Houten Anzeigen Standard [Seite 17]

furcifer pardalis for houten
For houten this sunday
Ambilobe 1.8
Nosy be 6.7
Cap est 1.0
Faly 3.2
Anthalaha 1.1
Sambava 3.5

1.1.0 N. Amyae unrelated “23
Unrelated N.amyae 1.1.0 “23
Can bring to Houten/hamm
€750,- pair
For Houten/ Rhacodactylus
Rhacodactylus leachianus
CB 2023
Pine Island
Nuu Ami
0,1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Bayonnaise 2021
Correlophus ciliatus
Females 20-30gr 0,x
Males 20-30gr x,0
Babys 8-12gr 0,0,x

Varanus acanthurus for sale
Varanus acanthurus red ackies
for houten 02/06/24

Phidippus regius FH1-FH3 for Houten 02/06/2024
Good morning,
I sell Phidippus regius:
* Everglades F1/Fh3: 12€/animal, 10€/animal from 10 Phidippus ordered
* North Florida F1/FH3: €12/animal, €10/animal from 10 Phidippus ordered
At this size, it is not possible to distinguish males from females.
I will be in Houten on 06/02/2024 as a visitor to pass on the animals.
See you soon

Heterodon nasicus / Westliche Hakennasennatter / Nattern/ Schlangen
Biete 1.0 Conda
Alter: ca. 4 Jahre
Gewicht: ~ 260g
Futterfest: Frost Ratten und Mäuse
Das Männchen ist von einem Freund und mittlerweile seit zwei Jahren bei uns.
Er wurde schon erfolgreich verpaart, wird aktuell aber einzeln gehalten.
Winterruhe wird jedes Jahr eingehalten und Häutungen funktionieren immer einwandfrei.
Versand nach Absprache, Übergabe Hamm, Houten oder andere Börsen oder Abholung möglich.
Bei Interesse Nachricht mit Preisvorschlag.

Nephrurus asper pairs and reversed trios
Some nice asper from last year; no HB, can come to Houten or Hamm, or available for international shipping (Export CITES possible).

0.2 Nephrurus amyae from May 2023
0.2 Nephrurus amyae available
Born in May 2023
Can be delivered to Houten
I also consider (partial) trade with snakes (Oreocryptophis species, Python anchietae,...)

Available for hamm and houten
Hello, I am selling three snakes in a set or separately to stop the terrariophile.
There is :
- 0.1 Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus patternless CB2019 150€
- 0.1 Pantherophis obsoletus Licorice CB2020 150€
- 1.0 lampropeltis leonis paterneless CB2022 100€
Possible to recover on hamm or houten.

Rhinella margaritifera .
Looking for Rhinella margaritifera
Can collect at Hamm or Houten

Nephrurus Amyae CB 23 - pairs
For Houten 02.06.24/ September hamm
Nephrurus Amyae - 11 months old (next spring ready to breed)

Wheatbelt Stimsons pythons
Genuine pure Wheatbelt locality Western Stimson's pythons available as pairs!
Feeding well on defrosted mice.
Please send PM. Can deliver to Houten or Hamm.

Mniarogekko chahoua and Rhacodactylus leachianus for Houten
Mniarogekko chahoua subadult couple available
young animals of Rhacodactylus leachianus and Mniarogekko chahoua also available
We will have a table at Houten 02/06
Shipping also possible with courier
More info and pictures at bluemilkcreatures.be

Bieten Spornschildkröten Männchen zum Verkauf
Bieten hier unsere männliche G.sulcata,DNZ 2018,carapax ca.45-50cm zum Verkauf an.
Sie ist gesund und hat keinerlei Fehler.
In den Sommermonaten hat sie ein grosses Freigehege bewohnt.
Kein Versand nur Abholung in Moers oder alternativ Übergabe in Houten am o2.o6.24.

Nephrurus levis levis (orange/yellow, dark red, red and red hypo)
I offer males or pairs from different bloodlines (dark red, red hypo, orange, …). All of them are cb23 from my breeding (tose’s.chams). Prices differs from the different line you choose and go from 150 for a single male to 600/700 for pairs. Delivery to Houten can be arranged.

Python sebae, malayopython reticulatus
For Houten:
2.1 Python Sebae CB23
1.0 liasis olivaceus CB14
1.0 malayopython reticulatus Buton locality CB21
0.1 malayopython reticulatus Aztec tiger het albino CB23
0.1 Aztec sunfire 50% poss het anthrax cb23
0.1 Aztec 100% het anthrax CB22

1.0 vpi axanthic banana piebald cb21
Nice male proven this year, i go to houten 2/6. Pm for price and info

Nephrurus amyae 0.1 cb22
Available 0.1 Nephrurus amyae cb22.
Weight 40 gr.
Delivery to Houten.
Looking Furcifer pardalis mitsio
Looking for furcifer pardalis mitsio.
Possibility of picking up in houten, verona, hamm...

Rhacodactylus auriculatus, CorRelophus cilliatus for Houten
I offer my own breeding. The price is not fixed and is purely on agreement.. I will take them to the Houtn Stock Exchange 31.5-2.6 2024
Houten Anzeigen Premium [Seite 17]

Captivebred Trioceros cristatus
For Houten : captivebred Trioceros cristatus . Several bloodlines

Stocklist Terra-Amphibia, Amphibians,reptiles and more
Stocklist Houten Terra-Amphibia
Email: info@terra-amphibia.nl
Adelphobates galactonotus orange
Ameerega bassleri 'Sisa'
Dendrobates auratus 'Super Blue'
Dendrobates auratus Elcope
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas genet
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar
Dendrobates leucomelas greenfoot
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Patricia'
Dendrobates tinctorius oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius 'Vila nova'
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos
Ranitomeya fantastica true nominal
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Epipedobates anthonyi
Phyllobates vittatus
1.1Oophaga pumilio Guarumo
Oophaga sylvatica diablo
Dendropsophus ebraccatus
Rhacophorus nigropalmatus
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog) small
Pyxicephalus adspersus (African bullfrog) medium
Theloderma corticale
Rhaebo guttatus
Rhinella marina
Bombina orientalis
Lepidobatrachus laevis
Agalychnis lemur
Ambystoma mavortium sub adult
Triturus marmoratus sub adult
Tylototriton shanjing
Ceratophrys cranwelli burgundy
Ceratophrys cranwelli Albino
Ceratophrys cranwelli Green/mutant sub adult female
Ceratophrys cranwelli strawberry
Brachypelma albopilosum niragua
Brachypelma albopilosum
Brachypelma klaasi
Brachypelma vagans
Brachypelma vagans female sub adult
Brachypelma boehmei
Grammostola pulchripes female
Damon diadema
Archispirosteptus Gigas
30x Porcellio laevis Dairy cow 12/ 15 pieces
10x porcellionides pruinosus orange 15/20 pieces
Beetle larvea
15x Dynastes hercules hercules L3
Goliathus goliatus L2 L3
4x Dicronorrhina oberthuri
4x Eudicella morgani L3
6x Eudicella schulzeorum L2
2x Megasoma elaphas elaphas L2/L3
Phelsuma laticauda blue Line
0.2 Phelsuma laticauda angularis
Phelsuma klemmeri
Phelsuma guimbeaui
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Rhacodactylus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Rhacodactylus leachianus (Koghes friedel line x nu ami ) CB 20
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Varanus cumingi
Varanus tristus orientalis
Saltuarius salebrosus male
Timon nevadensis
Iguana iguana blue
Iguana iguana Albino
Uromastyx acanthinura adult
Geochelone deniculata
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Macrochelys temminckii
Clemmys guttata
Boiga Cyanea CB 2019
Lampropeltis thayeri
1.1 Hydrodynastes gigas
Corallus hortulanus males females
If you looking for something else please let us know at info@terra-amphibia.nl

1.0 Thrasops jacksonii young adult breeder
3.0 Pituophis catenifer sayi
1.1 Lampropeltis getulus californiae albinos
0.1 Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis
2.0 Pantherophis guttatus adult
1.1 Python curtus (Female Chrome head)
0.1 Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis
X.X Corallus Hortulanus gardenphase

Cb Trioceros cristatus several bloodlines
For Houten, cb Trioceros cristatus. Several bloodlines . Animals can be taken to the fair.

Red albino iguana, C.sulcata, Ch.calyptratus
1,2 Red albino iguana NZ 9/2020
0,0,15 Centrochelys sulcata NZ 8/2021
0,0,100 Chamaeleo calyptratus 6-7cm in body
I will be in Houten

Houten 19.September 2021 / Pogonas / Laemanctus / Python regis
-Pogona vitticeps CB21 (red, red hypo, red trance, red leather etc.)
-Python regius (albino, pastel, enchi, etc) adult & sub adult
-Laemanctus longipes CB21
-Goniurosaurus yingdeensis CB20 2.2
-Xenagama taylori CB21
and more animals available !!! Please check our Website !!!
Aquaterra-Shop Team

Animals for sale / EXOVICA
1.1 Phrynosoma Asio CB
1.0 Brachylophus bulabula
0.1 Correlophus cilliatus Lilly white ( ready to breed)
1.0 Uroplatus henkeli proven breeder
2.0 Pituophis catenifer sayi Adult
0.0.5 Centrochelys sulcata
1.0 Hydrodynastes gigas
1.0 Thrasops jacksonii
2.0 Nephrurus w.cinctus Adult
1.1 Morelia viridis "Aru" (much white) Sub adults
Delivery France / Belgium
Possible delivery to Houten terraria
Facebook : Exovica
Email : exovica@gmail.com

Heterodon nasicus 2021 babies
!!!Hallo!!! Just added babies of Heterodon nasicus from this year, all offered animals are in 100% health and eat thawed pinkies on regular basis. All genetic informations are on each photo on my web, link is here: https://www.ocreptiles.net/available/heterodonnasicus/.
Photos of parents and more info, please send me e-mail. Delivery to Houten and Hamm shows possible if its takin place (looks promising now). Other delivery(US, Canada, Asia....etc) possible after consultation. Have a nice summer and hopefully you all get what you are looking for. OCReptiles.net
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