Theraphosa Anzeigen Standard [Seite 6]
Offer for Hamm 9.3.2024
10.0 B.boehmei 4-5 cm body 180€
10.0 B.boehmei 3-3,5cm body 130€
10.10 B.boehmei 2,5 cm body 280€
10.0 B.boehmei 2,5cm body 100€
0.10 B.boehmei 2,5cm body 220€
10.10 B.hamorii 2,5cm body 250€
10.0 B.hamorii 2,5cm body 100€
0.10 B.hamorii 2,5cm body 200€
10.10 L.parahybana 2,5 cm body 180€
10.0 L.parahybana 2,5cm body 70€
0.10 L.parahybana 2-2,5cm body 130€
0.1 Cardiopelma mascatum 1,5 cm body 60€
0.1 Urupelma peruvianum 1,5 cm body 50€
Reservations until Thursday 20:00

Offer for Wien Ask for the full list!
0.1 Iridopelma hirsutum ♀
0.1 Iridopelma zorodes ♀ ♀
0.1 Brachypelma albiceps 4cm ♀
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp. „Valhalla” 3cm ♀
0.1 Avicularia purpurea sub ♀
0.1 Avicularia laeta 3cm ♀
0.1 Ybyrapora Sooretama 3cm ♀
0.1 Ybyrapora diversipes 3cm ♀
0.1 Avicularia minatrix adult ♀ ♀
0.1 Avicularia juruensis ♀
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp 'Bach Ma' adult ♀
0.1 Bonnetina cyaneifemur adult ♀
0.2 Brachypelma emilia 4cm ♀
0.2 Brachypelma verdezi adult ♀
0.1 Cyriopagopus hati hati adult ♀
0.1 Caribena versicolor adult ♀
0.1 Phormingochilus sp. "Sabah Blue" adult ♀
0.1 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya" adult ♀
0.5 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult ♀
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri adult ♀
0.3 Psalmopoeus irminia adult ♀
0.5 Poecilotheria metallica adult ♀
0.5 Poecilotheria miranda adult ♀
0.1 Poecilotheria rufilata adult ♀
0.2 Idiothele mira adult ♀
0.1 Theraphosa blondi” 4cm
1.0 Brachypelma verdezi 01/2024 adult
1.0 Idiothele mira 02/2024 adult
2.0 Neoholothele incei adult
2.0 Harpactira pulchripes adult
2.0 Avicularia minatrix 01/2024 adult
1.0 Grammostola pulchripes 02/2024 adult
1.0 Avicularia juruensis 02/2024 adult
1.0 Heteroscodra maculata 02/2024 adult
1.0 Cyriopagopus sp. „Valhalla” 3cm ♀
1.0 Poecilotheria metallica sub
1.0 Monocentropus balfouri sub
1.0 Theraphosa blondi” 4cm
1.0 Avicularia purpurea 02/2024 adult
1.0 Caribena versicolor adult
1.0 Phormingochilus sp. Rufus 01/2024 adult
1.0 Poecilotheria metallica 02/2024 adult

Verkaufe 1.0Theraphosa Blondi
Verkaufe wohl jetzt adulten Theraphosa Blondi Bock.
Bietet einfach was an auch gern im Tausch
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Theraphosa Stirmi 1.FH Pakete / Bulk
Biete für Hamm Theraphosa Stirmi
Oder Abholung in 71083
0.0.50. 1.FH 900€
0.0.45. 1.FH 810€
Beide zusammen 1600€./95 Stück
Viele Grüße
Ichvsuche eine Adulte 0.1 Theraphosa Stirmi
Hallo ich suche für Recklinghausen eine Adulte 0.1 Theraphosa Stirmi ....
Teil 2:Biete für Hamm 9.3. Versand oder Abholung 04...
Biete für Hamm 9.3. Versand oder Abholung 04...
Acanthoscurria geniculata 1.5cm 10€
Aphonopelma moderatum 5.Fh 95€
Avicularia juruensis M2 2.Fh 12€
Brachypelma emilia 1.5cm 20€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 2.Fh 6€
Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex. electric blue) 3.Fh 15€
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2.Fh 12€
Cotztetlana omiltemi WC 4.Fh 40€
Grammostola actaeon 2.Fh 30€
Grammostola grossa 3.Fh 25€
Grammostola pulchra 4.Fh 25€
Grammostola pulchripes 1.5cm 15€
Grammostola rosea 2.Fh 25€
Lasiocyano sazimai 3.Fh 7€
Lasiocyano sazimai 2cm 15€
Lasiodora parahybana 1.5cm 8€
Linothele fallax 3.Fh 10€
Megaphobema robustum 3.Fh 20€
Nhandu chromatus 3.Fh 5€
Phormictopus auratus 2.Fh 15€
Phormictopus auratus 4.Fh 20€
Psalmopoeus irminia 2.Fh 5€
Psalmopoeus victori 2.Fh 25€
Selenocosmia javanensis "Java" 1.FH 10€
Sericopelma sp. Chica 3.Fh 25€
Theraphosa apophysis 4.Fh 35€
Theraphosa stirmi 3.Fh 35€
Thrixopelma sp. Cuzco 3.Fh 25€
Thrixopelma sp. Highland Blue 3. Fh 60€
Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua 1.5cm Kl 10€
Tliltocatl schroederi 3./4.Fh 20€
Tliltocatl vagans 1.5cm 15€
Tliltocatl verdezi 1.5cm Kl 15€
Xenesthis intermedia 3.Fh 50€
Instagram: MK_Tarantulas
0.0.2 Theraphosa stirmi NZ 23 60€ oder im Tausch gegen B.auratum
Die Tiere haben ca 6cm KL.
Kein Versandt nur Abholung in Berlin
Diverse Vogelspinnen aus eigener Nachzucht
Biete aus eigener Nachzucht
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus victori / 3.FH / 23€ je stk.
0.0.xx Acanthoscurria insubtilis / ca. 1cm KL / 40€ je stk.
0.0.xx Theraphosa stirmi / 1.FH / 25€ je stk.
bei Mehr- oder Gesamtabnahme kann gerne über den Preis verhandelt werden:)
Diverse Vogelspinnen zur Abgabe
Für Hamm/Hannover, oder Versand
0,2 Brachypelma harmorii (Adult/ Sub Adult)
0,1 T.vagans (Adult)
0,1 Pamphobeteus .sp flammifera ( juvenile)
0,1 (juvenile)
0,1 Grammostola.pulchra (Sub Adult)
0,1 B.emilia ( Sub Adult)
0.1 B.albiceps (Sub Adult)
0,2 Ph.verspertinus ( juvenile)
1,1 Ph.machala ( frisch Adult)
0,0,2 Ph.mascara ( Baby)
0,1 Theraphosa apohyisis ( Subadult/Adult)
0,0,2 T.blondi ( juvenile)
0,0,2 Xenesthis immanis (juvenile)
1,1 Nhandu chromatus (Adult)
0,1 B.auratum (Adult)
0,1 N.trippepi (Adult)
0,0,2 T.albipolosum (Nicaragua) ( juvenile)
0,1 Lasiodora parahybana ( juvenile)

Biete Theraphosa stirmi 0.1 NZ 2022
Hallo Zusammen, ich biete wegen Hobbyaufgabe die oben genannte Vogelspinnen an.
Wunderschönes Tier , gesund und Charakterstark.
Nur an erfahrene gute Hände abzugeben.
Preis 120€
Suche Theraphosa stirmi für Recklinghausen Januar '24
ich suche für Januar 24 die oben genannte Spinne. Am liebsten 1.fh.
Nen bissl größer geht auch. Aber nicht adult.
Freu mich auf Angebote.
Vogelspinnen zu verkaufen
Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex electric blue ) n1-2
1x 12€
10x 10€
Theraphosa blondi n2
1x 50€
10x 43€
Nur Abholung oder für die Messe in Hamm am 09.12
51491 Overath

Biete diverse Vogelspinnen an.
Biete Vogelspinnen!
0.1 Theraphosa blondi, adult NZ 01/20 280,00€
o.1 Brachypelma hamorii adult 7cm - 90€
0.1 Grammostola pulcra adult KR 5,5 cm 249,00 Euro
Suche 0,1 Theraphosa und Xenesthis
ich suche junge bestimmte Weiber von
T. blondi
T. apophysis
X. sp. white
Vielen Dank
Christian Börner

Biete für Weinstadt 21.10.2023
Abgabeliste Weinstadt, 21.10.23
0.0.25 Avicularia metallica, 4.FH., Stk. 25.- Euro
0.0.x Avicularia minatrix Nz 01-04/23 ( Gruppenhaltung), Stk. 25,-
0.0.x Avicularia purpurea, 1.FH, Stk. 15.-
0.0.30 Avicularia purpurea, 4.FH, Stk. 25.-
0.0.x Avicularia sp. purple Peru, 1.FH, Stk. 15.-
0.0.x Caribena versicolor,1.FH, Stk. 12.-
0.0.x Caribena versicolor, 3.-4.FH, Stk. 22.-
0.0.1 Ybyrapora sooretama NZ 1/23 1-1,5cm Kl., Stk. 40,-
0.0.5 Xenesthis immanis, 3.-4.FH, Stk. 45.- Euro / 5 Stk. 200.-
0.0.30 Acanthoscurria geniculata, 2,5-3cm KL, Stk. 8.- / 5 Stk. 35.-
0.0.40 Ephebopus murinus, 2-2,5cm KL, Stk. 40.- / 5 Stk. 175.-
0.0.6 M. balfouri NZ 8/22, 2,5-3,5 cm Kl (in Gruppe), zus. 65,-
0.1 Chroma cyaneopubescens NZ 7/22, 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 30,-
0.3 Ybyrapora sooretama NZ 11/21, 2,5-3cm Kl, Stk. 70,-
1.0 Chroma. cyaneopubescens NZ 7/22 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 25,-
8.0 Xenesthis intermedia, NZ 03/22, ca. 4cm Kl, Stk. 50.- Euro
0.1 Caribena versicolor, NZ 4/19, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.1 Caribena versicolor, NZ 6/20, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.6 Caribena versicolor, NZ 6/21, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.1 Chroma. cyaneopubescens, NZ 04/19, adult, Stk. 55.-
0.1 M. balfouri Nz 19/20/21 adult, Stk. 50,-
0.2 Theraphosa apophysis, NZ 5/18, adult, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosum, Nicaragua, adult, Stk. 55.-
0.1 Xenesthis spec. blue NZ 4/19, adult, Stk. 220,-
0.1 Xenesthis spec. white NZ 03/17, adult, Stk. 230.-
7.0 Caribena versicolor Rh 7/23, Stk. 25,-
Schönen Gruß
Biete Theraphosa apophysis / stirmi adult
0.1 Theraphosa stirmi / adult XXL / 220€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis / adult Kokonerfahren / 220€
Beide zusammen für 400€.
Versand sicher verpackt inkl. Styrobox und ggf. Heatpack möglich.
Alternativ wäre auch eine Übergabe in Hamburg oder Hamburger Randgebiet möglich.
Viele Grüße

Seladonia und andere Spinnen zur Abgabe
Wir bieten folgende Tiere zur Übergabe auf den Börsen Recklinghausen evtl. Weinstadt bzw. Versand oder Abholung Köln / Koblenz / Krefeld
Unbestimmte Tiere / Unsexed:
0.0.x Typochlaena seladonia 1. Fh 70€
0.0.x Thrixopelma sp Cuzco 1. Fh 25€
0.0.x Avicularia huriana 4. Fh 40€
0.0.x Avicularia Kwitara River 1. Fh 15€
0.0.x Avicularia Peru purple 1. Fh 12€
0.0.x Avicularia cf. aurantiaca 1. Fh 25€
0.0.x Avicularia metallica BG 1. Fh 10€
0.0.x Ceratogyrus darlingi 2. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.x Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex. Electric Blue) 1. FH 12€
0.0.10 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3,5cm KL 35€ stk.
0.0.15 Psalmopoeus victori 2. FH 25€ stk.
0.0.6 Sericopelma angustum 1cm KL 12€ stk.
0.0.6 Tliltocatl albopilosus nicaragua* 2cm KL 10€ stk.
0.0.1 Theraphosa blondi 3.FH 50€ stk.
0.0.2 Theraphosa blondi 4. Fh 60€ stk.
0.0.x Therphosinae sp. Roatan 1. FH 6€ stk.
0.0.7 Guyruita cerrado 4. FH 13€ stk.
0.0.xx Stichoplastoris sp. Nicaragua 1cm KL 15€ stk.
Females / Weibchen:
0.1 Neischnocolus sp Chica (Adult) 90€
0.1 Neischnocolus sp. Chica 2cm KL 70€
0.1 Pamphobeteus cascada 5cm KL 80€
0.1 Pseudhapalopus sp. Kolumbien Yellowblue 2-2,5cm KL 65€
0.1 Omothymus violaceopes adult 140€
0.1 Caribena versicolor adult 75€
0.1 Poecilotheria metallica adult 120€
0.1 Grammostola rosea adult 150€
0.1 Monocentropus balfouri adult 50€
0.1 Avicularia metallica British Guyana adult 60€
0.1 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla adult 100€
1.1 Brachypelma emilia ca. 3,5cm KL 55€
1.1 Sericopelma rambala ca. 4cm KL 90€
1.0 Phormictopus blue rose carapax ca. 3cm KL 30€
2.0 Phormictopus ocoa ca. 2,5cm KL 25€ stk. ca. 4cm KL 40€ stk.
2.0 Sericopelma rambala ca. 4cm KL 20€
2.0 Theraphosinae roatan ca. 3cm KL 30€ stk.
1.0 Hysterocrates gigas RH 9/23 - 25€
1.0 Megaphobema robustum RH 1/23 - 55€

Verkaufe aus deutscher Nachzucht
0.1 Xenesthis sp. Blue 8-9cm, adult, frisch gehäutet, Kokon erfahren - 300€
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 6-7cm - 250€
Hobby Zucht Auch Tierversand möglich !
Hallo habe einige Tierchen abzugeben!!
Xenesthis sp.bright 1.fh 0.0.x
Xenesthis sp.white 2.fh einige schon bestimmt!
Theraphosa blondi 5.fh
Pandinus Imperator In.3 unbestimmt
Alles eigene nachzucht!!!!!
Oder auf Bestellung für weinstadt möglich 21.10.2023!!
Looking for Theraphose Stirmi/Blondi/Apophysis must be able to ship.
Hello i am looking for
Theraphosa Slings
i am interested in
T. Stirmi Slings
T. Blondi Slings
T. Apophysis slings
must be able to ship to Denmark EU.
Contact me on Whatsapp +45 28977399
- Chris @DanishDragons
Theraphosa Anzeigen Premium [Seite 6]

Rare scorpions, tarantulas and true spiders for Hamm. 20% discount!
20% discount for firm preorders for Hamm-show at 09.03.24!
Just a very limited stock will be available at our booth in Hamm - please preorder if you are interested in certain species.
Shipping currently not possible, but we take reservations for spring now.
20% Rabatt auf feste Vorbestellungen für die Terraristika Hamm am 09.03.24!
Wir werden nur ein sehr limitiertes Angebot an unserem Stand haben. Wenn ihr bestimmte Arten sucht, bestellt bitte vor.
Versand aktuell nicht möglich, aber wir nehmen ab jetzt Reservierungen für das Frühjahr an.
Full Stocklist with prices:
Aegaeobuthus cyprius
Androctonus aeneas (Djerba)
Androctonus australis 'Garzoni'
Androctonus bourdoni
Androctonus cholistanus
Androctonus crassicada (Oman)
Androctonus finitimus
Androctonus gonneti
Androctonus sp. nov. M3 Clade
Buthus kunti
Centruroides guanensis 'North'
Centruroides stockwelli
Centruroides vittatus
Chaerilus cimrmani
Chaerilus kautti
Chaerilus sejnai
Chaerilus stockmannorum
Chaerilus variegatus
Didymocentrus trinitarius
Hadrurus arizonensis
Hemiscorpius lepturus
Hottentotta flavidulus
Hottentotta gentili 'Ziz'
Hottentotta polystictus
Hottentotta salei
Hottentotta salei 'Bright'
Hottentotta sousai
Hottentotta sp. India
Leiurus haenggii (Oman)
Leiurus jordanensis
Nebo whitei
Pandinus imperator
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid'
Parabuthus villosus 'Oranje'
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical'
Scorpiops dunlopi
Scorpiops phatoensis
Smeringurus mesaensis
Tityus cf. strandi
Tityus crassimanus
Tityus serrulatus
Tityus smithii
Tityus stigmurus
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Amazonius germani
Aphonopelma armada
Aphonopelma crinirufum
Aphonopelma hentzi
Aphonopelma marxi
Aphonopelma moderatum
Avicularia avicularia MT1
Avicularia merianae
Avicularia sp. Colombia
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Brachionopus sp. Marakele
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Bumba cf. tapajos
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Ceratogyrus sanderi
Chaetopelma karlamani
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Egypt)
Chilobrachys guanensis
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriopagopus albostriatus 'Ratchaburi'
Davus pentaloris
Davus sp. Oaxaca
Dolichothele diamantinensis
Grammostola pulchra
Guyruita cerrado
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira namaquensis
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Megaphobema robustum
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus auratus
Phormictopus cautus
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Psalmopoeus cambridgei
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pterinochilus chordatus
Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'TCF'
Sericopelma sp. Boquete
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Theraphosa blondi
Theraphosidae sp. Rio Shanao
Thrixopelma sp. 'Purple-Blue'
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Vitalius chromatus
Xenesthis immanis
Other spiders:
Ctenidae sp. 'Mamfe Road'
Fufius lanicius
Loxosceles mahan
Loxosceles simillima
Nemesia bristowi
Ohvida sp. Cuba
Piloctenus haematostoma
Scytodes sp. Orange
Ummidia algarve

Springspinnen / Wüstenglanzskorpion / Blauer Riesenskorpion / uvm.
Wir hätten noch folgende, hübsche Tiere zur Abgabe:
Springspinne Bahamas (Phidippus regius)
Wüstenglanzskorpion (Scorpio maurus)
Blauer Riesenskorpion (Heterometrus cyaneus)
Rotfußvogelspinne (Avicularia avicularia)
Rote Samtvogelspinne (Tlittocatl vagans)
Brasilianische Vogelspinne (Nhandu chromatus)
Riesenvogelspinne (Theraphosa blondi)
Wir liefern auch nach Österreich, Tschechien und Polen!
We still have the following pretty animals for sale:
Bahamas jumping spider (Phidippus regius)
Desert Shiny Scorpion (Scorpio maurus)
Blue giant scorpion (Heterometrus cyaneus)
Red-footed tarantula (Avicularia avicularia)
Red velvet tarantula (Tlittocatl vagans)
Brazilian tarantula (Nhandu chromatus)
Giant tarantula (Theraphosa blondi)
We also deliver to Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland!

Theraphosa …B.Guyana ………….
Aktuell für Versand 9€ (incl Styroporbox +Heatpack)
Theraphosa stirmi (B.Guyana)
0.1 subadult 6-7 cm KL. 125€
0.1 subsub. 5cm KL. 110 €
1.0 subsub ca 2 Häutungen bis RH 85 €
1.1 ca 6 cm KL . zusammen 180 €
Avicularia Metallica (small / velutina /B.Guyana)
0.0.1 2-3 cm KL semi. 25€
0.1 subadult 40€
0.1 adult 50€
1.0 subadult 35€
Versand aktuell kein Problem...
![Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY] Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY]](/tb/u/854/38/a1012469/tB/3jESRCr_uYm8.png)
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the center of GERMANY!. We will start ours travel on Wednesday 29.12 and go though this route:
Oława → Zgorzelec → Dresden → Leipzig → Kassel -> Dortmund -> Wurzburg -> Nurnberg -> Bayreuth -> Zwickau -> Chemnitz -> Dresden -> Zgorzelec -> Oława
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place.
WHATSAPP: +48 783 262 453
Special prices for all the spiders stock that we have left after all the 2023 year. We need to sell them before end of 2023, to make space for the new interesting and rare animals ;D
You can combine the spiders from the list in many ways, there is only 3 RULES:
We have prepared special prices for rest of ours stocklist.
Please check….
Theraphosa Blonid 40eur, Xenesthis intermedia FEMALE 90eur, Chilobrachys electric blue 9eur, Birupes Simoroxigorum 45eur …. And much much more!!!
Link below:
PROMOTION [-20% for all the animals!]
Album with crested geckos:
Photos? Ask me PM
3x Het Pied 2022 - 60
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 90
Het Clown 2022 - 45
Black Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 90
Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 100
Cloral Glow Red Stripe 2022 - 130
Kingpin het Clow het Genetic Stripe 2022 - 100
Spotnose Genetic Stripe 66% het Clown 2022 - 150
Red Stripe het Clown 2022 - 65
Enchi Pied 2022 - 150
Enchi Leopard Red Stripe 2022 - 250
Champagne Enchi Orange Dream 2022 - 140
YellowBelly Het Desert Ghost 2022 - 70
Mojave Orange Dream 2023 - 90
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 65
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 80
Pastel het Pied 2023 - 70
Super Pastel Enchi Butter 2023 - 150
Pastel 2023 - 60
2x Het Piebald 2022 - 75
Hurricane 66% het Clown 2022 - 110
2x Enchi HGW Vanilla het Clown 2022 - 140
Enchi Mojave 2022 - 150
GHI Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 110
GHI Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel Super Enchi Calico 2022 - 340
Super Enchi 2022 - 140
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 120
Pastel Yellow Belly het Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 100
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 130
2x Black Head Pastel Het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 110
Black Head het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 90
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 120
Lesser Pastel het Pied 2023 - 100
Black Pewter Super Pastel 2023 - 120
8x Het Albino, Het Albino 2023 – 40
For photos of snakes PM me: or whatsapp: +48 783 262 453
![Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY] Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY]](/tb/u/854/38/a1012468/tB/M7kgKPdGAY6f.png)
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the center of GERMANY!. We will start ours travel on 29.12 and go though this route:
Oława → Zgorzelec → Dresden → Leipzig → Kassel -> Dortmund -> Wurzburg -> Nurnberg -> Bayreuth -> Zwickau -> Chemnitz -> Dresden -> Zgorzelec -> Oława
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place.
WHATSAPP: +48 783 262 453
Special prices for all the spiders stock that we have left after all the 2023 year. We need to sell them before end of 2023, to make space for the new interesting and rare animals ;D
You can combine the spiders from the list in many ways, there is only 3 RULES:
We have prepared special prices for rest of ours stocklist.
Please check….
Theraphosa Blonid 40eur, Xenesthis intermedia FEMALE 90eur, Chilobrachys electric blue 9eur, Birupes Simoroxigorum 45eur …. And much much more!!!
Link below:
PROMOTION [-20% for all the animals!]
Album with crested geckos:
Photos? Ask me PM
3x Het Pied 2022 - 60
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 90
Het Clown 2022 - 45
Black Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 90
Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 100
Cloral Glow Red Stripe 2022 - 130
Kingpin het Clow het Genetic Stripe 2022 - 100
Spotnose Genetic Stripe 66% het Clown 2022 - 150
Red Stripe het Clown 2022 - 65
Enchi Pied 2022 - 150
Enchi Leopard Red Stripe 2022 - 250
Champagne Enchi Orange Dream 2022 - 140
YellowBelly Het Desert Ghost 2022 - 70
Mojave Orange Dream 2023 - 90
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 65
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 80
Pastel het Pied 2023 - 70
Super Pastel Enchi Butter 2023 - 150
Pastel 2023 - 60
2x Het Piebald 2022 - 75
Hurricane 66% het Clown 2022 - 110
2x Enchi HGW Vanilla het Clown 2022 - 140
Enchi Mojave 2022 - 150
GHI Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 110
GHI Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel Super Enchi Calico 2022 - 340
Super Enchi 2022 - 140
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 120
Pastel Yellow Belly het Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 100
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 130
2x Black Head Pastel Het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 110
Black Head het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 90
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 120
Lesser Pastel het Pied 2023 - 100
Black Pewter Super Pastel 2023 - 120
8x Het Albino, Het Albino 2023 – 40
For photos of snakes PM me: or whatsapp: +48 783 262 453
![Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY] Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: ROAD TO GERMANY! SPIDERS/CRESTED GECKOS/REGIUS [DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY]](/tb/u/854/38/a1012467/tB/rS1yPKatpvR5.png)
We THE Spider’s Empire will go to the center of GERMANY!. We will start ours travel on 29.12 and go though this route:
Oława → Zgorzelec → Dresden → Leipzig → Kassel -> Dortmund -> Wurzburg -> Nurnberg -> Bayreuth -> Zwickau -> Chemnitz -> Dresden -> Zgorzelec -> Oława
We have a possibility to meet with you on ours route and deliver the spider’s directly to yours place.
WHATSAPP: +48 783 262 453
Special prices for all the spiders stock that we have left after all the 2023 year. We need to sell them before end of 2023, to make space for the new interesting and rare animals ;D
You can combine the spiders from the list in many ways, there is only 3 RULES:
We have prepared special prices for rest of ours stocklist.
Please check….
Theraphosa Blonid 40eur, Xenesthis intermedia FEMALE 90eur, Chilobrachys electric blue 9eur, Birupes Simoroxigorum 45eur …. And much much more!!!
Link below:
PROMOTION [-20% for all the animals!]
Album with crested geckos:
Photos? Ask me PM
3x Het Pied 2022 - 60
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 90
Het Clown 2022 - 45
Black Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 90
Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 100
Cloral Glow Red Stripe 2022 - 130
Kingpin het Clow het Genetic Stripe 2022 - 100
Spotnose Genetic Stripe 66% het Clown 2022 - 150
Red Stripe het Clown 2022 - 65
Enchi Pied 2022 - 150
Enchi Leopard Red Stripe 2022 - 250
Champagne Enchi Orange Dream 2022 - 140
YellowBelly Het Desert Ghost 2022 - 70
Mojave Orange Dream 2023 - 90
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 65
Pastel Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 65
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 80
Pastel het Pied 2023 - 70
Super Pastel Enchi Butter 2023 - 150
Pastel 2023 - 60
2x Het Piebald 2022 - 75
Hurricane 66% het Clown 2022 - 110
2x Enchi HGW Vanilla het Clown 2022 - 140
Enchi Mojave 2022 - 150
GHI Pinstripe het Clown 2022 - 110
GHI Pinstripe Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel Super Enchi Calico 2022 - 340
Super Enchi 2022 - 140
Enchi HGW het Clown 2022 - 120
Pastel Yellow Belly het Clown 2022 - 130
Super Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 100
Lesser 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Pastel 66% Het Desert Ghost, 66% Het clown 2023 - 80
Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 130
2x Black Head Pastel Het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 110
Black Head het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 90
Super Pastel het Axanthic (TSK) 2023 - 120
Lesser Pastel het Pied 2023 - 100
Black Pewter Super Pastel 2023 - 120
8x Het Albino, Het Albino 2023 – 40
For photos of snakes PM me: or whatsapp: +48 783 262 453
wholesale sling for Hamm 9.12
PREMIUM 500x Acanthoscurria geniculata 3/4FH
500x Acanthoscurria geniculata 6FH
200x Aphonopelma hentzi 2FH
500x Aphonopelma seemanni 3/4FH
100x Augacephalus ezendami 1FH
200x Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex. peru purple) 2FH
20x Avicularia merianae 3FH
100x Brachypelma albiceps 3FH
100x Brachypelma boehmei 3FH
100x Caribena laeta 1FH
100x Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 2FH
200x Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) 2FH
100x Chilobrachys sp. "Orange Thailand" 3/4FH
500x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 2FH
100x Cyriocosmus elegans 3FH
50x Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati 2FH
15x Cyriopagopus sp. Valhalla 2/3FH
200x Davus pentaloris 2/3FH
200x Hapalopus formosus (Columbia gross) 2FH
50x Haplocosmia sp. black femur 3FH
50x Haplopelma sp. bach ma 2FH
200x Heteroscodra maculata 2/3FH
200x Hysterocrates gigas 2/3FH
500x Lasiodora parahybana 3FH
200x Neohothele incei 2FH
200x Neohothele incei GOLD 2FH
100x Nhandu coloratovillosuS 4/5FH
50x Omothymus schioedtei 2FH
100x Omothymus violaceopes 2FH
15x Ornithoctoninae sp phan cay 3FH
5x Ornithoctoninae sp phan cay “red” 2/3FH
50x Ornithoctoninae sp. silver 4FH
50x Ornithoctoninae sp. virdis 2/3FH
50x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2FH
200x Phormictopus auratus 1FH
100x Phormictopus cancerides 2FH
200x Phormingochilus sp. rufus 2FH
25x Phormingochilus sp. sabah blue 2FH
100x Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 2FH
100x Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1FH
200x Psalmopoeus irminia 1FH
100x Psalmopoeus pulcher 1FH
200x Psalmopoeus reduncus 1FH
20x Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 3/4FH
300x Pseudhapalopus sp. Columbia 2/3FH
100x Pseudoclamoris burgessi 4FH
100x Pterinochilus lugardi 1FH
300x Pterinochilus murinus "usambara" 1FH
300x Pterinopelma sazimai 1FH
100x Selenocosmia crassipes 3FH
300x Theraphosa blondi 1FH
100x Theraphosa stirmi 1FH
300x Theraphosidae sp. azul 2FH
200x Theraphosidae sp. dorado 2FH
100x Theraphosidae sp kingfisher 2FH
100x Theraphosidae sp. mandarina 1FH
50x Thrixopelma cyaneolum 2FH
15x Thrixopelma sp. highland blue 3FH
25x Thrixopelma sp. golden blue 2FH
20x Typochlanea seladonia 1/2FH
5x Typhochlaena sp. Raposa 2FH
50x Xenesthis intermedia 1FH
10x Xenesthis immanis 1FH
10x Xenesthis sp megascopula 1FH
change to other species possible, full list and prices -

SpidersForge dla Hamm 09.12/Terraplaza 17.12
We invite you to the nearest hamm, we have a table at TU
If you are looking for a given species in larger quantities, ask for a wholesale price :)
Heteropoda venatoria 2fh 6€
Heteropoda davibowie 2fh 15€
Heteropoda lunula 1fh 15€
Holconia murrayensis 4/5fh 22€
Latrodectus menavodi female 4fh 20€
Latrodectus elegans /female semi/subadult 50€
Latrodectus geometricus female 4fh 20€
Latrodectus obscurior female 4/5sv 20€
Latrodectus pallidus 1fh 12€/10x 80€ / female 40€
Latrodectus cuntus (sahara) female 5fh 40€/ sligs 1fh 10x 80€
P.regius bahamas 4fh 22€
P.regius soroa female 50€
P.johnsoni 3fh 40€
H.diardi female 80€/male 40€/pairs 100€
Slings :
Aphonopelma anax 1fh 12€
Amazonicus germani (ex.Pseudoclamoris gigas) 2fh 4€
Acantosuria geniculata 2fh 2.5€
Avicularia juruensis (ex.peru purple) 1fh 15€
Avicularia purpurea 1fh 21€
Avicularia sp. pucallpa 1fh 35€
Brachypelma hamorii 2/3fh 8€
Brahypelma emilia 2/3fh 8€
Brachypelma boehmei 2/3fh 9€
Birupes simoroxigorum 1/2fh 65€
Cyriopagopus sp.Bach ma 2fh 45€
Cyriopagopus lividus 1fh 10€
Cyriopagopus albostriatus ratchaburi 1fh 13€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4/5fh 7€
Chilobrachys vietnam 2fh 4€/
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue 2fh 22€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 1fh 11€
Caribena versicolor 2fh 9€
Caribena laeta 1fh 8€
Cardiopelma mascatum 2fh 19€
Ceratogyrus marshali 2fh 4€
Ceratogyrus sanderi 2fh 8€
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 2fh 25€
Cyriocosmus elegans 1/2fh 4€
Cyriocosmus sellatus 1/2fh 14€
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi 1fh 11€
Citharacanthus cyaneus 3/4fh 35€
Dolichothele diamantinensis 1fh 22€
Davus pentaloris 4fh 5€
Davus sp. Panama 47€
Davus sp.kolumbia 1fh 90€
Ephebopus murinu 2fh 28€
Ephebopus cyanognathus 2fh 24€
Encyocratella olivacea 1fh 22€
Grammostola pulchripes 1fh 7€
Grammotola porteri 3fh 25€
Grammostola rosea Red 2fh 29€
Hapalopus formosus 2fh 5€
Hapalopus sp.guerilla 1fh 35€
Holothele longipes 1fh 5€
Heterothele gabonensis 1fh 6€
Haploclastus devamatha 2fh 40€
Harpactira pulchripes 1fh 14€
Harpactira namaquensis 1fh 35€
Harpactira baviana 3fh 18
Hysterocrates gigas 1/2fh 2.5€
Heteroscodra maculata 1/2fh 2€
Idiothele mira 2/3fh 12€
Kochaiana brunnipes 2/3fh 3€
Lasiodora parachybana 2/3fh 2€
Lasioodora klugi 2fh 8€
Monocentropus balfouri 3fh 9€
Megaphobema robostum 2fh 24€
Megphobema mesomelans 1fh 90€
Nhandu tripepi 1fh 5.5€
Nhandu chromatus 1fh 2.5€
Neoholothele incei 1fh 2€
Neoholothele incei gold 1/2fh 3€/10x 20€
Ornithoctoninae sp. khao sok 2fh 21€
Ornithoctoninae auerotibialis 2fh 11€
Ornithoctoninae sp. Vietnam silver 1fh 90€
Omythymus schioedtei 1/2fh 8€
Omyhthymus violoceopes 1/2fh 10€
Pamphobeteus vespertinus 1fh 95€
Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 1fh 18€
Pamphobeteus sp. tigris 1fh 26€
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue 1fh 13€
Pternopelma sazimai 2fh 3€
Pternochilus lugardi 1/2fh 8€
Pterinochilus chordatus 2fh 8€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2fh 2.5€/
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 2fh 20€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2fh 2€
Psalmopoeus irminia 1fh 2.5€/
Psalmopoeus reduncus 3fh 4€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 1/2 fh 3.5€/
Poecilotheria ornata 4fh 9€/
Poecilotheria metallica 2fh 18€
Poecilotheria miranda 1/2fh 11€
Poecilotheria rufilata 1fh 14€
Phormingohilus sp.rufus 2fh 12€
Phormingohilus arboricola (ex.Borneo black) 1fh 6€
Phormingochilus sp.Sabah Blue 1fh 78€
Phormingochilus everetti 1fh 37€
Phormictopus auratus 2fh 8€
Phormictopus atrichomatus 2fh 14€
Phormictopus cancerides 2fh 14€
Phormictopus sp.dominican purple 2fh 38€
Selenocosmia kovariki 1fh 18€
Selenocosmia crassipes 2/3fh 7€
Scopelobates sericeus (ex.Holothele sericeus) 1fh 7€
Thrigmopoeus truculentus 2fh 13€
Tapinauchenius plumipes(ex violaceus ) 2/3fh 5€
Tapinauchenius rasti 2fh 16€
Thrixopelma ockert 2fh 16€
Tliltocatle vagans 2/3fh 2.5€
Tliltocatle albopilosus nicaragua 2fh 3.5€
Typochaena seladonia 1fh 88€
Theraphosa blondi 1fh 65€
Theraphosa stirmi 1fh 46€
Theraphosa apophysis 1fh 70€
Thrigmopoeus sp cinnamon 2fh 58€
Theraphosidae sp. kingfisher 1fh 55€
Theraphosidae sp. dorado 1fh 40€
Theraphosidae sp. mandarin 1fh 65€
Ybyrapora diveripes 2fh 18€
Ybyrapora sooretama 40€
Xenesthis immanis 1fh 46€
Xenesthis intermedia 2fh 70€
Xenesthis sp.Blue 1fh 100€

SpidersForge for Hamm 09.12/Terraplaza 17.12
We invite you to the nearest hamm, we have a table at TU
Female :
Acantoscuria geniculata 6BL 55€
Acantoscuria geiculata 4BL 35€
Aphonopelma seemanni 4.5-5BL 60€
Avicularia variegata 2BL 130€
Brachypelma boehmei 5-5.5BL 120€
Brachypelma hamorii 4bl 80€
Bachypelma emilia 4bl 80€
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 2bcm 80€
Cymbiapophysa velox 2BL 120€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2bl 28€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 4.5bl 55€
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue 2bl 60€
Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatran Tiger 2.5bcm 78€
Cyriopagopus sp.Hati Hati 2.5-3BL 30€
Davus pentaloris 2BL 20€
Harpactira baviana 2bl 45€
Harpactira pulchripes 2bL 45€
Harpactira pulchripes 4bl 90€
Harpactira marksi 2BL 48€
Heterothele gabonensis 2bl 35€
Hysterocrates gigas 6bcm 35€
Hysterocrates gigas 2BL 18€
Idiothele mira 3-4BL (adult) 65€
Linothele sericata 2BL 28€
Lyrognathus giannisposatoi 2-2.5BL 90€
Neoholothele incei classic 2BL 11€
Nhandu coloratovilosus 2.5-3bcm 25€
Nhandu coloratovilosus 5bcm 80€
Nhandu carapoensis 4-5bcm 80€
Nhandu tripepi 2.5-3bcm 25€
Nhandu chromatus 2BL 15€
Monocentropus balfouri 2.5-3BL 33€
Monocentropus balfouri 4-4.5bcm 50€
Ornithoctoninae sp.mindano 2bcm 70€
Ornithoctoninae sp vietnam silver 2bcm 160€
Pelinobius muticus 3bcm 65€
Phormictopus sp.Green (gold carapax) 4.5-5BL 165€
Phormictopus auratus 2bcm 28€
Phormictopus cancerides 4bcm 100€
Phormictopus atrichomatus 2.5-3bcm 80€
Phormingohilus sp. valhalla 2bcm 300€
Phormingohilus sp. Rufus 2.5BL 50€
Pamphobeteus sp. mascara 2BL 55€
Pamphobeteus sp. cascada 2bl 68€
Pamphobetus platyomma 2bl 50€
Pamphobeteus sp.costa 2bl 80€
Pamphobeteus sp.hexa 2bl 80€
Pamphobeteus sp.machalla 4-5BL 100€
Poecilotheria regalis 2-2.5BL 23€
Poecilotheria regalis 6-6.5BL 40€
Poecilotheria fasciata 2-2.5bl 22€
Poecilotheria tigrinaweselli 6bl 70€
Poecilotheria ornata 2BL 22€
Poecilotheria formosa 6bcm 75€
Poecilotheria miranda 6bcm 70€
Poecilotheria rufilata 2.5BL 65€
Poecilotheria rufilata 6-7bl 110€
Pterinopelma sazimai 2BL 28€
Pterinochilus murinus Usambara 2BL 20€
Pterinochilus murinus DCF botswana/zimbabwe) 3-3.5BL 90€
Psalmopoeus cambrigei 3-3.5BL 25€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2BL 18€
Psalmopoeus victori 2-2.5BL 80€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 2.5BL 20€
Psalmopoeus irminia 2.5BL 24€
Psalmopoues irminia 5BL (adult) 40€
Pseudhapalopus spinulopalpus 2bl 60€
Selenocosminae sp.sarawak 2.5bl 70€
Selenocosminae sp.Kordillera 2bl 65€
Sahydroaraneus raja 1.5bl + 110€
Tliltocatle vagans 2bl 20€
Tliltocatle vagans 4bl 40€
Tliltocatle albopilosus nicaragua 4bl 40€
Theraphosa blondi 2bl 100€
Theraphosa stirmi 6-7bl 170€
Adult Male :
C.darligi 20.11 15€
C.lividus 15.10. 20€
C.laeta 20.11 30€
C.sellatus 25.11 40€
Ch.fimbriatus 20.11 22€
D.diamantinesis 10.11 35€
D.exillis 15.10 10€
Ch.sp.keang krachan 20.11 15€
H.sp. zanzibar 10.11 10€
L.parahybana 10.10 20€
Poecilotheria subfusca highland 20.11 30€
P.pulcher 20.11 18€
P.gigas 10.11 15€
P.murinus usambara 10.11 15€
S.sp.santa catalina 10.11 40€
T.truculentus 20.10 35€
Tliltocatle albopilosus honduras 25/11 15€
Brachypelma emilia 4.5-5BL 50€
Brachypelma hamorii 4.5-5BL 60€
Cyriopagopus sp.Hati Hati 3BL 12€
Ceratogyrus darlingi 3BL 15€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 2.5-3BL 18€
Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 3-3.5 (sub?) 25€
Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue 2BL 20€
Dolichothele diamantinensis 2.5-3bl 25€
Davus pentaloris 2.5-3BL 15€
Harpactira pulchripes 2-2.5BL 13€
harpactira baviana 2-2.5bl 15€
Hysterocrates gigas 2.5BL 7€
Omythymus violoceopes 3BL 25€
Pamphobeteus sp.mascara 2.5-3BL 26€
Pamphobeteus cascada 2BL 33€
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 3-3.5BL 10€
Poecilotheria subfusca highland 3BL 20€
Poecilotheria ornata 3BL 15€
Poecilotheria rufilata 3BL 19€
Psalmopoeus reduncus 2.5BL 10€
Psalmopoeus irminia 3BL 10€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 3-3.5BL 10€
Psalmopoeus pulcher 2.5-3BL 12€
Psalmopoeus victori 2.5BL 40€
Theraphosa blondi 2BL 40€
Xenesthis intermedia 2BL 40€
Tliltocatle albopilosus nicaragua 3BL 12€
Tliltocatle albopilosus honduras 4BL 10€
Vogelspinnen Nachzuchten abzugeben:
PREMIUM Für Hamm, 09.12.2023, Vorbestellungen bis Freitag, 08.12.2023, spätnachmittags möglich.
Mein Tisch ist in Reihe 31, große Halle
Theraphosa blondi, NZ 11/22, ca. 3.-4. FH, 5 St. 200,-/10 St. 350,-
Theraphosa stirmi, NZ 10/22, ca. 3.-4. FH 5 St. 120,-/10 St. 220,-
Theraphosa apophysis, NZ 12/22, 3.-5.FH, 5 St. 200,-/10 St. 300,-
Pterinochilus murinus, rote Farbform, NZ ca. 8/23, ca. 3. FH, 12 St. 25,-/24 St. 40,-
Acanthoscurria geniculata, NZ, ca. 2 Jahre alt um 2,5 cm KL, voll ausgefärbt, 5 St. 40,-/10 St. 75,-
Viele weitere Spinnen an meinem Tisch. Ich freue mich auf reichlichen Besuch.
Da nur eine sehr begrenzte Menge Spinnen auf meinen Tisch passen, bitte ich bei den Sonderangeboten um rechtzeitige Anfragen und Vorbestellungen.
Liebe Grüße
Thomas Vinmann

For Weinstadt 21.10.2023
500x Acanthoscurria geniculata 4FH
500x Acanthoscurria geniculata 6FH
300x Aphonopelma seemanni 3FH
70x Augacephalus ezendami 1FH
20x Avicularia huriana 1FH
50x Avicularia juruensis M1 (Urticans Green) 2FH
200x Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex. peru purple) 2FH
75x Avicularia sp. Boa Vista 1FH
100x Avicularia purpurea 1FH
200x Brachypelma boehmei 3FH
50x Brachypelma emilia 3FH
50x Brachypelma hamorii (ex. smithi) 2FH
100x Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 1FH
50x Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF 4FH
50x Ceratogyrus darlingi 2FH/3
50x Ceratogyrus marshalli 2FH/3
25x Ceratogyrus sanderi 2FH
40x Chilobrachys dyscolus „black” 5FH
100x Chilobrachys fimbriatus 1FH
40x Chilobrachys sp. blue vietnam 5FH
200x Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) 1FH
50x Chilobrachys sp. "Orange Thailand" 3FH
300x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 1FH
100x Cyriocosmus elegans 1FH
25x Cyriocosmus sellatus 1FH
75x Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati 2FH
10x Cyriopagopus sp. Valhalla 2FH
300x Davus pentaloris 1FH
100x Ephebopus cyanognathus 2FH
30x Ephebopus murinus 2FH
50x Euathlus manicata black 3FH
100x Euathlus truculentus blue 3FH
50x Eupalaestrus larae 3FH
100x Hapalopus formosus (Columbia gross) 1FH
15x Haplocosmia sp. black femur 2FH
20x Haplopelma sp. bach ma 2FH
20x Harpactira baviana 2FH
300x Heteroscodra maculata 2FH
200x Holothele longipes 4FH
300x Hysterocrates gigas 1FH
200x Hysterocrates gigas 4FH
25x Idiothele mira 2FH
150xKochiana brunnipes 3FH
500x Lasiodora parahybana 3FH
20x Neischnocolus sp. Chica 2FH
200x Neohothele incei 2FH
200x Neohothele incei GOLD 2FH
50x Nhandu carapoensis 3FH
100x Nhandu chromatus 3FH
50x Nhandu tripeppii 3FH
25x Omothymus schioedtei 2FH
100x Omothymus violaceopes 2FH
50x Ornithoctoninae sp. silver 4FH
100x Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2FH
25x Pamphobeteus sp. machala 2FH
150x Phormictopus auratus 2FH
70x Phormictopus cancerides 2FH
20x Phormictopus sp. Blue Azul 2FH
100x Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple (cautus) 2FH
100x Phormictopus sp. Green Gold Carapax 2FH
30x Phormingochilus carpenteri 2FH
100x Phormingochilus sp. rufus 3FH
25x Phrixotrichus scrofa 3FH
180x Poecilotheria striata 2FH
65x Poecilotheria formosa 1FH
100x Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 2FH
100x Psalmopoeus cambridgei 1FH
200x Psalmopoeus irminia 2FH
100x Psalmopoeus pulcher 2FH
10x Psalmopoeus sp. black orchid 2FH
200x Psalmopoeus reduncus 2FH
50x Psalmopoeus victorii 2FH
25x Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2FH
200x Pseudhapalopus sp. Columbia 1FH
100x Pseudoclamoris burgessi 2FH
50x Pterinochilus lugardi 4FH
300x Pterinochilus murinus "usambara" 1FH
50x Pterinochilus murinus TCF 2FH
100x Pterinopelma sazimai 1FH
150x Selenocosmia crassipes 2FH
20x Tapinauchenius rasti 1FH
20x Tapinauchenius sanctivincenti 4FH
100x Theraphosa blondi 1FH
200x Theraphosidae sp. azul 1FH
200x Theraphosidae sp. dorado (oscars) 1FH
30x Theraphosidae sp kingfisher 1FH
100x Theraphosidae sp. mandarin 1FH
20x Theraphosinae sp. cuzco 1FH
50x Thrixopelma cyaneolum 1FH
300x Tliltocatl (ex Brachypelma) albopilosus „Nicaragua” 4FH
300x Tliltocatl (ex. Brachypelma) vagans 4FH
25x Typochlanea seladonia 2FH
5x Typhochlaena sp. Raposa 2FH
200x Xenesthis intermedia 1FH
50x Ybyrapora (ex. Avicularia) diversipes 1FH
more informaton, full list, orders -

auf der Börse in RECKLINGHAUSEN, 15.10.2023 und WEINSTADT, 21.10.23:
50x Aphonopelma seemanni 06/23, 100€
50x Cyriocosmus sellatus, CB 09/23, 350€
50x Theraphosinae sp. Roatan Island (Honduras), 100€
10x Acanthoscurria geniculata 07/22, 30€
10x Aphonopelma seemanni 06/23, 25€
10x Chilobrachys sp. Kontum, (2cm body) , 100€
10x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, CB 08/23, 80€
10x Cyriocosmus sellatus, CB 09/23, 90€
10x Guyruita cerrado, CB 09/23, 120€
10x Grammostola pulchripes 02/23, 100€
10 Hapalopus sp. Guerilla, CB 07/23, 90€
10 Heterothele villosella, CB 09/23, 25€
10x Heterothele villosella 1-1,5cm body, 60€
10x Holothele sanguiniceps (NDS), (1,5cm body), 100€
10x Lasiodora subcanens (1,5cm body), 150€
10x Megaphobema robustum CB 04/23, 150€
10x Neoholothele incei Gold 08/23, 35€
10x Neoholothele incei, CB 09/23, 35€
10x Pamphobeteus platyomma (“hell),( 2cm body), 280€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. Cascada, (2cm body), 230€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. Duran, CB 04/23, 180€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. Duran (2cm body), 280€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara, CB 08/23, 150€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. South Ecuador Type II (2cm body), 280€
10x Pamphobeteus sp. Tigris, CB 04/23, 200€
10x Psalmopoeus reduncus (1,5cm body), 120€
10x Psalmopoeus victori 07/23, 150€
10x Pseudohapalopus sp. Langhaar, CB 09/22 120€
10x Pseudohapalopus. sp. Torrido, CB 03/23, 180€
10x Selenocosmis crassipes (1,5cm body), 120€
10x Sericopelma sp. Chiriqui (1,5cm body), 220€
10x Theraphosa apophysis, (2,5cm body), 550€
10x Theraphosa stirmi (1,5cm body), 450€
10x Theraphosinae sp. Roatan Island (Honduras), 35€
10x Trixopelma pruriens 08/22, 35€
Biete für Weinstadt 21.10.2023
PREMIUM Für Weinstadt, 21.10.23
0.0.25 Avicularia metallica, 4.FH., Stk. 30.- Euro
0.0.x Avicularia minatrix NZ, 01-04/23 ( Gruppenhaltung), Stk. 25,-
0.0.30 Avicularia purpurea, 4.FH, Stk. 25.-
0.0.1 Ybyrapora sooretama NZ 1/23 1-1,5cm Kl., Stk. 40,-
0.0.5 Xenesthis immanis, 3.-4.FH, Stk. 45.-
0.0.30 Acanthoscurria geniculata, 2,5-3cm KL, Stk. 8.- / 5 Stk. 35.- Euro
0.0.1 Avi. purple Peru (M2) 2cm Kl, Stk. 15,-
0.0.40 Ephebopus murinus, 2-2,5cmKL, Stk. 40.-
0.0.6 M. balfouri Nz 8/22 2,5-3,5 cm Kl (in Gruppe), zus. 65,-
0.1 Avicularia variegata (ex Manaos) Nz 10/21 3,5cm Kl., Stk. 85,-
0.1 Chrom. cyaneopubescens Nz 7/22 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 30,-
0.1 Ybyrapora diversipes Nz 4/22 3cm Kl., Stk. 55,-
0.5 Ybyrapora sooretama Nz 11/21 2,5-3cm Kl, Stk. 70,-
1.0 C. cyaneopubescens Nz 7/22 2,5cm Kl., Stk. 25,-
1.0 Ybyrapora sooretama Nz 8/22 2cm Kl., Stk. 60,-
8.0 Xenesthis intermedia, NZ 03/22, ca. 4cm Kl, Stk. 50.-
0.1 Avicularia geroldi, Nz 8/21 3-3,5cm Kl., Stk. 65,-
0.1 Avicularia huriana, Nz 10/20 4cm Kl., Stk. 65.-
0.1 Avicularia huriana, Nz 9/19 4-5cm Kl., Stk. 75,-
0.1 Avicularia variegate, (ex Manaos) Nz 9/19, adult, Stk. 135,-
0.1 Avicularia minatrix, Nz 01/19, adult, Stk. 80,-
0.2 Avicularia minatrix, Nz 2/20, adult, Stk. 85,-
0.1 Avicularia Purple Peru, (M2) Nz 10/20, adult, Stk. 70,-
0.1 Avicularia. Rufa brasil, Nz 10/19, adult, Stk. 125,-
0.1 Caribena versicolor, Nz 4/19, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.5 Caribena versicolor, adult 6/20, adult, Stk. 60,-
0.7 Caribena versicolor, adult 6/21, adult, Stk. 60,- / 5 Stk. 275.- Euro
0.1 Caribena versicolor, subadult, adult, Stk. 50,-
0.1 Chrom. cyaneopubescens adult Nz 4/19, adult, Stk. 55-
0.1 Ephebopus cyanognathus Nz 2/20 adult, Stk. 85,-
0.1 Ephebopus cyanognathus Nz 2/21 sub/adult, Stk. 80,-
0.1 M. balfouri Nz 19/20/21 adult, Stk. 50,-
0.2 Theraphosa apophysis, NZ 5/18, Stk. 220.-
0.1 Xenesthis spec. blue Nz 4/19, adult, Stk. 220,-
0.3 Xenesthis spec. white NZ 03/17, adult, Stk. 230.-
0.1 Ybyrapora sooretama Nz 9/19, adult, Stk. 90,-
0.1 Y. sooretama 10/20, adult, Stk. 80,-
1.0 Avicularia geroldi Nz 8/21 3-3,5cm Kl, Stk. 45,-
2.0 Avicularia huriana Rh 5/6/23, Stk. 30,-
1.0 Avicularia Purple Peru Rh 6/23, Stk. 40,-
1.0 Avicularia Rafa Brasil Nz 10/20 4cm Kl., Stk. 75,-
8.0 Caribena versicolor Rh 7/23, Stk. 25,-
1.0 C. cyaneopubescens Rh 9/23, Stk. 35,-
1.0 Ephebopus cyanognathus adult Rh 6/23, Stk. 45,-
Bei Mehrabnahme Rabatt möglich.

Rare scorpions, tarantulas and other spiders!
Scorpions, tarantulas, true spiders and more for pickup and international shipping
Skorpione, Vogelspinnen, echte Spinnen und mehr für Abholung und Versand.
Aegaeobuthus cyprius
Androctonus aeneas (Djerba)
Androctonus bicolor
Androctonus crassicauda (Israel)
Androctonus crassicada (Oman)
Androctonus finitimus
Androctonus liouvillei (Figuig)
Androctonus sp. nov. M3 Clade
Buthacus leptochelys
Buthus iaspis
Centruroides guanensis 'North'
Centruroides stockwelli
Chaerilus sejnai
Didymocentrus trinitarius
Hottentotta caboverdensis
Hottentotta franzwerneri
Hottentotta gentili 'Ziz'
Hottentotta polysticus
Hottentotta rugiscutis
Hottentotta salei
Hottentotta salei 'Bright'
Hottentotta sousai
Hottentotta tamulus
Hottentotta zagrosensis
Leiurus haenggii (Oman)
Nebo omanensis
Nebo whitei
Parabuthus schlechteri
Parabuthus transvaalicus
Parabuthus villosus 'Natural Hybrid'
Parabuthus villosus 'Typical'
Tityus cf. demangei
Tityus serrulatus
Tityus smithii
Tityus stigmurus
Uroplectes chubbi
Uroplectes fischeri
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma crinirufum
Augacephalus ezendami
Augacephalus breyeri
Avicularia avicularia MT1
Avicularia juruensis MT2
Avicularia merianae
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Ecuador
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Brachionopus sp. Marakale
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma boehmei
Birupes simoroxigorum
Bumba cf. tapajos
Caribena versicolor
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Chaetopelma karlamani
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Egypt)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus
Chilobrachys huahini
Chilobrachys sp. Kaeng Krachan
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriopagopus albostriatus 'Ratchaburi'
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati
Davus pentaloris
Ephebopus cyanognathus
Hapalopus sp. Guerilla
Hapalopus sp. Kolumbien Groß
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira dictator
Harpactira marksi
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Harpactira sp. Golden Black
Harpactira tigrina
Harpactirella magna
Heterothele gabonensis
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Neischnocolos panamanus (sp. Chica)
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus cautus
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple
Phormingochilus arboricola
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Psalmopoeus cambridgei
Psalmopoeus emeraldus
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pseudhapalopus sp. Cundinamarca
Pterinochilus chordatus
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF'
Pterinochilus sp. Arusha
Sericopelma sp. Boquete
Sericopelma sp. Santa Catalina
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Tapinauchenius violaceus
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosidae sp. Rio Shanao
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Xenesthis immanis
Xenesthis intermedia
Other spiders:
Fufius lanicius
Hogna cf. gumia
Latrodectus mactans 'Cuba'
Loxosceles mahan
Nemesia bristowi
Ohvida sp.
Scytodes kumonga
Scytodes longipes
Scytodes sp. Orange
Sicarius gracilis
Sicarius thomisoides
Ummidia algarve
Thermobia domestica (Firebrats)
Full stocklist with pictures here:

Rare tarantulas and other spiders for Hamm. 20% discount on preorders!
20% discount for firm preorders for Hamm-show!
Just a very limited stock will be available at our booth in Hamm - please preorder if you are interested in certain species.
Our table is in row 24, mainhall.
20% Rabatt auf feste Vorbestellungen für die Terraristika Hamm!
Wir werden nur ein sehr limitiertes Angebot an unserem Stand haben. Wenn ihr bestimmte Arten sucht, bestellt bitte vor.
Unser Tisch ist in Reihe 24, Haupthalle.
Full Stocklist with prices:
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma chalodes
Aphonopelma crinirufum
Augacephalus ezendami
Augacephalus breyeri
Avicularia avicularia MT1
Avicularia juruensis MT2
Avicularia merianae
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Ecuador
Avicularia sp. Pucallpa
Brachionopus sp. Marakale
Bumba cf. tapajos
Caribena versicolor
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Chaetopelma karlamani
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Egypt)
Chilobrachys fimbriatus
Chilobrachys huahini
Chilobrachys sp. Kaeng Krachan
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati
Davus pentaloris
Ephebopus cyanognathus
Hapalopus sp. Guerilla
Hapalopus sp. Kolumbien Groß
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira dictator
Harpactira marksi
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira pulchripes
Harpactira sp. Golden Black
Harpactira tigrina
Harpactirella magna
Heterothele gabonensis
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Neischnocolos panamanus (sp. Chica)
Nhandu coloratovillosus
Pamphobeteus sp. Manganegra
Phormictopus cautus
Phormictopus sp. Dominican Purple
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus
Psalmopoeus cambridgei
Psalmopoeus emeraldus
Psalmopoeus irminia
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia
Pseudhapalopus sp. Cundinamarca
Pterinochilus chordatus
Pterinochilus murinus 'Botswana/Zimbabwe'
Pterinochilus murinus 'Mikumi'
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF'
Pterinochilus sp. Arusha
Sericopelma sp. Boquete
Sericopelma sp. Santa Catalina
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Tena'
Tapinauchenius sp. 'Yasuni'
Tapinauchenius violaceus
Theraphosa apophysis
Tliltocatl albopilosus
Tliltocatl kahlenbergi
Tliltocatl vagans
Xenesthis immanis
Other spiders:
Fufius lanicius
Hogna cf. gumia
Latrodectus mactans 'Cuba'
Loxosceles mahan
Nemesia bristowi
Ohvida sp.
Scytodes kumonga
Scytodes longipes
Scytodes sp. Orange
Sicarius gracilis
Sicarius thomisoides
Ummidia algarve
Thermobia domestica ( Firebrats / Ofenfischchen )
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.