x chromatopelma adult 80
• 20x Versicolor 3bl 15
• 5x Versicolor sub 20
• 5x Versicolor adult 25
• 30x miranda sub 20
• 50x Caribena versicolor 10
• 40x Avicularia hirshii 165
• 50x Avic auriantaca 40
• 50x Avic minatrix 30
• 50x Avic boa vista 15
• 30x Ybyrapora sooretama 38
• 5x Avicularia ecuador gold 200
• 50x Avic rufa (brasil) 29
• 80x P. Murinus 3
• 20x Maculata 4
• 135x Peru Purple 10
• 10x Braunshausheni 27
• 20x O. Violaceopes 12
• 20x Avicularia Avicularia 11
• 50x Geniculata 1,5
• 30x Variegata 31
• 30x Bicegoi 36
• 50x Rufilata 19
• 40x Himalayana 8
• 30x Highland 19
• 50x Borneo Black 9
• 60x Rufa (peru) 32
• 20x Laeta 8
• 50x chromatopelma 10
• 100x arboricola 9
• 110x Merianae 25
• 20x Purpurea 18
• 15x Blondi 60
• 20x Robustum 20
• 30x grammostola pulchra 22
• 60x Metallica White Hairs 19
• 1.2 Avicularia Hirshii – 1.2 for 4800
• 1.2 Avicualria Ecuador Gold – 1.2 for 5500
• 15.15 Versicolor 3,5BL 1.1 - 65
• 20.20 Chrmatopelma 3BL 1.1 - 70
• 7.7 Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - 350
• 2.6 auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 6.6 rufa semiadult 1.1 - 350
• 3.9 rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 30x chilo electric blue 1,5bl 24
• 70x Mascara 2,5-3bl 28
• 45x Regalis 2bl 18
• 40x Chromatopelma 2,5-3bl 24
• 40x Geniculata 1.5bl 8
• 80x Parachybana 3,5-4,5bl 20
• 50x Irminia 4bl 24
• 15x O. blue pannay 1.5bl 18
• 30x O. Violaceopes 3-3,5bl 35
• 10x Platyomma 1.5bl 27
• 50x Hamorii 1.5bl 25
• 40x Nicaragua 2.5bl 16
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Vienna Austria Exotica Show 04.03 Pick UP possible,
Brixia Italy Show 05.03 pick up possible.
We also can meet on ours road to any of the shows below here is ours road harmonogram:
Oława -> Ostrava -> Olomunec -> Brno -> Bratyslava -> Vienna
Vienna -> Klagenfurt am Wörthersee -> Udine -> Venezia -> Verona → Briscia
And back though the same road (11.12.2022)
In Preorder these prices are -20% off.
• 1x Parachybana XL adult 90
• 1x Parachybana subadult 80
• 8x balfouri adult 55
• 10x balfouri sub 45
• 5x pampho petersii sub/adult 125
• 8x A. Peru Purple SUB 90
• 6x Regalis 4.5bl 45
• 1x calceatum adult 60
• 10x Intermedia 2bl 120
• 10x Blondi 2bl 90
• 2x Chromatus adult 75
• 25x Seemani sub/adult 55
• 5x Bistropelma Lamasi adult 500
• 20x chromatopelma adult 80
• 20x Versicolor 3bl 15
• 5x Versicolor sub 20
• 5x Versicolor adult 25
• 30x miranda sub 20
• 50x versicolor 10
• 40x Avic hirshii 165
• 50x Avic auriantaca 40
• 50x Avic minatrix 30
• 50x Avic boa vista 15
• 30x Ybyrapora sooretama 37
• 5x Avic ecuador gold 200
• 50x Avic rufa (brasil) 29
• 80x P. Murinus 2,5
• 20x Maculata 3
• 135x Peru Purple 10
• 10x Braunshausheni 27
• 20x O. Violaceopes 12
• 20x Avicularia Avicularia 11
• 50x Geniculata 1,5
• 30x Variegata 31
• 30x Bicegoi 36
• 50x Rufilata 19
• 40x Himalayana 8
• 30x Highland 19
• 50x Borneo Black 9
• 60x Rufa (peru) 32
• 20x Laeta 8
• 50x chromatopelma 10
• 100x arboricola 9
• 110x Merianae 25
• 20x Purpurea 18
• 15x Blondi 60
• 20x Robustum 20
• 30x pulchra 22
• 60x Metallica White Hairs 19
• 15.15 Versicolor 3,5BL 1.1 - 100
• 20.20 Chrmatopelma 3BL 1.1 - 70
• 7.7 Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - 350
• 2.6 auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 6.6 rufa semiadult 1.1 - 350
• 3.9 rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 30x versi 1,5-2bl 14
• 30x chilo electric blue 1,5bl 24
• 70x Mascara 2,5-3bl 28
• 45x Regalis 2bl 18
• 40x Chromatopelma 2,5-3bl 24
• 40x Geniculata 1.5bl 8
• 80x Hati Hati 3,5-4bl 22
• 80x Parachybana 3,5-4,5bl 20
• 50x Irminia 4bl 24
• 15x O. blue pannay 1.5bl 18
• 6x E. Murinus 2bl 35
• 28x Gramostolla Pulchripes 2-2.5bl 30
• 30x O. Violaceopes 3-3,5bl 35
• 40x Poe Metallica 2bl 29
• 10x Orange Thailand 3.5bl 19
• 58x H. Pulchripes 1.5bl 20
• 10x Platyomma 1.5bl 27
• 50x Hamorii 1.5bl 25
• 10x Rufilata 4-4.5bl 19
• 90x Pterinochilus Murinus 3.5-4bl 19
• 40x Nicaragua 2.5bl 16
Exklusiv bei exo-pet in Deutschland:
------------------------ exo-pet.de -----------------------------
z. B. runder Querschnitt:
12x12cm - 14x14cm - 14x20cm - 17x17cm - 17x25cm
21x30cm - 26x20cm - 26x36cm - 29x30cm - 33x30cm
oder eckiger Querschnitt:
14x14x134cm - 14x14x20cm - 17x17x25cm
bei exo-pet:
> verantwortungsvoller Tierversand: nur Overnight und immer mit Styrobox
> große Auswahl an Vogelspinnen, Jagdspinnen, Liphistius spp. usw.
> Millipedes, Asseln, andere Wirbellose, Futterinsekten
> Bodensubstrate, Deko, Einrichtung und Zubehör.
> unter anderem ExoTerra© Zubehör und Terrarien.
> Local Store & Onlineshop with large quantity of invertebrates
> Easy and safe payment by Paypal
> Professional packing and shipping in EU
Acanthoscurria, Aphonopelma, Avicularia, Brachypelma, Caribena, Chilobrachys, Cyriopagopus, Cyrtocarenum, Ephebopus, Grammostola, Haploclastus, Haplopelma, Harpactira, Linothele, Liphistius, Megaphobema, Monocentropus, Neoholothele, Ornithoctonus, Pamphobeteus, Sericopelma, Theraphosa, Thrigmopoeus, Tliltocatl, Xenesthis ...
Hamm 10.12.22 XMAS MYSTERY BOX! [-20% OFF PREORDER!]
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Hamm 10.12.2022 Pick UP possible,
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery on my road to show (9.12.2022):
Oława -> Legnica -> Dresden -> Leipzig -> Kassel -> Hamm
And back though the same road (11.12.2022)
Premium MYSTERY BOX created specially for the December edition of ‘Terraristika Hamm’.
Inside the boxes you will find a long variety of spiders ;)
Spiders in the box are always worth more then box!
We have prepared some options:
50eur box that contains spiders for 60eur to 120eur (15boxes available)
100eur box that contains spiders for 100eur to 250eur (10boxes available)
250eur box that contains spiders for 300eur to 700eur (5boxes available)
0.6 Megaphobema Velvetosoma 6BL 100e
0.2 Cyclosternum Schmardae 4BL 70e
0.1 Cyclosternum Schamrade 5BL 80e
0.5 Acanthoscurria Ferina 5BL 110e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
|0.1 Acanthoscurria Ferina 4BL 100e
0.25 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens ADULT 75e
0.3 Pamphobeteus Petersii 7BL 140e
0.2 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black 6BL 120e
0.7 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black 7BL 130e
0.2 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black 8BL 140e
0.2 Avicularia Hirshii ADULT 1300e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.99 Avicularia Bicegoi ADULT 280e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.62 Avicularia Bicegoi SUBADULT 260e
0.22 Avicularia Bicegoi SEMIADULT 240e
0.30 Avicularia Auriantaca ADULT 260e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.5 Avicularia Auriantaca SUBADULT 240e
0.3 Poecilotheria Tigrianawesseli SUBADULT 60e
0.1 Poecilotheria Miranda ADULT 55e
0.1 Avicularia Miranda SUBADULT 45e
0.1 Poecilotheria Regalis ADULT 50e
0.7 Aviuclaria Urticans Green ADULT 260e
0.2 Avicularia Pucallpa SUBADULT 240e
0.5 Avicularia Pucallpa ADULT 270e
0.11 Avicularia sp Maranon River SUBADULT 190e
0.13 Aviuclaria sp Maranon River ADULT 210e
0.9 Aviuclaria sp Ecuador ‘GOLD’ ADULT 900e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.13 Avicularia Rufa SEMIADULT 180e
0.12 Avicularia Rufa SUBADULT 200e
0.9 Avicularia Rufa ADULT 240e
0.3 Avicularia Metallica SUBADULT 70e
0.3 Avicularia Boa Vista SUBADULT 80e
0.1 Pamphobeteus Insignis Colombia SUBADULT 160e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.6 Aphonopelma Mihoacan M1 ADULT 110e
2.0 Avicularia sp Ecuador ‘GOLD’ SUBADULT 220e
7.0 Avicularia Rufa SEMIADULT 80e
1.0 Megaphobema Velvetosoma SUBADULT 70e
2.0 Pamphobeteus Petersii SUBADULT 100e
1.0 Avicularia Hirshii SEMIADULT 700e
12.0 Avicularia Bicegoi SUBADULT 100e
18.0 Avicularia Bicegoi SEMIADULT 80e
1.0 Aviuclaria Bicegoi ADULT 140e
1.0 Phormictopus sp Dominican Purple ADULT 100e
2.0 Poecilotheria Tigrianawesseli ADULT 30e
7.0 Avicularia sp Maranon River SUBADULT 80e
5.0 Avicularia sp Maranon River SEMIADULT 60e
0.0.20 Avicularia Auriantaca Fh1 52e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.0.100 Avicularia Merianae Fh1 35e
0.0.100 Avicularia Bicegoi Fh1 48e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.0.100 Avicularia Rufa Fh1 34e
0.100 Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue Fh1 11e
0.0.100 Xenesthis Intermedia Fh1 50e
0.0.100 Phormingochilus Rufus Fh1 7e
0.0.100 Omothymus Violaceus Fh1 9e
0.0.300 Avicularia Peru Purple Fh1 11e
0.0.100 Ephebopus Cyanognathus Fh1 20e
0.0.40 Theraphosa Blondii Fh1 (REAL NS) 50e
0.0.100 Avicularia Colombia Fh1 28e
0.0.50 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens Fh1 11e
0.0.50 Avicularia Braunshauseni Fh1 26e
0.0.20 Avicularia Geroldi Fh1 29e
0.0.30 Avicularia Variegata – Amazonica Manaus Fh1 42e ← ***SUPER RARE!***
0.0.10 Phormictopus Full Green Fh1 32e
BULKS – possible with slings and females!
***[[[ Bigger Bulk = Lower Price Per Sling!!! ]]]***
Avicularia Merianae
Avicularia Bicegoi
Avicularia Rufa
Chilobrachys Electric Blue
Xenesthis Intermedia
Phormingochilus Rufus
Omothymus Violaceopes
Avicularia Peru Purple
Ephebopus Cyanognathus
Theraphosa Blondii
Avicularia Colombia
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens
Avicularia Braunshauseni
Avicularia Bicegoi ADULT & SUBADULT
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens ADULT
Avicularia Auriantaca ADULT & SUBADULT
Pamphobeteus Antinois Big Black ALL SIZE
Whatsapp: +48 783262453
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
All deals are on the poster,
Houten 27.11 Pick UP possible,
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery on my road to show (26.11):
Oława -> Legnica -> Berlin -> Magdeburg -> Hanover -> Houten
And back though this road (27.11):
Houten-> Hanover -> Mageburg -> Leipzig -> Dresden -> Oława
We starts ours journey tomorrow (25.11) at 13.00 ????
If you takes a part of the Houten show remember to visit ours table!!
Worldwide Shipments ;)
We use animals transport express, 24hours to Germany, Austria. Rest Europe 48/72hours.
Stay Tunned
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Houten 27.11 Pick UP possible,
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery on my road to show (26.11):
Oława -> Legnica -> Berlin -> Magdeburg -> Hanover -> Houten
And back though this road (27.11):
Houten-> Hanover -> Mageburg -> Leipzig -> Dresden -> Oława
We starts ours journey tomorrow (25.11) at 13.00 ????
If you takes a part of the Houten show remember to visit ours table!!
Worldwide Shipments ;)
We use animals transport express, 24hours to Germany, Austria. Rest Europe 48/72hours.
Stay Tunned
SHOW PRAHA 12.11 Avicularia, Xenesthis, RARE SPIDERS / CRESTED geckos
We The Spider’s Empire come to Prague – Ziva Exotika SHOW on 12.11.2022 ;)
DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery!
We have possibility to meet with you on ours road to Prague, or to Cracov, and deliver the spiders/geckos directly to yours house!
Road: Kudowa Zdrój → Hradec Kralove → Pardubice → Prague
Prague → Humpolec → Brno → Lipnik nad Becvou → Ostrava
We have prepared a lots of special and unique spiders and Crested Geckos!
Feel Free to ask any questions about the animals!
There is only one rule…..
0.44.0 Cyclocosmia Ricketti (Oreo Spider) 3BL 50eur
0.0.300 Xenesthis Intermedia FH1 – 45eur
0.20.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens ADULT 60 eur
0.30.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens SUBADULT 55 eur
0.10.0 Aphonopelma Mihoacan M1 ADULT 90eur
0.30.0 Caribena Versicolor SUB/ADULT 70eur
20.0.0 Caribena Versicolor ADULT 20eur
15.0.0 Caribena Versicolor SUBADULT 15eur
15.0.0 Avicularia Minatrix 2-2,5BL 50eur
0.25.0 Avicularia Minatrix 2-2,5BL 100eur
0.50.0 Avicularia Rufa ADULT 280e
0.40.0 Avicularia Rufa SUBADULT 220e
0.30.0 Avicularia Rufa 3-4BL 160e
0.40.0 Aviuclaria Auriantaca ADULT 280e
0.30.0 Avicularia Auriantaca SUBADULT 220e
0.30.0 Avicularia Auriantaca 3-4BL 160e
0.10.0 Avicularia Urticans Green ADULT 180e - SOLD
0.20.0 Avicularia Urticans Green SUBADULT 160e - SOLD
0.7.0 Avicularia Bicegoi 3-4BL 300e
18.0.0 Avicularia Bicegoi 3,5-4,5 BL 100e
0.4.0 Grammostolla Pulchra ADULT 200eur
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Metallica 3-3,5cm Body Lengh 80e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Miranda 4cm Body Lengh 50e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Tigrianawesseli 4cm Body Lengh 50e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Formosa 4-5cm Body Lengh 50e
0.3.0 Poecilotheria Regalis ADULT XXL 50e
0.5.0 Harpactira Pulchripes ADULT 80eur - SOLD
0.10.0 Pamphobeteus Machalla 4,5-5BL – 60eur
2.0.0 Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue ADULT – 35eur, SUB 25eur
0.1.0 Pamphoneteus Insignis Colombia 4.5BL – 120eur
0.4.0 Acanthoscurria Theraphosoides ADULT 50eur – SOLD!
0.4.0 Avicularia Boa Vista 3-3,5BL 60eur
0.3.0 Avicularia Metallica 3-3,5BL 70eur
1.0.0 Pelinobius Muticus SUBADULT 30eur
0.0.20 Phormictopus sp Oriente 15eur
0.0.50 Avicularia Variegata – Amazonica Manaus Fh1 45eur
0.0.50 Avicularia Auriantaca – RARE! FH1 50eur
0.0.120 Avicularia Peru Purple FH1 10eur
0.0.200 Avicularia Rufa FH1 30eur
0.0.150 Avicularia Bicegoi FH1 – RARE! 45eur
0.0.100 Avicularia Merianae FH1 35eur
0.0.90 Avicularia Braunshauseni FH1 30eur
0.0.120 Avicularia Purpurea FH1 15eur
0.0.50 Ybyrapora Sooretama – RARE! FH1 40eur
0.0.200 Caribena Versicolor FH1 7eur
0.0.100 Avicularia Urticans Green FH1 30eur
0.0.100 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens FH1 10eur
0.0.50 Phormingochilus Arboricola Fh1 6eur
0.25.0 Thixopelma Ockerti FH1 15eur
0.4.0 Therpahosa Apophysis Fh3 70eur
0.0.60 Theraphosa Blondi FH1 (REAL NOSEX) - 40eur
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black ADULT (We have some males sub/adult) 120eur
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Petersi ADULT (We have some males sub/adult) 130eur
And much much more that are not on the list...
Crested Geckos, Pagekon řasnatý, C. Ciliatus
Morphs: (Flame/Tiger/Tricolor/Harlequin/Pinstripe)
0.0.X Crested gecko babies from 3 to 5 grams (From 50eur to 200eur)
0.X.0 Crested gecko females from 10 to 25 grams (From 150eur to 800eur)
X.0.0 Crested gecko males from 10 to 30 grams – Super Dalmatian/Tricolor/Red with portholes/Extreme HQ (From 100eur to 400eur)
Lilly White: (Price from 150eur to 1200eur)
0.0.X Crested Gecko Lilly White from 3 to 5 grams Lilly White and Red Lilly White
0.X Crested Gecko Lilly White from 10 to 20 grams,
Feel Free to ask any questions about the Geckos and spiders :)
And lets meet on the SHOW!
Best Regards
Spider’s Empire
NEW WHOLESALE LIST!!! Rare spieces! Worldwide SHIPMENT
New wholesale list, only for orders 1000euro and more.
EMS and Aircargo shipment possible. Feel free to ask for any questions.
0.44.0 Cyclocosmia Ricketti (Oreo Spider) 3BL 35e
0.0.300 Xenesthis Intermedia FH1 - 35e
0.20.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens ADULT 50e
0.30.0 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens SUBADULT 45e
0.50.0 Avicularia Rufa ADULT 200e
0.40.0 Avicularia Rufa SUBADULT 180e
0.30.0 Avicularia Rufa 3-4BL 120e
0.40.0 Aviuclaria Auriantaca ADULT 220e
0.30.0 Avicularia Auriantaca SUBADULT 200e
0.30.0 Avicularia Auriantaca 3-4BL 150e
0.10.0 Avicularia Urticans Green ADULT 180e - SOLD
0.20.0 Avicularia Urticans Green SUBADULT 160e - SOLD
0.10.0 Aphonopelma Mihoacan M1 ADULT 90e
0.7.0 Avicularia Bicegoi 3-4BL 200e
18.0.0 Avicularia Bicegoi 3,5-4,5 BL 70e
0.30.0 Caribena Versicolor SUB/ADULT 55e
20.0.0 Caribena Versicolor ADULT 15e
15.0.0 Caribena Versicolor SUBADULT 10e
15.0.0 Avicularia Minatrix 2-2,5BL 30e
0.25.0 Avicularia Minatrix 2-2,5BL 80e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Metallica 3-3,5cm Body Lengh 70e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Miranda 4cm Body Lengh 45e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Tigrianawesseli 4cm Body Lengh 40e
0.10.0 Poecilotheria Formosa 4-5cm Body Lengh 45e
0.3.0 Poecilotheria Regalis ADULT XXL 50e
0.4.0 Grammostolla Pulchra ADULT 200e
0.7.0 Brachypelma Boehmei 4-4,5BL 40e
0.5.0 Harpactira Pulchripes ADULT 60e
0.10.0 Pamphobeteus Machalla 4,5-5BL – 50e
0.3.0 Tliltocatl Albopilosus Nicaragua ADULT 35e
2.0.0 Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue ADULT – 30e, SUB 20e
0.1.0 Pamphoneteus Insignis Colombia 4.5BL – 120e
0.4.0 Acanthoscurria Theraphosoides ADULT 40e
0.4.0 Avicularia Boa Vista 3-3,5BL 50e
0.3.0 Avicularia Metallica 3-3,5BL 50e
1.0.0 Pelinobius Muticus SUBADULT 40e
0.0.20 Phormictopus sp Oriente 15e
0.20.0 Avicularia Metallica British Guyanna ADULT 70e
0.0.100 Brachypelma Hamorii FH1 2e – SOLD
0.0.50 Avicularia Variegata – Amazonica Manaus Fh1 27e
0.0.50 Avicularia Auriantaca – RARE! FH1 33e
0.0.120 Avicularia Peru Purple FH1 6,5e
0.0.200 Avicularia Rufa FH1 20e
0.0.150 Avicularia Bicegoi FH1 – RARE! 29e
0.0.100 Avicularia Merianae FH1 20e
0.0.90 Avicularia Braunshauseni FH1 18e
0.0.120 Avicularia Purpurea FH1 8e
0.0.50 Ybyrapora Sooretama – RARE! FH1 27e
0.0.200 Caribena Versicolor FH1 3,5e
0.0.100 Avicularia Urticans Green FH1 20e
0.0.100 Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens FH1 6,5e
0.0.50 Phormingochilus Arboricola Fh1 5e
0.25.0 Thixopelma Ockerti FH1 8e
0.4.0 Therpahosa Apophysis Fh3 80e
0.0.60 Theraphosa Blondi FH1 (REAL NOSEX) - 30e
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Antinous Big Black ADULT (We have some males sub/adult) 110e
0.5.0 Pamphobeteus Petersi ADULT (We have some males sub/adult) 120e
Best regards
SpidersForge for Weinstadt 01.10/Verona 02.10/Budapeszt 16.10
0.20 Amazonius germani (ex. Pseudoclamoris gigas) 2bcm 25€
0.20 Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 18€
0.200 Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2-2.5bcm 36€
0.10 Ch.sp.keang krachan 2bcm 16€
0.10 Ch.sp.Blue vietnam 2bcm 16€
0.100 Lasiodora parahybana 2bcm 15€
0.50 N.incei classic 2bcm 12€
0.20 N.incei gold 2bcm 16€
0.20 Nhandu chromatus 2bcm 16€
0.10 Ch.sp.keang krachan 2bcm 16€
0.10 Ch.sp.Blue vietnam 2bcm 16€
0.20 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3bcm 17€
0.20 Psalmopoeus reduncus 2bcm 16€
0.10 Psalmopoeus pulcher 2.5-3bcm 25€
0.10 Theraphosa blondi 2bcm 95€
Adult male :
2.0 Avicularia minatrix 09.09 55€
1.0 Caribena laeta 09.09 40€
2.0 Cyriocosmus lettzi 01.09 25€
1.0 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 20.08 20€
1.0 Chilobrachys sp.Blue vietnam 05.09 15€
1.0 Chilobrachys sp.keang krachan 10.08 15€
1.0 Davus pentaloris 20.08 25€
1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus 10.08 50€
8.0 Monocentropus balfouri 05.09 17€
5.0 Neoholothele incei classci 05.09 8€
5.0 Neoholothele incei gold 04.09 15€
1.0 Nhandu tripepi 02.09 55€
5.0 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 01.09 15€
2.0 Pterinochilus murinus DCF KIGOMA 40€
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus DCF MIKUMI 55€
2.0 Pseudoclamoris burgessi 06.09 25€
2.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 05.09 15€
2.0Poecilotheria ornata 08.09 30€
2.0Poecilotheria rufillata 05.09 40€
Young male:
20.0 Ceratogyrus darlingi 2bcm 8€
10.0 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3.5-4bcm 35€
3.0 Caribena laeta 2bcm 20€
2.0 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 2bcm 10€
10.0Ch.sp.keang krachan 2bcm 8€
5.0 Ch.sp. blue vietnam 2.5bcm 10€
2.0 Chilobrachys sp.Electric blue 3.5bcm 40€
20.0 Heteroscodra maculata 2.5bcm 10€
10.0 Hysterocrates gigas 2.5bcm 10€
8.0 Harpactira pulchripes 2.5bcm 15€
1.0 Lampropelma carpenteri 3bcm 25€
100.0 Lasiodora parahybana 2.5bcm 5€
5.0 Megaphobema robostum 3bcm 20€
20.0 Nhandu chromatus 2.5-3bcm 10€
5.0 Omyhthymus violoceopes 2bcm 20€
2.0 Pterinopelma sazimai 3.5bcm 20€
5.0 Poecilotheria ornata 3.-4bcm 20€
3.0 Poecilotheria rufilata 3bcm 25€
3.0 Poecilotheria formosa 3bcm 25€
5.0 Poecilotheria subfusca highland 2bcm 15€
40.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 2bcm 8€
5.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 3bcm 10€
10.0 Psalmopoeus pulcher 2.5-3bcm 12€
10.0 Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3-.3.5bcm 10€
10.0 Psalmopoeus reduncus 2bcm 8€
5.0 Psalmopoeus victori 3bcm 35€
20.0 Pseudoclamoris gigas 2bcm 10€
2.0 Phormictopus sp.green gold carapax 4bcm 60€
2.0 Phormictops cancerides 4bcm 50€
1.0 Pamhoebetus mascara 4bcm 50€
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp.machala 2.5bcm 30€
2.0 Pamphobeteus cascada 2.5bcm 30€
2.0 Pamphobeteus petersii 2.5bcm 25€
2.0 Theraphosa apophysis 2.5-3bcm 40€
5.0 Theraphosa blondi 2bcm 40€
3.0 Ybyrapora diversipes 2bcm 20€
2.0 Xenesthis intermedia 2.5bcm 60€
Für Houten, Harmelen oder Versand
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3-4 FH €6,-
Acanthoscurria geniculata 2 cm €14,-
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3 cm €25,-
Amazonius germani 2 FH €6,-
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 3-4 FH €40,-
Avicularia avicularia M6 (Guyana) 1-2 FH €10,-
Brachypelma albiceps 2,5-3cm €25,-
Brachypelma boehmei 2 FH €7,-
Brachypelma hamorii 2-3 FH €10,-
Brachypelma hamorii 2 -2,5 cm €25,-
Bumba horrida 2,5-3 cm €20,-
Caribena versicolor 3 FH €12,-
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2 FH €5,-
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2-2,5 cm €15,-
Chaetopelma olivaceum 3-5 FH €8,-
Chilobrachys dyscolus black 3-4 FH €8,-
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4 FH €10,-
Chilobrachys huahini 3-4 FH €6,-
Chilobrachys sp. Blue Vietnam 2 FH €4,-
Chilobrachys sp. Blue Vietnam 4 FH €8,-
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue 1 FH €18,-
Chilobrachys kaeng krachan 4 FH €6,-
Chilobrachys sp. Namtok Phlio 3 cm €25,-
Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam (Kontum) 1 FH €8,-
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 1-2 FH€15,-
Citharacanthus cyaneus 3 FH €30,-
Cyriocosmus elegans 3 FH €6-
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati 1 FH €5,-
Cyriopagopus hati hati 3 FH €7,-
Davus pentaloris 4-5 FH €7,-
Davus sp. Panama 1-2 FH €60,-
Grammostola pulchra 2-3 FH €28,-
Grammostola pulchripes 1 FH €8,-
Grammostola pulchripes 3 cm €20,-
Hapalopus sp. Colombia big 1-2 FH €5,-
Hapalopus sp. Colombia big 4 FH €8,-
Hapalopus sp. Bolivar 2-3 FH €20,-
Harmonicon oiapoqueae 4-5 FH €20,-
Harpactira pulchripes 2 FH €15,-
Heteroscodra maculata 2-3 FH €5,-
Heteroscodra maculata 4 FH €7,-
Heterothele villosella 3-5 FH €5,-
Holothele longipes 2 FH €6,-
Hysterocrates gigas 1-1.5 cm €6,-
Kochiana brunnipes 2 FH €4,-
Lasiodora parahybana 4-5 FH €6,-
Lasiodora parahybana 2-2,5 cm €12,-
Lasiodora striatipes 3-3,5 cm €18,-
Lasiodorides striatus 1 FH €10,-
Linothele sericata 4 FH €12,-
Monocentropus balfouri 1-2 FH €14,- (communal) 5x €60,-
Neischnocolus sp. Panama 2 FH €16,-
Neoholothele incei 1-2 FH €4,-
Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €12,-
Neoholothele incei gold 3 FH €7,-
Nhandu chromatus 3-4 FH €5,-
Nhandu tripepii 3 FH €8,-
Omothymus violaceopes 2-3 FH €15,-
Orphnaecus philippinus 1 FH €8,-
Orphnaecus sp. Blue Panay 4 FH €10,-
Orphnaecus sp. Blue Quezon 2-3 FH €6,-
Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 2 FH €15,-
Phormictopus auratus 3 FH €15,-
Phormictopus cancerides 3-4 FH €14,-
Phormictopus sp. Blue Azul 3-4 FH €50,-
Phormictopus sp. Full Green 2-3 FH €35,-
Poecilotheria fasciata 1,5-2 cm €15,-
Poecilotheria formosa 3-3,5 cm €25,-
Poecilotheria metallica 2 FH €25,-
Poecilotheria ornata 1 FH €6,-
Poecilotheria ornata 3-4 FH €10,-
Poecilotheria regalis 2 cm €10,-
Poecilotheria regalis 3,5-4 cm €25,-
Poecilotheria striata 2 cm €15,-
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2-3 FH €6,-
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2,5-3 cm €15,-
Psalmopoeus irminia 2 FH €4,-
Psalmopoeus irminia 3-3,5 cm €15,-
Psalmopoeus pulcher 3 FH €10,-
Psalmopoeus reduncus 2,5-3 cm €20,-
Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2-3 FH €15,-
Pterinochilus murinus RCF 3-4 FH €6,-
Pterinochilus murinus 3-3,5 cm body €15,-
Pterinopelma sazimai 3-4 FH €10,-
Pterinopelma sazimai 1,5-2 cm €15,-
Pterinopelma sazimai 3,5-4 cm €25,-
Selenocosmia crassipes 2-3 FH €8,-
Spinosatibiapalpus spinulopalpus 1 FH €10,-
Stromatopelma calceatum 3 FH €7,-
Thrixopelma pruriens 2 FH €6,-
Tliltocatl albopilosus (Costa Rica) 3-4 cm €20,-
Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 3 FH €6,-
Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 2-3 FH €5,-
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 2 FH €5,-
Theraphosa apophysis 2-3 FH €45,-
Thrigmopoeus truculentus 1 FH €12,-
Xenesthis immanis 1-2 FH €30,-
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3-3,5 cm €35,-
Brachypelma albiceps 2,5-3cm €35,-
Brachypelma hamorii 2,5-3cm €35,-
Bumba horrida 2,5-3 cm €30,-
Kochiana brunnipes adult €35,-
Lasiodora striatipes 3,5-4 cm €30,-
Neoholothele incei subadult €20,-
Poecilotheria formosa 3,5-4,5 cm €45,-
Poecilotheria vittata 4,5-5 cm €50,-
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3-3,5 cm €20,-
Psalmopoeus irminia 3-3,5 cm €25,-
Pterinochilus murinus 3-3,5 cm body €30,-
Pterinopelma sazimai 1,5-2 cm €20,-
Theraphosa apophysis 2-3 FH €65,-
Tliltocatl albopilosus (Costa Rica) 4 cm €35,-
Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 4 cm €35,-
Xenesthis immanis 2 FH €55,-
Full list at www.tarantulahub.nl
Captive Born Tarantulas for sale or trde
Ceratogyrus darlingi (2cm KL), 20€
Chaetopelma olivaceum, 6€
Chromatopelmy cyaneopubescens, 12€
Chilobrachys sp. Blau Vietnam, 5€
Chilobrachys sp. Kontum, 5€
Chilobrachys sp. Choy (Laos), 5€
Dolichothele rufoniger, 30€
Grammostola pulchripes, 8€
Guyruita cerrado, 25€
Heterothele villosella, 5€
Holothele longipes, 5€
Hysterocrates gigas, 5€
Hysterocrates laticeps, 5€
Lasiodora subcanens (1cm KL+), 25€
Neoholothele incei (1,5cm KL), 10€
Neoholothele incei Gold (2cm KL), 12€
Neostenotarsus sp. French Guyana, 12€
Orphnaecus philippinus, 5€
Pamphobeteus antinous , 35€
Pamphobeteus platyomma hell, 25€
Pamphobeteus sp. South Ecuador Type II, 25€
Pamphobeteus sp. Cascada, 20€
Pamphobeteus sp. Costa, 30€
Pamphobeteus sp. Duran, 20€
Pamphobeteus sp. Manabi, 30€
Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara, 20€
Pamphobeteus vespertinum, 20€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei, 5€
Psalmopoeus pulcher (1cm KL), 5€
Pseudohapalopus sp. Blau, 8€
Sandista lanceolatum, 5€
Selenocosmia crassipes, 5€
Sericopelma sp. Santa Catalina, CB 03/22, 25€
Stromatopelma calceata (1cm KL), 7€
Theraphosa apophysis, 45€
Theraphosa stirmi, 45€
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi, 5€
Xenesthis sp. Blau, 100€
This legal sale includes all taxes! Please ask for my complete price list!
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen www.tarantulahub.nl
For shipping or pick up in Wierden (Netherlands)
0.0.xx Acanthoscurria geniculata 2 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Acanthoscurria geniculata 2 cm €14,-
0.0.xx Aphonopelma bicoloratum 3-4 FH €40,-
0.0.xx Avicularia avicularia M6 (Guyana) 1 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Brachypelma boehmei 1-2 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Brachypelma hamorii 1-2 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Bumba horrida 1-2 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor 1 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Ceratogyrus darlingi 1 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Ceratogyrus darlingi 2-2,5 cm €15,-
0.0.2 Ceratogyrus marshalli 3-4 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Chaetopelma olivaceum 3-5 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys dyscolus black 3 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys huahini 3-4 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys sp. Vietnam (Kontum) 1 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys sp. Blue Vietnam 1 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Chilobrachys sp. Blue Vietnam 4 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Citharacanthus cyaneus 3 FH €30,-
0.0.xx Cyclosternum sp. Putumayo 2-3 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Cyriocosmus aueri 1 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati 1 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Davus pentaloris 4 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Grammostola pulchra 1 FH €28,-
0.0.4 Hapalopus sp. Colombia big 4 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Harpactira pulchripes 1-2 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Heteroscodra maculata 2-3 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Heteroscodra maculata 4 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Heterothele villosella 3-5 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Holothele longipes 2 FH €6,-
0.0.5 Hysterocrates gigas 1-1.5 cm €6,-
0.0.xx Kochiana brunnipes 2 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Lasiodora parahybana 3 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Lasiodora striatipes 3-3,5 cm €18,-
0.0.xx Monocentropus balfouri 2-4 FH €14,- (communal) 5x €60,-
0.0.xx Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €12,-
0.0.xx Neoholothele incei gold 2-3 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus 2-3 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus 1.5 cm €8,-
0.0.xx Orphnaecus philippinus 1 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus auratus 2 FH €15,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus cancerides 3-4 FH €14,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus sp. Blue Azul 3-4 FH €50,-
0.0.xx Phormictopus sp. Full Green 1 FH €35,-
0.0.xx Phormingochilus arboricola 2 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria fasciata 1,5-2 cm €15,-
0.0.1 Poecilotheria formosa 2-3 FH €12,-
0.0.2 Poecilotheria metallica 2 FH €25,-
0.0.2 Poecilotheria metallica 1,5-2 cm €35,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria ornata 3-4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria regalis 2 cm FH €10,-
0.0.xx Poecilotheria rufilata 2 cm €20,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2-3 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 2 FH €4,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus irminia 2-2,5cm €12,-
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus reduncus 3 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Pseudoclamoris gigas 3 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2-3 FH €18,-
0.0.xx Pterinochilus murinus RCF 3-4 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Pterinochilus murinus rcf 2-2,5 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai 3-4 FH €10,-
0.0.xx Pterinopelma sazimai 1,5 cm €15,-
0.0.xx Selenocosmia crassipes 1 FH €8,-
0.0.xx Stromatopelma calceatum 3 FH €7,-
0.0.xx Thrixopelma pruriens 2 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Tliltocatl albopilosus (Nicaragua) 3 FH €6,-
0.0.xx Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 2-3 FH €5,-
0.0.4 Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 1.5-2 cm €8,-
0.0.xx Tliltocatl kahlenbergi 1 FH €5,-
0.0.xx Theraphosa apophysis 1-2 FH €45,-
0.0.xx Typhochlaena seladonia 1 FH €75,-
0.0.xx Xenesthis immanis 1 FH €30,-
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata 2-2,5 cm €25,-
0.2 Chilobrachys huahini 3.5 cm €30,-
0.1 Chilobrachys sp. Kaeng Krachan 4,5-5 cm €45,-
0.1 Lasiodora striatipes 3-3,5 cm €30,-
0.2 Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €20,-
0.2 Phormictopus cancerides 1,5 cm €20,-
0.1 Poecilotheria regalis 2 cm €20,-
0.3 Poecilotheria rufilata 2,5-3,5 cm €45,-
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia 2,5 cm €25,-
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus rcf 2,5-3 cm €30,-
0.1 Stromatopelma calceatum 1,5-2 cm €20,-
0.2 Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 2-2,5 cm €20,-
0.3 Theraphosa apophysis 2-3 FH €65,-
4.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 2-2,5 cm €10,-
1.0 Brachypelma emilia 3,5 cm €25,-
6.0 Ceratogyrus darlingi 2,5-3 cm €15,-
2.0 Chaetopelma olivaceum RH 05/2022 €25,-
1.0 Harpactira baviana RH 03/2022 €25,-
1.0 Lasiodora striatipes 3,5 cm €18,-
1.0 Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €12,-
2.0 Pamphobeteus sp. Machala 1,5 -2 cm €20,-
4.0 Poecilotheria rufilata 2,5-3,5 cm €20,-
3.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 2,5 cm €10,-
4.0 Pterinochilus murinus rcf 2,5-3 cm €15,-
2.0 Theraphosa apophysis 2 FH €40,-
1.0 Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 2-2,5 cm €6,-
1.1 Ceratogyrus darlingi 2,5-3 cm €40,-
1.1 Neoholothele incei 1,5-2 cm €30,-
1.1 Poecilotheria rufilata 2.5-3.5cm €60,-
1.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus (hobby) 2-2,5 cm €25,-
1.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2 FH €100,-
Matthijs Tempelman
Tarantulas and other spiders for local pickup or preorder for spring.
Various tarantulas for sale: Avicularia bicegoi, Avicularia minatrix, Avicularia juruensis MT2, Cymbiapophysa velox, Cyclosternum sp. 'aureum', Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra, Pamphobeteus sp. Light, Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara, Birupes simoroxigorum, Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya, Psalmopoeus victori, Xenesthis intermedia, Theraphosa blondi and many more!
Local pickup or preorder for spring
Full Stocklist with prices:
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Avicularia bicegoi
Avicularia juruensis MT2
Avicularia minatrix
Birupes simoroxigorum
Bumba horrida
Catumiri parvum
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cyclosternum sp. Aureum
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati
Davus pentaloris
Dolichothele exilis
Grammostola pulchripes
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Heterothele villosella
Hysterocrates cf. gigas
Idiothele mira
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Monocentropus balfouri
Neischnocolus sp. Panama
Neoholothele incei 'Gold'
Nhandu carapoensis
Nhandu chromatus
Omothymus violaceopes
Pamphobeteus sp. Light
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara
Phlogiellus moniqueverdezae
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cancerides
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus victori
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pseudhapalopus sp. 'Colombia'
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF'
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Kigoma'
Pterinopelma sazimai
Sahydroaraneus raja
Sericopelma rubronitens
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa blondi
Thrixopelma pruriens
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Xenesthis intermedia
Other spiders:
Heteropoda sp. Thai caves
Hogna schmitzi
Kukulcania hibernalis
Scytodes longipes
Scytodes sp. Orange
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.