Wanted Anzeigen Standard [Seite 2]

Looking for some Pandinus imperator, send an email if you have some for sale.

I am looking for Buthus mariefranceae females, i3/4+

Shipping/or collectes in Hamm.

Suche Krebstiere terrestrisch

Wanted isopods and stick insects

Hi, my name is dale I am looking for isopods that can be shipped to me here in the UK or I can collect from the European shows. let me know what you have available.

I'm looking for some special pure Bci columbians....I'm searching original Kubsch pastel from silvio Kubsch....no crossing...only the pure line.
And I'm also looking for original Europastel from Hans Jörg Winner.
Who knows anything or could help me?

Hello ,
I am looking for 1,0 Vipera dinniki Lake Kardyvach.
I can offer for a trade adult female V.kaznakovi (HOPA) as an option, if this would be more interesting for You than money.Otherwise this kaznakovi is not for sale ! Only for a trade with the dinniki male.

Exotische Säuger kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Prairiedog wanted for animal loving home
Suche Exotische Säuger

Prairiedog wanted for animal loving home

We are searching for a prariedog, preferably 2 or a couple that can enrich our lives and so I can teach and learn and love.

Suche, looking for, wanted, je, ONLY 1.1 or 1.X juvenile, subadult, adult:
shipping versand deutschland germany:
thamnophis sir. infernalis
thamnophis sir. tetrataenia
thamnophis sir. concinus
lampropeltis zonata zonata ( many black spots or pattern on the back )
lampropeltis pyromelana infralabialis, utah
lampropeltis alterna blairi nominat
lampropeltis pyromelana woodini intense black pattern
liasis macloti savuensis
antaresia perthensis adult kleiner small 70 cm
antaresia (childreni) stimsoni stimsoni, orientalis( big spots, contrast, großfleckig, hoher Kontrast adult kleiner 95cm !! )
antaresia childreni patternless orange-brown( no spots, no contrast, adult kleiner 95cm !! )
morelia sp. cheynei "yellow", male, female adult kleiner smaller 120cm !!

I am looking for some sphaerodactylus torrei if you have any available that i can collect at one of the shows send me a message

Hello ???????? if you are UK based and are selling any Scolopendra SP, please message me

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Dwarf reticulated python female CB
Verkaufe Pythons

Dwarf reticulated python female CB

Hi, I wanted to sell my dwarf retic female, she is roughly 1.5 meters long and turned 3 this year. I have the CITES document. Pickup available on Terrabazar Prague 14th July or through other means we can consult. Price is 350eur, to negotiation.

Suche Giftschlangen

Ophiophagus hannah wanted

Looking for sub adult and adult king cobras , Ophiophagus hannah.

Please contact me with what you have available

I am looking for some Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni I can collect them from the next Hamm or Houten show if needed.

Hi, i am looking for some C. craspedopus I will collect from any reptile show.

Suche Pfeilgiftfrösche

Oophaga pumilio wanted .


I am looking for

0.1 cayo de aqua
0.2 loma colubre

Wanted Timon lepidus specimens with the necessary documentation please, preferably from stock from the province of Málaga, Spain. Contact Spain 639199264.

I am looking for the following mantis

- Heterochaeta
- Brunneria boréalis
- Schyzocephala bicornis


Boa constrictor amarali - Silverbacks CB23 / CB24
Boa constrictor amarali - Dotted Line CB23 / CB24
Please PM

WANTED speckled padloper tortoises wanted preferably a breeding pair but could buy a Male or female by themselves could have them collected in hamm

Adult or subadult male of Brachypelma (Tlitlocatl) tortuguero - male wanted

Looking for a breeding pair of speckled padloper or common padloper tortoises that can be shipped to the Republic of Ireland