Houten Anzeigen Standard [Seite 36]

♀️IMG Aztec Jungle 100% Het VPI 66% Poss Anery T1♂️IMG 100% Het VPI 66
Hi, I have available young Boa Imperator Cb22 litter from pairing:
♀️ VPI PP 100% Het Anery T1
♂️ IMG Aztec Jungle 100% Het Anery T1
Available babies:
♀️IMG Aztec Jungle 100% Het VPI 66% Poss Anery T1 Cb22
♂️IMG 100% Het VPI 66% Poss Anery T1 Cb22
Feel free to contact with me and ask for details. Possible transport to Houten, Hamm and other Expo show.
Trade possible.
(HOUTEN June 5th) Snake Wishlist: E.climacophora & E.Mandarinus
Euprepiophis mandarinus (Mandarin Rat Snake) (Mandarijnslang)
Kunashir Elaphe climacophora (Japanese Rat Snake) (Japanse Rattenslang)
Will be attending Houten 5-6-22, Would like to pick it up there. Preferably younger specimens.
Looking for 1.1 P.g Palmetto
Looking for:
1.1 Pantherophis guttatus Palmetto
1.1 100% het for Palmetto.
Pick up in Houten on 17/4 Please contact me by this forum of whatsapp if you have these animals to sell. Thank you.
furcifer lateralis. looking for animals
Hello, I'm looking for 1.1 or 1.2 furcifer lateralis ( HOUTEN)
Please contact me if you have any specimens. Thanks

Crotalus atrox 2.1 het albino cb 21 Houten
Crotalus atrox 2.1 het albino für Houten
Fressen perfekt Frostfutter
Macht mir Angebote
Eating perfect on defrostet rats/mice
Make offers

1.0 Tiliqua gigas (axanthisch)
Offering 1 male axanthic blue tongued skink / Tiliqua gigas halmahera (sex guaranteed).
WC from 2017, perfect condition, no fractures or missing toes.
First owner since december 2017.
Pickup in Houten (NL) 05 Jun 2022, Hamm (DE) 11 Jun 2022, or shipment per courrier (Shipments to the USA are sadly not possible).
Biete 1 Männliche axanthische Blauzungenskinke / Tiliqua gigas halmahera (Geschlecht garantiert).
WF Jahrgang 2017, hat noch alle Zehen und keine Brüche.
Seit December 2017 im bezitz
abholen in Houten (NL) 05 Jun 2022, Hamm (DE) 11 Jun 2022, oder Tierversand (Kein USA).
Adultes Weibchen ( seladonia & cupreus )
Suche für die Börse in Houten 17/4, Weinstadt 7/5 oder Versand ( innerhalb Deutschland )..
Adult females:
Tapinauchenius cupreus
Typhochlaena seladonia

Goniurosaurus hainanensis
Several juveniles from 2021 males and unsexed.
Price: 70€/each
- General info -
- Every animal made available is feeding and shedding properly and is, therefore, ready for a new owner;
- Unless stated, every animal is in full health and as no physical problems;
- Whenever it is possible, we deliever our animals with it's info chart and, if you choose so, the earliest generation available to us.
- Shipping -
- Shipping is possible within Portugal and Spain;
- Shipping to Hamm, Houten and other european shows may be possible, if you're interested inquire us for the show dates you pretend the animal to be delivered;
- Shipping may be rescheduled due to weather, show cancelation or other unforeseen events, though we'll always work with our costumers to find another suitable date for both parties;
- Orders & Payments -
- Payments can be done through PayPal or bank transfer;
- For any reservations, a non-refundable 25% of the total value is asked;
- We hold animals for 48h without any deposits. If by the end of that time either the 25% deposit or full value of the animal isn't received, we will make the animal available again;
- After the signal is paid, we hold your order for a period of 30 days. If by then the animal isn't fully paid or no other arrangment has been agreed by both parties, the animal will be made available again;
- All orders must be fully paid before shipping;
- All orders that are to be delivered at any show must be paid one week prior to the show date.
By holding or buying any of our animals, you agree with our policies.
For any aditional information please contact us through our instagram or at armoredgeckos@gmail.com
Looking for Varanus glauerti 0.1
Looking for Varanus glauerti 0.1
to Hamm or Houten or Budapest.

Pantherophis Guttatus - Elaphe G.GUTTATA Kornnattern/ Cornsnakes :
Offer for Houten : Pantherophis - Elaphe
G.GUTTATA Kornnattern/ Cornsnakes :
Albino, nominat, Butter, Ultramel, Caramel, Anery, Golddust, Snow,
Sunkissed, Crimson, Blizzard, Charcoal, Fire, Miami phace Okeetee, ...
in types - klasic, Motley, Stripe,Tessera,...
Delivery : Ger, Be, Fran, Italy, Es,LUX, NLD, BEL, FRA, POL, HUN, IRL, GBR, DNK, SWE, CHE, ITL, AUT, ESP, .... oversease, free shipping on orders of more pieces. Delivery to Houten in April.
www.mnreptil.cz , info@mnreptil.cz

Uromastyx princeps CB 2021
0.0.x Uromastyx princeps CB July 2021 from unrelated line
Available for Houten 17 April, only for EEC



1.1 Nephrurus levis levis (1.0 hypo) RTB
1.2 Nephrurus amyae (CB 2020-2021)
1.1 Nephrurus levis pilbariensis albino het patternless
1.0 Lucasium damaeum RTB
0.1 Diplodactylus granariensis granariensis RTB
1.0.2 (poss 2.1) Diplodactylus galeatus
0.1 Heteronotia binoei
3.3 Nephrurs levis levis cb 2021

Bavayia, pictus, ciliatus for next houten
Abailable for next houten, also shipping spain and portugal possible
- 1.0 Bavayia robusta MT Khogis cb21
- 1.0.X C.ciliatus. Diferent morphs cb21
- 1.1 striped paroedura pictus 1.0 amel het snow, 0.1 het snow.cb21
- 0.1 wy jungle tremper het raptor cb21
-0.1 wy snow raptor proven cb19
-0.2 solar copper tremper het eclipse cb21
- 0.1 copper cross wy tremper het eclipse proven cb20
Whatsapp: +34674157774
Looking for bufo japonicus
Hi, I'm looking for bufo japonicus, pick up preferably at next hamm/houten!

SUCHE: L. nigrit und Oligodon purpurascens
0.1 Lampropeltis nigrita
1.0 Oligodon purpurascens (tioman red)
Bitte alles mit Bilder, Preis und Standort Anbieten.
Ggf. Übergabe Hamm oder Houten

Pangshura tecta 2021-2022
Pangshura tecta
Cb 2021/2022 not 100% sure about male/female. 10 available. Eu Cites
For Houten/Hamm

Boa: Img Hypo, Ca Motley, poss. het. Anery.. Houten: 17.4.
I am selling these baby Boa:
100% het. Sharp.
b2. 0,1- IMG hypo.
b3. 1,0- IMG.
b4. 1,0- IMG.
b5. 1,0- CA Motley IMG.
b6. 1,0- CA Motley IMG.
b7. 0,1- CA Motley.
b9. 0,1- IMG Hypo, pastel.
b10. 0,1- IMG Hypo jungle.
Everybody babys is possible: Het. Anery and RDR BEA.
Born in: 6.2021.
By appointment, I will bring to Houten: 17.4.2022
I will import it to terrarium exchanges in the Czech Republic. (Živá Exotika Praha, Fauna trhy Ostrava, Olomouc....)
Contact: borecky7@seznam.cz
Graptemys oculifera 2.0.0.
2.0 Graptemys oculifera (1.0 cb20, good bloodline, 1.0 cb2010, different and good bloodline) 350€/each > 600€ together
For Hamm or Houten.
Houten Anzeigen Premium [Seite 36]
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
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