Biete Vogelspinnen
Some spiders for sale (bulk, males) Exotica Wr. Neustadt, shipping
Good day, I would like to offer something to sale:
Psalmopoeus Irminia 1FH, 20x = 30eur
Psalmopoeus Reduncus = 1-2FH, 20x = 30eur
Pterinochilus Murinus RCF "Usambra" = 1FH, 20x =40eur
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens (Sep. 2024) = 25eur
Omothymus Schioedtei (Aug. 2024) = 20eur
Poecilotheria Regalis (Aug. 2024) = 15eur
Psalmopoeus Camridgei (Jul. 2024) = 10eur
+ shipping
I planned to visit Exotica in Wr. Neustadt (likely on Sun).
Thanks and have a good day.
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