Contact wanted Anzeigen Standard [Seite 5]

Echsen  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Takydromus dorsalis, Sakashima grass lizard +2
Verkaufe Echsen

Takydromus dorsalis, Sakashima grass lizard

mine captive breed Takydromus dorsalis for Hamm 12/2024

at this moment
2 males
2 females
6 unsexed

+48 796115955 (whatsup)

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Sale turtle Kinosternon cruentatum +1
Verkaufe Schildkröten

Sale turtle Kinosternon cruentatum

Sale turtles Kinosternon cruentatum, feel free to contact me,WhatsApp: +33 6 50 66 50 92

Contact only whatsapp
+48 517 815 961
Idolomantis, Heterochaeta, Idolomorpha, Mantilia, Sphodromantis, Hemiempusa
Idolomantis keep have a specific smell of the plants of collect :)

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Rhacodactylus Auriculatus / L.Leachianus / Nephrurus * / C.Cilliatus +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Rhacodactylus Auriculatus / L.Leachianus / Nephrurus * / C.Cilliatus

I have Rhacodactylus Auriculatus, Leachianus Leachianus, Correlophus Cilliatus, Nephrurus wheeleri, Levis Levis, Nephrurus Levis Philbarensis Albino, Nephrurus Deleani

You can contact me via facebook / Messenger at
More photos are available on my facebook page.

I will be attending Houten 1.12.2024 and Hamm 14.12.2024 shows where you can find me and puarchase my animals.


i'm looking for reedfrogs to buy at the Hamm show
import- offspring
pairs - groups - unsexed

- argus
- marmoratus
- guttulatus
- parallelus
- others...

you can contact me by mail or better facebook, whatsapp, messenger
David Rabau

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Spiders&Scorpions 7.12.24 Hummene Offer +2
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Spiders&Scorpions 7.12.24 Hummene Offer


- A.geniculata L4 - 4€
- A.germani L5 - 5€
- C.laeta L4 - 8€
- C.elegans L4 - 8€
- L.parahybana L4 - 5€
- P.sazimai L4 - 6€
- O.aureotibialis L5 - 8 €
- T.albopilosus ''Honduras'' L4 - 6€
- Ch.cyaneopubescens L4 - 16€
- C.versicolor L3 - 7€
- T.vagans L3 - 5€
- H.gigas - 5€
- P.irminia L4 - 5€
- P.sp domican purple L3 - 25€
- C.versicolor L5 - 17€


- P. insignis ecuador 3DC - 50€
- T. stirmi 6DC - 50€


- D. pentaloris 4DC - 25€
- P.sp tigris 5DC - 140€
- P.victorii 5DC - 120€
- B.hamorii 3,5DC - 55€
- M.robustum 4DC - 90€
- P.victorii 4,1DC - 70€
- N.chromatus 5DC - 30€
- G.pulchripes 6DC - 90€
- P.pulcher 4DC - 35€
- N. incei "classic" 3,5DC - 10€
- B. alpiceps 4,5-5DC - 90€
- P.sp manabi 4,5DC - 120€
- L.megatholeides 3,5DC - 30€
- Ch. sp blue vietnam 4,5DC - 35€
- C.sp hati hati 3,5DC - 30€
- P.irminia 5DC - 30€
- D.sp Panama 1,5DC - 130€
- A.bicoloratum 5DC - 500€

True spiders:

- Holconia murrayensis l5 - 12€
- Latrodectus geometricus l2 - 5€


- L. tricarinatus i3 - 5€
- L. australasiae i4 - 12€
- T. serrulatus i3 - 5€
- H.silenus i3 - 30€
- Pseudolychas ochraceus i2 - 40€

Bulk offer:

T. albopilosus "Nicaragua" L3 - 2€
x180 - 200€
- A.geniculata 1DC 5€/each
x100 - 300 €
- C.versicolor L2 - 5€/each
x100 - 400€
Contact via whatsapp, e-mail, DM

Terrarien kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Terrarium FREE - Animal NOT Included +2
Verkaufe Terrarien

Terrarium FREE - Animal NOT Included

Dimensions 125x60x50.

Location: Ingolstadt

Only personal pickup!!! Please make sure your car is big enough. Please bring someone you can carry it with.

Im leaving Germany on the 15th of December, so please contact me
Price: FREE, just for pickup

Schildkröten  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Finding Claudius angustatus  Kinosternon carinatus +1
Suche Schildkröten

Finding Claudius angustatus Kinosternon carinatus

Looking for a male Claudius angustatus and a Kinosternon carinatus larger than 12cm
If you are willing to sell, please contact my WhatsApp +33650665092

Chamäleons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Warteliste für Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer +2
Verkaufe Chamäleons

Warteliste für Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer

Suche Pioniere :)
Searching for pioneers :)

Mein Pärchen Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer (Unterart von Chamaeleo calyptratus) hat sein erstes Gelege, das befruchtet ist.
Da diese Art noch nicht im Hobby vertreten ist und die Infos sehr rar gesät sind suche ich Halter und Menschen, die Halter dieser Art werden wollen ,die an der Erforschung in der Haltung mitwirken möchten , sich austauschen und Informationen sammeln.

Wer Interesse an den tollen Tieren hat und sich vorstellen kann, in Zukunft diese zu halten und ggf an den Publikationen mitwirken möchte darf sich gern bei mir melden.
Für Import/Export finden wir Wege.

Die Nachzuchten sind voraussichtlich Juli/August 2025 abgabebereit.
1.1 1000€

My pair Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer (subspecies of C.calyptratus) has its first clutch of eggs that is fertilized.
Since this species is not yet represented in the hobby and the information is very rare, I am looking for owners and people who would like to become owners of this species, who would like to participate in research into husbandry, exchange ideas and collect information.

If you are interested in that great animals and can imagine keeping them in the future and would like to contribute to the publications, please feel free to contact me.
We can find ways for Import/Export.

The animals will be ready July/August 2025 for new homes.
1.1 1000€

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Uroplatus ebenaui availiable - Hamm.
Verkaufe Geckos

Uroplatus ebenaui availiable - Hamm.

I have some Uroplatus ebenaui offspring available.
Individual pictures on request.

Trade possible for Uroplatus pietschmanni or Phelsuma ornata, guimbeaui.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions.

Frösche  kaufen und verkaufen Foto: I'm looking forTheloderma palliatum and nebulosum +1
Suche Frösche

I'm looking forTheloderma palliatum and nebulosum

I'm looking for
Theloderma palliatum and nebulosum
Please contact me. I'm also interested in contacts with other keepers

Verkaufe Pfeilgiftfrösche

0.1 Granulifera Palmar Norte

Selling 0.1 Granulifera Palmar Norte ( 175 euros) or exchange to male
i go to Marktheidenfeld

Contact me to whattsapp : +32 471 72 01 46

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Bulks offer available…………………………………… +2
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Bulks offer available……………………………………

Slings available in bulk:
Cyclosternum sp Aureum
Cyriopogopus sp Sumatran Tiger
Davus sp Colombia
Davus sp Panama
Dolichothele rufoniger
Phormingochilus sp Sabah Red
Phormingochilus sp Sabah Blue
Phormingochilus sp Akcaya
Theraphosa blondi
Xenesthis intermedia
Whats app +48576181290

Suche / Search
Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x

Kontakt via email
Contact via email

andere Echsen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: 0.0.2 Heloderma horridum exasperatum offspring +1
Verkaufe andere Echsen

0.0.2 Heloderma horridum exasperatum offspring

These beautiful Mexican beaded lizards (Heloderma horridum exasperatum) young can go to a new home.

Come from 2 beautiful parents Gompie and Smaug. Smaug comes from Spanish unrelated parents and Gompie comes from a Dutch breeder.
Born on January 5, 2024, 2 animals still available.

If you have any questions or more, please send a message. We can have the animals DNA sexed, but then the price is also higher. If you are interested in this, please let us know. We then request full payment for the DNA sexing. Animals are therefore immediately chipped. Please contact us for price with DNA and chip.

Wir sind auf der Suche nach der blauen/türkisen Variante der asiatische Zügelnatter (Gonyosoma frenatum).
Bei Angebot bitte melden.
Abholung in Hamm möglich.

We are looking for the blue/turquoise variety of the Rein Snake (Gonyosoma frenatum).
Please contact us if you have an offer.
Pick up in Hamm possible.

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10/24 LAST 0.0.20 Hamm 14.12.24 +1
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 10/24 LAST 0.0.20 Hamm 14.12.24

Hamm 14.12.24
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 0.0.20 10/2024

I'm looking for/ suche :
Male 1.0 semi/sub/adult
P.ultramarinus , .
Female 0.1 young adult

+48 884904171


Im looking for a baby snakes on Hamm in December:

Hydrodynastes gigas
Pituophis catenifer
Pituophis deppei jani

Contact me by mail or WhatsApp +48789287087

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto:  Two Reticulated Pythons Jampea 50%, GCH 25% dworf +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Two Reticulated Pythons Jampea 50%, GCH 25% dworf

For Sale: Two Reticulated Pythons (Malayopython reticulatus)

• Female: 50% Jumpea, het albino, poss het anery
• Male: 25% dwarf, Golden Child, Lavender Albino

I’m selling them along with all necessary equipment, including two terrariums (180x60x50), Heka heating panels, and thermostat. Price for everything: €500, or €300 for the snakes alone.

The snakes are available for pickup in Bad Berleburg, Germany. I’m also open to trades for a PlayStation console or Apple Watch.

Please contact me for more details!

Geckos kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Eublepharis fuscus / macularius / afghanicus / Montanus / Angramainyu +2
Verkaufe Geckos

Eublepharis fuscus / macularius / afghanicus / Montanus / Angramainyu

Hamm december.

5.10 Eublepharis fuscus. CB23/24 (females) CB24 (Males). Good price for 1.2 / 1.3 or more. Question me.
Eublepharis macularius macularius. CB23/24. Males. Wild bloodline from USA.
2.2 Eublepharis macularius montanus. CB24.
2.2 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus. CB23.
0.0.10 Eublepharis macularius afghanicus CB24. Wild bloodline from USA / EU. Good price for group 5 or more animals.
3.1.2. Eublepharis angramainyu "Kermanshah" CB24. Pair, males, groups.