Houten Anzeigen Standard [Seite 22]

Diverse reptilien for Hamm/ Houten
1.0 Centrochelys sulcata. 4 years about 50 cm: 450€
0.1 (?) Varanus albigularis cb 2021. About 80 cm. Very tame: 650€
1.0 Uromastyx thomasi cb 2020: 550€
X.X Macrovipera lebetina turanica nura tau Cb 23: 80€
X.X Montivipera xanthina South Turkie cb 23: 75€
1.0 Vipera seoanei seoanei cb 21 30 cm: 200€
X.X Axolotls 15 cm normal and albino: 20€/30€
For next Houten/ Hamm only

Abronia breeding project in Switzerland
- Looking for Abronia sp. in Europe only with correct CITES export permits. (if you dont know how to ask for CITES permits in your country, I can help you.)
- Looking for Abronia sp. in Switzerland / Suche Abronia sp. in
der Schweiz.
Pick up possible in Hamm, Houten or at your place.
Trade possible with my own CB Abronia graminea blue eyes.
Feel free to contact me

Furcifer verrucosus 1.1 '23
Zum verkauf: 1.1 furcifer verrucosus.
Nachzucht sommer 2023. Abzuholen in Bochum oder Hamm/Houten im september
Search for females- V. gilleni and V. glauerti
I am interested to buy young females, or trade male for female, or sell males (app. 2 years old) V. gilleni and V. glauerti,
I would respect the price and can pick up animals on Hamm or Houten.
Thanks very much for possible offers

Looking for Ouroborus Cataphractus
Hello, I'm looking for Ouroborus Cataphractus, I'm open to all offers.
I'm from France, but I can move : Houten, Hamm, ... or others.
Thank you !

Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Searching for subadult /adult milk frogs for
Houten or Hamm!
Looking for Anolis cristatellus female(s)
Hi, I'm looking for one or more females Anolis cristatellus, better if CB or LTC.
I'm in Italy and can pick up at reptile shows (VR, MRM, Hamm, Houten...).
1.0 Bungarus candidus cb 23
I’m selling a captive bred Bungarus candidus male feeding on pinky’s. Going to be in Hamm, Houten and Prague
Python regius for Hamm Prague and Houten
I offer:
0.0.2 Python regius ivory phantom het clown het pied cb22.
0.0.1 black pewter phantom het clown het pied cb22
Going to be in Hamm, Houten and Prague
0.0.2 Python regius ivory phantom het clown het pied cb22.
0.0.1 black pewter phantom het clown het pied cb22
Werde in Hamm houten und Prag sein
Morelia/ Simalia amethistina Aru
Ich verkaufe:
1.0 Morelia/ Simalia amethistina Aru cb19
Werde in Hamm, Houten und Prag sein
I am selling:
1.0 Morelia/ Simalia amethistina Aru cb19
Going to be in Hamm, Houten and Prague
Epicrates cenchria maurus
Zum Verkauf stehen:
1.1 Epicrates cenchria maurus Het albino Nz21
Bin in Hamm, Houten und Prag
Im selling:
1.1 Epicrates cenchria maurus Het albino cb21
Going to be in Hamm, Houten and Prague

Aspidites melanocephalus 0.1-female, 2018
Aspidites melanocephalus
Eats defrosted rats.
Possible Ziva Exotika, Hamm, Houten….

0.1 leachianus gt koghis 90grs
0.1 leachianus gt koghis. 90 grs , great colour , send to Hamm and houten . 1000€

0.1 leachianus gt koghis 190grs
Female leachianus gt koghis 190 grs. Send to Hamm o houten. For more pictures send me pv: 1300€

Malayopython reticulatus
Cb 5/2022
M. reticulatus 37,5% SD/D
0,4Lavender Albino Harlequin
1,1Harlequin het White
1,0 Lavender Albino
1,0 Coral Tiger
1,0 Mochino Motley 2018
Free delivery to Hamm, Houten etc
Looking for paroedura picta morfs
I am looking for paroedura picta morfs for Hamm or houten.
I already havé xantic , het snow , wild and caramel.
You havé something else please send me message
Thank you

1.0 firefly enchi desert ghost het cryptic / 0.1 killer leopard clown
1.0 firefly enchi desert ghost het crlown , born in 2019 , 1.5 kg proven breeder , excellent breeder : 2500 €
0.1 killer leopard clown , 2018 , 2.5 kg proven : 1500 €
for all 3000 €
possible delivery Hamm , Houten , Verona
possible trade whit clemmys guttata adult or emys orbicularis adult
Searching for Sheltopusik / Pseudopus apodus
Searching for some Pseudopus apodus / Sheltopusik
I can collect from Houten 3rd December
Also looking for some Lacertidae
Lacerta Bilineata
Lacerta Agilis
Recherche pour Houten 03/12/23
-Phidippus regius "Bahamas" 1.1
-Blepharopsis mendica 1.1
-Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii 1.1
Recherche pour Houten 03/12/23
-Oophaga pumilio blue jeans 0.0.3
-Oophaga histrionica redhead 0.0.3
-Adelphobates galactonotus yellow 0.0.3
Houten Anzeigen Premium [Seite 22]
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