Biete Spinnen und Skorpione

Special offer for Houten and Hamm

clock.icon vor 3 Monaten - Pardubice

Aphonopelma bicoloratum - size 2,5cm BL
unsexed - 40€, 3x99€, 10x299€

Brachypelma albiceps - size 4-4,5cm BL
female - 50€, 3x130€, 10x390€
male - 38€, 3x95€, 10x280€

Brachypelma emilia - size 3,5-4cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€

Brachypelma boehmei - size 3,5cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€

Brachypelma hamorii - size 3,5-4cm BL
female - 40€, 3x110€, 10x320€
male - 35€, 3x90€, 10x280€

Megaphobema robustum - 3,5-4cm BL
unsexed 25€, 3x70€, 10x210€, 100x1900€

Lasiodora striatipes - size 3,5-4cm BL
unsexed 15€x 3x40€, 10x110€,100x850€

Wholesale deals and worldwide shipping available on request.

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