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Suche / Search Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
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Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Kontakt via email
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Mniarogekko chahoua Mainland locality
Je mets en vente un spécimens Mniarogekko chahoua NC 2023
Spécimen disponible en France (Nantes, Paris, Tours).
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'informations.
I am listing for sale a specimen Mniarogekko chahoua NC 2023
Specimen available in France (Nantes, Paris, Tours).
Contact me for more information.

Malacochersus tornieri CB24
biete 3 Babies aus eigener Zucht an, FotoCites, hochgelbe Eltern, Preis: 250/Stk, alle 3 zusammen 690. Hamm oder andere Borse moglich, für mehr Infos kontaktiere mich bitte.
I am offering 3 babies from my own breeding, photo Cites, high yellow parents, price: 250/pcs, all 3 together 690. Hamm or other Borse is no problem, for more info please contact me.
regards, Mike
Uroplatus fimbriatus 1.1 or 1.2
I'm looking for 1.1 or 1.2 Uroplatus fimbriatus.
Contact through PM
Suche / Search Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Suche / Search
Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x
Kontakt via email
Contact via email

Black-face Pitbull predatory katydid (Lirometopum cf. coronatum) pairs
L5 Pairs of this extremely rare L. coronatum color form from Bastimentos island, Panama. First time offered in the hobby, limited pairs available. F0 offspring. I provide a detailed care & breeding sheet with every purchase.
Contact me for price details.
Looking for V.kaznakovi and V.dinniki
Hello ,
I am looking for :
1,0 Vipera kaznakovi (HOPA)
1,0 Vipera dinniki (Lake Kardyvach)
I can pay good money for any of these males.
But I am interested also in different localities and sex of these species.If You have for sale any rare sp.of the genus Vipera ,let me know also.
Don't try to contact me if You are a scammer,I know all photos of this sp.that You are planning to Google and download.

0.0.1 RedHead small form for Hamm
9 month on land. No call yet.
Please contact me for more informations.
If you want you can add me on FB

Malacochersus tornieri CB
I sell Malacochersus tornieri young females starting from €500
baby starting from €280
With CITES and Chip
For Verona, Brixia, Milano and Hamm
for any info, photos contact me via mail.

1.0 Testudo hermanni hermanni
Greek tortoises are looking for a new garden
Only one left!
We are looking for a new home for our two male Greek tortoises (Testudo hermanni hermanni). Unfortunately, we now have too many men in our group who are harassing one of our oldest ladies, so we unfortunately have to look for a new home for both of these gentlemen. Please note that these are animals that live outside with us all year round in our enclosed garden and greenhouse. So they are not terrarium animals! They hibernate in our greenhouse.
Both animals are from 2014 and have a CITES document and are chipped.
So if you have a beautiful garden with possibly a greenhouse where one of these two gentlemen can live, please contact us.
⚠️Again, these are not terrarium animals and should really be kept outside!⚠️

Rhacodactylus auriculatus // Eublepharis macularius
1.2 Höckerkopfgeckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) - 2020-2021
0.9 Höckerkopfgeckos ((Rhacodactylus auriculatus) - 2023
0.1 Leopardgecko Sunglow (Eublepharis macularius) - 2022
Bei Interesse oder weiteren Informationen bitte melden // Please contact us if you are interested or require further information

Looking for an Ornate Uromastyx
Update: We found an Ornate Uromastyx baby. Thank you very much for all your messages!
Hello. Me and my husband are looking for an Ornate Uromastyx baby. We are living in Romania and we are looking to purchase it starting with August 12 as this is the estimate for the custom terrarium to be ready. You can contact me on Whats app at +40724414195 (Photo for refference of the color prefference but we are open on similar varieties.)

High end bearded dragons, 100% red Monsters, extreme red blue Tiger
Males and females available for Hamm, pick up in or shipping.
From some different pairings are red monsters, extreme reds, extreme red high blue Tiger, blue tigers and more rare bearded dragons.
Feel free to contact me every time.
Facebook: Dominik Dippel
Instagram: dd_reptiles_

Testudo graeca terrestris Jordan
Still available Testudo graeca terrestris,
genuine Jordan origin,
adult breeding male, hibernation outdoor, exclusively natural feeding.
Verfügbar Testudo graeca terrestris,
echte Herkunft aus Jordanien,
erwachsenes Zuchtmännchen, Winterschlaf im Freien, ausschließlich natürliche Fütterung.
Contact 00393393528486 Enzo
Looking for 0.1 Philodryas baroni
Hello I´m looking for adult proven GREEN female for my male.
please contact me on

Diverse Rhacodactylus Auriculatus (Höckerkopfgeckos)
Constantly R. auriculatus avaiable, all sizes.
Work with lineages from US and Canada (Northern Geckos, Leapin Leachies and others).
Pickup in 63526 Erlensee or shipping over Hamm worldwide (in Germany with TransRep).
Attached pictures are examples, contact me for individual animals.
Visit me and my animals on FB or Instagram:
Regelmäßige Abgabe von liebevoll aufgezogenen Höckerkopfgeckos in allen Varianten und Größen, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für eine individuelle Beratung. Übergabe in Hamm, deutschlandweiter Transport über TransRep oder Aholung in 63526 Erlensee möglich.

Gespenschrecken (phasmids) extatosoma tiaratum
Sungaya inexpectata (few left - male and female)
(various patterns)
extatosoma tiaratum (eggs)
if interested please contact me
Terrapena Carolina Triunguis
i am looking for a young 1.1 or 1.2 or a few babies of Terrapene Carolina Triunguis.
I can pick up in Kaerten land or maybe In Munchen / Ulm on August.
Please contact me with pictures and prices
Searching for Orya barbarica
I am looking for Orya barbarica. if anyone has them on offer, please contact me.
Thanks in advance

Drymarchon melanurus erebennus female
I give a 5 year old female of drymarchon melanurus erebennus (Texas indigo snake).
Strong and perfectly healthy specimen.
For more information contact +39 3312840685 (also whatsapp)
Contact wanted Anzeigen Premium [Seite 8]
Terrarientiere kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen.
Tiere und Zubehör finden oder kostenlos oder als Premium Inserat inserieren.Kontakt mit Züchtern und Händlern aus dem In- und Ausland aufnehmen.