Varanus prasinus Anzeigen Standard [Seite 22]
tejus rouge salvator rufescent breeder
1.1 breeder tejus rouge
Contacte par e-mail
A vendre ou échange seulement contre iguana iguana albinos ou varanus melinus
Trade 1.0 varanus kingorum for 0.1 kingorum
Looking to swap 1.0 varanus kingorum "red form" CB20
For 0.1 varanus kingorum
I am based in UK
Thank you
Varanus Indicus/melinus/jobiensis/rudicollis/dumerili
Wanting to buy any of these species so if you have one for sale pls contact me asap :).
Best regards//Freddy
Looking to bur varanus/monitor lizards.
Hello. Im looking to buy v. Indicus, v. Jobiensis, v. Rudicollis. 0.1 v. Glauerti and 0.1 v. Pilbarensis. Please contact me if you have any of these species for sale.
Best regards//Freddy
Varanus pilbarensis 0.x Weibchen
Bin auf der Suche nach:
0.x Varanus pilbarensis (sichere Weibchen)
Möglichst in Deutschland. Komme die Tiere immer persönlich abholen.
CBB Varanus exanthematicus
Fafner x Basmu 1st clutch laid on 12 December 2020, will hatch sometime in April - May. CITES papers will come with the babies. Breeding is extremely rare in captivity. Interested buyers need to provide pictures of suitable enclosure. If you have any questions on how to take care of them, I am most easily reached on facebook.
Price: 250 euro per baby.
Adult pair of Varanus spenceri
Offering a pair of Varanus spenceri due to moving. can export worldwide with CITES documents.
Guten Abend. Ich suche Varanus exanthematicus / Bosc Monitor oder Rüschendrache / Chlamydosaurus kingii. Möglicherweise jung oder Welpen. Ich werde alle Angebote berücksichtigen.
Good evening. I am looking for Varanus exanthematicus / Bosc Monitor or Frilled dragon / Chlamydosaurus kingii. Possibly young or puppies. I will consider all offers.
Thank you
Im in North Italy
looking to buy a Varanus Timorensis
i would like to buy a Varanus Timorensis,
send me a mail if u sell one
sex does not matter (not for breeding just as a pet)
Varanus exanthematicus NZ 19
Habe 0.0.1 Varanus exanthematicus
Wegen Bestandsreduzierung abzugeben
Suche 0.1 Stachelschwanzwaran (Varanus Acanturus)
Suche eine Varanus acantharus Weibchen.
Bitte alles anbieten.
Grüße Stefan
Varanus Pilbarensis
Im looking for HYPO varanus exanthematicusSuche HYPO
Im looking for HYPO varanus exanthematicus. Or other morphs.
Varanus prasinus Anzeigen Premium [Seite 22]
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