Contact wanted Anzeigen Standard [Seite 10]

Idolomantis diabolica, Idolomorpha lateralis verkaufen - sale
Idolomantis diabolica
Idolomorpha lateralis
Stenophylla lobivertex
Cilnia humeralis
Blepharopsis mendica
Alalomantis muta
Contact only via whatsapp +48 517 815 961

High white Calico Reticulated pythons
Wild caught calico retics available. I have 3 females in stock that i can export directly from Malaysia to any country in the world. Please contact me for prices and more info.
Animals are wild caught and about 2.5 / 3+ meters long. (Estimated, I can measure on request )
2 x : very high white / reduced pattern ( near perfect animals )
1 x : Almost full white / nearly pattern less, only a few spots here and there. ( some minor scars / imperfections )
*Possible to get one more additional male on request, but that particular snake is not with me yet.
! Snakes are with me in Malaysia, I can export worldwide but you have to arrange import permits / process yourself or i can try and find a company who can help you import to USA / EU.

Rhacodactylus Auriculatus and Correlophus Cilliatus
I have Rhacodactylus Auriculatus and Correlophus cilliatus available for sale.
You can find me at Houten expo as Gekotera or contact me directly on facebook -

Y. sooretama, A. rufa, bicegoi, urt. green. aurantiaca, Boa Vista...
I have for sale:
(f1)* - juvenil spiders by the parents from the catch - Peru. The female and the male are from the same location. Pure, strong genes. I have photos of the male subadult.
Y. sooretama FH 1
1psc - 22e
5psc - 100e
10psc - 160e
A. bicegoi (f1)* FH 1
1psc - 30e
5psc - 140e
10psc - 220e
A. rufa (Brazil) FH 2
1psc – 20e
5psc – 100e
10psc – 180e
A. Urticans Green (f1)* FH 2
1psc – 20e
5psc – 100e
10psc – 180e
A. braunshauseni FH 1
1psc – 21e
5psc – 90e
10psc- 120e
A. spec. Pucallpa FH 4
1psc – 28e
5psc – 125e
A. aurantiaca WC 5.5 BL - 220e
A. urticans green WC 5.5 BL - 220e
A. rufa (Peru) WC 5.5 BL - 230e
A. juruensis m2 (ex. Peru Purple) 5 BL – 100e
A. avicularia 3 BL – 45e
C. laeta 3.5 BL – 40e
Messenger: Tresor-lood Reptilia
Shipping by DPD courier (Styrofoam box + big heat pack 72h)
Personal collection in Opole (PL)

Boa imperator - Paradigm Keltic, Paraglow Motley Jungle
CB 2021
1,1 Paraglow Motley Jungle
1,0 Paraglow Motley pos Jungle
3,0 Paraglow Motley
1,0 Paraglow
2,0 Paraglow pos Jungle
CB 2018
5,0 Keltic Paradigm
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions -

For sale Claudius angustatus
For sale 10× Claudius angustatus babies,I'm in France.Interested parties please contact。

Indonesischer Walddrache Lophosaurus dilophus
Suche Kontakt zu Haltern von Lophosaurus dilophus zwecks Erfahrungsaustausch.
Looking for contact with keepers of Lophosaurus dilophus for sharing experiences.

0.0.X Dendrobatidae Epipedobates anthonyi
Selon disponibilités / Subject to availability
Sur Paris. Pas d'envoi possible / Paris. No shipping
Please contact on Instagram @indyscapes for a quicker respond
Merci de me contacter sur Instagram @indyscapes pour une réponse plus rapide
10 Euros
Last offer for Hamm Show
I need to selling for Hamm Show this week
1.0 Smaug mossambicus CB23
0.1 Morelia Harrisoni CB22
1.1 Lampropeltis Sinaloa CB22
Contact me for more informations and photos.

Selling Varanus glauerti 1.0
I hereby would like to sell my redundant male Varanus glauerti
- CB 8-2021
- Only missing few toes due to stuck sheds as juvenile
- Very active and feeding well
Interested? Please contact!

Looking for Breviceps adspersus
I'm from the Netherlands and i'm looking for Breviceps adspersus / rain frogs. It would be great if someone could help me or help me get in contact with someone who breeds/has them. I'm planning to visit Hamm so I could pick them up there.
Thanks in advance!

Boa imperator - VPI Sterling, IMG Motley, Anery het VPI, Ghost
CB 2019:
1,1 DH VPI T+ Sterling
1,1 Hypo DH VPI T+ Sterling
1,0 Anery 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2018:
1,0 Hypo Motley IMG 100% het VPI T+ Albino
CB 2017:
1,0 Ghost 66% het VPI T+ Albino
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague or Hamm, Houten.
Please contact me with any questions -
Wanted Timon lepidus specimens with the necessary documentation please, preferably from stock from the province of Málaga, Spain. Contact Spain 639199264.
Veronicella & Laevicaulis
Hey, I’m looking for any species of Veronicella and Laevicaulis. If you have some, please contact me

Boa imperator - IMG Motley Albino, Motley IMG, IMG Parahet het Anery
CB 2021
1,0 Paraglow IMG 100% het Anery
1,0 Hypo IMG Parahet 100% het Anery
0,1 IMG Parahet 100% het Anery
0,1 Hypo 100% het BW Caramel 66% het Anery
CB 2020
2,0 Motley IMG Sharp Albino
0,1 pos SuperHypo IMG het Sharp Albino
0,2 pos SuperHypo IMG Parahet 66% het Anery
I can take to Ziva exotika Prague, Hamm and Houten
Please contact me with any questions -
1.0 Pyxis arachnoides oblonga
Hello, I am looking for an adult male of pyxis a. oblonga. Please contact me if you have it.

Rhacodactylus leachianus Bayonnaise
Hello everybody,
I am selling my pure Bayonnaise 2023 babies. For the moment they are not sexed.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Kind regards
1.1 Uroplatus phantasticus
I‘m selling 1.1 Uroplatus phantasticus
Male born in June 23
Female born in March 23
Ready to breed this year
Preferably for pickup at Hamm Show in March, shipping reluctantly considered
Feel free to contact me
Best regards

0.1 Blood 100% het. Albino DNZ21
I sell my beautiful Blood Boa girl, she is 100% het. Albino. She is a great eater, feeding on frozen thawed rats. She is born in 2021. Feel free to contact me. She could be delivered to next Hamm Show in mach.
Suche / Search Omanosaura Jayakari
Suche / Search
Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Kontakt via email
Contact via email
Contact wanted Anzeigen Premium [Seite 10]
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