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Search for female kinixys erosa adults

For December Hamm…………

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Available for Hamm December +1
Verkaufe Giftschlangen

Available for Hamm December

- Bothrops ammodytoides CB 2022 (1,1)
- Bothrops pictus CB 2020 (1,1)
- Bothrops brazili CB 2019 (1,0)

Suche Exotische Säuger

Zwergratten / Dwarf rats

Ich suche für Hamm 1.2/3 Zwergratten in der Farbe Siam, Topaz oder Mink.

I'm looking for Hamm 1.2/3 dwarf rats in the color Siam, Topaz or Mink.

Ich suche o.xx Typhochlaena costae für die börse Hamm.

Königspythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Spotnose banana lesser clown
Verkaufe Königspythons

Spotnose banana lesser clown

Very nice spotnose banana lesser clown!
Free delivery at houten/hamm

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Staurotypus salvinii male +2
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Staurotypus salvinii male

Staurotypus salvinii male small form. 180 eur. Possible to Hamm.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Interested in purchasing the following:
Suche Schlangen

Interested in purchasing the following:

Looking for the following:

Kastanie morphs
Hypo Kastanie Stripe
Adult Mandarin females
Toffee & Toffee morphs
Buf & Buf morphs
Sunkissed Auratum
High end Sunkissed morphs
Orchid/Orchid morphs

Always buying rare Pantherophis guttatus morphs.

Let us know what you have to offer!

Delivery to November Houten or December Hamm for USA export.

Please message with detail

Looking for 1.x.x Pseudogekko smaragdinus

Pickup Hamm December 2022

Research leachianus:
1.0 adult, sub or juvenile mont koghis (preferably high red)

0.1 adult, sub or juvenile pine island

for Houten/Hamm
contact me with information and photos thank you

Giftschlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Crotalus vegrandis for Hamm
Verkaufe Giftschlangen

Crotalus vegrandis for Hamm

For Hamm
Crotalus vegrandis
1.1 CB 2016 breeding pair 250€
1.1 CB 2020 170€
0.1 CB 2021 60€
More info matuskohut3@gmail.com

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Babies Rhacodactylus leachianus +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Babies Rhacodactylus leachianus


Several babies Rhacodactylus leachianus available for next Hamm

0.0.1 Pine Island : 500€

0.0.3 Nuu ami : 550€ / each

Trace with Uroplatus it's possible.

Have a nice day

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Shinisaurus crocodilurus 2022 +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Shinisaurus crocodilurus 2022

0.0.6 Shinisaurus crocodilurus beautiful colored offspring from 25 March 2022, and 0.0.1 from 21 March 2022. 7 in total. more

I've added some photos. of what the gender most likely could be. There for it could be 2.5.0.

Info you can pm me ????

Houten Expo????
Hamm Maybe????

I am looking to buy x.x.x Eublepharis macularisus Giant/ super Giants, Tangerine and W&Y combos, prefereable with pick up at Hamm.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Pantherophis guttatus, Cornsnake +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Pantherophis guttatus, Cornsnake

Selling the following for pick up at Hamm or Houten.

1.0 Diffused Platinum Pied, 50% Pos. Het. Amel, adult, 330.
(Platinum = Anery, Charcoal, Hypo).

1.2 Reverse Okeetee, yearlings, 70 each.

Trade can be of interest in 0.1 Eublepharis macularius Morph.

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Lampropeltis greeri, mexicana, alterna +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Lampropeltis greeri, mexicana, alterna

I am selling the following for pick up at Hamm or Houten.

1.1 Lampropeltis greeri, adult pair but small female, 250 for the pair.
0.1 Lampropeltis mexicana, adult low black, 100.
1.0 Lampropeltis alterna, adult, 100.

Trade can be of interest in 0.1 Eublepharis macularius Morphs.

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: REPLICAS & COLLECTIONS - WWW.HERPING.ES +2
Verkaufe Schildkröten


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Tausche 1.0 Homoeomma chilense subadult gegen 1.0 Homoeomma orellanai (Größe egal)

Übergabe in Hamm bevorzugt


Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.0 candoia paulsoni red/brown form
Verkaufe Schlangen

1.0 candoia paulsoni red/brown form

Candoia paulsoni red brown form. adult male ready to breed. can deliver to hamm

Hallo ich Suche eine Mitfahrgelegenheit für die Terraristik messe hamm im Dezember.2022

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 0.2 Leiopython Albertisii +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

0.2 Leiopython Albertisii

0.2 Leiopython Albertisii
Captive born and unrelated, whitelipped pythons.
Well feed and ready for breeding!
One really big female (born 2012 )
And one smaller female (born 2014)
Captive born and all with cb certificate from breeders
Need to down size my collection thats why iam selling them.
800 euro for one Female and 1550 euro for two!
Green three pythons (pure biaks) and corallus caninus/batersii are possible trades.
Located in sweden possible to meet up in hamm this weekend.
Contact via email