Germany Anzeigen Standard [Seite 7]

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: PSEUDOPUS APODUS THRACIUS COUPLE +2
Verkaufe Echsen


For sale 1.1 Pseudopus apodus thracius.
Legal origin, kept for a long time in captivity, before in Germany and after in Italy.
Female laid egg this year.
Eating from the bowl snails, roaches and earthworms.
The animals are now kept by a zoological structure.
Quite tame.
Hamm/Houten possible.
Asking 250.- for the couple.

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Theraphosa apophysis - adult females CB2016
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Theraphosa apophysis - adult females CB2016

Theraphosa apophysis adult females CB2016.
0,4 - 850€ (available also as single - 0,1 - 250€)
Shipping EU possible.
Pick up option for all group - to Germany, Austria or Italy this weekend (details to talk).
Whatsapp +48 508148992

Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Tityus stigmurus , scorplings +2
Verkaufe Skorpione

Tityus stigmurus , scorplings

A lot of freshly hatched Scorplings

0.0.50 Tityus stigmurus i2/i3
Hatched 06-07/2022

1 piece / 7€
5 pieces / 30€
10 pieces / 50€

Bigger Bulks possible

Shipping in Germany 15€
Shipping in EU 20€

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Eunectes notaeus gelbe Anakonda (geb. 13.6. 2022) +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Eunectes notaeus gelbe Anakonda (geb. 13.6. 2022)

Hello, I still have 2 Females and 4 Males. All of them are casted and hunt live mices. They are ready to be sent. Price per snake 85 EUR, transportation (via from Czech to Germany or Switzerland 150EUR (up to 14 days somewhere close to your location) 400 EUR (to be send immediately and directly to your address)

Hallo, ich habe noch 2 Hündinnen und 4 Rüden. Alle von ihnen sind gecastet und jagen lebende Mäuse. Sie sind versandbereit. Preis pro Schlange 85 EUR, Transport (über aus Tschechien nach Deutschland oder in die Schweiz 150 EUR (bis zu 14 Tage irgendwo in Ihrer Nähe) 400 EUR (sofort und direkt an Ihre Adresse senden)

Fotos unter:
Bei Interesse rufen Sie 728 854 574 an oder schreibe via WhatsApp

Send me a message on whatsapp
+39 3661968126
I search a baby crotalus in switzerland or germany or Austria

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Bloodpythons, Varanus storri +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Bloodpythons, Varanus storri

1.0 P. brongersmai red blood T- 350€
1.0 P. brongersmai red blood matrix 100% het T- 300€
1.0 P. brongersmai red blood normal 100% het T- 180€

1.0 Varanus storri, reddish animal, 400€

Shipping within austria or germany. am not on shows. pick up from home no problem.

Suche Krebstiere terrestrisch

Isopod search list shipping to germany


Searching for 5+ individuals of any of the following species shipped to Germany

Adinda sp 'fire ember'
Androniscus dentiger
Armadillidium serratum
Cubaris sp 'amber firefly og'
Cubaris sp 'cliff ducky'
Cubaris sp 'crystal orange'
Cubaris sp 'electric blue'
Cubaris sp 'emerald'
Cubaris sp 'green laser'
Cubaris sp 'tricolor'
Cubaris sp 'white angel'
Merulanella sp 'red diablo'
Parakermania sp
Porcellio spinipes
Trachelipus caucasius

I am interested in young caimans , looking for Paleosuchus palpebrosus 0.0.X . in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands :)


I looking for 0.1 or 0.0.1 Correlophus ciliatus
(Crested gecko / Rhacodactylus)
Near lorrach ,germany.

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Rare spiders from POLAND to Netherlands HOUTEN - trip


On Friday 25.02 I will travel form Poland to Houten Terraristic show (27.02) – I will be in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.

Choose spiders from my list and probably I will be able to meet with you and deliver the spiders DIRECTLY TO YOU!

Also you can meet with me on Houten Terraria Show ;D

A lots of interesting and rare spiders from imports and my private breeding.

Pamphobeteus, Avicularia, Harpactira, Brachypelma, Tapinauchenius, Aphonopelma, Theraphosa, Phormictopus, Psalmopoeus, Pseudohapalopus, Ephebopus, Cyriopagopus

With BIG order discounts and free shipping.

List of available spiders below:

My facebook fanpage:

Best regards

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Verschiedene Asseln abzugeben +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Verschiedene Asseln abzugeben

Verschiedene Asseln abzugeben
Die Preise beziehen sich auf 12 Stück. Andere Mengen gerne nach Vereinbarung.

Porcellio hoffmannseggi 20€
Armadillidium maculatum 10€
Armadillidium Santa Lucia 18€
Armadillidium Klugii dubrovnik 18€
Armadillidium Klugii montenegro 10€

Special Angebot:
100x Armadillidium maculatum 30€

Versand ist mit Heatpack und Styropor für 10€ möglich.
Shipping outside of Germany is possible for 20€

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Verschiedene Phasmiden abzugeben +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Verschiedene Phasmiden abzugeben

Verschiedene Phasmiden abzugeben:
Autolyca herculeana
Trachythorax cf. Kon Chu Rang
Taraxippus samarae
Tisamenus sp. Illocos
Lobofemora scheirei

Special Angebot:
Autolyca herculeana jede Nymphe 1€
Gerne auch Händler für größere Mengen und angepasstem Preis.

Versand ist mit Heatpack und Styropor für 10€ möglich.
Shipping outside of Germany is possible for 20€.

Verkaufe Exotische Säuger

Looking for Galago senegalensis

Looking for a pair or 1.2
Pick up from Germany, Czech or Shows


Warane kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 1.0 cb varanus Melinus for sale
Verkaufe Warane

1.0 cb varanus Melinus for sale

Cb in Germany in 2015
Male melinus
Small animal (only 65/70 cm)
In good health and very good fooddrive!

Landschildkröten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Astrochelys radiata cb 2015 +2
Verkaufe Landschildkröten

Astrochelys radiata cb 2015

I’m selling two of my radiated tortoises born in 2015. They are from different bloodlines (Belgium and Germany). Only possible pick up is at my home. Only for people who know how to take care for exotic tortoises.

Price: €1100 per animal.

I am looking for Trimeresurus insularis blue 1.0 or 1.1, Czech, Slovakia or Germany.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Northern Bluetongue Skinks
Verkaufe Echsen

Northern Bluetongue Skinks

Northern Blueys (Tsi). Baby's, Yearlings, Adults. PLEASE check the average Price for Northerns BEFORE sending me a Message... NO Animal Courier, NO Shows!!! ONLY pickup in southern Germany.
Picture for example

Bartagamen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Group of 10 bearded dragons +1
Verkaufe Bartagamen

Group of 10 bearded dragons

I have 2 groups of 10 young dragons for sale. They all have a bit of a tail missing.
It doesn't affect their way of living.
They are colored and some are leatherback.
Perfect for pet shop.
The whole group is for sale,no unit sale.
I am based in the north of France, but I will go to Poland at the end of the month.
So it's possible to collect your purchase on the road... Belgium, Germany or Poland.
Price is 150 per group of 10 dragons.

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Anolis vermiculatus - Cuban stream Anoles +1
Verkaufe Echsen

Anolis vermiculatus - Cuban stream Anoles

0.0.6 Anolis Vermiculatus,
Young breed at home !
France / Germany / Netherlands
600e for the whole groupe !

Hi, I'm looking for males, preferably matured males of species:
1.0 H. Devamatha
1.0 E. Murinus
1.0 E. Cyanognatus
1.0 P. Victori
1.0 P. Everetti
1.0 P. Carpenteri
1.0 H. Pulchripes
1.0 H. Lividum
1.0 A. Metallica
1.0 A. Purpurea
1.0 P. Gigas
Preferably shipment to Denmark. Possible also to Germany.
