Hamm GHI Anzeigen Standard [Seite 37]
Egernia epsisolus for Hamm
Offer for Hamm
0,0,2 Egernia epsisolus cb24
0,0,2 Egernia epsisolus cb24
Juveniles from different pairs out of different lines

Rhacodactylus leachianus - koghis, ami, ana
Rhacodactylus leachianus
koghis dark
nuu ana
nuu ami
Delivery to Hamm/Prague possible

Verkaufe viele Giftschlangen
Komplette Bestandsaufgabe unserer Giftschlangen.
1. naja Siamensis männlich NZ 2018 130,-€
2. Naja Nigricincta paar NZ 2021 200,-€
3. Naja Naja paar NZ 2021 180,-€
4. Crotalus Atrox Paar NZ 2022 100,-€
5. Crotalus Atrox NZ 2019 etwas klein geblieben 70,-€
6. Crotalus Pifanorum männlich rasselt nicht NZ 2018 150,-€
7. Bitis arietans Namibia NZ 2023 männlich 100,-€
8. Crotalus Vegrandis NZ 2023 männlich 80,-€
9. Naja Haje Legion NZ 2018 männlich 100,-€
10. Haja Pallida NZ 2017 weiblich 100,-€
11. Atheris Squamigera gelb NZ 2023 150,-€
12. Weißlippen Bambusotter grün NZ 2023 80,-€
Fressen alle Frostfutter ohne Probleme, häuten sich super. Alle kerngesund. Abholung nur vor Ort. Kein Hamm und co.
Für alle zusammen wäre der Preis 1400,-€

Last call! Geckos to Hamm or worldwide✈️
0.1 MT Koghis Troeger
0.7 Pine Island
0.4 Nuu Ana
0.2 Nuu Ami
0.1 Moro
0.2 Brosse
0.2 MT Koghis Friedel
1.4 - Extreme Harlequin (1.3 PB)
2.2 Super Dalmation (0.2 PB)
0.0.24 - Super/dalmation & Extreme/harlequin
0.1 Mainland PB

Nephrurus cinctus
1,0 Nephrurus cinctus 8/24 - 90€
Delivery to Hamm is possible

Agalychnis lemur, Agalychnis callidryas
Looking for Hamm in September or Verona Reptiles (May or October):
- Agalychnis lemur
- Agalychnis callidryas (atlantic slope)

Biete 1.0 Morelia Viridis Wamena Melanistic Yellow Spot
Biete 1.0 Morelia Viridis Wamena. Nachzucht von Wolfgang Buchhorn 2011. Orange/roter Neonat. Ich bin Erstbesitzer und möchte ihn in gute Hände abgeben. Geschlecht ist tierärztlich bestimmt. Frisst und häutet sich problemlos. (Frostfutter) Charakterlich ein extrem ruhiges Wesen-für Einsteiger mehr als super geeignet. Nur persönliche Abgabe.
Übergabe in Hamm 8.3.25 möglich.
Preis: 500€VB
Suche Histrionica Sylvatica Diablo 0.1
Suche für Hamm ein sicheres Sylvatica Diablo 0.1,bitte Bild und Preis

Scolopendra cingulata abzugeben
Gebe ab:
0.0.1 Scolopendra cingulata Kos, adult 30 €
Übergabe / Handover: Hamm 08.03.25 oder Rendsburg 09.02.25

Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese :
0,1 Granit (2,6 m) 310 €,
1,0 PEARL Granit (2 m) 320€
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. I can send in Houten, Hamm show.
Pricelist for businessmen on request
contact : info@mnreptil.cz, www.mnreptil.cz

2.2 corallus Hortulanus cb24
For Terraristika Hamm or Pick up Belgium
2.2 Corallus hortulanus CB24 from red parents

Tityus crassimanus & stigmurus für Hamm!
Tityus crassimanus i2 Stk. 12€ / 5 Stk. - 55€ / 10 Stk. - 90€
Tityus stigmurus - adult - Stk. 20€
Bei Fragen gerne melden.

0.1 Bothriechis nigroadspersus (schlegelii) CB24
Bothriechis nigroadspersus ( Schlegelii )NZ 24 zur Abgabe, Abholung bei mir ( 68782 )
( haben schon mehrmals Ganze Babymäuse gefressen ) übergab in Hamm möglich
Searching for 1. 0 Candoia aspera at Hamm
I'm searching for a male Candoia aspera of breeding age size.
Handover in Hamm, please send me your asking price and photo.

VOGELSPINNEN für Terraristika HAMM - 08.03.
HAMM (08.03.) - Vogelspinnen -
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. silver - adult - 120€
1.1 Citharacanthus cyaneus - 4-4,5cm KL - Pärchen 80€
1.2 Crassicrus veracruz - 3-4cm - 3er-Gruppe - 150
0.1 Ornithoctonina sp. Khao sok - 3-4cm - 65€
0.1.Ornithoctoninae sp. Uthai thani - 5cm - 75€
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. veronica - adult - 120€
1.1 Brachypelma klaasi - 4-5cm - 150€
SELTEN im Angebot:
0.0.4 Plesiopelma longinsternale - 160€
0.1.3 Plesiopelma sp. Bolivien - 160
Bei Abnahme mehrerer Tiere -> Paketpreis möglich.

Rhacodactylus trachycephalus & leachianus,Chahoua
0.0.1 Rhacodactylus trachycephalus
-0.1 Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine Island aus 2020.
Absolut ruhiges Weibchen, hatte schon mehrfach Wachsgelege, Rtb.
-1 Mniarogekko Chahoua ML.
Geschlüpft 29 Juni.
Vater Grünrot, Mutter rot mit verschiedenen Brauntöne.
Bei Interesse bitte E-Mail an venom.demons @gmx.de.
Abholung oder Versand bei Eigenorganisation.
Eventuell ist auch eine Übergabe in Hamm möglich.
Bei wirklicher Interesse bitte per Email anschreiben, Rhacodactylus trachycephalus ist selten zu bekommen.
Venomdemons@ GMX.de

Weißfaule Holzstücke (Versand oder Hamm 08.03)
Ich habe hier einige große aber auch kleine Stücke Weißfaules Holz. Ich kann auf Vorbestellung auch welches mitbringen nach Hamm am 08.03.
Falls Interesse besteht, einfach schreiben!
Versand innerhalb Deutschland für 6,50€ oder Hamm!
4,0 Goniurosaurus orientalis
0,11 Pachydactylus tigrinus
3,3 Underwoodisaurus milli
1,0,2 Paroedura vazimba
1,0,2 Hemidactylus angulatus
2,0 Cyrtodactylus peguensis
1,0 Gastropholis prasina
0,2 Hemidactylus prashadi adult
For sell/ exchange 0.0.10 Heterixalus alboguttatus
Hamm 08.03
For sell or exchange, 0.0.10 Heterixalus alboguttatus

Biete 2,3 Lampropeltis leonis NZ 2024
Ich biete 2,3 Lampropeltis leonis NZ 2024.
Die Tiere fressen zuverlässig Tiefkühlfutter und leben alle getrennt.
Eine Übergabe in Hamm ist möglich.
Hamm GHI Anzeigen Premium [Seite 37]

Blood Pythons, Python Brongersmai
For March Hamm
Pure Extreme Red, Bangka Island, Genetic Stripe ( BPUK Bangka Stripe )
Matrix, Genetic Stripe ( BPUK Line )
Matrix, Super Stripe ( BPUK Line )
Batik, Matrix ( Batrix ) 100% Het T- Neg Albino
Golden Eye 100% Het T- Neg Albino
Golden Eye, Batik, ( Pixel ) 100% Het T- Neg Albino
Batik T+ Cherry Bomb
Batik, Matrix, T+ Cherry Bomb

Blood Pythons, Python Brongersmai
For March Hamm
Golden Eye, 100% Het T+ Cherry Bomb
Golden Eye, T+ Cherry Bomb, Genetic Stripe ( VPI Line )
Golden Eye, Matrix, ( 007 ) T+ Cherry Bomb, Genetic Stripe ( VPI Line )
Super Golden Eye, ( Magpie ) 100% Het T+ Cherry Bomb
Super Golden Eye, ( Magpie ) T+ Cherry Bomb, Possible Genetic Stripe ( VPI Line )
Golden Eye, Batik, ( Pixel ) 100% Het T+ Cherry Bomb
Golden Eye, Batik, Matrix, ( Golden Trixs ) 100% Het T+ Cherry Bomb
Golden Eye, Batik, ( T+ Albino Pixel ) T+ Cherry Bomb

Double Het Fire Opal and Blood Boa 100% Sharp Albino (Jungle)
For March Hamm
1.0 100% Het Blood 100% Het Sharp Albino ( Double Het Fire Opal )
0.1 100% Het Blood 100% Het Sharp Albino ( Double Het Fire Opal )
0.1 Jungle 100% Het Blood 100% Het Sharp Albino ( Triple Het Fire Opal )
0.1 ( possible Jungle ) Blood 100% Sharp Albino

Uromastyx, Uroplatus, Corellophus, Eublepharis, Tiliqua
4.0.2 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard Uromastyx ornata, cb BION 2020-2021
0.0.3 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata, cb BION 2022-2023
0.1.2 The bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps, cb 2022-2023
0.0.5 Galapagos lava lizard Microlophus albemarlensis, cb BION 2021-2023
7.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko Uroplatus fimbriatus, cb BION 2022-2023
10.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko Uroplatus henkeli, cb BION 2023
25.25 Spearpoint leaf-tail gecko Uroplatus ebenaui, cb BION 2021-2022
4.4 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko Uroplatus sameiti, cb BION 2021-2022
20.30 Southern leaf-tailed gecko Uroplatus sikorae, cb BION 2021-2022
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko Uroplatus lineatus, cb BION 2023
5.5 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko Uroplatus phantasticus, cb BION 2023
0.0.10 Madagascar day gecko Phelsuma madagascariensis, cb BION 2023
0.0.12 Gold dust day gecko Phelsuma laticauda, cb 2023
4.2.10 New Caledonian gecko (Mainland) Mniarogekko Chahoua, cb 2023
0.0.20 Crested gecko Corellophus ciliates, cb 2022
2.2 Gargoyle gecko Rhacodactylus auriculatus, cb 2022
2.0 The robust forest bavayia Bavayia robusta, cb 2020
50.50 Iranian fat-tailed gecko Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province), cb BION 2023
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko Eublepharis fuscus, cb BION 2023
10.10 East Indian Leopard Gecko Eublepharis hardwickii, cb BION 2023
0.0.1 Western blue tongued skink Tiliqua scincoides melanistic, cb BION 2022
0.0.1 Western blue tongued skink Tiliqua scincoides HET fpr melanistic, cb BION 2022

Uroplatus, Uromastyx, Eublepharis, Correlophus, Tiliqua
For HAMM March
4.0.2 Ornate spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx ornata)
30.30 Iranian leopard gecko (Eublepharis angramainyu)
30.30 West Indian leopard gecko (Eublepharis fuscus)
10.10 East Indian leopard gecko (Eublepharis hardwickii)
0.0.5 Galapagos lava lizard (Microlophus albemarlensis)
5.5 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus)
2.2 Henkel's leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus henkeli)
3.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus sikorae)
0.0.2 Southern flat-tail gecko (Uroplatus sameiti)
0.8 Frill-necked lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii)
0.0.20 Crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus)
1.2 Gargoyle gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)
0.0.2 Eastern blue-tongued skinks (Melanistic & HET-melanistic) (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides)
3.1.2 Bavay's gecko (Bavaiya robusta)
2.0.6 Bauer's chameleon gecko (Eurydactylodes agricolae)

Terraristika Hamm 9.12.2023 !!!
Letzte Bestellungen für Hamm / Last orders for Hamm .
Bestellungen bis Fr. den 8.Dez bis 10.00 Uhr genommen / Orders possible till Fr Dec 8th till 10 a.m.Nur vobezahlte Tiere sind mitgebracht ! / Only prepaid orders are brought !
GANZE LISTE PER EMAIL / WHOLE LIST PER EMAIL.a.A.=auf Anfrage o.r.=on request
Frösche / Frogs:
0,0,2 Bufo (Incilius) alvarius 190 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli FANTASY /STRAWBERRY / ALBINO / GREEN
/ APRICOT / PICACHU / MATCHA / ab / from 30 €
0,0,8 Hemisus marmoratus 35 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Heterixalus alboguttatus Jungtiere/Youngs 15 € St. / ea.
0,0,7 Hyperolius fusciventris 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Litoria caeruela NORMAL, BLUE, SNOWFAKES ab/from 40 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Litoria infrafrenata subadult 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Mantella expectata 50 € St./ ea.
0,0,3 Mantella nigricans
1,0,12 Phyllobates terribilis ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Ranitomeya imitator VARADERO 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhinella marina 40€ St. / ea.
Agamen / Agamas
2,2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus amboinensis a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus weberi a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hypsilurus auritus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Lophosaurus dilophus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Pogona henrylawsoni 60 € St. / ea.
Leguane / Iguanids
1,1 Anolis sagrei 50 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis carolinensis 60 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis cristatelus 60 € Paar / Pair
0,0,4 Iguana iguana GREEN / RED / BLUE ab 50 € / from 50 €
Skinke / Skinks:
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eugongylus mentovarius a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Lamprolepis ( Dasia ) smaragdina a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Sphenomorphus muelleri a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi HIGH RED 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Tiliqua ( Cyclodomorphus ) gerrardii 130 € St./ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas CERAM /HALMAHERA 170 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides intermedia HIGH ORANGE NZ/CB 2023 a.A. / o.r.
2,2,4 Tribolonotus novaeguineae ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
2,2,5 Tribolonotus gracilis ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
Geckos :
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes dorsalis a.A / o.r.
3,5,10 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 25 € / St.
1,1 Ebenavia inunguis 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Geckolepis maculata 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gehyra marginata 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Lygodactylus conraui 50 € St. / ea.
0,5 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 ( 1,1 ?)Phelsuma standingi 70 € St. / ea.
1,0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus ORANGE STRIPED 175 €
1,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus 25 € St. / ea.
0,2 Paroedura pictus 30 e St. / ea.
2,2,5 Ptychozoon kuhli ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
2,2 Tropiocolotes steudneri 20 € St. / ea.
Andere Echsen / Other reptiles:
1,1 Lialis burtonis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 € St. / ea.
1,1 Pseudopus apodus SUBADULT / ADULT 140 € / St. / ea.
Schlangen / Snakes :
0,0,3 Acrochordus javanicus 120 € St. / ea.
1,2 Ahaetula prasina 65 € St. / ea.
1,1 Aplopeltura boa 1,1 a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Boaedon lineatus 45 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Boiga melanota a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Candoia aspera a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Etaphe)flavolineatus a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Elaphe)radiatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus c.b. 150 € St. / ea
0,0,4 Enhydris plumbea 60 € / St. / ea.
1,1,2 Gonyosoma janseni / janseni black a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
0,0,2 Homalopsis buccata 75 € St. / ea
1,0 Leiopython albertisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Liopeltis tricolor a.A. / o.r. !!! INSEKTENFRESSER / INSECTIVOROUS !!!
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Morelia viridis ARU, BIAK, SORONG a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Nerodia rhombifer 95 € St. / ea.
1,1 Ptyas korros a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Stegonothus batjangensis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Thamnophis proximus 70 € St. / ea.
2,2 Xenochrophis vittatus a.A. / o.r.
Wirbelosse / Invertebrates :
1,1,3Thelyphonus sp.Malaysia ab / from 30 €
0,0,20 Hyllus diardi 20 € St. / ea.
2,2 Phidippus regius ORANGE 60 € Paar / Pair
Ophistreptus guineensis, Pelmatojulus excisus, Gecarcinus quadratus, Heterometrus spinifer/petersi, Oryctes sp. Avicularia metallica, Anthia sexmaculata ......
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.

Terraristika Hamm 9.12.2023 !!!
Letzte Bestellungen für Hamm / Last orders for Hamm .
Bestellungen bis Fr. den 8.Dez bis 10.00 Uhr genommen / Orders possible till Fr Dec 8th till 10 a.m.Nur vobezahlte Tiere sind mitgebracht ! / Only prepaid orders are brought !
GANZE LISTE PER EMAIL / WHOLE LIST PER EMAIL.a.A.=auf Anfrage o.r.=on request
Frösche / Frogs:
0,0,2 Bufo (Incilius) alvarius 190 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli FANTASY /STRAWBERRY / ALBINO / GREEN
/ APRICOT / PICACHU / MATCHA / ab / from 30 €
0,0,8 Hemisus marmoratus 35 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Heterixalus alboguttatus Jungtiere/Youngs 15 € St. / ea.
0,0,7 Hyperolius fusciventris 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Litoria caeruela NORMAL, BLUE, SNOWFAKES ab/from 40 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Litoria infrafrenata subadult 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Mantella expectata 50 € St./ ea.
0,0,3 Mantella nigricans
1,0,12 Phyllobates terribilis ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Ranitomeya imitator VARADERO 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhinella marina 40€ St. / ea.
Agamen / Agamas
2,2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus amboinensis a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus weberi a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hypsilurus auritus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Lophosaurus dilophus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Pogona henrylawsoni 60 € St. / ea.
Leguane / Iguanids
1,1 Anolis sagrei 50 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis carolinensis 60 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis cristatelus 60 € Paar / Pair
0,0,4 Iguana iguana GREEN / RED / BLUE ab 50 € / from 50 €
Skinke / Skinks:
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eugongylus mentovarius a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Lamprolepis ( Dasia ) smaragdina a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Sphenomorphus muelleri a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi HIGH RED 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Tiliqua ( Cyclodomorphus ) gerrardii 130 € St./ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas CERAM /HALMAHERA 170 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides intermedia HIGH ORANGE NZ/CB 2023 a.A. / o.r.
2,2,4 Tribolonotus novaeguineae ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
2,2,5 Tribolonotus gracilis ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
Geckos :
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes dorsalis a.A / o.r.
3,5,10 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 25 € / St.
1,1 Ebenavia inunguis 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Geckolepis maculata 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Gehyra marginata 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Lygodactylus conraui 50 € St. / ea.
0,5 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 ( 1,1 ?)Phelsuma standingi 70 € St. / ea.
1,0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus ORANGE STRIPED 175 €
1,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus 25 € St. / ea.
0,2 Paroedura pictus 30 e St. / ea.
2,2,5 Ptychozoon kuhli ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
2,2 Tropiocolotes steudneri 20 € St. / ea.
Andere Echsen / Other reptiles:
1,1 Lialis burtonis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 € St. / ea.
1,1 Pseudopus apodus SUBADULT / ADULT 140 € / St. / ea.
Schlangen / Snakes :
0,0,3 Acrochordus javanicus 120 € St. / ea.
1,2 Ahaetula prasina 65 € St. / ea.
1,1 Aplopeltura boa 1,1 a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Boaedon lineatus 45 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Boiga melanota a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Candoia aspera a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Etaphe)flavolineatus a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Elaphe)radiatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus c.b. 150 € St. / ea
0,0,4 Enhydris plumbea 60 € / St. / ea.
1,1,2 Gonyosoma janseni / janseni black a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
0,0,2 Homalopsis buccata 75 € St. / ea
1,0 Leiopython albertisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Liopeltis tricolor a.A. / o.r. !!! INSEKTENFRESSER / INSECTIVOROUS !!!
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Morelia viridis ARU, BIAK, SORONG a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Nerodia rhombifer 95 € St. / ea.
1,1 Ptyas korros a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Stegonothus batjangensis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Thamnophis proximus 70 € St. / ea.
2,2 Xenochrophis vittatus a.A. / o.r.
Wirbelosse / Invertebrates :
1,1,3Thelyphonus sp.Malaysia ab / from 30 €
0,0,20 Hyllus diardi 20 € St. / ea.
2,2 Phidippus regius ORANGE 60 € Paar / Pair
Ophistreptus guineensis, Pelmatojulus excisus, Gecarcinus quadratus, Heterometrus spinifer/petersi, Oryctes sp. Avicularia metallica, Anthia sexmaculata ......
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.

Future Terra will be present at Terraristika Hamm december show!
Our stand will be placed in main hall, row 24 - take your chance to verify the quality of our products IRL!
Reminder: Since Black Friday we offer 15% discount for all enclosures ordered until 15.12.2023. The production starts from second half of january.
Only few terrariums are made and available for the show:
- 1x 40x40x40cm, 2x 80x50x40cm, 1x 60x60x60cm (full setup with heating and lighting) and 1x 120x60x80cm with hotspot (this one just for display).
Future Terra products are made out of solid polypropylene (PP, not PVC!) sheets.
A material which is:
- Safe for all types of living organisms - attested for drinking water and food storage
- 100% recycable - 0 waste production
- Merged by heat welding technology (no glue or silicones used during production) - solid as a single structure!
- Super durable - enclosures can be stacked directly one on another
- Ultra light - easy to lift and move by yourself
- fully waterpoof - great solution for aquatic animals and high humidity enclosures (without glue or silicone sealings that mold or degradate with time)
- Enriched with non stick surface - easy to clean and sterilize
We produce our own designs and also those based on the projects delivered by client's. The heat welding technology in combination with our ambitions to evolve and promote the proper exotic animal husbandry offers a wide range of possibilities.
Future Terra brings the enclosures of the future to here and now!
Contact us directly by email Contact@futureterra.eu or fanpage to get your special order made in the highest quality.
Price calculator: https://futureterra.eu/offer/

Future Terra will be present at Terraristika Hamm december show!
Our stand will be placed in main hall, row 24 - take your chance to verify the quality of our products IRL!
Reminder: Since Black Friday we offer 15% discount for all enclosures ordered until 15.12.2023. The production starts from second half of january.
Only few terrariums are made and available for the show:
- 1x 40x40x40cm, 2x 80x50x40cm, 1x 60x60x60cm (full setup with heating and lighting) and 1x 120x60x80cm with hotspot (this one just for display).
Future Terra products are made out of solid polypropylene (PP, not PVC!) sheets.
A material which is:
- Safe for all types of living organisms - attested for drinking water and food storage
- 100% recycable - 0 waste production
- Merged by heat welding technology (no glue or silicones used during production) - solid as a single structure!
- Super durable - enclosures can be stacked directly one on another
- Ultra light - easy to lift and move by yourself
- fully waterpoof - great solution for aquatic animals and high humidity enclosures (without glue or silicone sealings that mold or degradate with time)
- Enriched with non stick surface - easy to clean and sterilize
We produce our own designs and also those based on the projects delivered by client's. The heat welding technology in combination with our ambitions to evolve and promote the proper exotic animal husbandry offers a wide range of possibilities.
Future Terra brings the enclosures of the future to here and now!
Contact us directly by email Contact@futureterra.eu or fanpage to get your special order made in the highest quality.
Price calculator: https://futureterra.eu/offer/

- Drymobius margariftiferus WC 799,-
- Drymarchon melanurus WC 2900/pair
- Cemophora coccinea WC 249,-
- Eurycea lucifuga WC 299,-
- Tylototriton vietnamensis CB 129,-
- Bufo alvarius adult females/males starting at 199,-
- Rhaebo guttatus CB small 49,-
- Hyla versicolor WC 49,-
- Shinisaurus crocodilurus CB medium (sexed) 399,-
- Rhinoclemmys p. manni WC 999,-/ Group of 4
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email:

Available for December Hamm Show
Salamandra s. terrerstris - yellow and red - CB 2023
Oedura castelnaui - CB 2023
Rhacodactylus auriculatus - CB 2023
Correlophus ciliatus - CB 2023
Phelsuma grandis - CB 2023
Timon tangitanus - CB 2023
Varanus acanthurus - Red Ackie - CB 2023
Testudo h. boettgeri - CB 2022
Chersina angulata - CB 2023
check for more : www.aquaterra-shop.de
or see you at the show

Spilotes, Corallus, Javanicus, Doreanus
Last call HAMM show
-1.1 Spilotes pullatus
-1.1 Corallus hortulanus
-1.0 Corallus hortulanus RED calico
-0.0.2 Acrochordus javanicus
-1.1 Cachryx alfredschmidti
-1.1 Ctenosaura pectinata banana + blue cb21
-0.0.4 Paleosuchus trigonatus
-0.0.2 Varanus doreanus Merauke
-0.1 Varanus cumingi (100%female)
-1.1 Heloderma horridum ultrablack
-1.1 Heloderma suspectum suspectum adults
-0.0.1 Astrochelys radiata 1kg 15/16cm
-0.0.5 Chelus fimbriatus 20cm

Hamm 9.12. 2023 Trübunenhall RG New Caledonian geckos
Rhacodactylus leachianus Pine island
0,0,5 cb 8,9,10 2023
Mniarogekko chahoua 0,0,4 cb 7,9 2023
Rhacodactylus auriculatus males
Common color 12,0,0 8-12g
Rhacodactylus auriculatus, normal color
Correlophus ciliatus visual axanthic
1,3,5 10-18g
Correlophus ciliatus 66% axanthic
Correlophus ciliatus females 10-15g
Common color (with dots...)
Xxx pcs
Correlophus ciliatus males 10-15g
Common color (with dots...)
Xxx pcs
Correlophus ciliatus babies 2-5g
Xxxx pcs

Bitte fur hamm pfeilgiftfrösche
A update list for hamm
All frogs are cb
Ranitomeya imitator banded €50
Ranitomeya imitator varadero/jeberos €45
Ranitomeya Vanzolini €45
Ranitomeya chazuta €50
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto €50
Ranitomeya amazonica red €35
Ranitomeya amazonica yellow €30
Ranitomeya Reticulata €65
Ranitomeya flavovitata €65
Ranitomeya lamasi hi land €50
Ranitomeya fantastica monte cristo €45
Ranitomeya fantastica alto cainarachii €45
Ranitomeya uakarii golden leg €60
Ranitomeya imitator nominate €50
D. Leucomelas €35
E. Tricolor €10
A. Galactonodus red €35
A. Galactonodus bleu €35
A. Galactonodus orange €35
A. Galactonodus orange 100% €45
Phyllobates bicolor €30
Dendrobates tinctorius nominate €35
Dendrobates tinctorius Tumucumaque €35
Dendrobates tinctorius Nikita €35
Dendrobates tinctorius Brasil €35
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus €35
Email: Ricolangenheim@hotmail.com
Whatsapp: 0031611090353
Facebook: Ricolangenheim

Terraristika Hamm 9.12.2023 !!!
Letzte Bestellungen für Hamm / Last orders for Hamm .
Bestellungen bis Do den 7.Dez bis 10.00 Uhr genommen / Orders possible till Th Dec 7th till 10 a.m.Nur vobezahlte Tiere sind mitgebracht ! / Only prepaid orders are brought !
Angebot ist sehr begrenzt, so wie immer, wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst...;-)
Very limited quantity by majority of species, so as usally, first come, first serve...;-)
GANZE LISTE PER EMAIL / WHOLE LIST PER EMAIL.a.A.=auf Anfrage o.r.=on request
Frösche / Frogs:
0,0,2 Bufo (Incilius) alvarius 190 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Ceratophrys cranwelli FANTASY /STRAWBERRY / ALBINO / GREEN
/ APRICOT / PICACHU / MATCHA / ab / from 30 €
0,0,8 Hemisus marmoratus 35 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Heterixalus alboguttatus Jungtiere/Youngs 15 € St. / ea.
0,0,7 Hyperolius fusciventris 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,8 Hyla cinerea 25 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 Lepidobatrachus laevis 80 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Litoria caeruela NORMAL, BLUE, SNOWFAKES ab/from 40 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Litoria infrafrenata subadult 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Mantella expectata 50 € St./ ea.
0,0,2 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 € St. / ea.
1,0,12 Phyllobates terribilis ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Ranitomeya uakarii GOLD LEG 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,6 Ranitomeya imitator VARADERO 50 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Rhinella marina 40€ St. / ea.
Agamen / Agamas
2,2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus amboinensis a.A. / o.r.
0,0,3 Hydrosaurus weberi a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Hypsilurus auritus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Lophosaurus dilophus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,4 Pogona henrylawsoni 60 € St. / ea.
Leguane / Iguanids
1,1 Anolis sagrei 50 € Paar / Pair
1,1 Anolis carolinensis 60 € Paar / Pair
0,0,4 Iguana iguana GREEN / RED / BLUE ab 50 € / from 50 €
Skinke / Skinks:
1,1 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 160 € St. / ea.
1,1 Eugongylus mentovarius a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Lamprolepis ( Dasia ) smaragdina a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Dasia olivacea 50 € St. / ea.
1,1 Sphenomorphus muelleri a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi HIGH RED 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,3 Tiliqua ( Cyclodomorphus ) gerrardii 130 € St./ea.
1,1 Tiliqua gigas CERAM /HALMAHERA 170 € St. / ea.
0,0,5 Tiliqua scincoides intermedia HIGH ORANGE NZ/CB 2023 a.A. / o.r.
2,2,4 Tribolonotus novaeguineae ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
2,2,5 Tribolonotus gracilis ab / from 130 € St. / ea.
1,1 Tropidophorus baconi 110 € / St. / ea.
Geckos :
1,1 Aeluroscalabotes dorsalis a.A / o.r.
3,5,10 Correlophus ciliatus ab / from 25 € / St.
1,1 Gehyra marginata 100 € St. / ea.
0,0,4 Gekko gecko 60 € St. / ea.
1,1 Lygodactylus conraui 50 € St. / ea.
0,5 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 ( 1,1 ?)Phelsuma standingi 70 € St. / ea.
1,0 Rhacodactylus auriculatus ORANGE STRIPED 175 €
1,1 Stenodactylus petrii 30 € St. / ea.
1,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus 25 € St. / ea.
0,2 Paroedura pictus 30 e St. / ea.
2,2,5 Ptychozoon kuhli ab / from 30 € St. / ea.
2,2 Tropiocolotes steudneri 20 € St. / ea.
Warane / Monitors
0,0,1 Varanus exanthematicus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,1 Varanus jobiensis a.A. / o.r.
0,0,1 Varanus ornatus a.A. / o.r.
Andere Echsen / Other reptiles:
1,1 Lialis burtonis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 € St. / ea.
1,1 Pseudopus apodus SUBADULT / ADULT 140 € / St. / ea.
Schlangen / Snakes :
0,0,3 Acrochordus javanicus 120 € St. / ea.
1,2 Ahaetula prasina 65 € St. / ea.
1,1 Aplopeltura boa 1,1 a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Boaedon lineatus 45 € St. / ea.
1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus 60 € St. / ea.
0,0,2 Boiga jaspida a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Boiga melanota a.A. / o.r.
1,2 Candoia aspera a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Etaphe)flavolineatus a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Coelognathus(Elaphe)radiatus a.A. / o.r.
0,0,5 Corallus hortulanus c.b. 150 € St. / ea
0,0,4 Enhydris plumbea 60 € / St. / ea.
1,1,2 Gonyosoma janseni / janseni black a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala a.A./ o.i.
0,0,2 Homalopsis buccata 75 € St. / ea
1,0 Leiopython albertisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Liopeltis tricolor a.A. / o.r.
0,2,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A./ o.r.
1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Morelia viridis ARU, BIAK, SORONG a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Nerodia rhombifer 95 € St. / ea.
1,1 Oligodon octolineatus a.A. / o.r.
2,2 Opheodrys aestivus 120 € St. / ea.
1,1 Ptyas korros a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Stegonothus batjangensis a.A. / o.r.
1,1 Thamnophis proximus 70 € St. / ea.
2,2 Xenochrophis vittatus a.A. / o.r.
2,2 Xenopeltis unicolor a.A. / o.r.
Wirbelosse / Invertebrates :
0,1,3Thelyphonus sp.Malaysia ab / from 30 €
0,0,20 Hyllus diardi 20 € St. / ea.
2,2 Phidippus regius ORANGE 60 € Paar / Pair
Ophistreptus guineensis, Pelmatojulus excisus, Gecarcinus quadratus, Heterometrus spinifer/petersi, Oryctes sp. Avicularia metallica, Anthia sexmaculata ......
WhatsApp +(00) 420 737 911 461, Email : phelsuma@animalfarm.cz.
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