Contact wanted Anzeigen Standard [Seite 7]

Vogelspinnen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Bulks available for Hamm………………..
Verkaufe Vogelspinnen

Bulks available for Hamm………………..

0.0.X Available for Hamm/ Shipping
C. sp Aureum
C. sp Sumatran Tiger
P. sp Sabah Blue
O. sp Veronica dwarf
+48576181290 (WhatsApp)

Suche / Search
Omanosaura Jayakari x.x.x

Kontakt via email
Contact via email

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Gonyosoma oxycephala 0,1 +1
Suche Schlangen

Gonyosoma oxycephala 0,1

Looking for an adult or subadult Gonyosoma oxycephala female. I will be in Hamm in September.
Please contact me.


I'm looking for Maurice Fischer from Germany.

Please contact.

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Flowerbeetles and others +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Flowerbeetles and others

Available :
Flowerbeetles :
Amaurodes Passerini Linnei
Cheirolasia Burkei
Chlorocala Africana Africana
Chlorocala Africana Umtaliensis
Dicronorhina derbyana layardi
Dicronorhina derbyana conradsi
Dicronorhina derbyana oberthuri
Dicronorhina micans
Eudicella Frontalis
Eudicella pythia
Eudicella hornimani
Eudicella Morgani
Eudicella Trilineata Interruptefasciata
Gymnetis pantherina
Mecynorrhina Torquata Immaculicollis
Mecynorhina Polyphemus Confluens
Mecynorrhina Torquata Ugandensis
Mausoleopsis amabilis
Pachnoda fissipuncta
Pachnoda prasina
Pachnoda sinuata
Pachnoda iskuulka
Pachnoda Marginata Peregrina
Protaetia Culta Culta
Protaetia Speciosa Jousselini
Proaetia niveoguttata
Protaetia Nox

Dares Philippinensis
Epidares Nolimetangere
Eurycantha calcarata
Haaniella Dehaanii
Mnesilochus portentosus
Taraxippus Samarae "Siquirres"
Trachyaretaon brueckneri

Armadillidium Sp "Casteldaccia"
Armadillidium Vulgare "T+ Albinos"
Cubaris Murina
Cubaris Sp. “White Side”
Cubaris Sp "Panda King"
Porcellio Laevis “Orange”
Porcellio Laevis “Milk Back”
Porcellio Laevis "Dairy Cow"
Trichorhina Tomentosa

Equipment and others availables
Website :
( In French but you can translate with google translate )
Mail :

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese : +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Python molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese :

Granit 0,1 (3,8 m) 290 €, Granit het. Albino 0,1 (2,3 m) 170€, Hypo Granit 1,0 (2 m) 270 €
babies 2024 : Albino, Granit + Gr. Albino, Green Albino, Pearl, Hypo , Hypo Granit, Pearl Granite, Pearl Green, Ivory (Blue,Red, Black eyed), Blizzard,...
Epicrates Cenchria, E. C. Maurus Albino ,Paradigma, ...
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. I can send in Houten, Hamm show.
Pricelist for businessmen on request
contact :,

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Epicrates C. Cenchria, Maurus / Brazilian Rainbow boas / Regenbogenboa +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Epicrates C. Cenchria, Maurus / Brazilian Rainbow boas / Regenbogenboa

For businessmans : big quantity 2024 Epicrates C. Cenchria / Brazilian Rainbow boas also
E.C. Maurus Albino, Paradigma., Het. Caramel,
P. molurus bivittatus - tigerpython/ Burmese
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. Delivery in Houten, Hamm show.
contact :, photos, prices : ,

I‘m looking for Antaresia perthensis.
If you have some available or know someone who could have one, please contact me.

Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Slings for sale Brachypelma auratum etc

Hello, I have the following for sale in bulk.

Augacephalus breyeri 17€
Brachypelma auratum 4€
Idiothele mira 6€
Harpactira dictator 10€
Poecilotheria metallica 12€

Prices are negotiable based on quantity.

Shipping from Asia. Please contact:

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: **Eustegasta Buprestoides!!** +2
Verkaufe Insekten

**Eustegasta Buprestoides!!**

Looking to determine interest for 10x small to sub-adult nymphs of this beautiful species.
Price is (70€ for 10x) (130€ 20x)
Collection at Hamm September OR EU shipping after Hamm show. Contact for any more details

Spinnen und Skorpione kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis
Verkaufe Spinnen und Skorpione

Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis

Adults pairs and single young females available of Trichonephila inaurata

Feel free to contact for any question.
Shipping EU

Pythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Morelia viridis BIAK -Chondropython - GTP Green tree pyt. - Baumpython +2
Verkaufe Pythons

Morelia viridis BIAK -Chondropython - GTP Green tree pyt. - Baumpython

0,0,10 Biak x Sorong 2024 / 350 € yellow, 370 € Red
2,0 Aru HW 750€, 630€
1,0 Sorong HW 790€
1,0 Jaya pura 650€
0,1 Jaya pura 830€
Quantity discount. I send in all Europe, oversease. Delivery in Houten, Hamm show.
contact :, photos, prices : ,

Looking for either a pair of specific thamnophis species
gonyosoma oxycephalum
elaphe carinata young animal (preferably normal)
drymarchon melanurus rubidus

contact me if you have any of these to offer and are able to meet at snake day october 6.

Königspythons kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Mojave GHI 1.0 Python regius
Verkaufe Königspythons

Mojave GHI 1.0 Python regius

Male from 2021 with Documents/mit Dokumenten


Contact via Email please/bitte per Mail kontaktieren

Available for Hamm/verfügbar für Hamm oder Abholung

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Boa constrictor imperator albino 0.1 +2
Verkaufe Boas

Boa constrictor imperator albino 0.1

0.1 from 2021/weibchen von 2021


Available for Hamm/verfügbar für Hamm oder Abholung

Contact via Email/bitte per Mail kontaktieren

Suche Nattern ungiftige

Searching for Orecryptophis

I am looking for pairs of Oreocryptophis,
I'm interested in all subspecies.

Contact me over WhatsApp or email
+45 25781013

Can be delivered at Hamm September or Snakeday October!

Wildtype het. albino
Conda het. albino
Superconda het. albino
Albino conda
Arctic 66% het. albino
Arctic het. albino
Arctic conda 66% het. albino
Arctic conda het. albino
Arctic albino
Arctic albino conda
Wildtype het. mercury ( het. lavender/axanthic)

Contact on E-mail or Evilowlexotics Facebook or Instagram

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: HeterodonNasicus/ Hognose Snake/ Hakennasennatter Candy, Albino,toffee +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

HeterodonNasicus/ Hognose Snake/ Hakennasennatter Candy, Albino,toffee

I have some cb24 hatchlings (more to come). All advertised snakes are eating frozen-thawed. There is possibility to pick them up at Hamm or Houten expos. I offer a 10% discount when more than 1 snake is bought. Please contact me for futher details at:
Albino conda 50% poss.dh.axanthic, toffebelly X Conda dh.toffeeglow
A01 M – Albino conda (toffeeglow?)
A02 M – Albino conda (toffeeglow?)
A03 M – Albino
A04 F – Albino (toffeeglow?)
Conda dh.toffeeglow X Conda dh.toffeeglow
DH 01 M – 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 02 F – Conda 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 03 M – 66% poss. dh. toffeeglow (albino, toffee belly)
DH 04 F – Toffee conda 66% poss. het. albino
Striped Conda het. albino ph. lav X Conda dh.toffeeglow
S01 M – Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S02 M – Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S03 M – Striped Conda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
S04 M – Superconda 66% het. albino, 50% het. toffee belly
Toffee conda X Conda dh.toffeeglow
T01 M – Toffee conda 50% poss. het. albino
T03 F – Candy 50% poss. het. albino
Also female snows now are available!
Possilble wholesale!

Insekten kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Psyttala horrida (Horrid King Assassin Bugs) - L5 Only +2
Verkaufe Insekten

Psyttala horrida (Horrid King Assassin Bugs) - L5 Only

We are offering healthy and robust Psyttala horrida, also known as Horrid King Assassin Bugs. Due to being more robust than younger instars, we choose to only ship last moult instars for greater success. These fascinating insects are known for their striking appearance and predatory behaviour, making them a unique addition to any collection. They merit a venomous sting/bite and can shoot noxious liquid and are quick, so practice caution. They are excellent feeders, and will also consume foraged food from the leftovers of their brothers and sisters.


- Species: Psyttala horrida
- Stage: Last instars (subadults) - L5
- Quantity: Available in groups of 4 or 5
- Price: €80-95 per group
- Shipping: €4.90 for within Gemany (DHL) - contact me for international estimates.

Information for First-Time-Owners - Care Requirements:

- Temperature: 22-28°C
- Humidity: 60-70%, but spray infrequently to assure lower chance of mycosis. If to be bred, specific sections of the ground must be moistened for them to lay their eggs in. Spray on glass walls otherwise for them to drink from, but they otherwise receive their fluids through their food.
- Diet: Live or just-killed insects (e.g., crickets, roaches), they hunt via movement and with their great eyesight. Feed frequency is determined relative to abdomen size.
- Housing: Secure enclosure with hiding spots and climbing structures. Climbing structures is crucial for their moulting process.

We prioritize the health and safety of our insects during shipment. All orders are carefully packaged to ensure they arrive in excellent condition. Photos of them in their boxes prior to shipping will be sent to prove good health. Returns not accepted. Live arrival cannot be guaranteed.

For more information or to place an order, please contact us through or

For Hamm-Houten-Verona-ecc...

I am looking for one or more Corucia females to join my male

Contact at mail