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Skinke kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Lygosoma corpulentum CB 07/24
Verkaufe Skinke

Lygosoma corpulentum CB 07/24

I offer for Hamm or Houten 4 baby of Lygosoma corpulentum (Fat skink) born on 24/07/2024 01:30 am. from my four-year-old couple, the baby have never missed a meal and eat both crickets, cockroaches and buffalo worms, very active and energetic, negative stool test

possible exchange with other species of Lygosoma, Mochlus, Trachylepis and Amphiglossus, with possible difference on my part

request 90 € each or 320 € for the group

I am also interested in exchanging baby of the same species to vary the genetics of the siblings for future mating

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Morelia viridis BIAK -Chondropython - GTP Green tree pyt. - Baumpython +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Morelia viridis BIAK -Chondropython - GTP Green tree pyt. - Baumpython

0,0,10 Biak x Sorong 2024 / 350 € yellow, 370 € Red
2,0 Aru HW 750€, 630€
1,0 Sorong HW 790€
1,0 Jaya pura 650€
0,1 Jaya pura 830€
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. Delivery in Houten, Hamm show.
contact : info@mnreptil.cz, photos, prices : www.mnreptil.cz ,

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Rote Regenbogenboa 1.1 epicrates cenchria cenchria
Verkaufe Schlangen

Rote Regenbogenboa 1.1 epicrates cenchria cenchria

Verkaufe für houten oder Abholung 1.1 regenbogenboa epicrates cenchria cenchria
1.0 cb 2011
0.1 cb 2019 100% het albino
Nur zusammen

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Rhacodactylus Leachianus Adults +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Rhacodactylus Leachianus Adults

- Houten, Hamm & Madrid-

Rhacodactylus Leachianus
1.0 (yearling male) Type A: Poindimie/Yaté/Troeger Koghis from 10/2022 --- 500€ (plus shipping)
0.1 (proven breeder adult female) Island Mix: Nuu ana/Nuu ami/Pine Island from 2017 --- 600€ (plus shipping)

Take both animals for 900€ plus shipping to the main shows.

The available animals are on picture 1. Pictures of the parents are the following ones (NFS).

Skinke kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Nz 05-2024 Tiliqua scincides scincoides NSW +2
Verkaufe Skinke

Nz 05-2024 Tiliqua scincides scincoides NSW

0.0.6 Tiliqua s. scincoides ab zu geben. Alle gute Fresser, einzeln aufgezogen und dreidoppelt in Gewicht seit Geburt. Keine Versandung, abhohlen oder ab zu geben in Houten (22 September) oder Gersfeld (4-5 Oktober). Bilder der Eltern hingefügt. Weitere Bilder auf Anfrage.

Looking for either a pair of specific thamnophis species
gonyosoma oxycephalum
elaphe carinata young animal (preferably normal)
drymarchon melanurus rubidus

contact me if you have any of these to offer and are able to meet at snake day october 6.

Suche adultes Männchen fur Hamm oder Houten. Keine Kreuzungen.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: HeterodonNasicus/ Hognose Snake/ Hakennasennatter Candy, Albino,toffee +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

HeterodonNasicus/ Hognose Snake/ Hakennasennatter Candy, Albino,toffee

I have some cb24 hatchlings (more to come). All advertised snakes are eating frozen-thawed. There is possibility to pick them up at Hamm or Houten expos. I offer a 10% discount when more than 1 snake is bought. Please contact me for futher details at: jakubcewicki@gmail.com.
Albino conda 50% poss.dh.axanthic, toffebelly X Conda dh.toffeeglow
A01 M – Albino conda (toffeeglow?)
A02 M – Albino conda (toffeeglow?)
A03 M – Albino
A04 F – Albino (toffeeglow?)
Conda dh.toffeeglow X Conda dh.toffeeglow
DH 01 M – 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 02 F – Conda 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 03 M – 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 04 F – Toffee conda 66% poss. het. albino
Striped Conda het. albino ph. lav X Conda dh.toffeeglow
S01 M – Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S02 M – Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S03 M – Striped Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S04 M – Superconda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
Toffee conda X Conda dh.toffeeglow
T01 M – Toffee conda 50% poss. het. albino
T03 F – Candy 50% poss. het. albino
Also female snows now are available!
Possilble wholesale!

For Hamm-Houten-Verona-ecc...

I am looking for one or more Corucia females to join my male

Contact at mail simone.giumento@gmail.com

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Mniarogekko chahoua 1.1 proven pair +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Mniarogekko chahoua 1.1 proven pair

For sale:

Proven pair mniarogekko chahoua.
Both are 4 years old. Female lays good fertile eggs.
500 euro.

Pick up possible in Limburg (netherlands) or Houten.

Hello, i looking for adult Corallus caninus 0.1 for the Terraristika Hamm or Terraria Houten in September.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Heterodon nasicus nasicus for sale
Verkaufe Schlangen

Heterodon nasicus nasicus for sale


Super Arctic
Axanthic poss het snow
Albino 100% het snow
Albinoconda 100% het snow
Albino superconda 100% het snow
Yeti / Snow anaconda
Super Yeti / Snow superconda

For Houten/Hamm/Snakeday

Frösche  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Bufotes boulengeri / African green toad / Nordafrikanische Wechselkröt +2
Verkaufe Frösche

Bufotes boulengeri / African green toad / Nordafrikanische Wechselkröt

Captive bred 2024 / Nachtzucht 2024
Sie sind jetzt zwischen 2 und 3,5 cm groß./ They are now between 2 and 3.5 cm.

Ich besuche Hamm (14.09.2024) (und möglicherweise auch) Houten (22.09.2024).

Preis/ Price:
1 Kröte/ toad: € 20
5 Kröten/ toads: € 90
10 Kröten/ toads: € 150

Tauschen gegen andere nachtzucht Bufonidae is möglich./ Exchange for other captive bred Bufonidae is possible.

Die ersten drei Fotos sind die Erwachsenen./ The first three photos are the adults.

Bonjour à tous
je recherche des Cruziohyla craspedopus ( males et femelles ) reservables pour Hamm et Houten 2024
Merci par avance pour vos offres
Bien cordialement

0.1 RTB (ready to breed) possible softscale, quadstripe. Lineage is known, see last two photos. Shipping to Houten or Hamm is free.
€ 300,-

Feeing on Pangea, Gecko Nutrition, crickets, dubias and mealworms.

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Correlophus Ciliatus/Crested Gecko/Kronengekko/Wimpergekko +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Correlophus Ciliatus/Crested Gecko/Kronengekko/Wimpergekko

1.0 RTB (ready to breed) dark base Whitewall. Lineage is known. Shipping to Houten or Hamm is free.

€ 250,-

Feeing on Pangea, Gecko Nutrition, crickets, dubias and mealworms.

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 5.7 Naja siamensis DNZ 08/2023 +2
Verkaufe Giftschlangen

5.7 Naja siamensis DNZ 08/2023

I'm offering from my own breeding:

5.7 Naja siamensis

Price 120€ each. (If you take more, you pay less.) 1.1 = 200€

Hatched 05.08.2023 and all are perfect eaters on frozen thawed mice.

With complete paperwork.

Hand over at Hamm september or houten snakeday october possible. Also local pickup in germany, ZIP 55411.
Reservations for the shows only with deposit!

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Python Reticulatus Selayar het Mocha het Albino +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Python Reticulatus Selayar het Mocha het Albino

For Hamm or Houten snakeday
Python Reticulatus Selayar dwarf het Mocha het Albino for sale
6 Male
4 Femal
Price 220€ per animal

Suche andere Echsen

Search Holapsis guentheri

I'm searching for Hamm /Houten/ Verona Holapsis guentheri CB.

For delivery to Houten February:

2.2 Liasis fuscus CB24 'Fogg Dam' 500€ pair

Will trade for:
Egernia cunninghami, striolata, stokesii or kingii
Cachryx alfredschmidtii
Chilabothrus sp. (no inornatus, angulifer or subflavus)
Corallus annulatus
Corallus grenadensis