Hamm GHI Anzeigen Standard [Seite 83]

Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia moerens) young pair
For sale:
Young pair Atlas day gecko, CB 2024 (Jan van Soest line)
Amazing, colourfull species from Morocco
Always visible in the terrarium and not skittish.
Species of dry areas.
Feeds on crickets
Cool behaviour and can become very ''tame''.
Diurnal species so need UV and basking spot.
Price on request.
Can be brought to Hamm on 14-12.
Only serious responses, please contact by DM or Whatsapp: 00316 31953716

Diverse Western hognoses morphs
For Hamm I can offer H. nasicus of divers combinations of the following morphs:
Superartic conda
Superartic superconda
Het lucy
Superconda 66% toffy 66% lucy

1.0 Varanus reisingeri FB
1.0 Varanus reisingeri FB2016
Becouse i have few males and need space, special price for Hamm 900e (or the best offer)
1.0 Varanus reisingeri FB
1.0 Varanus reisingeri FB2016
He is healthy. I have few males and i need more space, so the price in Hamm is only 900e. (Or the best offer)

Kinixys spekii - babies 2024
My own CB April 2024, parents are WF from southern Kenya. Perfect condition, good eaters. Can be delivered either to Ziva Exotica in Prague or Hamm.

Kronengecko Zucht, Jungtiere div Morphen zur Abgabe
Kronengecko Zucht aus SH, direkt an Hamburg.
Besucht uns auf den Börsen Hamm, Hannover, Rendsburg, Hamburg und bremen oder bei Facebook Grisus-Welt, Instagram Grisus_Welt .
Ausführliche Beratung vornund nach dem Kauf! Herkunftsbestätigung mit Schlupfdatum, Morph, Eltern etc
Gecko und Halter sollen sich wohl fühlen!

Baumpythons zum abgeben...
0.0.2 Babys aus der Verpaarung High Yellow Sorong(King line) X Jayapura Nz.24
alle haben bisher mindestens 20 mal gefressen und sind abgabebereit!
Reservierung für Hamm-Verona möglich!

Varanus resingeri for hamm
Sell varanus resingeri in captivity in 05/24.good eater and good health.more info in private,delivery possible to hamm 14/12.

Interesting Isopods and roaches Hamm 14.12
Possible pickup on Hamm 14.12
Armadillidium arcangelii (Sardinia) 12/ 20€
Armadillidium corcyraeum "silver" 12/ 20€
Armadillidium frontetriangulum "Orange" 12/ 20€
Armadillidium gestroi 12/7€
Armadillidium granulatum "Sardinia" 12/6€
Armadillidium granulatum “magic potion” 12/14€
Armadillidium granulatum “white pearl” 12/ 20€
Armadillidium maculatum "zebra" 12/9€
Armadillidium maculatum „chocolate” 12/20€
Armadillidium pallasi "orange" 12/22€
Armadillidium tirolense "Lake Garda" 12/45€
Armadillidium vallombrosae 12/18€
Armadillidium vulgare "albino t+" 12/8€
Armadillidium vulgare “magic potion” 12/9€
Armadillo officinalis "orange/brown" 12/ 25€
Armadillo officinalis "Sardinia" 12/9€
Armadillo sp. nov Cyprus Hallumi (RARE!!!) 12/50€
Cubaris murina “papaya” 10/ 20€
Cubaris murina “glaze” 10/20€
Cubaris sp "Shiny Dark" 10/ 60€
Cubaris sp. „pak chong” 10/50€
Cubaris sp. „panda King” 12/ 7€
Cubaris sp. „rubber ducky” 10/50€
Nesodillo arcangelii ex. Cubaris sp. "shiro utsuri" 12/ 15€
Porcellio hoffmannseggi "black/chocolate" 12/ 18€
Porcellio flavomarginatus 12/18€
Troglodillo "soil" 10/25€
Uramba triangulifera (ex. Thermocellio sp. Tanzania) 15/20€
Yuukianura aphoruroides 20/4€
Gyna caffrorum 15/5€
Gyna centurio 15/5€
Eublaberus serranus 10/5€
Eucorydia yasumatsui 15/30€
Therea bernhardti 10/15€
I also have scorpions and amblypygs.

Gehyra Marginata ADULT Pair!!! Hamm Delivery
I Have to offer:
1.1 gehyra marginata (confirmed breeders) adults (classic)
0.0.1 G. marginata "Blue Eyes"
0.0.1 G. marginata "classic green"
for photos:
Whatsapp me or Email :)
Biete für Hamm males females slings
Biete für Hamm
1.0 Heterothele villosella RH23/09 10€
1.0 Idiothele mira RH22/11 30€
1.0 Ornithoctoninae sp. Laos Trapdoor RH17/08 90€
1.0 Ybrapora sooretama RH20/08 50€
1.0 Cyriopagopus schmidti 4cm kl 50€
1.0 Cyriopagopus longipes 2cm kl 20€
1.0 Cyriopagopus longipes 3cm kl 30€
1.0 Harpactira pulchripes 2.5cm 20€
2.0 Ornithoctonus sp. Ranong 3cm kl 50€/stk
3.0 Hyterocrates sp. South Benin 3cm kl 10€ zusammen
1.0 Selenocosmiinae sp. Palawan blonde 3cm kl 50€
4.0 Ornithoctonus sp. Ranong 3-4fh 80€ zusammen
3.0 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 3-4fh 15€ zusammen
1.0 Monocentropus lambertoni RH05/24 150€
Females and pairs
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Lamdong 2cm kl 40€
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Ho Chi Minh 2cm kl 50€
0.1 cyriopagopus lividus 2.5cm 30€
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. YokDon 5fh 90€
0.1 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2cm kl 20€
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Veronica 4cm kl 100€
0.1 Cyriopagopus longipes 4cm 45€
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp. Binh Thuan 5-6cm 80€
0.1 Cyriopagopus hainanus 2cm kl 40€
0.1 Selenocosmia arndsti 4cm kl 150€
0.0.2 Selenocosmiinae sp. Sarawak 2fh 15€
0.0.5 Ornithoctonus sp. Ranong 4fh 150€ zusammen
0.0.10 Ornithoctoninae sp. Yok Don 3fh 70€/Stk
0.0.3 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 3-4fh 20€ zusammen
0.0.1 Ornithoctonus sp. Khaosok 3fh 10€
0.0.1 Selenocosmia kovariki 3fh 8€
0.0.3 Monocentropus lambertoni 1fh NZ10/24
1x 150
2x 270
3x 350
Nur Abholung in Hamm
0.1 shinisaurus crocodilurus
Guten Tag,
Suche für Hamm 14. Dezember
0.1 shinisaurus crocodilurus
Weibchen female
Schreiben Sie gerne eine E-Mail mit Foto und Preis

Tricolor Hognose/Lystrophis Pulcher
2 tricolor hognoses for sale(we think they are males), from pairing a black white male(hypo-e) to a 100%het Hypo-e female. (See pictures from the parents too).
Great eaters(baby mice). €250 each. €400 for both together.
Free delivery to Hamm/Houten

Für Hamm oder Versand.
0.0.50 Augacephalus breyeri 3.fh.
0.0.120 Avicularia pucallpa 2.fh
0.0.50 C. brachycephalus 3.fh
0.0.50 C. darlingi 5.fh
0.0.50 Guyruita cerrado subadult
0.0.40 Psalmopoeus emeraldus 2.fh
0.0.50 Pterinochilus chordatus 6.fh
0.0.100 Tapinauchenius sp. tena 2.fh
Good bulkprices available …..

Nephrurus / diplodactylus
Hello there,
For hamm december l can bring:
2.1 Nephrurus amyae (us line, unrelated) 23 650€ pair, 200€ male
1.1 Nephrurus cinctus 23 -sold-
1.0 Nephrurus levis levis 23 150€
1.0 diplodactylus galeatus 22 150€

Looking for O. aestivus or vernalis CB
I’m looking for Opheodrys aestivus or vernalis CB 1.1 for Hamm December

Hierodula venosa Nachzucht
Ich kann Nachwuchs meiner Hierodula venosa abgeben. Fragt bitte an, welche Stadien verfügbar sind.
Neben Selbstabholumg sind auch Versand oder Mitnahme zu diversen Börsen (8.3. Hamm / 9.3. Hockenheim / 13.4. Frankfurt) möglich.

Uromastyx princeps and ocellata
0.0.0 Uromastyx princeps 24
1.0 Uromastyx ocellata
Handover Hamm ore Houten possible
Cruziohyla craspedopus cb
Selling or trading against other frogs,
0.0.10 cb Cruziohyla craspedopus, parents wc in 2017
animals are subadult, can already try to sex the biggest animals.
I´m visiting hamm in december.
Bartagamen Pogona vitticeps
Biete Bartagamen Pogona Vitticeps 1.2 ca 2 1/2 Jahre alt und 3 Jungtiere von nz 2024 an .Ich fahre auch nach Hamm
Hamm GHI Anzeigen Premium [Seite 83]
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