Hamm GHI Anzeigen Standard [Seite 25]
Biete Schaben für Hamm oder Versand
Für Hamm:
Capucina patula (small)
10 pcs = 80€
Eucorydia yasumatsui (small-subadult)
300 pcs - 200€
Für Hamm folgende Tiere zum abgeben.
Phormictopus Auratus 0.01 2-3 cm 40€
Brachyphelma Auratum 0.0.3 je 70€
Brachyphelma smithi 0.0.2 je 70€
Thrixophelma spec. Cuzco 0.0.2 1-2cm je 60€
Encyocratella olivacea 0.0.3 je 40€
Omothymus schiodtei 0.1 adult 100€
G. Pulchripes 0.0.2 3 cm je 60€
Poecilotheria fasciata 0.0.25 je 20€
Poecilotheria smithi adult 0.1 je 150€ verpaart
Poecilotheria lowland 0.0.2 je 50 €
Xenesthis sp.light 0.0.1 2-3 cm 180€
Tiere werden gegen Anzahlung nach Hamm mitgebracht.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Nephrurus amyae (different sizes)
Nephrurus amyae of different sizes/ages (unsexed up to adults). No single females. Can deliver to Hamm on March 8th. May trade for granite (or het granite) Antaresia maculosa female.

Gebe verschiedene Lacerten- Nachzuchten ab!
Für Hamm 08.03.25
0,0,8 Timon lepidus het melanistic 09/24
1,0 Lacerta bilineata 02/23 u. 0,1 Lacerta bilineata 02/24 ( Nur zusammen!)
1,0 Lacerta bilineata 08/24
1,1 Podarcis muralis 2023
1,1 Podarcis siculus siculus 09/23

Boa constrictor morphs: VPI, Key West, Anery, Leopard
Da ich mich entschieden habe nicht mehr zu züchten, gebe ich hier meine letzten eigenen Nachzuchten aus den Jahren 2020-2022 sowie einige meiner Zuchttiere ab.
1.0 Anery het VPI
1.0 VPI Sunglow poss het Anery
0.1 Keywest het VPI poss Anery
0.1 VPI Keywest poss Anery
0.1 VPI Snow
1.0 Anery het VPI CB18
1.0 VPI het Anery CB17 proven breeder
0.1 Hypo Keywest het VPI CB17 proven breeder
0.1 DH VPI Snow CB14 proven breeder
0.1 VPI Sunglow poss. Anery CB18
0.1 DH VPI Leopard CB19
Bei Interesse oder Fragen gerne melden. Eine Übergabe auf der Terraristika in Hamm ist möglich.
Hamm March 8 LG Sinaloe and more
Also for sale:
Lampropeltis getulus sinaloe applegate americaline
Heterodon nascicus superred albino conda
Transfer in Hamm. March 8th.

last call for hamm delivery
1.3 hermanni boettgeri yellow
0.0.6 terrapene carolina major (8/9cm)
0.0.xx hermanni hermmanni cb 2024
0.0.xx hermanni boettgeri cb 2024
0.0.xx graeca ibera cb 2023
0.0.xx marginata cb 2024
0.0.10 marginata het x albino cb 2024
0.0.8 marginata albino t+ cb 2024
0.0.3 marginata albino t+ cb 2023
0.0.6 hermanni hermanni leucistica cb 2024
0.0.xx centrochelys sulcata cb 2024
0.0.12 stygmochelys pardalis cb 2024
0.0.4 astrochelys radiata (1 kg _2kg)
0.0.4 astrochelys radiata ( 0.200 kg)

Leiopython albertisii cb2024
Only one couple left.
They eat well.
Transfer in Hamm, March 8th

1,0 Astrochelys radiata adult
For Hamm
1,0 Astrochelys radiata
30 Jahre, 12 kg
CITES C + Chip

Biete für Hamm.
0.1 Pterinopelma sazimai adult 60€
0.2 Monocentropus balfouri adult
Stk/50€ 2/90€
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum 3cm KL 60€
0.0.10 Cyriopagopus hati hati 4.FH
0.0.10 Hapalopus guérilla 5.FH
Stk/15€ 10/120€
0.0.10 Haplopelma Bach Ma 5.FH
Stk/30€ 10/250€
0.0.5 Ybyrapora diversipes 5. FH
0.0.XX Cupiennius salei 5-6FH Stk/10€
5/40€ 10/70€
0.0.XX Heteropoda davidbowie 5.Fh
Stk/15€, 10/100€, 20/180€
Stk/9€ 10/70€
Schaben juvenil:
0.0.10 Gyna caffrorum10€
0.0.10 Gyna capucina 30€
0.0.10 Gyna centurio 15€
0.0.10 Gyna lurida "Yellow" 20 €
Antrophyum cf. plantagineum HD-Dose 25€
Abholung in Hagen (Hamm)

Agistrodon taylori for Hamm
Last Offer for Hamm
2,2 Agkistrodon taylori CB24
- contrasting animals
They eat frozen food perfectly
- 175€ each pair

Oophaga histrionica bullseye
Verkaufe aus Privaten Gründen mein Zuchtpaar Oophaga histrionica bullseye mit Punkt.
Die Tiere sind von 2021. Die Tiere harmonieren, legen und hatte bereits einige NZ.
Übergabe in Hamm möglich.

Hakennasennattern abzugeben
Heterodon nasicus, CB 24
The prices are negotiable.
2.0 Arctic 50% het Albino, each 80 €
1.0 Arcticconda 50% het Albino, 100€
0.1 Classic het Lavender, 70€
2.0 Arctic het Savannah, Albino, each 120€
1.3 Anaconda het Savannah, Albino, 100/120€/200€
0.2 Classic het. Savannah, Albino, 80€
2.0 Axanthic, each 100€
1.0 Arctic Albino, 100€
0.2 Anaconda het Coral (Lavender,Albino), each 100€
Price: Male, Female, Pair
Handover in Hamm or collection in Hamburg. The animals can possibly be brought in the Hamburg, Berlin/Hannover area.
+49 15561 305478
Search for Hamm 08.03 Gonyosoma
I am looking for:
1.1 Gonyosoma Jansenii
0.1 Gonyosoma Oxycephalum Yellow Borneo
I will be in Hamm on 08.03

Looking for Blue Elaphe climacophora or Kunashir
I am looking for a Elaphe climacophora Kunashir (Japanese Kunashir island rat snake) or a Japanese ratsnake with blue genetics. Looking for ones that do well on thawed with good temperament. I prefer the snake to be around 2-3 years old but I'll look at any! I can pick the snake up in Hamm, March 2025.
Please offer anything, thanks!
want to buy Agkistrodon contotrix pictigaster
Im searching for Agkistrodon contortrix pictigaster 1.1 or group
im in hamm 8 March
Last boas mutations BEST OFFERS
1,0 Boa C. Aztec Motley CB19
0,1 Boa C. Jungle het leopard CB19
0,1 Boa C. Hypo Hog Jungle Blood poss Sunset CB20
1,0 Boa C. Ghost Jungle Arabesque Keywest 66% her kahl albino CB21
0,1 Boa C. Occidentalis CB16
For Hamm.
Make an offer pr mail
Für Hamm Kinosternon Nachzucht
0.0.1 Kinosternon leucostomum leucostomum Nachzucht auch im Tausch gegen andere Kinosternon

1,3 Gartenboa Zuchtgruppe
1,3 Gartenboa Zuchtgruppe. Dieses Jahr erst Jungtiere gehabt.
Für Hamm 08.03.25

Trimeresurus albolabris GIFT
1,1 Weißlippen-Bambusotter ( Trimeresurus albolabris)
Habe jedes Jahr jungtiere
100€ für Hamm
Hamm GHI Anzeigen Premium [Seite 25]

Stocklist Hamm Terra-Amphibia, Amphibians,reptiles and more!
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com
Stocklist Terra-Amphibia
Reservations for Hamm possible & Pick up Netherlands
Adelphobates galactonotus red
Adelphobates galactonotus Blue
Adelphobates galactonotus yellow
Dendrobates leucomelas
Dendrobates leucomelas Bolivar GOLD
Dendrobates auratus Karibik
Dendrobates auratus Costa Rica
Dendrobates auratus el cope
Dendrobates auratus Pena Blanca
Dendrobates auratus La Coca
Dendrobates auratus 'Super blue'
Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Dendrobates tinctorius Atachi bakka
Dendrobates tinctorius Citronella Sub adult
Dendrobates tinctorius Brasil
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia
Dendrobates tinctorius Patricia albino
Dendrobates tinctorius Robertus
Dendrobates tinctorius Ceyenne
Dendrobates tinctorius Oyapock
Dendrobates tinctorius tumucumaque
Dendrobates tinctorius regina
Dendrobates tinctorius Dasha
Dendrobates tinctorius Natasha
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt
Dendrobates tinctorius cobalt s
Dendrobates tinctorius nominaat
Dendrobates truncatus
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
Ranitomeya amazonica iquitos
Ranitomeya imitator tarapoto
Ranitomeya imitator yurimaguas
Ranitomeya imitator chazuta
Ranitomeya imitator banded
Ranitomeya lamasi highland
Ranitomeya vanzolinii
Epipedobates anthonyi
Epipedobates anthonyi cielito
Epipedobates anthonyi Buana esperanza
Phyllobates vittatus
Phyllobates aurotaenia yellow
Phyllobates aurotaenia green
Phyllobates terribilis Mint Small/Subadult
Phyllobates terribilis yellow
Phyllobates terribilis blackfood
Hyloxalus ezureiventris
1.1 Oophaga lehmanni yellow
Oophaga sylvatica Diablo
Oophaga pumilio Cristobal
Oophaga pumilio colon bocas del Drago
Oophaga pumilio Bastimentos
Oophaga pumilio el Dorado
Oophaga pumilio Nancy
Oophaga pumilio punta laurel
Oophaga pumilio solarte
Oophaga pumilio Aguacate
4.4 Oophaga pumilio blue jeans NEW!
Mantella aurantiaca
Atelopus barbotini Soon
Litoria splendida
Agalychnis callidryas
Litoria caerulea
Litoria caerulea snowflake
Litoria caerulea honey blue eyed
Hyalinobatrachium valerioi
Pyxicephalus adspersus
Rheabo guttatus
Bufo brongersmai
Cruziohyla sylviae
Trachycephalus resinifictrix
Triprion Spinosa
Theloderma corticale
Rentapia flavomaculata RARE
Megophrys Nasuta Pair
3.3 Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni
Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum
Salamandra salamandra
Tylotriton verrucosus adult
Triturus pygmaeus
Triturus marmoratus
Neurergus crocatus
Rhacodactylus sarisinorum
Correlophus ciliatus
Lepidodactylus lugubrus
Varanus tristis
Phelsuma nigriastriata
Phelsuma Parva
Phelsuma robertmertensi
Phelsuma laticauda
Rhacodactylus leachianus Sub Adult
Egernia stokesii Pair !
Agrionemys horsfieldii
Centrochelys sulcata
Chelonoidis carbonarius
Pituophis catenifer sayi
Lampropeltis thayeri
Lampropeltis pyromelana
Elaphe schrencki
Boa constrictor
Morelia amethistina
Thamnophis marcianus
Morelia viridis Aru
And more species! Just ask for the pricelist!
‼️We sell captivebred and raised animals from local and our own breedings‼️
If you looking for other species or if you have other questions please let us know.
Email: info@terra-amphibia.com
Website: www.terra-amphibia.com

Cheap retics and anacondas for hamm houten or shipping
Wholesale prices possible or lot prices
1.0 golden child albino cb22. 300
1.0 golden child cb22 200
1.1 wildtype het foulsham caramel cb22 125 each 200 pair
1.0 leopard from bob clark cb22 200
1.0 mochina subfire cb23 150
1.0 dwarf cb22. 150
1.0 gold dark bob clark cb22 200
1.1 sunfire het foulsham cb22 125 each 200 pair
1.0 aztec cb22 125
Albino from bob clark cb22 250
0.1 aztec cb 22 175
1.0 gold from bob clark 250
1.2 eunectes murinus green anaconda cb20. 450 each
All 1000
1.1 eunectes notateus cb19-22 400 pair
0.1 python molurus bivitattus ivory cb18 3m 20kg 850
1.0 python molurus bivittatus albino cb12 4m 30kg 800
Python molurus bivittatus hypo caramel 250
1.1 boa constrictor cb10-15 600 pair
1.0 Python sebea green cb23 200
Python curtus cb20-21 250
Pick up Hasselt België or Hamm or houten fair

Nephrurus and Paroedura morph
Available ---> Hamm / Houten
1.2 Nephrurus amyae (young female from late 2023 and proven pair)
4.3 Nephrurus vertebralis (proven pairs and young from 2024)
2.1.3 Nephrurus levis hypo striped (proven pairs and young from 2024)
4.4.5 Nephrurus cinctus white line (proven pairs and young from 2024)
3.2 Underwoodisaurus milii (proven breeders)
2.2 Paroedura picta (xanthic het snow, axanthic, xanthic the amel)
1.0 Diplodactylus galeatus
1.0 Strophurus williamsi
Wholesale possibile.
Info: Nephrurusaddiction@hotmail.it
Pics on Instagram: nephrurusaddiction

Austral. Steingeckos Diplodactylus granariensis rex von DRAGONZOO.de
2.0 Australische Steingeckos Diplodactylus granariensis rex
eigene Nachzucht April/Mai 2024
Abholung in Mönchengladbach oder Zustellung per Tierspedition.
Übergabe auf der Börse in Hamm ist nach Absprache auch möglich.
Weitere Infos finden Sie auf www.dragonzoo.de und www.dragonzoo24.de

Anery, het hypo female red tegus CB21 2x(pos.with male anery hypo)
2 beautiful Anery, het. Hypo red tegu females. Captive bred by me in 2021. A costumer of mine has to sell his male Anery Hypo red tegu. I can also bring this animal to an expo like Hamm or houten. Pictures are of 1 of the females and the male.
1500euro for 1
2500euro for 2
3500euro for 3
Also have 100% het Anery, pos. Hypo female and a Hypo, het Anery female available.
Open for trade for V. salvator t- albino (no het), Heloderma horridum and color specials, Heloderma suspectum special coloring, albino red tegu male, albino blue tegus, snow red tegu, Tiliqua rugosa..

Geckos for September Hamm
Correlophus ciliatus females 15-35g, 100pcs
Correlophus sarasinorum classic adult 1,2
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared adult 1,1
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared 0,0,2
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae babies
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs
Geckos for September Hamm
PREMIUM Correlophus ciliatus females 15-35g, 100pcs
Correlophus sarasinorum classic adult 1,2
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared adult 1,1
Correlophus sarasinorum white collared 0,0,2
Rhacodactylus auriculatus babies mix color 100pcs
Rhacodactylus leachianus babies 50pcs
Oedura castelnaui adult 1,1
Nephrurus amyae 2023 pairs
Nephrurus amyae babies
Heteronotia bionei adult 30pcs

Lampropeltis Alterna+Palmetto+Knoblochi+Syspila+Zonata+Leonis+Boaedon
+++ Coming Soon +++
for Hamm 14.09.24 >>> Mainhall
Here my availables for Hamm:
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Palmetto NZ 24
> 0,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Okeetee Het Palmetto Het Albino adult Breeding Female
>2,2 Königspythons ( ghi, yb, HGW)
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Knoblochi
> 1.1 Lampropeltis Ruthveni Albino Zipper Line NZ 24
> 3,0 Lampropeltis Zonata Pulchra NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Super Hypo NZ 24
> 1,6 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo Adult
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Taylori NZ24
> 1,4 Boaedon capensis Hybino (T+ Albino T- Hypo) Nz 23
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Alterna Black Gap NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Orange NZ 21
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Leonis yellow Hulk NZ 24
> 1,0 Euprepiophis Mandarinus NZ24
> 0,1 Python Regius Panda Piebald NZ 23
> 1,0 highway proven breeder
> 1,0 Heterodon Nasicus Superconda Toffeebelly NZ22
Übergabe in Hamm.
Ein Tierversand ist ebenso möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate, Hypo und Albino Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery, Triangulum Elapsoides, Ghost Alterna und seltene Heterodon.
Bei Fragen oder Tauschangeboten einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com

Gongylophis c. loveridgei normal cb small: 139,-
Gongylophis c. loveridgei striped cb small: 179,-
Gongylophis c. loveridgei Albino cb small: 250,-
Gongylophis c. loveridgei snow cb small: 250,-
Gongylophis c. loveridgei acanthic cb small: 299,-
Gongylophis c. loveridgei acanthic striped cb small: 299,-
Pantherophis o. lindheimeri leuzistisch cb24: 260,-
Pantherophis o. lindheimeri het leuzistisch cb24: 135,-
Thamnophis sirtalis cb24: 110,-
Nerodia fasciata cb24: 69,-
Xenagama taylori pair: 699,-
Stellagama stellio brachydactyla small: 149,-
Stellagama stellio brachydactyla medium: 169,-
Intellagama (Physignatus) lesueurii cb24: 539,-
Eumeces schneideri: 89,-
Tiliqua sp. irian jaya: 250,-
Kinixys spekii: 159,-
Triturus pygmaeus CB small: 149,-
Pseudobranchus striatus: 179,-
Boana pellucens: 129,-
Rhacophorus maximus: 79,-
Theloderma bicolor: 179,-
Lepidobatrachus laevis: 69,-
Dyscophus antongilli: 89,-
Bufo quercicus; 59,-
Bufo marinus: 29,-
Hadrurus arizonensis: 59,-
For more details, animals or any questions, please send us an email to:

Big ivory and albino burmese Python
Shipping or pick up in belgium
Or hamm or houten
0.1 python molurus bivittatus Ivory 3m 20kg price 1200
0.1 python molurus bivittatus albino 4m 30kg
Price 1000
0.1 python molurus bivittatus ivory 60cm 350
0.1 python molurus bivittatus hypo caramel 1,2m price 250
0.1 python reticulatus golden child 2 m 200
0.1 python reticilatus wild 1m 95
0.1 python sebea green 1,2m. 200
1.2 eunectes murinus 2 m cb 450 each
1000 all
1.1 eunectes notateus male 1 m female 2 m
500 pair
1.1 boa constrictor male 1,2m female 2,5m
600 pair

Gargano, Sicily and Sardinian Turtles for Hamm !!!
Adult specimens of Testudo Hermanni are for sale
areal Puglia (Gargano) and Sicily (Ragusa) and Sardinian marginata.
All turtles are equipped with regular CITES and microchips.
Delivery to the Hamm expo in September is possible
and in other countries with authorized courier.

Eryx Conicus Morphs / Sand Boa Morphs For Hamm
Eryx Conicus Morphs Only sold 1.0 or 1.1
1.0 B2 2023 Double/Triple Gold
0.1 B3 2023 Triple Gold Poss Spotted Poss Reduced Pattern
0.1 B4 2023 Triple Gold Poss Reduced Pattern
0.1 C3 2023 Double/Triple Gold
1.0 E3 2023 Spotted Gold/Double Gold
1.0 H3 2023 Poss White Spotted Poss Reduced Pattern
1.0 H5 2023 White Spotted
1.0 I6 2023 Poss White Poss Spotted
Eryx Conicus Morphs / Sand Boa Morphs For Hamm
PREMIUM Eryx Conicus Morphs Only sold 1.0 or 1.1
1.0 B2 2023 Double/Triple Gold
0.1 B3 2023 Triple Gold Poss Spotted Poss Reduced Pattern
0.1 B4 2023 Triple Gold Poss Reduced Pattern
0.1 C3 2023 Double/Triple Gold
1.0 E3 2023 Spotted Gold/Double Gold
1.0 H3 2023 Poss White Spotted Poss Reduced Pattern
1.0 H5 2023 White Spotted
1.0 I6 2023 Poss White Poss Spotted

Kenyan Sand Boa Morphs For Hamm
1.1 2022 Albino Paint Cal Flame Poss GX
0.1 2022 Snow 100% Paint 100% Splash (Double Het Picasso)
1.1 2023 100% Hypo 100% Het 100% Axanthic
0.1 2023 Striped 100% Hypo 100% Het 100% Axanthic
0.1 Striped Axanthic Reduced Pattern
1.1 Snow Paradox (male high %)
1.0 Albino 100% Axanthic 100% Paint
1.0 Axanthic 100% Paint 66% Albino
1.1 Paradox Albino 100% Axanthic
1.1 Striped Snow / 0.1 Striped Albino 100% Axanthic

Bearded dragon Leopard gecko
0.0.200 corn snake
0.0.30 hognose
0.0.150 Leopard gecko
0.0.100 bearded dragon
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.