Hamm GHI Anzeigen Standard [Seite 4]

Varanus Prasinus 1.0 Perfect Animal
Biete hier einen meiner Varanus Prasinus an (Mänchen überschuss) . Übergabe in Hamm (8.3) möglich
1.0 von 2022 (1300) ggf mit Terrarium und Begegnungsanlage von Mrs (1700)
Perfektes Tier keine Fehler !!!
Bei Interesse und weiteren Fragen könnt ihr euch gerne melden
Offering my Varanus Prasinus here, the animal are of different ages.
1.0 from 2022, possibly with terrarium and Mrs. Rain system.
Perfect animal, no mistakes!!!
If you are interested or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

0.1 GHI Lesser Königspython / Python Regius CB22
Verkaufe oder tausche 0.1 GHI Lesser 66% het. Caramel (80-85cm/ 570g) CB22.
Sell or trade 0.1 GHI Lesser 66% het. Caramel (80-85cm/ 570g) CB22.
Übergabe in Hamm 8.03. möglich.
Handover at Hamm 8.03. possible.
Hamm Diploglossus warreni RARE
Hello last chance before Hamm (last order till 12:30 for Germany time)
I have to offer Caribicus warreni ex Celestus warreni ex ex Diploglossus warreni :)
Only left 0.0.3 (poss 1.2) CB23
Very rare!
Hamm or Ziva Prague

Theloderma corticale (Moosfrösche)
Habe 4 Theloderma corticale (Moosfrösche) abzugeben
Können noch nach Hamm mitgebracht werden. Oder Abholung.
Geschlechter unbestimmt.

Vogelspinnen caribena versicolor/ Psalmopoeus irmina 1.0
Für Samstag in Hamm 8.3
1.0 RH 10/24 Psalmopoeus irmina 15€
0.0.4 caribena versicolor 2/24 pro /20€
0.0.5 Davus pentaloris nz 22 pro/ 30€

Phelsumen für Hamm oder Abholung
Abzugeben sind aus 2024:
1.1 P. cepediana
0.2 P. seippi
2.3 P. malamakibo
2.0 P. guttata
1.0 P. a. sumptio
Bei Interesse gerne melden.

Last chance For Hamm Varanus panoptes horni unrelated 1.1
For sale Varanus panoptes horni unrelated couple. Male cb22 female cb19.
Female laid eggs before.
Price €950 or trade against venomous snakes possible.

Bitte kommen Sie vorbei, um Ihr Wunschhaustier auszuwählen!
Bitte kommen Sie vorbei, um Ihr Wunschhaustier auszuwählen!
To HAMM this weeks !!!
WhatsApp +420792772490
See you to my table!????☺️????????
Iguana iguana
Albino t-
Red hypo
•Varanus exanthematicus babies• import
Chameleo calypratus PIEBALD
Furcifer Viridis 1.3
Brookesia Stumpfii 3.3
Brookesia superciliaris 1.1
Brookesia therezieni 1.2 / 2.1 ?
Phylodrias baroni 3.2
Phelsuma klemmeri 4.8.8
Strophurus spinigerus 3.3
Strophurus intermedius 3.3
And so much more species..

LAST minute für Hamm oder Weinstadt
1.1 Xenesthis intermedia ca 2,5cm KL 125€
0.1 Hapalopus spec "Guerilla" adult 80€
Pamphobeteus Species for sale
Only for Hamm Show:
1.1.0 P spec. mascara ( both semiadult N9) 100,- Euros
0.1.0 P spec. antinous "Big Black" adult fresh moulted N11
110,- Euros
1.1.0 P spec. cascada (female adult since 2022, fresh moulted ) male semisize to subadult... 110,- Euros
No Shipment !

Last call for Hamm - New species
- Arantia sp. 1 Kamerun, green, 5x L4/5 30€
- Diaphanogryllacris translucens L2 (CB) 12€ (5x50€)
- cf. Larnaca sp. 1,1 subadult 60€
- Lesina ensifera 1,1 subadult to adult 130€
- Ruspolia indica 0,1 adult 25€
- Homoeogryllus xanthographus mix 20€
- Nesoecia nigrispina L4/L5 7€ (5x30€)
- Nesonotus reticulatus Nymphs 7€ (5x30€)
- Pemba sp. (Ex. Championica sp.) L5: 6€ (5x30€)
Phyllomimus truncatus L2 (5x15€)
Colpolopha obsoleta L5 12€ (5x50€)
Siliquofera grandis L2/3 (5x20€)
Therea nuptialis (Rare!) Nymphs: 6€ (10x50€)
Archimandrita tesselata 'Chucantí': mix 10x25€
Deropeltis cf. wahlbergi 'Santa Lucia SA' L5/L6: 10x20€
- Tenodera sp. 'Halimun' 0,1 adult/Ooth 30€
- Polydesmida sp. black Java 4x30€
- Semi-slug Parmarion martensi 4x30€
- Cicindela aurolenta 'Phuket' adult 20€
Elaphe dione Wladiwostok hausschlange black Hamm
Suche dionen Nattern und hausschlangen in Schwarz, gern Jungtiere für Hamm.
Meldet euch

Reptile Sculptures Available in Hamm!
Lizards, geckos, snakes, turtles and more!
Feel free to message me to reserve yours!
Contact me for more details! +31638840501 (WhatsApp)
Last minute für Hamm am 08.03
0.1. Monocentropus balfouri 4,5 cm KL (semi/sub) 45€
1.0. Tiltocatl albopilosum (Hobby) RH 12/24 15€
Anfrage bis morgen 18 Uhr möglich

Trade vs. Morelia viridis
Trade vs Morelia viridis
1.0 Gravel Piebald Nz23 800gr+
0.1 Firefly Yellow Belly Sandblast Piebald Nz23 800gr+
Handover Hamm is possible.
Thamnophis for Hamm Show
Looking for Thamnophis for handover in Hamm
Such Thamnophis

Elaphe obsoletus lindheimeri leuzistisch - Erdnatter
Ich biete gesunde und gut fressende leuzistische Erdnattern aus dem Jahr 2024.
Die Bilder sind zwei der Tiere.
Eine Übergabe übermorgen in Hamm ist möglich, Versand nur wenn durch Käufer organisiert!
In search of Bufo Japonicus
Looking for Bufo Japonicus x.x.x.
Preferably to be handed over at a future Hamm, or for shipping if possible during the warmer months of the year.
PM for more info if you'd like. I'd pay a pretty penny for them.
Exoterra Lampen günstig für Hamm oder Hockenheim
Exoterratops 30cm, 45cm, 60cm günstig abzugeben.

For hamm pre orders until 07/03 18.00h
For hamm/shipping
-20% on pre order
Cubaris sp R13 ducky 100€
cubaris sp ice flower 50€
cubaris sp piggy 25€
cuabris sp salmon 25€
cubaris sp red skirt 15€
cubaris sp white shark 15€
cubaris sp mandarin 20€
Sinodillo sp. Vietnam 20€
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ 20€
Troglodillo sp. "Soil" 20€
trachelipus trilobatus 25€ (producing albino)
trachelipus sp "gagry 15€
armadillidium granulatum Magic potion 10€
armadillidium peraccae 5€
porcellio echinatus 5€
Bulk 25x
Nesodillo arcangelii ‘Shiro Utsuri’ 30€
cubaris sp ice flower 75€
trachelipus trilobatus 40€
Bulk 50x
trachelipus sp "gagry 50€
Sinodillo sp. Vietnam 75€
Troglodillo sp. "Soil" 75€
BULK 100x
armadillidium peraccae 25€
porcellio echinatus 25€
Hamm GHI Anzeigen Premium [Seite 4]

Tarantulas and Scorpions Offer for Hamm
Last minute offer for Terraristika Hamm:
0.1 Antillena rickwesti 750 Eur
(own offspring from 06/23)
0.5 Caribena versicolor 75 Eur/pc.
Heteroctenus princeps 50 Eur
0.0.10 Opistophthalmus glabrifrons yellow i2/3, 35 Eur/pc, 300 Eur for all
Crotalus, Bitis, Agkistrodon, Macrovipera, Heloderma
PREMIUM For sale Hamm
1.1 Bitis arietans SA cb 23
1.1 Bitis arietans Lake Nakuru cb 22
1.0 Bitis parviocula cb 24
0.1 Bitis rhinocerus Ivory coast cb 23
1.1 Agkistrodon taylori cb 22
1.0 Crotalus aquilus cb 19
1.0 Crotalus pricei cb 20
2.0 Crotalus vegrandis cb 24
0.1 Macrovipera lebetina turanica cb 22
2.0 Heloderma suspectum cinctum cb 18

IMPORT FURCIFER PARDALIS. ONLY for experienced keepers/breeders!!
HAMM- only preorders!!

Ctenosaura, Varanus, Sceloporus, Agama, Scincopus, Crocodilurus
For Hamm :
3x Ophisaurus apodus thracius - legless lizard - RESERVED
1.0 Tiliqua gigas - blue-tongued skink
X x Varanus exanthematicus babies, price by quantity - Savannah monitor
3 x Crocodilurus amazonicus, young - crocodile tegu
2.4 x Ctenosaura similis - black iguana ***1.1 RESERVED***
7x Stellagama stellio brachydactyla, young male and unsexed - Painted Dragon **2 RESERVED**
4.6 - Cophoscincopus greeri - Greer's Earless Skink
2.4 Gerrhosaurus major, adults, WC - Sudan plated lizard ***1.3 RESERVED***
2.2 Gonocephalus doriae, adults - Doria's angle-headed lizard ***1.1 RESERVED***
2.2 Hydrosaurus microlophus - Indonesian giant sailfin dragon
2.2 Tribolonotus gracilis - the red-eyed crocodile skink
2.2 Tribolonotus novaeguineae
2.2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus - the chameleon forest dragon
2.2 Agama agama, adults - common agama
5x Sceloporus malachiticus, babies, CB, unsexed - emerald swift
1.2 Scincopus fasciatus, adults, WC - Peters's banded skink **RESERVED**
1.1 Anolis biporcatus, adults, WC - neotropical green anole
1.1 Corytophanes cristatus - Smooth helmeted iguana - RESERVED
2.0 Lamprolepis smaragdina, Selayar
2.2 Lygodactylus conraui
5x Chlamydosaurus kingii, small (Indonésia)
5x Mochlus (Riopa) fernandi harlani (Togo), young
**Pre-orders are closed. But you are welcome on our table.**
More species on our webshop : https://www.lafermetropicale.com/
We can bring animals with pre-order, but only with deposit by PayPal
Contact by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
Dylan, La Ferme Tropicale

Madagascar geckos TOP QTY
3,3 Geckolepis maculata
2,6 Geckolepis typica
4,3 Ebenavia inunguis
3,2 Lygodactylus arnoulti
2,2 Lygodactylus madagascariensis
3,2 Blaesodactylus sakalava
23,37 Paroedura bastardi
3,7 Paroedura gracilis
25.25 Paroedura picta
3,6 Paroedura stumpffi

Elaphe, Thrasops, Loxocemus, Gonyosoma, Epicrates, Drymarchon
For Hamm :
0.1 Gonyosoma oxycephala, silver, young adult - RESERVED
1.0 Gonyosoma oxycephala, green, babie CB 24- RESERVED
0.1 Gonyosoma margaritatum, babie - RESERVED
0.2 Gonyosoma jansenii, black Selayar
1.1 Antaresia childreni - Children's python
1.0 Aplopeltura boa - blunt-headed slug-eating snake
1.0 Boiga dendrophila, young, WC - Mangrove Snake
2.2 Thrasops occidentalis, adults, WC - western black snake ** RESERVED**
2.2 Philothamnus irregularis, adults, WC - irregular green snake
2.2 Hapsidophrys smaragdina adults, WC - Emerald Snake **1.1 RESERVED**
2.2 Dasypeltis gansii, egg eater, sub adult
2.2 Dasypeltis parascabra, sub adults - RESERVED
1.1 Scolecophis atrocinctus adults, WC ** RESERVED
1.1 Scaphiophis albopunctatus, adults, WC
2.0 Candoia (carinata) paulsoni, young, CB 23, eat on frozen mice
1.1 Drymarchon melanurus unicolor, adult WC - Unicolor cribo
1.1 Pantherophis (Elaphe) obsoletus lindheimeri, leucistique
1.1 Oreocryptophis (Elaphe) porphyraceus coxi - red bamboo snake - - RESERVED
1.1 Oreocryptophis (Elaphe) porphyraceus laticinctus - RESERVED
1.1 Oreocryptophis (Elaphe) porphyraceus pulchra- RESERVED
0.1 Elaphe quatuorlineata - Bulgarian ratsnake
1.1 Pareas carinatus - Keeled slug-eating snake.
0.1 Elaphe carinata albinos sub - king rat snake
1.0 Elaphe bairdi - Baird's rat snake
1.1 Mehelya ( Limaformosa ) crossi, adults - African File Snake
0.1 Loxocemus bicolor, adult, Mexican burrowing python
1.1 Lampropeltis alterna, youngs
1.1 Elaphe (Orthriophis) taeniura callicyanous - Blue beauty
1.1 Epicrates alvarezi - Argentinian rainbow boa cb 2023 and 2024
1.1 Epicrates maurus - RESERVED
0.1 Gonyosoma oxycephalum green - RESERVED
1.1 Boaedon (Lamprophis) fuliginosus, black, sub and adults
1.1 Lystrophis pulcher, CB24 – Tricolor hognose
1.1 Python (curtus) brongersmai, matrix CB 24
1.2 Xenopeltis unicolor, adults, WC - the sunbeam snake **1.1 RESERVED**
0.2 x Xenopeltis unicolor, babies CB
0.1 Chrysopelea paradisi, adult, flying snake
0.1x Oligodon octolineatus - Striped Kukri Snake
1.1 Eryx muelleri
***Pre-orders are closed. But you are welcome on our table.***
Contact by mail or Whatsapp : + 33 6 69 64 16 72
More species on our webshop : https://www.lafermetropicale.com/
We can bring animals with pre-order, but only with deposit by PayPal
Dylan, La Ferme Tropicale

Bufo (Incilius) Alvarius - Nachzuchten aus Deutschland, 150 €
Von Privat:
Nachzuchten der Colorado Kröte / Sonoran Desert Toad / Bufo Alvarius.
In Hamm auf der Terraristika, in der großen Halle in Reihe 16, sind diese wunderbaren und magischen Geschöpfe zu bestaunen.
Die Tiere wurden nachgezüchtet in einer kombinierten Indoor- und Außenanlage.
Laich vom 16.6.2024
Obwohl alle aus dem gleichen Laich sind, sind unterschiedliche Größen verfügbar bis ca. 13 cm.
Teilweise sieht man Geschlechtsmerkmale.
Da sie schon 9 Monate Jahr alt sind, kann ich den Preis nicht mehr lange halten.
Michael Fischer
General Information:
Coloradokröte, Bufo Alvarius, Sonoran Desert Toad
Size: up to 12 - 20 cm
Weight: up to 900 g
Age: up to 15 - 20 Jahre
Food: insects, worms, cockroaches, small vertebrates
Distribution: Southwest USA, Northwest Mexico
Habitat: desert, edge of desert, grassland, waters
Temperatures: 24 - 27 °C, 22 °C at night
Humidity: 60 – 80 %
Substrate: absorbent substrate, sand, coconut humus
Terrarium size; 120 x 60 x 60 (LxBxH)
Additional info: poison glands, hibernates for about 4 m
Protection status: not protected, Least Concern (LC)

zv. = molt
P. ARDENS (12/24) ♂️ = 40€
P. NIKITES (1/25) ♂️ = 50€
P. OTIOSUS (12/24) ♂️ = 40€
P. OTIOSUS (1-2/25) F1 gen ♂️ = 48€
P. regius "BAHAMAS" ♂️
6.-7. zv. = 25€
semi/sub = 33€
P. regius "BAHAMAS" ♀️
6.-7. zv. = 35€
P. regius "EVERGLADES" ♂️
6.-7. zv. = 25€
semi = 30€
sub (F1 gen) = 35€
adult F1 gen (1-3/25) = 40€
P. regius "EVERGLADES" ♀️
6.-7. zv. = 35€
sub (F1 gen) = 44€
adult (F1 gen) = 48€
P. regius "JUVENTUD" ♂️ + ♀️
6.-7. zv. = 38€ (each)
P. regius "OCALA" ♀️+ ♂️
6.-7. zv. = 38€ (each)
P. regius "RASTAFARI" ♂️ + ♀️
5.-6. zv. = 35€ (each)
7.-8. zv. = 40€ (each)
P. regius "SOROA" ♂️
adult = 15€
Plexippus paykulli ♀️
adult = 15€
Heteropoda davidbowie ♂️ (adult 1-2/25) = 30€
Heteropoda venatoria ♂️ (sub/adult) = 15€
Heteropoda venatoria ♀️ (sub/adult) = 30€
Ischnocolus jickelii ♀️ 2cm BL = 46€
Linothele fallax 2. zv. = 12€
Linothele sericata 4. zv. = 10€
E. Bacillifer
3.-5. zv. = 22€ / 5 pieces = 85€
1.1 (pair) semi/sub = 70€

HlinkaMonsters - Hamm 8.3. (SLINGS 2/2)
10% ON PREORDERS (deadline 6.3. till 20:00)
M. robustum 3. zv. = 22€
!!! NEISCHNO. IQUITOS 3. zv. = 26€ !!!
Neischno. (ex. Ami) sp. Panama 2. zv. = 11€
Neischno. (ex. Ami) sp. Panama 4. zv. = 15€
N. incei 3. zv. = 4€
N. incei GOLD 3. zv. = 6€
N. carapoensis 3. zv. = 7€
N. CERRADENSIS 2. zv. = 25€
N. chromatus 1.-2. zv. = 3€
N. chromatus 3.-4. zv. = 6€
N. coloratovillosus 3. zv. = 6€
N. tripepii 3. zv. = 6€
N. tripepii 4.-5. zv. = 9€
O. violaceopes 2. zv. = 12€
O. sp. HAI BAI 4. zv. = 46€
O. sp. NHEN DEP 3. zv. = 44€
O. sp. UTHAI TANI 3. zv. = 44€
O. sp. VENDULA 2. zv. (F1 gen) = 38€
O. sp. VIETNAM HIGHLAND 3. zv. = 46€
O. aureotibialis 3.-4. zv. = 11€
O. philippinus 5. zv. = 11€
P. platyomma 3. zv. = 19€
P. sp. CASCADA 3. zv. = 32€
P. sp. INSIGNIS 2.-3. zv. = 32€
P. sp. MAGNANEGRA 2.-3. zv. = 38€
P. sp. Machala 3. zv. = 18€
P. muticus 2.-3. zv. = 20€
P. atrichomatus 2. zv. = 18€
P. auratus 5. zv. = 12€
P. cancerides 2. zv. = 12€
P. sp. DOMINICAN PURPLE 3. zv. = 26€
P. sp. Green 3. zv. = 20€
P. CARPENTERI 1.-2. zv. = 16€
P. sp. AKCAYA 1.-2. zv. = 28€
P. sp. Rufus 4. zv. = 11€
P. fasciata 3. zv. = 11€
P. formosa 3. zv. = 14€
P. metallica 1. zv. = 25€
P. metallica 2.-3. zv. = 28€
P. miranda 1.-2. zv. = 14€
P. tigrinawesseli 2. zv. = 14€
P. vittata 4. zv. = 9€
P. cambridgei 3.-4. zv. = 5€
P. ECCLESIASTICUS 3.-4. zv. = 18€
P. irminia 3. zv. = 5€
P. pulcher 3. zv. = 5€
P. reduncus 1.-2. zv. = 3€
P. victori 1.-2. zv. = 15€
Pseudhap. sp. Blue 5.-6. zv. = 16€
Pseudhap. sp. Colombia 5.-6. zv. = 20€
P. chordatus 2.-3. zv. = 8€
P. chordatus 4.-5. zv. = 11€
P. LAPALALA 2. zv. = 44€
P. lugardi 3. zv. = 9€
P. lugardi 5. zv. = 12€
P. murinus BCF 2. zv. = 12€
P. murinus DCF ,,Botswana/Zimbabwe,, 4. zv. = 28€
P. murinus DCF ,,Kigoma,, 5. zv. = 14€
P. murinus DCF ,,Mikumi,, 5. zv. = 14€
P. murinus RCF 3. zv. = 4€
P. murinus TCF 1.-2. zv. = 7€
P. murinus ,,Usambara,, 2. zv. = 4€
P. sp. ARUSHA 3.-4. zv. = 18€
S. sericeus 3. zv. = 8€
S. sericeus 6. zv. = 13€
S. crassipes 5. zv. = 10€
S. JAVANENSIS ,,Sumatrana,, 3. zv. = 12€
Selenocosmiinae sp. Kordillera 3. zv. = 18€
S. sp. SANTA CATALINA 3. zv. = 22€
S. calceatum 3.-4. zv. = 8€
T. cupreus 3. zv. = 6€
T. plumipes (ex. violaceus) 2. zv. = 4€
T. rasti 3. zv. = 13€
T. sanctivincenti 3. zv. = 13€
T. sp. Casanare 2. zv. = 12€
T. CYANEOLUM ,,blue,, 3. zv. = 25€
T. CYANEOLUM ,,red,, 3. zv. = 29€
T. sp. KALI 3. zv. = 40€
T. truculentus 4. zv. = 14€
T. pruriens 4. zv. = 12€
T. albopilosum ,,nicaragua,, 5.-6. zv. = 9€
T. angustum 3. zv. = 8€
T. verdezi 4.-5. zv. = 11€
T. vagans 5.-6. zv. = 9€
T. SELADONIA 1. zv. = 75€
U. (ex. Homoeomma) PERUVIANUM 3. zv. = 25€
U. (ex. Homoeomma) PERUVIANUM 6. zv. = 36€
V. PARANAENSIS 3. zv. = 24€
X. intermedia 3. zv. = 55€

HlinkaMonsters - Hamm 8.3. (SLINGS 1/2)
10% ON PREORDERS (deadline 6.3. till 20:00)
A. (ex. Megaphobema) MESOMELAS 1. zv. = 105€
A. geniculata 2. zv. = 4€
A. geniculata 4. zv. = 6€
A. burgessi 4. zv. = 10€
A. germani 3.-4. zv. = 8€
!!! ANQUASHA sp. BLUE 2. zv. = 74€ !!!
A. BICOLORATUM 3. zv. = 30€
A. CHALCODES ,,payson,, 3. zv. = 24€
A. HENTZI 3. zv. = 22€
A. seemani 5. zv. = 14€
A. EZENDAMI 1.-2. zv. = 14€
A. EZENDAMI 3. zv. = 16€
A. MERIANAE 3. zv. = 28€
A. juruensis MT2 (ex Peru Purple) 1.-2. zv. = 12€
A. minatrix 5. zv. = 24€
A. variegata F1 gen! (ex. bicegoi) 4. zv = 34€
A. purpurea 1. zv. = 18€
B. SIMOROXIGORUM 4. zv. = 40€
B. hamorii 3. zv. = 8€
B. boehmei 3. zv. = 9€
B. horrida (ex. cabocla) 3. zv. = 8€
B. horrida (ex. cabocla) 5. zv. = 10€
C. MASCATUM 4. zv. = 16€
C. laeta 3. zv. = 10€
C. versicolor 1. zv. = 10€
C. BRACHYCEPHALUS WF 1.-2. zv. = 16€
C. darlingi 2.-3. zv. = 6€
C. darlingi 4.-5. zv. = 9€
C. marshalli 1. zv. = 5€
C. marshalli 3. zv. = 7€
C. meriodionalis 1. zv. = 8€
C. sanderi 2.-3. zv. = 9€
Ch. dyscolus ,,blue,, 5. zv. = 10€
Ch. dyscolus ,,black,, 2.-3. zv. = 6€
Ch. huahiny 5.-6. zv. = 11€
Ch. fimbriatus 3. zv. = 7€
Ch. sp. Vietnam, loc. Kon Tum ,,brown,, 5. zv. = 10€
Ch. sp. Kaeng Krachan 5. zv. = 8€
Ch. cyaneopubescens 3. zv. = 12€
C. cyaneus 6. zv. = 28€
!!! COREMIOCNEMIS HOGGI (F1 gen.) 2. zv. = 60€ !!!
C. SCHMARDAE 2. zv. = 14€
C. sp. META 2. zv. = 16€
C. aueri 3. zv. = 12€
C. elegans 2.-3. zv. = 5€
C. leetzi 2. zv. = 15€
C. RITAE 3. zv. = 30€
C. perezmilesi 2. zv. = 11€
C. perezmilesi 5. zv. = 15€
C. ALBOSTRIATUS 2. zv. = 18€
C. lividus 3. zv. = 11€
C. LONGIPES 2. zv. = 22€
C. sp. Bach Ma 4. zv. = 32€
C. sp. Hati Hati 3. zv. = 6€
C. sp. LAM DONG 2. zv. (F1 gen) = 48€
Cyrtopholis sp. Cuba "Guardalavaca" 2. zv. = 12€
D. pentaloris 2. zv. = 4€
D. pentsloris 5. zv. = 8€
D. exilis 3. zv. = 6€
E. MURINUS 2. zv. = 22€
E. rufescens 4. zv. = 18€
G. pulchra 3.-4. zv. = 28€
G. pulchripes 1.-2. zv. = 8€
G. pulchripes 4. zv. = 11€
G. ROSEA "NCF PORTERI" 3.-4. zv. = 26€
G. ROSEA "RED" 3.-4. zv. = 30€
G. cerrado 6. zv. = 20€
H. formosus 3. zv. = 5€
H. sp. GUERILLA 2. zv. = 20€
H. DEVAMATHA 3. zv. = 32€
H. baviana 3.-4. zv. = 14€
H. dictator 3. zv. = 18€
H. namaquensis 3.-4. zv. = 18€
H. sp. SILAKA 3. zv. = 19€
H. overdijki 3. zv. = 17€
H. maculata 3. zv. = 5€
H. gabonensis 2. zv. = 6€
H. gabonensis 5.-6. zv. = 12€
H. sp. ZANZIBAR 5.-6. zv. = 16€
H. villosella 5.-6. zv. = 10€
H. longipes 5. zv. = 9€
H. cf. gigas 4. zv. = 6€
H. cf. hercules 3. zv. = 5€
I. mira 3. zv. = 13€
I. mira 4. zv. = 14€
K. brunnipes 2.-3. zv. = 4€
L. nigerrimum 3. zv. = 12€
L. sp. Borneo Black 2. zv. = 8€
L. (ex. Pterino.) sazimai 3. zv. = 5€
L. (ex. Pterino.) sazimai 6. zv. = 10€
L. parahybana 2. zv. = 3€
L. parahybana 5. zv. = 7€
L. striatipes 3. zv. = 6€
L. GIANNISPOSATOI 3. zv. = 18€

HlinkaMonsters - Hamm 8.3. (MALES + FEMALES) - UPDATE 4.3.
X.0 (MALES) ♂️
A. geniculata 3cm BL = 15€
A. geniculata 5cm BL = 25€
A. maga 3cm BL = 20€
A. bicoloratum (2/25) = 80€
A. seemani (semi/sub) = 30€
B. simoroxigirum (semi) = 45€
B. auratum 4cm BL = 50€
B. boehmei 3cm BL = 22€
B. emilia (semi/sub) = 48€
B. hamorii 3cm BL = 20€
B. hamorii 4,5cm BL = 35€
C. brachycephalus WF (12/24) = 30€
C. darlingi 3cm BL = 15€
C. marshalli (12/24) = 22€
Ch. natanicharum 3,5cm BL = 15€
Ch. cyaneopubescens 3cm BL = 22€
D. diamantinensis (semi) = 32€
G. pulchripes 3,5-4,5cm BL = 20€
G. pulchripes (sub) = 35€
H. baviana 2cm BL = 15€
H. baviana (8/24) = 10€
H. namaquensis 3+cm BL = 25€
H. sp. Silaka (12/24) = 25€
H. venatoria (2/25) = 15€
H. gigas 4cm BL = 15€
I. mira (12/24) = 26€
I. mira (2/25) = 30€
L. striatipes 3,5cm BL = 18€
L. giannisposatoi (semi/sub) = 36€
M. robustum 3,5cm BL = 26€
M. balfouri (semi) = 18€
M. balfouri (2/25) = 25€
N. chromatus (sub) = 20€
N. tripepii 4+cm BL = 24€
P. nigricolor ,,Ecuador,, 2,5cm BL = 28€
P. sp. Mascara 4,5-5cm BL = 35€
P. muticus (semi/sub) = 35€
P. auratus (semi/sub) = 30€
P. sp. Dominican Purple 2cm BL = 30€
P. hatihati 2,5cm BL = 12€
P. hatiati (2/25) = 25€
P. sp. Akcaya 2,5+cm BL = 30€
P. formosa (11/24) = 25€
P. regalis (sub) = 24€
P. striata (sub) = 24€
P. cambridgei 3cm BL = 10€
P. irminia 3+cm BL = 12€
P. pulcher (2/25) = 22€
P. reduncus (11/24) = 15€
P. victori 3cm BL = 32€
P. brachyramosa (11/24) = 36€
P. lugardi (1/25) = 20€
P. murinus RCF (sub) = 20€
P. murinus RCF (2/25) = 25€
Serico. sp. Rio Via El Alto 4cm BL = 30€
S. sp. Santa Catalina 4-5cm BL = 32€
T. apophysis 2-2,5cm BL = 40€
T. albopilosum ,,Nicaragua,, 2,5cm BL = 8€
T. kahlenbergi 3,5-4cm BL = 18€
T. kahlenbergi (8/24) = 12€
T. vagans 2,5cm BL = 8€
T. verdezi 2,5cm BL = 16€
Y. diversipes (semi) = 34€
0.X (FEMLES) ♀️
A. geniculata 5cm telo = 48€
A. burgessi (sub) = 45€
A. bicoloratum 2,5cm BL = 60€
A. seemani (semi/sub) = 48€
A. rufus 1,5+cm BL = 15€
A. rufus 3,5cm BL = 35€
A. rufus (adult) = 50€
A. ezendami (semi) = 70€
A. minatrix (sub/adult) = 110€
B. albiceps 4,5+cm BL = 55€
B. boehmei 3cm BL = 37€
B. boehmei 4,5-5cm BL = 60€
B. emilia 4cm BL = 55€
B. emilia 4,5cm BL = 60€
B. hamorii 3cm BL = 35€
B. hamorii 4cm BL = 50€
B. klassi 3,5-4cm BL = 120€
B. klaasi 5+cm BL = 140€
B. horrida (sub) = 45€
C. mascatum (adult) = 50€
C. darlingi 3cm BL = 30€
C. marshalli 3cm BL = 35€
C. sanderi (semi/sub) = 50€
Ch. natanicharum (semi/sub) = 55€
Ch. sp. Kaeng Krachan (semi) = 30€
Ch. sp. Kaeng Krachan (adult) = 45€
Ch. sp. Vietnam Blue 3,5cm BL = 25€
Ch. sp. Vietnam Blue (adult) = 40€
Ch. cyaneopubescens 3cm BL = 48€
C. cyaneus 3+cm BL = 50€
C. hoggi (semi) = 160€
C. elegans (adult) = 35€
C. lividus 2,5cm BL = 35€
C. sp. Bach Ma 1,5-2cm BL (CB!) = 48€
D. pentaloris (adult) = 45€
D. diamantinensis (semi) = 55€
E. rufescens 3+cm BL = 55€
H. guerreroi (ex. guerilla) 1,5-2cm BL = 45€
Haplocosmia sp. Black Femur 2,5+cm BL = 55€
H. pulchripes 1,5+cm BL = 35€
H. overdijki 1,5cm BL = 35€
H. venatoria (sub/adult) = 30€
H. maculata 3cm BL = 35€
H. villosella (adult) = 25€
H. gigas 4cm BL = 30€
H. hercules (sub/adult) = 40€
H. formosus 2cm BL = 20€
H. baviana 3cm BL = 45€
H. baviana (semi) = 50€
I. mira (semi) = 45€
I. jickelii 2cm BL = 45€
K. brunnipes (semi) = 18€
L. sp. Borneo Black (semi) = 45€
L. sazimai (semi) = 40€
L. sazimai (sub) = 45€
L. sazimai (adult) = 50€
L. giannisposatoi (semi) = 55€
M. balfouri (sub) = 48€
N. (ex Ami) sp. Panama 1,5-2cm BL = 45€
N. tripepii 3,5cm BL = 35€
N. chromatus 3+cm BL = 20€
N. chromatus (semi) = 40€
O. aureotibialis (semi) = 50€
P. nigricolor ,,Ecuador,, 2,5cm BL = 42€
P. sp. Machala 2cm BL = 30€
P. sp. Mascara 3+cm BL = 35€
P. auratus (semi/sub) = 58€
P. sp. Dominican Purple 2,5cm BL = 50€
P. carpenteri 2cm BL = 40€
P. hatihati 2,5cm BL = 25€
P. sp. Akcaya 2,5+cm BL = 48€
P. ornata (semi/sub) = 50€
P. rufilata 2,5-3cm BL = 40€
P. vittata (semi/sub) = 45€
P. cambridgei (adult) = 40€
P. irminia 2-2,5cm BL = 25€
P. irminia 3-3,5cm BL = 35€
P. reduncus 2cm BL = 15€
P. victori 3cm BL = 65€
Pseudhap. sp. Blue (sub) = 60€
P. chordatus (adult) = 60€
P. lugardi 3+cm BL = 35€
P. lugardi (sub) = 45€
P. murinus RCF (sub) = 40€
P. sp. Arusha (adult) = 75€
Serico. rambala 3+cm BL = 50€
Serico. sp. Azureo 4+cm BL = 65€
Serico. sp. Rio Via El Alto 4cm BL = 52€
T. apophysis 2-2,5cm BL = 100€
T. albopilosum ,,Nicaragua,, 2cm BL = 15€
T. kahlenbergi 3,5-4cm BL = 30€
T. vagans 2,5cm BL = 18€
T. verdezi 2,5-3cm BL = 30€
X. intermedia 2cm BL = 105€
X. sp. Light 4+cm BL = 200€

Iguana iguana
Hamm show
Iguana iguana
X.x F. pardalis
Size 7cm+
Ambilobe red
Nosy Be
Ctenosaura pectinata banana US import
PREMIUM For Hamm, only upon 10% deposit
-0.1 Ctenosaura pectinata banana, USCB20 Kelly Paul line 1500€ first clutch 2024(unfertile)
-1.1 Ctenosaura pectinata banana, USCB20 Kelly Paul line 3500€ proven breeder
All the animals have been imported as babies by me and grown up here in Italy.
Rhinoclemmys melanosterna , Chelonoidis carbonarius
PREMIUM Available for Hamm show only upon 10% deposit:
-0.0.4 (possible 1.3 or 2.2 worst case) Rhinoclemmys melanosterna, 10-13cm , only togheter for 2500€
-0.2 Chelonoidis carbonarius cb16 , possible het albino, bought as hatchlings from Fred Gaal . 22-23cm, not nice grown 700€ only togheter

Available for next Hamm...
5.5 Tympanocryptis centralis CB 6-8/24
subadult to almost adult animals, only pairs.
Price 240€ for a pair.
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
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