Goniurosaurus Anzeigen Standard [Seite 2]

Ich biete verschiedene Geckoarten
Goniurosaurus Hainanensis 1,2
Goniurosaurus Araneus 1,1
Goniurosaurus Bawangligensis 2,3
Hemitheconx caudictus 0,2
Euplepharius macularius 1,3 und 7 Nachzuchten vom letzten Jahr
Alle Tiere vor sind vor dem Preis in gute Hände abzugeben, aber nicht zu verschenken.
Mfg Holger

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Biete Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis nachzuchten aus 2022 und 2023 an. +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Biete Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis nachzuchten aus 2022 und 2023 an.

Ich biete 3.2 Goniurosaurus bawanglingensis aus dem Sommer 2022 und 0.0.5 aus dem Spätsommer und Herbst 2023 an.

Bei allen angebotenen Tieren handelt es sich up Vollgeschwister.

Weibchen aus 2022 sind auch im Tausch gegen Weibchen von Goniurosaurus kuroiwae oder orientalis abzugeben.

Looking for a pair of Goniurosaurus luii or G. orientalis. Exchange with 1.0 Uroplatus phantasticus possible.

I'm looking for goniurosaurus kuroiwae, yingdeensis, catbaensis, and huiliensis. I reside in the United States and understand there will be necessary cites paperwork, and shipping hurdles.

Thank you for your time, and have a great day!


Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Hamm Houten Crested Geckos, Auriculatus, Leachianus, Goniurosaurus
Verkaufe Echsen

Hamm Houten Crested Geckos, Auriculatus, Leachianus, Goniurosaurus

Houten 31.03, Hamm 9.03

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Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Goniurosaurus sp.
Suche Echsen

Goniurosaurus sp.

For next Hamm show

Please offer Goniurosaurus sp.(except huiilensis, hainensis,bawanglingensis,araneus, lichtenfelderi,luii) its better if you have pair or Big group.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: G. hainanensis, chahoua, nephrurus, eublepharis and more +2
Verkaufe Echsen

G. hainanensis, chahoua, nephrurus, eublepharis and more

10.10.40 Goniurosaurus hainanensis
1.1.10 Mniarogekko chahoua
1.1.2 Nephrurus wheeri
1.0. Nephrurus levis
50.50 Eublepharis macularius mix (high yellow, sunglow, mack super sonw, raptor, bell…)
(only for wholesale, price for quantity)
Elaphe obsoleta 4.1.
Pantherophis guttatus (albino, microscales, nom. Scaleless, okeetee)
L leonis x ruthveni (Pastel King , het P.K.)

Dendrobates tinctorius azureus CB2023
Dendrobates auratus "Super Blue" CB2023
Dendrobates auratus "Peña Blanca" CB2023
Dendrobates leucomelas CB2023
Epipedobates anthonyi CB2023
Litoria caerulea CB2022
Litoria caerulea "Snowflake" CB2023
Dyscophus guineti CB2023
Bombina orientalis CB2023
Tylotriton shanorum CB2022

1.0.0 Snow Tessera het Scaleless 2023
0.1.0 Hypo het Scaleless 2022
0.1.0 Amber het Scaleless 2022
1.0.0 Bloodred Pied 2022
1.0.0 Palmetto het Amel 2023
1.0.0 Palmetto Amel 2023

1.0.0 Conda het Albino 2023
1.1.0 Conda 2023
1.1.0 Artic 2023
1.1.0 Albino 2023
0.1.0 Albino 2022
0.1.0 Albino het Snow 2023

Other Colubrids
1.0.0 Lampropeltis leonis 2023
1.0.0 Lampropeltis sinaloae 2023
0.1.0 Lampropeltis ruthveni 2023
2.2.0 Lampropeltis campbeli Apricot 2023
2.2.0 Boaedon capensis 2023
1.0.0 Boaedon capensis Hybino 2023

Ball Pythons
1.0.0 Pastel Spotnose 2022
1.0.0 Pinstripe Fire Redstripe 2022
1.0.0 Butter Redstripe 2022
0.1.0 Pastel Ivory 2022

0.0.2 Rhacodactylus auriculatus
1.0.0 Nephrurus levis levis Orange CB2021
0.0.3 Goniurosaurus hainanensis CB2023
0.0.3 Correlophus cilliatus "Lilly White" 2023
0.0.1 Eublepharis macularius "Super Snow het Eclipse"

Sternotherus odoratus 2-4cm 2023
Kinosternon scorpioides 4-5cm 2023
Emydura subglobosa 3-4cm 2023
Cuora flavomarginata 5-6cm 2023

Tliltocatl/Brachypelma vagans 6-8cm
Tliltocalt albopilosum 5-6cm
Grammostola pulchra 3-4cm
Grammostola pulchra 5-6cm
Acanthoscurria geniculata 4-6cm
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens 4-5cm
Lasiodora striatipes 6-8cm
Nhandu chromatus 3-4cm
Pterinopelma sazimai 3-4cm
Brachypelma hamorii 3-4cm
Scorpio maurus

Batch deals and wholesale welcome
Delivery in Houten. Photos available on request.
More details through PM

I looking for couple or females goniurosaurus orientalis. I also looking for another spacies Goniurosaurus. I will be in Hamm.

I offer geckos:

Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi young pairs and unsexed young animals - 4,4,10

Paroedura oviceps 1,1

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Huulien-Tigergecko, männlich, abzugeben
Verkaufe Geckos

Huulien-Tigergecko, männlich, abzugeben

Gebe 1,0 Goniurosaurus huuliensis ab. Die Gesamtlänge des Tieres beträgt 21cm.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Stocklist Animal corner Pijnacker

Prices are per animal. Reservations can be made with 25% deposit. Please contact info@animalcorner.nl for more info.

Chamaeleo calyptratus 0.3 CB’22 €85.-
Correlophus ciliatus CB'22 1.0.2 €85.-
Correlophus ciliatus CB’21 2.0 €95,-
Correlophus ciliatus CB’22/23 0.0.6 €50.-
Ctenosaura pectinata 1.0 €650.-
Eublepharis macularius 3.0 CB'22 €75.-
Gekko badenii €75.-
Gekko gecko 0.0.3 CB’22 €100.-
Goniurosaurus hainanensis 0.2 CB'22 €95.-
Hemidactylus Imbricatus 0.0.X cb’23 €45.-
Hemidactylus Imbricatus 1.0 CB’21 €45.-
Laemanctus julioi 0.2 adult €300.-
Laemanctus julioi CB 6-‘23 €120.-
Lepidodactylus lugubris €12,50
Paroedura picta 4.0 adult €55.-
Paroedura picta 0.0.5 CB'23 €30.-
Phelsuma m. grandis CB’23 €45.-
Phelsuma m. grandis CB’22 1.0 €65.-
Ptychozoon kuhli 0.2 CB’20 €95.-
Pogona vitticeps 1.0 CB'22 €45.-
Rhacodactylus auriculatus adult 1.1 €200.-
Shinisaurus crocodilurus 1.1 adult (CITES A) € 750.-
Tiliqua scincoidis chimaera CB’21 €200.-
Tiliqua gigas gigas 1.0 adult €225.-
Timon lepidus melanistic 2.0 CB’22 €175.-
Tropiocalotes steudneri €12.50
Underwoodisaurus milli male CB’22 €75.-
Uromastix nigriventris 1.1 CB2021 €950.-
Paleosuchus palpebrosus 70 cm €950.-
Paleosuchus trigonatus 20cm €850.-
Osteopilus septentrionalis €25.-
Turtles and Tortoises
Centrochelys sulcata 'CB'20 0.0.5 €250.-
Sternotherus odoratus adult 2.0 €75.-
Sternotherus odoratus baby’s 2cm €35.-
Testudo hermanni boettgeri CB’22 (CITES A) €150,-
Testudo horsfieldi €120.-

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Looking for any Goniurosaurus
Suche Geckos

Looking for any Goniurosaurus

Searching for any species of Goniurosaurus. Please send the species, sex and price.

For sale to Hamm:-
1,1 Rhacodactylus lechianus Nuu ami
1,1 Phyllurus amnicola
1,1 Nephrurus wheeleri
2,3 Goniurosaurus araneus
2,2 Aeluroscalabotrs felinus
1,5 Uroplatus henceli

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Goniurosaurus luii poszukiwany
Suche Geckos

Goniurosaurus luii poszukiwany

Witam szukam Goniurosaurus luii młode lub dorosłe koniecznie z papierami jestem z polski mogę podjechać czechy niemcy słowacja ogólnie okolice polski dalej tylko wysyłka czy ktoś je ma?bo mam 2 sztuki ale kupiłbym jeszcze

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi CB2021 0.2 +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi CB2021 0.2

Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi CB2021 0.2 €125/each
Will be in Hamm

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Offer Coleonyx mitratus & Goniurosaurus +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Offer Coleonyx mitratus & Goniurosaurus

Coleonyx mitratus CB19 1.1 €250 pair
Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi CB19/CB20 1.1 €200 pair
Goniurosaurus CB22 0.0.5 €50/еаch

Will be in Hamm December

Hello, looking for goniurosaurus kuroiwae 1.1
Houten or Hamm, but best if can ship to Poland

For hamm
Lucasium damaeum 0.0.4
Goniurosaurus bawangaliensis 1.1 (Breeder)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Goniurosaurus hainanensis +2
Tausche Geckos

Goniurosaurus hainanensis

Several juveniles from 2021 males and unsexed.
Price: 70€/each

- General info -

- Every animal made available is feeding and shedding properly and is, therefore, ready for a new owner;
- Unless stated, every animal is in full health and as no physical problems;
- Whenever it is possible, we deliever our animals with it's info chart and, if you choose so, the earliest generation available to us.

- Shipping -

- Shipping is possible within Portugal and Spain;
- Shipping to Hamm, Houten and other european shows may be possible, if you're interested inquire us for the show dates you pretend the animal to be delivered;
- Shipping may be rescheduled due to weather, show cancelation or other unforeseen events, though we'll always work with our costumers to find another suitable date for both parties;

- Orders & Payments -

- Payments can be done through PayPal or bank transfer;
- For any reservations, a non-refundable 25% of the total value is asked;
- We hold animals for 48h without any deposits. If by the end of that time either the 25% deposit or full value of the animal isn't received, we will make the animal available again;
- After the signal is paid, we hold your order for a period of 30 days. If by then the animal isn't fully paid or no other arrangment has been agreed by both parties, the animal will be made available again;
- All orders must be fully paid before shipping;
- All orders that are to be delivered at any show must be paid one week prior to the show date.

By holding or buying any of our animals, you agree with our policies.

For any aditional information please contact us through our instagram or at armoredgeckos@gmail.com