HAMM Anzeigen Standard [Seite 23]
Chrysemys picta dorsalis 2020 Weibchen/Female !!! Hamm !!!
Wir geben ein "Chrysemys picta dorsalis" Weibchen ab!
- We are giving away a "Chrysemys picta dorsalis" female!
Python regius "Adult + Babys" !!!Hamm!!!
*** HAMM ✈✈✈ "Python regius" ✈✈✈ ***
*** Piebald ***
- 0,1 Pinstripe Piebald (2024 erstes Gelege) - 2225g = ON HOLD
- 0,1 Black Head Pastel Yellowbelly phet.piebald - 1413g = 300
*** NZ - CB 2024 ***
*** Desert Ghost-Piebald ***
- 1,0 Pastel (Yellowbelly) dhet.desert ghost, piebald
- 0,1 Enchi dhet.desert ghost, piebald
Zusammen- Together = 350
*** Clown-Piebald ***
- 1,0 Super Enchi Pastel dhet.clown, piebald poss.albino/Toffee
- 0,1 Enchi dhet.clown, piebald poss.albino/Toffee
Zusammen- Together = 350
!!! Nach der Eiablage - After laying eggs !!!
- 1,0 Enchi Pastel Clown
- 0,1 Enchi Pastel het.clown
Zusammen - Together = 350
- 0,1 Enchi Piebald het.albiono/Toffee = 350
- 0,1 Leopard Pastel Yellowbelly = ON HOLD
Lampropeltis leonis 2024 available
Kingsnakes / L. leonis available (2024)
Pickup in Hamm is possible
Candoia Santa Isabel DNZ
1.1 Candoia Santa Isabel
DNZ 2023 perfect eating animals well grown animals for Hamm
Verschiedene Vogelspinnen , Übergabe Hamm
0.0.x Brachypelma boehmei, 2cm Kl. 18 €
0.0.xx Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2cm 18 €
0.0.xx Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2,5cm, 22 €
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor, 2-3. Fh. 7 €
0.0.xx Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Kl. 2cm, 19 €
0.0.xx Cyriopagopus sp sumatran tiger, Kl. ca. 2cm, 35 €
0.0.xx Grammostola actaeon, Kl. 2,5cm. 45 €
0.0.xx Grammostola pulchripes, Kl. 2-2,5cm, 19 €
0.0.xx Harpactira pulchripes, Kl. 1,5-2cm, 22 €
0.0.xx Idiothele mira, Kl. 1,5-2cm 20 €
0.0.xx Idiothele mira, 1. Fh. 12 €
0.0.xx Lasiocyano sazimai, Kl. 2cm, 18 €
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus, Kl. 2,5-3 cm, 20 €
0.0.x Psalmopoeus irminia , 2. Fh 6 €
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus pulcher, Kl. ca. 1,5cm 10 €
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus pulcher, Kl. 2cm, 15 €
0.0.xx Pelenobius muticus, 1. Fh. 10 €
0.0.xx Pelenobius muticus, Kl. 2,5cm 25 €
0.0.xx Ybyrapora diversipes, 2. Fh. 12 €
0.0.xx Ybirapora diversipes, Kl. ca 1cm 17 €
Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2-2,5cm, 5 stck. 80 € / 10 stck. 140 € / 20 stck. 250 €
Caribena versicolor, 2-3 fh. 5 stck. 30 € / 10 stck. 50 €
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Kl. 2-2,5cm / 10 stck. 170 €/ 20 stck. 300 €
Grammostola actaeon, Kl. 2,5-3cm, 5 stck. 180 €
Idiothele mira, Kl. 1,5-2cm, 5 stck. 80 €
Idiothele mira, 1. Fh. 10 stck. 80 € / 20 stck. 140 €
Vitalius chromatus, Kl. 2,5cm-3cm / 10 stck. 150 €
Monocentropus balfouri, Kl. 2-3 cm, 10 stck. 100 €
Pelenobius muticus, 1. Fh. 5 stck. 40 € / 10 stck. 70 € / 30 stck. 200 €
0.5 Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 3cm, 175 €
0.5 Harpactira pulchripes, Kl. 2,5-3cm, 180 €
0.10 Monocentropus balfouri, subadult, 350 €
Verschiedene Vogelspinnen , Übergabe Hamm
0.0.x Brachypelma boehmei, 2cm Kl. 18 €
0.0.xx Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2cm 18 €
0.0.xx Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2,5cm, 22 €
0.0.xx Caribena versicolor, 2-3. Fh. 7 €
0.0.xx Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Kl. 2cm, 19 €
0.0.xx Cyriopagopus sp sumatran tiger, Kl. ca. 2cm, 35 €
0.0.xx Grammostola actaeon, Kl. 2,5cm. 45 €
0.0.xx Grammostola pulchripes, Kl. 2-2,5cm, 19 €
0.0.xx Harpactira pulchripes, Kl. 1,5-2cm, 22 €
0.0.xx Idiothele mira, Kl. 1,5-2cm 20 €
0.0.xx Idiothele mira, 1. Fh. 12 €
0.0.xx Lasiocyano sazimai, Kl. 2cm, 18 €
0.0.xx Nhandu chromatus, Kl. 2,5-3 cm, 20 €
0.0.x Psalmopoeus irminia , 2. Fh 6 €
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus pulcher, Kl. ca. 1,5cm 10 €
0.0.xx Psalmopoeus pulcher, Kl. 2cm, 15 €
0.0.xx Pelenobius muticus, 1. Fh. 10 €
0.0.xx Pelenobius muticus, Kl. 2,5cm 25 €
0.0.xx Ybyrapora diversipes, 2. Fh. 12 €
0.0.xx Ybirapora diversipes, Kl. ca 1cm 17 €
Verschiedene Vogelspinnen , Übergabe Hamm
Weibchen / female
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata, Kl. 6 cm. 60 €
0.1 Brachypelma emilia, Kl. 3,5cm, 59 €
0.1 Brachypelma emilia, Kl. 4-4,5cm, 69 €
0.1 Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 3cm, 49 €
0.1 Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 3,5cm, 59 €
0.1 Brachypelma hamorri, Kl. 4-4,5cm, 69 €
0.1 Ceratogyrus darlingi, Kl. 3,5cm, 35 €
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Kl. ca 3cm, 49 €
0.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, subadult, 59 €
0.1 Cyriopagopus sp sumatran tiger, Kl. 3,5cm, 79 €
0.1 Grammostola pulchripes, Kl. 3cm, 35 €
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes, Kl.2,5cm, 45 €
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes, Kl. 3cm, 60 €
0.1 Harpactira pulchripes, adult, 75 €
0.1 Idiothele mira, Kl. ca. 2cm, 39 €
0.1 Idiothele mira, adult, 55 €
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai, Kl. 2cm, 35 €
0.1 Monocentropus balfouri, adult , 60 €
0.1 Monocentropus balfouri, subadult, 45 €
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. mascara, Kl. 6-7cm, 80 €
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus rcf, Kl. 3cm, 35 €
0.1 Stromatopelma calceatum, subadult-adult, 59 €
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus,( Hobbyform ) Kl. 5cm, 30 €
0.1 Tliltocatl albopilosus, nicaragua, Kl. 3,5-4cm, 40 €
0.1 Vitalius chromatus, Kl. 3cm, 29 €
Männchen / male
1.0 Brachypelma emilia, Kl. 3cm 30 €
1.0 Brachypelma hamorii, Kl. 2,5-3cm, 22 €
1.0 Idiothele mira, KL. 2cm, 15 €
1.0 Lasiocyano sazimai, Kl. 2cm, 15 €
1.0 Monocentropus balfouri, adult, 25 €
1.0 Omothymus violaceopes, Kl. ca. 2,5-3cm, 25 €
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus rcf, Kl. 2,5-3cm, 15 €
1.0 Tliltocatl albopilosus, ( Hobbyform ) subadult 10 €
1.0 Vitalius chromatus, Kl. 3cm, 15 €
50 lebende Farbmäuse abzugeben
Wegen Reduzierung, gebe ich noch 50 Farbmäuse ab.
Verschiedene Farben.
Übergabe Hamm am 14.12.
1,50 Euro pro Tier.
Female Strophurus wellingtonae CB 2021
Breeding adult female Strophurus wellingtonae CB 2021 for Hamm show.
heterodon nasicus ( hognose ) december price
We make place for next season so the last animals are now available for discount price, pickup in hamm ( we have a table ) or shipping also possible .
when interested don’t hesitate to reach out.
Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Wenn möglich mit hohem Rotanteil
Besuche am 14.12.2024 Terraristika Hamm.
Boiga dendrophila divergens
1.0 Boiga dendrophila divergens CB2024 . Hamm december, MRM Milan genuary
Chilobrachys natanicharum (ex. sp. “Electric Blue”) Slings in Fh1
Hallo zusammen!
Ich kann einige Slings von Chilobrachys natanicharum (früher Chilobrachys sp. “Electric Blue”) aus eigener Nachzucht in Fh1 anbieten.
Pro Sling 5€
10 Slings 45€
Eine Übergabe in Hamm wäre möglich.
Ich bin ebenso an Tauschangeboten interessiert, vor allem gegen Arten der Gattungen Chilobrachys oder Omothymus und anderen asiatischen Vogelspinnen.
Bulk Angebote sind auch möglich.
Bei Abnahme von allen etwa 150 Slings 200€.
Für andere Abnahmemengen einfach anfragen.
Ich verkaufe in dieser Anzeige Wirbellose. Diese sind aus meinem Privatbesitz und ich verfolge mit meinen Anzeigen keinerlei gewerbliche Zwecke. Eine Rechnung gibt es hierfür nicht. Ein Umtausch ist nicht möglich. Mit Ihrer Kaufabsicht erklären Sie sich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, auf die Ihnen nach EU-Recht gesetzlich zustehende Gewährleistung/Garantie völlig zu verzichten!
Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) yakhuna
Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) yakhuna
CB 2024
price 300 € pair
I can deliver to Hamm
2.3 Eublepharis fuscus NZ
Biete für Hamm
1.1 Eublepharis fuscus NZ 24 250€
1.2 Eublepharis fuscus NZ 23 und NZ 24 350€
Negativ getestet auf Endoparasiten und Cryptosporidien.
1.1 Python brongersmai albino T+ sub adult
For hamm
1.1 Python brongersmai albino T+ sub adult .
1.0 Male 2022 .
0.1 Female 2021 .
Delivery in hamm .
Delivery geckos to Hamm Saturday
2.2 Pachydactylus rangei
2.2 Ptenopus carpi
2.2 Pachydactylus kochi
2.2 Rhoptropus afer
salvator albino ice blue rufescen, salvator rufescen anery, varanus...
Posible to hamm 14/12
2.0 tiliqua intermedia calico
0.0.5 tiliqua intermedia calico juvenile
2.4 salvator rufescen anery
1.0 salvator rufescen red
1.1 salvator rufescen ice blue albino
1.2 intellagama leuserii
3.0 Philodryas baroni verde x azul cb 2024
1.1 morelia viridis biak
0.1 morelia viridis jayapura
1.0 anolis garmani
1.0 anolis roquet gross morne
1.0 anolis roquet le diamond
0,1 varanus prasinus import 2023
5.5 gastropolis prasina blue
0.0.4 varanus macraei cb 2024
0.0.4 varanus prasinus cb 2024
1.1 tropidolaemus wagleri cb 2024
Für Hamm 14/12 WWW.BTBT.BE Sicarius thomisoides (six eyed sandspider)
Für Hamm 14/12:
Tausch ist auch möglich!
Cupiennius salei 5-6 FH € 9,-
Fufius (sp. Gold) lanicius 1-2 FH € 9,-
Linothele sericata (megatheloides) 2-2,5 cm body € 20,-
Sicarius thomisoides (six eyed sand spider) 2 FH € 25,- (5 x 100)
Androctonus australis CB semi adult unsexed € 30,- NEW !!
Heterometrus silenus CB 2024 € 15,-
Heterometrus silenus semi adult CB € 25,- (Last one) NEW !!
Hottentotta gentili CB sub adult unsexed € 50,- NEW !!
Ethmostigmus sp. blue 'Borneo' sub adult € 70,- (Last one)
More info www.btbt.be (liste-offer)
Für Hamm 14/12 WWW.BTBT.BE Teil 3
Für Hamm 14/12: Tausch ist auch möglich! More info www.btbt.be (liste-offer)
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 2-3 FH € 10,-
Pamphobeteus sp. Mascara 1,5 - 2 cm body € 25,-
Pamphobeteus sp. Santo Domingo 'Goliath' 1-2 FH € 30,-
Phormictopus auratus 3 FH € 15,-
Phormictopus sp. Dominican purple 1-2 FH € 25,-
Phormictopus sp. Green 'Golden Carapax' 1-2 FH € 25,-
Phormingochilus sp. Akcaya 1-2 FH € 15,-
Phormingochilus sp. Rufus 1-2 FH € 7,- NEW !!
Plesiopelma longisternale 2-3 FH € 35,-
Poecilotheria metallica 2 FH € 25,-
Poecilotheria metallica 2,5 - 3 cm body € 40,- NEW !!
Poecilotheria miranda 2-3 FH € 15,- NEW !!
Poecilotheria miranda 2,5 cm body communal € 22,-
Poecilotheria ornata 1-2 FH € 9,-
Poecilotheria rufilata 1,5 cm body communal € 17,-
Poecilotheria sp. Lowland 1-2 FH € 15,- (5x 70) NEW !!
Poecilotheria striata 3 FH € 12,-
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 2-3 FH € 6,-
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus 1-2 FH 20,-
Psalmopoeus irminia 3-4 FH € 8,-
Psalmopoeus victori 1-2 FH € 15,-
Pseudhapalopus sp. blue 2-3 FH € 15,-
Pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia 'yellow blue' 1 cm body € 30,-
Pterinochilus chordatus 2,5 cm body € 20,-
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF' 1,5 - 2 cm body € 12,-
Pterinochilus murinus 'RCF' 2,5 cm body € 15,-
Selenocosmia crassipes (Australia) 3-4 FH +1cm body € 10,-
Sericopelma sp. Azuero 2-3 FH € 28,-
Spinosatibiapalpus spinulopalpus 3-4 FH € 10,-
Thrixopelma ockerti 2-3 FH € 18,-
Thrixopelma pruriens 1 cm body € 9,-
Thrixopelma sp. Cuzco 2-3 FH € 20,-
Tliltocatl albopilosum (Nicaragua) 2 cm body € 12,-
Tliltocatl schroederi 2-3 FH € 18,-
Tliltocatl sp. 'Golden back' 2-3 FH € 15,-
Tliltocatl vagans 2 - 2,5 cm body € 15,-
Tliltocatl verdezi 1 cm body € 10,-
Urupelma (Hoemoeomma) peruvianum 3 FH € 18,-
Vitalius chromatus (Nhandu) 2 - 2,5 cm body € 15,-
Xenesthis intermedia 1-2 FH € 45,-
HAMM Anzeigen Premium [Seite 23]
Magmaking NEW hybrid Lampropletis
MAGMAKING - Hamm, Prague, Pilsen
CB 2022 & 2023 & 2024 - 4 generations Hybrid L.mexicana mexicana & L.triangulum campbelli
Orange Patternlest, Orange Motlay, Orange Patternlest spine, Orange Aberant
Yellow Motlay, Yellow Aberant
Lampropeltis baby for Hamm, Prague, Pilsen
CB 2024
Lampropeltis leonis (Orange)
L. triangulum campbelli (Apricot)
L. triangulum hondurensis (Orange Super Hypo Vanishing het. Maga, Tricolor Super Hypo..)
L. mexicana mexicana ( Ultragranit, Granit, Nucha Stripe..)
Uroplatus henkeli, sameiti, sikorae, fimbriatus, fiera
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
2.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
2.0 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each"
Egernia stokesii for Hamm reptile show
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
1.1 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2023) - € 1500 for a pair (unrelated pair!)
0.0.4 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
Eublepharis Fuscus, Eublepharis Angramainyu, Eublepharis Hardwickii
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
20.20 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
Wholesale is possible!
Testudo marginata sarda for sale
Adult specimens of Sardinian testudo marginata are on sale, all turtles have regular CITES and microchips, delivery to the expo in Hamm in September and to other countries with an authorized courier is possible
Offer from Bion Terrarium Center for Hamm
Hello, we can offer you for Hamm (September 14) following species:
0.0.3 Red-banded spiny-tailed lizard/ Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata (cb BION 2024) - €350 each
0.0.5 Common leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fimbriatus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €700 each
0.0.10 Henkel's leaf tailed gecko/ Uroplatus henkeli (cb BION 2024) - €500 each
4.4 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus phantasticus (cb BION 2024) - €500 each, €900 a pair
6.2 Giant spear-point leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus fiera (cb BION 2024) - €750 each, €1300 a pair
4.0 South-Eastern Lowland Leaf-tailed Gecko/ Uroplatus sameiti (cb BION 2021-2022) - €450 each
6.3 Mossy leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus sikorae (cb BION 2024) - €400 each
0.0.2 Lined leaf-tailed gecko/ Uroplatus lineatus (cb BION 2023) - €400 each
0.0.200 Crested gecko/ Correlophus ciliatus (cb BION 2023) - €10 each (Bright morphs, tailless)
3.0.2 The robust forest bavayia/ Bavayia robusta (cb 2021-2023) - €100 each
2.0 Bauer’s chameleon gecko/ Eurydactylodes agricolae (cb BION 2023) - €150 each
50.50 West Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis fuscus (cb BION 2022-2023) - €150 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
20.20 East Indian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis hardwickii (cb 2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
50.50 Iranian leopard gecko/ Eublepharis angramainyu (Ilam province) (cb BION 2023-2024) - €125 each, Group 1.2 for 300 € (additional animals – 100 € each)
1.1 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2023) - € 1500 for a pair
0.0.4 Stokes's skink/ Egernia stokesii (cb BION 2024) - € 500 each
2.0 Eastern blue-tongued skink (HET-MELANIST) / Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (cb 2020) - € 1000 each
2.2 Parsons chameleon/ Calumma Parsonii cb 2023 - € 3000 for a pair
Central americans boas 2024
Hamm september
4.4 Onyx blood het Inferno (T+ Honduras)
1.0 Onyx hypo blood het Inferno
1.1 Blood het Inferno
1.1 Onyx htpo het Inferno (Blood/T+ Honduras)
2.1 Onyx het Inferno
1.1 Onyx sunglow T+ Honduras
1.1 Onyx hypo het T+ Honduras
0.2 Inca hypo het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras (Angel)
1.1 Hypo het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras
2.0 normal het T+ Nicaragua 50% het T+ Honduras
Free delivery to Hamm in september. Will consider wholesale offers.
Looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm
Hello, we are looking for Polychrus peruvianus for Hamm (14.09.2024)
Boa Imperator Hypo Blood Leopard 2024
For Hamm september 2024
0.1 Hypo 66% Doble Het leopard Blood
3.1 66% Doble Het leopard Blood
Listen to offers,
very good price for the total sale
exchanges for other snakes is possible
More photos and info PM
Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24
0.0.ххх Aparasphenodon brunoi CB24 150€ each
Possible delivery to Hamm/Houten
Possible exchange for Phyllomedusa sp,Agalychnis sp
Albino Palmetto/ Hets +Lampropeltis +Boaedon + Tri. Syspila Hypo|
+++ Coming Soon +++
for Hamm 14.09.24 >>> Mainhall
Here my availables for Hamm:
> some baby ball Pythons ( ghi, yb, HGW)
> 4 Lampropeltis Pyromelana Knoblochi
> 1.1 Lampropeltis Ruthveni Albino Zipper Line NZ 24
> 3,0 Lampropeltis Zonata Pulchra NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Mexicana Greeri Super Hypo NZ 24
> 1,6 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Triangulum Syspila Hypo Adult
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Taylori NZ24
> 1,1 Boaedon fuliginosus black Congo Nz 23
> 1,4 Boaedon capensis Hybino (T+ Albino T- Hypo) Nz 23
> 2,2 Lampropeltis Alterna Black Gap NZ 24
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Alterna Blairi Nz 23
> 1,0 Lampropeltis Leonis Orange NZ 21
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Leonis Buckskin NZ 23
> 1,3 Lampropeltis Leonis yellow Hulk NZ 24
> 0,1 Lampropeltis Triangulum Hondurensis (abnorma) Dead Pool Style Nz 22
> 1,1 Lampropeltis Alterna River Road Adult
> 0,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Okeetee Het Palmetto Het Albino adult Breeding Female
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,1 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Het Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,2 Pantherophis Guttatus Palmetto NZ 24
> 2,6 Pantherophis Guttatus Albino Palmetto NZ 24
> 1,0 Euprepiophis Mandarinus NZ24
> 0,1 Python Regius Panda Piebald NZ 23
> 1,0 highway proven breeder
> 1,0 Heterodon Nasicus Superconda Toffeebelly NZ22
Übergabe in Hamm.
Ein Tierversand ist ebenso möglich. Zustellung kann Dienstag bis Freitag erfolgen.
Tausch gegen Zonata Arten, Applegate, Hypo und Albino Pyromelana, Temporalis Hypo, Alterna Avery, Triangulum Elapsoides, Ghost Alterna und seltene Heterodon.
Bei Fragen oder Tauschangeboten einfach schreiben. www.lampropeltis.jimdo.com
Vogelspinnen aktuelle Angebotsliste der Kabelkunstkrabbeltiere.de
Abholung im Ladengeschäft in 79364 Malterdingen
oder am 14.09. in Hamm auf der Terraristika
oder Versand bei geeigneten Temperaturen mit der DHL zu 8e
aktueller Tierbestand mit Fotos nur im Onlineshop
Acanthoscurria geniculata 4,5cm KL 60e / 7cm KL 100e
Aphonopelma crinirufum 5cm KL 100e
A. seemanni 5,5cm KL 90e
Brachypelma albiceps 3,5cm KL 70e
B. auratum 4cm KL 130e
B. boehmei 3cm KL 70e / 5cm KL 130e
B. emilia 5cm KL 150e
B. hamorii 3cm KL 70e / 6,5cm KL 150e
B. klaasi 3,5cm KL 170e
B. smithi 3cm KL 150e
Bumba horrida 3,5cm KL 70e / 5cm KL 100e
Caribena versicolor 4cm KL 60e
Ceratogyrus darlingi 4cm KL 40e
Chaetopelma olivaceum 4cm KL 90e
Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4cm KL 60e / 5cm KL 100e
C. natanicharum 6cm KL 130e
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 6cm KL 110e
Cyriocosmus elegans 1,5cm KL 40e
Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati 4cm KL 80e
Ephebopus cyanognathus 3cm KL 170e
E. murinus 5,5cm KL 190e
Grammostola porteri 5cm KL 170e
G. pulchra 3,5cm KL 190e / 5cm KL 230e
Haplocosmia himalayana 5cm KL 100e / 4cm KL 90e
Harpactira pulchripes 4,5cm KL 90e
Heteroscodra maculata 4cm KL 70e
Heterothele villosella 3cm KL 60e
Lasiodora klugi 6cm KL 80e
L. parahybana 4cm KL 30e / 7,5cm KL 100e
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus 3,5cm KL 100e
Megaphobema velvetosoma 6,5cm KL 130e
Neoholothele incei gold 3,5cm KL 60e
Nhandu carapoensis 4,5cm KL 90e
N. coloratovillosus 5cm KL 100e
N. tripepii 5cm KL 100e
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis sub adult 130e
Pamphobeteus cf. nigricolor 5cm KL 100e
P. platyomma 5cm KL 90e
P. sp. machala 5cm KL 90e
P. sp. South Ecuador 7cm KL 100e
Pelinobius muticus 5cm KL 130e
Phormictopus cancerides 6cm KL 170e
Poecilotheria formosa 5cm KL 130e
P. metallica 6,5cm KL 250e
P. miranda 6cm KL 150e
P. ornata 4,5cm KL 90e
P. regalis 7cm KL 100e
P. rufilata 5,5cm KL 150e
P. sp. lowland 6,5cm KL 150e
P. tigrinawesseli 5,5cm KL 150e
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 7cm KL 100e
P. irminia 5cm KL 80e / 6cm KL 100e
P. reduncus 6cm KL 80e
P. victori 6cm KL 180e
Pterinochilus sp. arusha 4,5cm KL 100e
Selenocosmia kovariki 5,5cm KL 150e
Stromatopelma calceatum 5,5cm KL 90e
Tapinauchenius violaceus 3cm KL 50e
Tliltocatl albopilosum 3,5cm KL 40e / 7cm KL 100e
T. albopilosum nicaragua 5cm KL 50e / 7cm KL 100e
T. kahlenbergi 5cm KL 80e
T. sabulosum 4,5cm KL 70e
T. vagans 5cm KL 80e
Thrixopelma ockerti 5cm KL 140e
T. sp. sullana 7cm KL 200e
Vitalius chromatus 4cm KL 70e
V. paranaensis 3cm KL 80e
Xenesthis immanis 4,5cm KL 140e
X. intermedia 3,5cm KL 170e
Acanthoscurria geniculata RH 5/24 40e / 4cm KL 20e
Brachypelma albiceps 6cm KL 50e
B. auratum 4cm KL 70e
B. hamorii 3cm KL 30e
Ceratogyrus darlingi RH 5/24 5e
Idiothele mira RH 5/24 5e
Pamphobeteus cf. nigricolor 4cm KL 30e
P. sp. mascara 5cm KL 40e
Poecilotheria regalis 5cm KL 10e
P. tigrinawesseli adult RH 6/24 20e
Pterinochilus murinus usambara 3cm KL 10e
Xenesthis intermedia 3cm KL 80e
bis zum 31.07. Sommeraktion für slings mit 15% Rabatt (Gutscheincode "SLING15")
Lesser tenrec. Echinops telfari for Expoterraria & Hamm
We have some CB2024 Lesser tenrec (Echinops telfari) from different bloodlines available.
Price 150€/each
Eastern Bearded Dragons, POGONA BARBATA
Eastern Bearded Dragons, POGONA BARBATA
captive bred 7.2024, unsexed babies from differnet bloodlines available.
Pick up Hamm or worldwide shipment.
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.