Mantis Anzeigen Standard [Seite 2]

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Majangella moultoni pairs +1
Verkaufe Insekten

Majangella moultoni pairs


I have two pairs of Majangella moultoni ready to be shipped available. Also some more species :

Best regards

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Insektenbörse Ingolstadt: Leuchtkäfer und Seidenspinnen +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Insektenbörse Ingolstadt: Leuchtkäfer und Seidenspinnen

Bringe folgendes Lebendmaterial zur Insektenbörse nach Ingolstadt (So., 21.01.) mit:
Pyrophorus noctilucus (Südamerikanischer Leuchtkäfer, Cucujo): Larven
Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis (Madgaskar-Seidenspinne): Von klein bis groß
Haeterochaeta orientalis (Große Ast-Mantis): Verschiedene Nymphen-Stadien
Phyllium giganteum (Großes Wandelndes Blatt): Verschiedene Nymphen-Stadien

Suche (gerne auch Tausch): Andere Nephila-Arten sowie Tenodera sinensis.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hymenopus coronatus Orchideen Mantis L1
Verkaufe Insekten

Hymenopus coronatus Orchideen Mantis L1

Verkaufe frisch geschlüpfte Nachzucht meiner Hymenopus coronatus in L1

Nur für Selbstabholer

10 Stück für 30 Euro

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Cilnia humeralis pairs available
Verkaufe Insekten

Cilnia humeralis pairs available

Cilnia humeralis L4-L6 pairs available and more species :

Shipping through UE possible

Feel free to contact for any question

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phidippus regius “Bahamas andros” +1
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Phidippus regius “Bahamas andros”


Have sexed pairs, males and females at L4-L6 available of this beautiful stock.

Feel free to contact for any question
Or :
Shipping from France to whole Europa

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Orchid mantis ooths available
Verkaufe Insekten

Orchid mantis ooths available


Ooths of Hymenopus coronatus available, shipped from France. Possible to ship through whole Europa.

Feel free to contact for any question

Best regards

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Peucetia rubrolineata pairs available
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Peucetia rubrolineata pairs available


I have a few pairs available of this species from Peru.
Shipping from France without any probleme through Europa.
Contact PM or directly on our website :

thanks !

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phidippus regius and material +2
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Phidippus regius and material

Hello everyone, are you looking for a Phidippus or the equipment necessary to maintain it properly?
So come and discover our website

You will find everything you need to raise your Phidippus in the best possible conditions.
Including a range of breeding boxes specially designed for the comfort of your spiders. The brand is available in 3 sizes adapted to the different growth stages of your Phidippus as well as in several colors.
Unlike what is offered on the market, the 8LegsBox boxes open from the bottom to avoid any risk of destroying the nest, each box is available with a custom hand-made decor perfectly adapted to the needs of your Phidippus.
The boxes can be used to raise other arthropods, including mantises.

You will also find starter kits (contains a Phidippus, available for different stages and locations, gendered or not), ideal for getting started.

We send to Europe

Do not hesitate if you have any questions !

See you soon !


Im searching for females of Macromantis hyalina sub-adult or adult

X.0 harpagomantis tricolor(Adult)for sale

if you have any questions please contact me.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hymenopus coronatus L1 und L2 Orchideen Mantis +1
Verkaufe Insekten

Hymenopus coronatus L1 und L2 Orchideen Mantis

Verkaufe Hymenopus coronatus L1 und L2 aus Nachzucht
8 Euro pro Tier.
Nur für Selbstabholer

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Stenophylla lobivertex - Peruvian dragon mantis +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Stenophylla lobivertex - Peruvian dragon mantis

I´m selling my own breeding of a unique rarity, the Peruvian dragon mantis Stenophylla lobivertex. I currently have a few determinated pairs in size L3 and undeterminated nymphs in L2. The price for one pair in size L4 is 80 € per pair and the price for 10 unsexed nymphs in L2 is 200 €. I can advise with breeding. I send by courier in case of favorable weather, as long as night and day temperatures do not drop below zero.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Phasmid  and mantis  for shipping
Suche Insekten

Phasmid and mantis for shipping

Hello looking for phasmiden and mantis for our store ! We are located in Romania
Fb page exclusiv pets or e mail with offert

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Praying mantis for sale (Eu) +1
Verkaufe Insekten

Praying mantis for sale (Eu)

The following species for sale:

Cilnia humeralis €10
Cilnia humeralis “Pink form” €18
Hierodula trimacula €8
Helvia cardinalis €18
Phyllocrania paradoxa
Parablepharis kuhlii
Deroplatys lobata

Bulk offers possible for:
Cilnia humeralis (pink/normal)
Hierodula trimacula
Helvia cardinalis

Shipping possible within Europe.
I am also looking for rare mantis species, I will buy/trade for them.

You can contact me here or via my Instagram- ExotixPetss

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Tarantula’s to trade/swap +2
Tausche Vogelspinnen

Tarantula’s to trade/swap

Following tarantula's to swap/trade:

1.1 Chilobrachys sp. electric blue juvenille
2.1 Poecilotheria metallica sub-adult
1.1 Harpactira pulchripes fresh adults

0.1 Xenesthis immanis fresh adult
0.1 Xenesthis megascopula juvenille
0.1 Tlitocatl vagans sub-adult
0.1 Idiothele mira fresh adult
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis

Unsexed:0.0.x Xenesthis immanis juvenille
0.0.x haplopelma vonwirthijuvenille
0.0.x Birupes simoroxigorum i4
0.0.x Lasiodora paryhbana i4
0.0.x Pterinipelma sazimai i3
0.0.x Monocentropus balfouri i4
0.0.x Theraphosa apophysis
0.0.x Heteroscodra maculata
0.0.x Crycosmus elegans
0.0.x Sahydroaraneus raja
0.0.x Citharacanthus cyaneus
0.0.x pseudhapalopus sp shorthair
0.0.x Ephebopus murinus
0.0.x Acanthoscurria geniculata
0.0.x poecilotheria subfusca "lowland"
0.0.x Psalmopoeus emeraldus
0.0.x Psalmopoeus victori
0.0.x neostenotarsus sp surinam
0.0.x Heterothele gabonensis
0.0.x Haploclastus devamatha

Shipping possible within Europe.
I'm interested in (rare) tarantula's, praying mantis and other great offers.

Dm me here or on my instagram- Exotixpetss

Myriapoda kaufen und verkaufen Foto: SELTENE: Scolopendra dalmatica +1
Verkaufe Myriapoda

SELTENE: Scolopendra dalmatica

1.1 Scolopendra dalmatica

Possibly one of the rarest centipedes in the hobby.

They can be kept communal, they are docile and are really beautiful and unique.

I have a sexed breeding pair, i’m willing to trade it but I can also sell it for a good offer.

Trade: I'm interested in rare species of mantis and tarantula's but I'm willing to consider other offers.

Contact me via email or you can dm me on my Instagram: Exotixpetss.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Mantis and other available +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Mantis and other available

Macromantis hyalina L2/3
Acanthops erosula L2/3 L3/4
Peucetia lucasi L3/4
Psytalla horrida L1/2
phyllium cf. Yunnanense egg

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hierodula sp. blue Gottesanbeterin L2 Mantis
Verkaufe Insekten

Hierodula sp. blue Gottesanbeterin L2 Mantis

Verkaufe Hierodula sp. Blue L2 für Selbstabholer. 3 Euro pro Tier.

Haltung wie Hierodula Membranacea.

Versand ab Abnahme von 10 Stück, Päckchen + Heatpack 6 Euro Versand

Suche Miomantis sp. Männchen in subadult oder frisch adult. Gerne 3 Stück