Crotalus Anzeigen Standard [Seite 3]

For Hamm
0.3Trimeresurus insularis turquoise and green
Cb 23
0.X trimeresurus insularis neongreen cb23
0.1 Daboia russelii adult
1.1 Crotalus terrificus adult
0.1 gumprechti adult
0.1 puniceus , Java , adult
0.1 caudalis , Keetmanshoop, adult
X.XAmbystoma mexicanum
Please only ask for the animals you are really interested in and not every single animals price.
Also I will not waste my time with pic collectors. All pictures are up to date, if there are pics missing they will follow asap.
Delivery to hamm possible!

Crotalus atrox CB24 0.0.6
Zur Abgabe stehen 0.0.6 Crotalus atrox
Schöne futterfeste Nominatform.
Suche Crotalus culminatus /simus Pärchen
Ich suche eine oder zwei Crotalus culminatus.
Am liebsten hätte ich subadulte oder adulte Tiere. Gerne persönlich in Hamm - kann sie aber auch ggf selbst abholen.
Suche Crotalus / Atheris !
Suche // Looking for
Crotalus culminatus, simus or diamantensis.
1.0 , 1.1 or 1.2
Breeders prefered.
Atheris spec.
0.X - adult

Crotalus Vegrandis Breedpair
For Živá exotika 19.10 (Czech Republic)
I want to find a new home for Crotalus vegrandis 1.1 cb19
They already had 3 clutches, and female is maybe pregnant again
Price for pair is 250€
Open to trades for Trimeresurus species or discuss about price
suche atheris und crotalus
Suche eine Atheris squamigera und eine Crotalus pyrrhus helle färbung von der crotalus

Giftig Schlangen zu verkaufen
Giftig Schlangen zu verkaufen
Crotalus Lepidus Klauberi
NZ Juli 2024
6 stk zu verkaufen
Nur gegen gültig HB
Crotalus atrox nominat NZ/24
Zur Abgabe 0.0.6 Crotalus atrox nominat.
Tiere fressen teilweise schon Frost.
Our list for Houten snakeday
Snakeday Houten.
2.14 Crotalus atrox het albino CB 24 50€ each
0.1 Crotalus atrox het albino CB 20 proven breeder 200€
1.1 Bothrops columbiensis proven breeder pair 400€
1.2 Crotalus pifanorum NZ (2.1 -> 2020; 0.1 -> 2022) 300€

Crotalus atrox melanistic het bubblegum cb24 for snakeday houten
2.2.1 crotalus atrox melanistic het bubblegum cb24 €150 each or €250 1.1
Or trade for pyrhuss white
Female Crotalus culminatus
Looking for 0.1 Crotalus culminatus. Handover in Houten (Snake day) or Prague (Živá exotika).

1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, cb 2017
For sale:
1.1 Crotalus tortugensis, cb 2017
Handover possible in Hamm, Houten (Snake Day), or pickup at my place.
Sale only to adults with appropriate experience.

Crotalus lepidus klauberi
Verkaufe zwei Männchen und ein Weibchen von Crotalus lepidus klauberi.

Crotalus atrox melanistic het bubblegum
Still have
0.0.5 crotalus atrox melanistic het bubblegum
€150 each

Snakes for sale during Snakeday Houten
- 0.1 Trimeresurus insularis blue CB20, ready to breed
- 0.1 crotalus pyrrhus CB23, Tinajas Atlas (USA)
- 4.0 vipera a. francisciredi CB24, Tessin (Switzerland)
- 4.3 vipera a. hugyi CB24, Etna (Italy), no single female
- 5.3 crotalus morulus CB24, Coahuila (MX), no single female
- 1.1 zamenis (rhinechis) scalaris CB19, Zaragoza (Spain), proven breeders
- 1.1 zamenis (rhinechis) scalaris CB23, Zaragoza (Spain)
- 1.1 drymarchon m. melanurus CB22
Reservation only after deposit.

offsprings from 2023 and 2024
This advertisement is old but still actual !
35x Dendrobates azureus from 6 to 15 months old
0.42 Lepidophyma flavimaculatum cb 7/24 partenogenetic
3.2. Eurydactylodes agricolae different lines cb 24
0.0.7. goniurosaurus splendens cb 24 - reservation 1.1.
0.1 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli cb 23
1.3. Sistrurus miliarius barbouri male cb 18, females cb 23
2.2. cerastes cerastes male cb 18, female cb 24
0.2. Crotalus cerberus
2.5. Aspidelaps scutatus - reservation 1.1.
1.1. Aspidelaps lubricus
All baby snakes eat by themselves live or dead pinkies.
I'm from Pilsen +420732409645
Suche junge Crotalus tigris 2023
Looking for young Tigris rattlesnakes from 2023. Recherche jeunes crotalus Tigris nés en 2023.

Venomous snakes, crotalus & vipera
2.0 crotalus ornatus from Davis mts, CB2022. Both nice and healthy animals from unrelated parents, feeding on defrost mice. Price €150 per animal or €250 for both.
0.1 crotalus cerastes cercobombus. I took over this animal because the owner died. The animal is CB and about 10 years old. Price €175
1.2 vipera ammodytes meridionalis CB20. Two sisters and brother. Wonderfully coloured animals, very healthy and large. The golden lady gave birth in 2023. Price 225 for the 2 ladies together. €150 for single animal.
I dont go to Hamm, will be able to go to snakeday Houten
Fotos with and without flash.

Crotalus horridus / Crotalus pifanorum
2.0 Crotalus horridus Nachzuchten 08/22
0.0.2 Crotalus pifanorum Nachzuchten 05/24
Alle futterfest
1.1. Crotalus atrox for sale
I here by offer my adult pair of C.atrox. from 2021
These are healty and calm snakes, feed on dead mice, rats, chicken, and baby rabbits.
A good home is important for me. Possible to get with their 120x60x60 terrarium with custom background and solar raptor
Crotalus Anzeigen Premium [Seite 3]
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.