Hamm GHI Anzeigen Standard [Seite 48]

Biete Phelsuma für Hamm
Biete für Hamm
Phelsuma borbonica agalegae 1.0 NZ 24
Phelsuma breviceps 0.2 NZ 24

Lamprolepis smaragdina, Smaragdskink, Emerald Tree Skink
Hello, I have 0.0.5 cb25 L.smaragdina for Hamm.
If you want some beautiful skinks, that are easy to keep, are always to see, eating from hand and are lots of fun to work with... that's the right species for you.
Regards, Martin

1.1 R. auriculatus, gargoyle gecko
Hello,.. for Hamm...
0.1 orange blotched cb24
1.0 cb23
Best regards!

Cliffords Snake, Spalerosophis diadema cliffordii
For Hamm
Cliffords Snake, Spalerosophis diadema cliffordii
Locality: Israel, CB2022
For more Information please enquire.

1.0 Pastel enchi tripple het pied, desert ghost, clown
I’m selling these animals for a friends behalf.
Sells as a pair!
1.0 Pastel enchi tripple het pied, desert ghost, clown -23
0.1 Enchi Firefly desert ghost double het pied, clown 700g -24
2100€ and delivers to Hamm in Marc.
Regards Peter

I am looking for 1.0 Phelsuma Andamanense
I am looking for Hamm 1.0 Phelsuma Andamanense!!
Mantids for Hamm, Deroplatys, Popa, Gottesanbeterinnen
Offer for Hamm (March 2025):
Deroplatys desiccata 0.0.xx L3-4
Popa spurca crassa 0.0.xx L2-3
Complete selling prefered.
Please message me in advance. No shipment
Phasmiden, Gespenstschrecken, Stick insects
Offer for Hamm (March 2025):
Calvisia kneubuehleri, 1,1 adult; nymphs L2
Eurycantha horrida nymphs L2-5
If you are interested please message me.
No shipment

Netzpythons/Reticulated Python
Biete folgende Netzpythons/Retics
1,0 classic het Albino het Genetic Stripe het Ogs NZ 21
1,0 Tribal Platinum Sunfire Tiger het Albino 50% SD NZ19
Alles Tiere fressen ohne Probleme Frost und häuten sich perfekt. Tiere sind alle Haken trainiert und ruhig. Von der Größe her absolut unproblematisch und für jeden zum halten! Selbstabholung nähe Wien, Österreich oder Hamm im März möglich. Versand momentan nicht! Papiere sind natürlich dabei

0.0.8 Excidobates Mysteriosus HAMM
Biete 0.0.4 Excidobates Mysteriosus cb 10/2024 für Übergabe auf Börse in Hamm, Hannover, Bremen oder Tierversand

Lampropeltis leonis 2024 available
Kingsnakes / L. leonis available (2024)
Pickup in Hamm is possible

NZ 2024 Lampropeltis micropholis (t.gaigeae)
Gebe noch 2.2 NZ 2024 Lampropeltis micropholis (t.gaigeae) San Antonio Line ab
Fressen Frost und Lebend .Eltern pechschwarz. Übergabe in Hamm oder Hannover.
St. 300 €

breeders python regius zuchttiere
Breeders königspython für hamm börse
0.1 mojave enchi highway
0.1 gravel
0.1 wildty rötlich
1.0 blackhead mojave highway
1.0 gravel fire het clown

enz 2023/24 python regius hamm börse
Eigene nz 23 /24 königspythons für hamm
0.1 lesser genetik stripe , blackhead leopard supergravel ?
0.1 mojave highway und highways
1.0 clown gravel
1.0 pastel highway het piebald 0.1 mojave highway het pie
1.0 supergravel 0.1 blackhead mojave gravel/yb
1.1 mojave supergravel highway
1.0 super cinni pos het piebald
0.1 pandapied highwhite

Heloderma -Python- Nephrurus
1.0 Mussurana Pied Adult
1.1 Angola Python Nz2023
1.2 O.Coxy nz 2024
0.1 Liasis Fuscus Nz 2024
1.2 Heloderma Adult
1.1Egernia cunninghami Adult
Nephrurus Asper nz 2024
Nephrurus Asper nz 2023
Nephrurus Asper 2.1 Adult
NLP 2.3Adult Albino/Het Albino
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Patternless/Patternless
NLP 1.1 Adult Het Albino"50%Patty/Albino
Preise und info auf anfrage übergabe Hamm..Houten

Looking for Elaphe climacophora Kunashir
I am looking for a Elaphe climacophora Kunashir (Japanese Kunashir island rat snake) or a blue phased one. Looking for a male that does well on thawed with good temperament. I can pick the snake up in Hamm, March 2025. I prefer snakes that are around 1-2 years old.
Please offer anything, thanks!

0.0.2 (1.1) Egernia hosmeri NZ 07/2024
Biete für Hamm am 8.3.2025
0.0.2 (1.1) Egernia hosmeri NZ Juni 2024
Tisch in Hamm vorhanden

1.1 Phelsuma sundbergi sundbergi
Available 1.1 Phelsuma sundbergi sundbergi in Hamm. Cb24.

Burmese pythons female !!!
0.1 Hypo champagne het50% caramel het50% granite cb23 1100€
0.1 Hypo green het66% champagne het66% caramel 230€
Pick-up in Poland (Trójmiasto or Katowice) or delivery by hamm or houten

1.0 Strophurus taenicauda
Ich verkaufe einen männlichen Strophurus taenicauda auf dem Jahr 2023.
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Hamm GHI Anzeigen Premium [Seite 48]

Stocklist Houten/Hamm Terra-Amphibia
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
stocklist: www.terra-amphibia.com
Adelphobates galactonotus Red
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus Moonshine
Adelphobates galactonotus Yellow
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar
Dendrobates auratus Panama special
Dendrobates auratus Costa rica
Dendrobates auratus Karibik
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus riticulated
Dendrobates auratus El cope
Dendrobates auratus Costa Rica
Dendrobates auratus Super Blue
Dendrobates auratus el oro
Dendrobates tinctorius Sipiliwini Blue
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius Regina
Dendrobates tinctorius Nikita
Dendrobates tinctorius Ceyenna
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella
Dendrobates tinctorius natasha
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Dendrobates tinctorius oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius Dasha
Ranitomeya fantastica Caynarachi
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Ranitomeya lamasi panguana
Ranitomeya variabilis southern
Ranitomeya benedicta
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates anthonyi Rio salladilo
Epipedobates anthonyi Cielito
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates terribilis Mint
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Oophaga pumilio bri bri
Oophaga lehmanni Yellow tesoros CB
Pre order June
Oophaga pumilio Cristobal
Oophaga pumilio old man creek
Oophaga pumilio Chiriqui grande
Oophaga pimilio Esperanza
Rhinella marina
Pyxicephalus adspersus small
Agalychnis moreletii
Agalychnis callidryas
Agalychnis Dacnicolor
Litoria splendida large
litoria caerulea snowflake
litoria caerulea blue eyed
Litoria infrafrenata
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi
Heterixalus alboguttatus
Gastrotheca riobambae
Cruziohyla craspedopus Pre Order
Cruziohyla sylviae NEW
Dendropsophus reticulatus PRE ORDER
Salamandra salamandra proven group
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus SALE
Chamaeleo calyptratus
Heloderma suspectum Male
Heloderma horridum exasperatum
Phelsuma Laticauda
Anolis sabanus male
Anolis marmoratus
Mniarogekko chahoua Male Adult
Mniarogekko chahoua Medium
Rhacodactylus leachianus bayonnaise
Varanus Glauerti
Varanus tristis
Varanus acanthurus
1.1 Varanus panoptes
Uromastyx acanthinura
Geochelone pardalis
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Chelonoides cabonaria
Chelydra serpentina
Macrochelys temminckii
Morelia viridis BIAK adult CB
Boiga Cyanea CB 2019
Amethystinus moreva
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis maxicana thayeri
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
1.0 Epicrates cenchria cenchria
Corallus hortulanus
Ask us for the actual stocklist!
‼️ We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings ‼️
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
stocklist: www.terra-amphibia.com
June hamm show Look for: Gastropholis prasina/Crotaphytus collaris/Phy
PREMIUM June hamm show Look for:
-Gastropholis prasina
-Crotaphytus collaris
-Physignathus lesueuri
-Chlamydosaurus kingii
-Tiliqua scincoides intermedia
- Laemanctus serratus
-Laemanctus longipes/julio
-Sauromalus sp
-Lacerta lepida normal
-Lacerta lepida melanistic
-Petrosaurus thallassinus
-Chameleolis barbatus
Looking for adult/semiadult males of Terrapene ornata , triunguis
PREMIUMFor Verona or Hamm looking for 100% males of T. ORNATA and T.TRIUNGUIS - possible trade for females or other turtles or Rhacodactylus geckos. All offers are welcome.

Searching for June Hamm 2023
Looking for the following:
2:4 dalmatolacerta oxycephala
Photo for attention

Required for June Hamm 2023
I am searching for the following:
3:3 Bombina Kolombatovichi
3:3 dryopteris versicolor
3:3 Hyla Arboria Northern European Form

Bearded dragon for sale babys
!!!! good deal for all for Hamm!!!!
Bearded dragon mix morphs x.x.300
Hypo trans leatherback dunner coral blue bar
Hamm Houten
possible delivery to Poland,Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands or by airfreight to Italy, Spain,US, Canada

M. viridis | green tree python
Bieten Baumpython | Morelia viridis ||| offer Chondro | GTP
We‘re offering some own captive bred hold backs of the last years.
Wir trennen uns von ein paar Hold Back Tieren aus den letzten Jahren.
AR1801-08 - 1.0
AR1802-01 - 0.1 sold | verkauft
AR2202-04 - 0.0.1 sold | verkauft
A hand over at the Terraristika Hamm in June is possible. More information at our website.
Übergabe bei der Terraristika Hamm ist möglich. Mehr Informationen auf unserer Webseite.
www.arborealreptiles.eu or contact us cu[at]arborealreptiles.eu

Axanthic and Axanthic LillyWhite
Available Axanthics and LW Axanthics for Hamm - Houten. Worldwide shipping available too. More info send me email to capinsky@seznam.cz.
![Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: HAMM 11.03 SPIDERS! DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery[ PREORDER -20%] Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: HAMM 11.03 SPIDERS! DOOR-TO-DOOR Delivery[ PREORDER -20%]](/tb/u/854/38/a983072/tB/DFRe1bjvaA9h.png)
Rare animals, Avicularia, Xenesthis, Theraphosa and much much more...
Hamm SHOW 11.03 Pick up possible
We also can meet on ours road to any of the shows below here is ours road harmonogram:
We start the trip on 10.03 and will be in:
Oława, Dresden, Berlin, Hannover, Leipzig, Bielefed, Kassel, Dortmund, HAMM!
Check comments section!
In Preorder these prices are -20% off.
Ask for more details - private message
• 10x Brachypelma boehmei 3BL 50
• 10x Brachypelma Hamorii 3BL 45
• 2x Brachypelma Klaasi 2,5BL 50
• 10x Brachypelma Albiceps 3,5BL 50
• 10x Poe Miranda 3,5-4BL 55
• 10x Poe Miranda subadult 60
• 8x balfouri adult 55
• 10x balfouri sub 45
• 5x pampho petersii sub/adult 125
• 8x A. Peru Purple SUB 90
• 10x Intermedia 2bl 120
• 10x Blondi 2bl 90
• 2x Chromatus adult 75
• 25x Seemani sub/adult 60
• 5x Bistropelma Lamasi adult 500
• 20x chromatopelma adult 80
• 20x Versicolor 3bl 15
• 5x Versicolor sub 20
• 5x Versicolor adult 25
• 30x miranda sub 20
• 50x Caribena versicolor 10
• 40x Avicularia hirshii 165
• 50x Avic auriantaca 40
• 50x Avic minatrix 30
• 50x Avic boa vista 15
• 30x Ybyrapora sooretama 38
• 5x Avicularia ecuador gold 200
• 50x Avic rufa (brasil) 29
• 80x P. Murinus 3
• 20x Maculata 4
• 135x Peru Purple 10
• 10x Braunshausheni 27
• 20x O. Violaceopes 12
• 20x Avicularia Avicularia 11
• 50x Geniculata 1,5
• 30x Variegata 31
• 30x Bicegoi 36
• 50x Rufilata 19
• 40x Himalayana 8
• 30x Highland 19
• 50x Borneo Black 9
• 60x Rufa (peru) 32
• 20x Laeta 8
• 50x chromatopelma 10
• 100x arboricola 9
• 110x Merianae 25
• 20x Purpurea 18
• 15x Blondi 60
• 20x Robustum 20
• 30x grammostola pulchra 22
• 60x Metallica White Hairs 19
• 1.2 Avicularia Hirshii – 1.2 for 4800
• 1.2 Avicualria Ecuador Gold – 1.2 for 5500
• 15.15 Versicolor 3,5BL 1.1 - 65
• 20.20 Chrmatopelma 3BL 1.1 - 70
• 7.7 Bicegoi subadult 1.1 - 350
• 2.6 auriantaca adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 6.6 rufa semiadult 1.1 - 350
• 3.9 rufa adult/subadult 1.3 - 800
• 30x chilo electric blue 1,5bl 24
• 70x Mascara 2,5-3bl 28
• 45x Regalis 2bl 18
• 40x Chromatopelma 2,5-3bl 24
• 40x Geniculata 1.5bl 8
• 80x Parachybana 3,5-4,5bl 20
• 50x Irminia 4bl 24
• 15x O. blue pannay 1.5bl 18
• 30x O. Violaceopes 3-3,5bl 35
• 10x Platyomma 1.5bl 27
• 50x Hamorii 1.5bl 25
• 40x Nicaragua 2.5bl 16

UVB Lampen zu Bestpreisen am Samstag bei der Terraristika in HAMM
Reptiles Expert ist am Samstag, dem 11. März wieder in Hamm.
Unsere UVB Lampen gibt es da besonders günstig zu kaufen.
Die Bestseller sind natürlich die Multipacks - alle Wattstärken gibt es als 6er oder 3er Packs.
Ideal zur Bevorratung!
Reptiles Expert will be in Hamm on Saturday March 11th.
Our UVB lamps can be bought there at particularly low prices.
The bestsellers are of course the multipacks - all wattages are available as 6 or 3 packs.
Ideal for stocking up!

Varanus transport Hamm, Prague, Houten, Hungary
Cb. A 0.1 Varanus kordensis
Cb. 2022. Varanus acanthurus baby
Varanus rudicollis
1.1 Varanus melinus
Varanus indicus Merauke
Varanus indicus Sorong
Varanus panoptes

Albino burmese,adult Madagascar boa female,…
Can bring to Hamm only preorders
0.1 acanthrophis dumerili +10 kg. Cites and microchip included price 500 euro
1.0 Python molurus hypo caramel 1 m 200
1.0 Python reticulatus 1 m 100
1.0 eunectes notateus 1,5 m 175
2.2 pituophis sayi cb22 100
1.0 pituophis sayi adult 2 m 175
1.1 rhinochius scalaris cb 100
1.0 Lampropeltis floridana adult 120
1.0 antaresia maculosa adult 195
0.1 aspidites ramsayi cb cb19 450
0.1 gonyosoma oxycephala wc ltc scars 150
2.10 Gongylophis muelleri adult 75 euro
Wholesale prices on demand

The complete illustrated atlas of reptiles and amphibians for terrariu
New books
The complete illustrated atlas of reptiles and amphibians for terrarium Fritz Jurgen obst.Dr Klaus Richter.Dr.Udo Jacob
price 95 euro
The bible of the reptiles
Can bring to Hamm or shipping (heavy book )

Terraristika Hamm 11.3.2023 !!!
Letzte Chance / Last chance
Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst...;-) / First come, first serve...;-)
Frösche / Frogs:
0,0,6 Barbarophryne brongersmai 40 € St./ ea.
0,0,10 Bombina orientalis het.BLUE a.A./o.r.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli STRAWBERRY / PIKACHU / ALBINO / GREEN ab/from 30 €
0,0,5 Dendrobates auratus CAMPANA / EL ORO / BIRKHAHN ab / from 30 € St./ ea.
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea BLUE 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Epipedobates anthonyi 15 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Mantella betsileo 40 € St./ ea.
0,0,5 Phyllobates vittatus 20 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 € / St.
0,0,4 Trachycephalus resinifictrix 40 € St./ ea.
0,0,6 Theloderma asperum 35 € St./ ea.
Agamen / Agamas
1,1 Acanthosaura lepidogaster 100 € St. / ea.
1,1 Agama lebretoni 40 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Hydrosaurus amboinensis a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus weberi a.A. / o.r.
Chamaeleo calyptratus ab 45 € St./ ea.
Furcifer pardalis ab 50 € St./ ea.
Leguane / Iguanids :
1,1 Sceloporus malachiticus 75 € St. / ea.
Skinke / Skinks:
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 45 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE NZ/CB 2023 120 € St./ ea.
0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE NZ/CB 2023 120 € St./ ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas gigas Jayapura 200 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eutropis multifasciata 40 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi KAMERUN / CAMEROON 70 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 Lepidothyrs fernandi KAMERUN / CAMEROON - 50 € St. / ea.
1,2 Tribolonotus novaeguineae 120 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
Geckos :
1,1 Cyrtodactylus pulchellus 140 € / St.
0,0,5 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 45 € / St.
0,0,4 Correlophus ciliatus LILLY WHITE ab / from 170 € / St.
1,1 Correlophus cilicatus 150 € Paar / Pair
0,0,2 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gekko vittatus 70 € Paar / Pair
1,1,2 Lygodactylus conraui 40 € St. / ea.
0,x Lepidodactylus lugubris 1x10 €, 10x8 €, 20x6€, 50x4 €,
1,1 Tarentola parvicarinata 50 € Paar / Pair
Andere Echsen / Other reptiles:
0,0,3 Takydromus dorsalis 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 Lialis burtonis 90 € St. / ea.
2,2 Pseudopus apodus SUBADULT/ADULT 140 € / St. / ea.
Schlangen / Snakes :
1,1 Ahaetula prasina / 0,2 nasuta 75 € St. / ea.
1,0 Boiga dendrophila gemiccincta a.A. / o.i.
1,2 Pareas carinatus 120 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A./ o.i.
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.i.
1,0 Morelia viridis BIAK a.A./ o.i.
1,0 Morelia viridis PADAIDO a.A./ o.i.
Wirbelosse / Invertebrates :
1,1 Prosopocoilus senegalensis 35 €
1,1 Prosopocoilus savagei 35 €
Heterometrus spinifer / petersi ab 10 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 Avicularia metallica/geroldi ab 20 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Bumba horrida 10 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Cyriocosmus elegans 10 € St. / ea.
Coenobita clypeatus 12,5 € St. / ea.
Sungaya inexpectata LOWLAND 5 € Paar / Pair
Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 € Paar / Pair
Tausendfüsser usw. / Millipeds etc...
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.

1,2 Phelsuma ornata 1,2 Phelsuma cepediana
1,2 Phelsuma cepediana
1,2 Phelsuma ornata
2,3 Lygodactylus miops
1,1 Lygodactylus arnoulti
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.